Woman Spent 78 Days in a Coma, Woke up to Discover What Her Mother and Husband Hid From Her

At 25 years old, Kamylla Wanessa Cordeiro de Melo lived her best life with her husband and son. On an average sunny day, she felt weird and dizzy. Thinking it was just a headache, she braved through the pain and continued with her everyday chores. When it became unbearable, Kamylla decided to see a doctor.

The doctor advised that Kamylla should undergo surgery to help with her health. She was to undergo serious surgery, and little did she know it would be a while when she woke up. To top it all off, when Kamylla was finally able to wake up from her coma, she got betrayed by someone she trusted her life with.

Plans about Marriage

After so many talks and considering everything, Kamylla and her boyfriend have gotten along about their plans for their marriage. Being so deeply in love with each other, they cannot imagine living without the other. 

They are now ready to take a bigger step in the journey of their relationship and that is to become a husband and a wife to one another. Gradually, the two gave off their full efforts to finalize their plan of getting married.

Meet the Parents

For the first time, Kamylla's boyfriend will meet her parents to share their plans for their marriage to them. They went to her parent's house and disclosed to them their intention of getting married. 

While her father was actively focusing on their words, Kamylla's mother was busy puffing the cigarette that she had in hand. She was not paying attention or showing no care at all about her daughter's whereabouts.

Kamylla’s Mother’s Usual Actions

Knowing her mother, Kamylla just shrugged about her actions. She then informed her boyfriend that her mother usually acts that way and there was nothing to worry about. 

After they made her parents know about their marriage plans, the two went back on getting things done before their wedding date. Kamylla’s parents will also be attending the wedding as required, but she doesn’t know if her mother will show off.

Mother-Daughter Relationship

Growing up, Kamylla was not that close to her mother. Their mother-daughter relationship was not that intact because along with the way, they have developed a gap between each other. 

Her mother was just 20 years older than her and so she claimed that her mother sees her as a competitor. “As a teenager, around 13, 14 years old, my mother started to compete with me.”, Kamylla proclaimed. 

Small Lovely Family

After a month of preparation, the two got married and their son arrived a year after. Kamylla had to go through a complicated pregnancy while bearing her son in her womb. Her pregnancy was at high risk during that time but she was still able to manage and gave birth to a healthy child. 

Over the years, they have enjoyed their small lovely family as they cherish and value each other. Everything was going smoothly as they wished it to be.

Feeling Sick

As years go by, Kamylla and her husband get along so fine that they have grown into better versions of themselves as they become great partners and parents while they are raising their son. Kamylla has enjoyed being a full-time wife and mother. 

Things went just fine for the family, not until Kamylla had felt sudden pains in her joints and knees which was new to her body. Then at one time, she would feel sick and feel her body weaken.

Unusual Symptoms

For quite a while, Kamylla has been experiencing and bearing these unusual symptoms with no cause. She has shared these things with her husband and her husband told her that it would be much better if she gets to see a doctor as soon as possible. 

However, because she was always busy taking care of the household chores and her son, she’s got no time allotted to do a check-up. She just hopes to feel better any time soon.


Unfortunately, her body couldn’t take the symptoms she had been enduring for a long time now. Because she did not take it seriously, Kamylla suffered a seizure which made everything worse for her. 

While cooking for an evening meal, she had felt her body feeble up and lost the balance that caused her to fall on the floor. Her husband ran to her quickly and drove her to the nearest hospital while taking their son with him during the emergency.

At the Hospital

The nurses responded immediately to Kamylla, and she was directly put to the emergency room. While Kamylla was in the emergency room, her husband sat nervously at the bench outside the room. 

He was supporting his son's head while he was sleeping on his chest because it was late evening already. Kamylla has undergone various laboratory tests and scans to do further observations about her situation.

Doctor’s Findings

After some time, a doctor went out to the emergency room and looked for Kamylla’s husband. Kamylla’s husband carefully put his son’s sleeping head on the sideboard of the bench as he stood to talk to the doctor. 

After some observations were done to Kamylla, the doctor remarked that she had a hormonal imbalance. The diagnosis stated that Kamylla had too little of a particular hormone, which severely affected her body.

Bariatric Surgery

To reduce higher risks of this life-threatening illness, the doctor told Kamylla’s husband that she was to go through bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery will help Kamylla lose excess weight. 

This will involve making changes in the digestive system to help a patient in reducing their weight. But for Kamylla’s case, the idea was not to lose weight but to take care of my hormonal rates, which will alleviate her current medical condition.

After Operation

Kamylla’s husband has signed up the papers to perform the procedure for Kamylla's surgery officially. The operation was then pulled off after the documents were signed entirely. The surgery took 3 hours, and Kamylla responded well to the process made to her for a moment. 

Kamylla was then sent to the recovery room, but unfortunately, she experienced a stroke after thinking that everything was thriving.

State of Coma

Kamylla has been hospitalized again, and this time, she was sent to the intensive care unit because the surgery had slipped her into a state of coma. This news badly affects Kamylla's husband and her son, primarily because he has always found and asks about her mom. 

This news has also reached Kamylla's parents. Her father was worried too about her, but her mom was just acting as if it weren't a big deal.

Helping Kamylla’s Husband

On the contrary, Kamylla’s mother volunteered to help Kamylla’s husband in taking care of her grandson. Kamylla’s husband gladly accepted her offer because he was also exhausted from what was happening during that time. 

He has always had Kamylla on his side but this time she’s unable to be with him. He has always been dependent on Kamylla and could not imagine attending to his son’s needs alone so help isn’t a bad idea at all.

Kamylla’s Mother Confessions

When all Kamylla’s husband thinks that her wife’s mother was just being kind, he never suspected her goodness. But for Kamylla’s mother, Kamylla’s husband was someone that caught her interest. She has shown him an affection that is just more than what they were expected to. 

She then confesses to him that the first time she saw him, he gave her a feeling that is just so good to be true. Kamylla’s mother then takes the chance of making him fall for her.

Unfaithful Husband

As time goes by, Kamylla’s husband has grown the same affection for Kamylla’s mother because she was always there at the time that Kamylla was not. She became her replacement, and she has always helped him in everything. 

Falling out of love with his wife, he started falling for Kamylla’s mother as well. He has reciprocated Kamylla’s mother's interest that she once had given him, and that’s when he became an unfaithful husband.


Kamylla’s husband and mother have been continuing their ongoing affairs. They have immense knowledge that they are committing a betrayal, but they didn’t give it much attention. They have enjoyed themselves together while Kamylla was in a life-and-death situation. 

They have become experts in hiding what was going on between them. Kamylla’s son, as a kid, thinks that everything is just average.

Kamylla’s Father Discovering the Truth

After a while, the betrayal of the two has reached out to Kamylla’s father. He discovered that his wife and her daughter’s husband had been into some kind of love affair. He hurt himself but he was more distressed about how her daughter would react if she had to know the truth upon waking up from her coma. 

Having no time for bigger resentment, Kamylla’s father focused on looking after her daughter at the hospital and her grandson under the care of the two cheaters.

Kamylla’s Getting Better

After 78 days of being in a state of coma, Kamylla had shown significant signs of recovering faster than before. She was getting better than in the past months. Kamylla had given signals that she was already conscious when she slightly raised her fingers on her right hand. Her father was delighted to see his daughter regaining consciousness. 

After some time, Kamylla has been able to open her eyes vaguely. After a bit, she was fully awake after a long time of being unconscious.

The Devastating News

Upon waking up, Kamylla realizes that it was only her father that she saw. She asked where his husband and son were. Filled up with lots of hesitations and fears that the truth will negatively impact her daughter, Kamylla’s father gathered up all his strength to tell her the devastating news. 

After gaining the power that he needed, he had spoken up the truth. He told Kamylla that her mother and husband had cheated on them and were having a love affair.

Kamylla’s Reactions

Kamylla, who has just regained her vigor, has felt her body begin to frail as he hears the news that her father brought her. She could not believe the things that she had discovered. She didn’t even know how to react to her father. 

However, one thing is for sure, and the double betrayal has brought her the worst pain she could have endured. She felt like she was being stabbed in the chest, and a mixture of disappointment and disbelief had formed in her heart.

More Revelations

Her father also revealed that her husband has only visited her twice. Meanwhile, her mom had never taken the chance to see her while she was in the hospital. His father told her that her mother has volunteered to help her husband take care of their son, but it ends up with them having a forbidden love affair. 

The truth had also pained her father, but he was never brave enough to face the two cheaters. He told her daughter that he gave his entire time taking care of her while she was still in a coma.


After getting discharged from the hospital, Kamylla confronts her mother and her husband about their betrayal. Kamylla, who was still refusing to accept the truth, called her mother. She swore that she could no longer call her mother a mother anymore after what had happened. 

Her mother gladly confirmed that everything she was being told was all true. She then told Kamylla how happy she was with her former son-in-law.


The mom and husband have continued to live a happy life, not considering the pain they have caused other persons. They lived their best lives with each other’s company and did not mind what others would say. 

Kamylla’s mother was then proud that she started going out with her ex-husband while still in the hospital. Kamylla keeps her head up and lives her own happy life with the people who love her.

Flaunting Infidelity

Their betrayal has been made known by everyone already because they are freely flaunting their infidelity to add insult to the injury that they have caused. They have then celebrated their anniversaries as a couple. 

Kamylla’s mother and ex-husband got married later without even thinking how inconsiderate they were with just thinking about their happiness. The two still had high confidence to show off their toxicity.

Concerns for Her Child

Concerning the environment that her child could live in, she got full custody of her son. Her son only sees his father a few times a week by court order. She was angered by the reality that her son needed to be exposed to the toxic and harmful situation that they are in. 

Despite her anger, she has also fully known that she cannot change the situation anymore. All she can do now is to secure a better environment for her son in the coming days.

Moving Forward

Moving forward, Kamylla did not dwell deeply on the situation that they were in. Yes, it was undeniably a severe condition, but she does not want herself to suffer while seeing her deceivers enjoy. She realized that she was more than being cheated. 

She realized that she was still worthy of love because she still had her son. She found hope in her love for her son, and that hope helped her cope with the circumstance.

New Love

As she was moving forward, Kamylla had also found another love. She founded a love that was way better than what she had before. She found a love that has given her the value and respect that she deserves. She has then managed to put her heartbreak behind her. She has been dating a nice guy for about ten months now, and she feels safer in the arms of her new love. Her new love was real and near to perfect.

Instead of focusing on the betrayal, Kamylla gives more of her time and attention to her father and son to whom she considered to be loving and perfect. The three of them might have been hugely affected by the love affair of her mother and her ex-husband, but they still managed to fix the things that have caused their pain. They have chosen to look towards the positive side of life. They helped themselves heal and move on.

Life Goes On

Despite how hurtful the cheating was, Kamylla became strong enough to handle the situation wisely. She has never thought of taking revenge. Instead, she passionately drove herself to get up bigger and stronger than who she was. She stands tall and bravely for her father and her son, from whom she gets her emotional strength. She fixed her eyes on the things that gave her realizations that life still goes on even without the unnecessary people in their lives.

In life, we may experience being betrayed and cheated on by the people that we have fully put our trust and loyalty in. But even if we got to experience this, we should not think of doing the same thing to them because we were never at the same level as them. Instead, we should take this opportunity to improve ourselves because there is no greater revenge than self-development. Through this, we were able to prove and show them what they’ve lost.