Tips On How To Communicate Better

Communication is one essential skill that we can’t avoid in our day-to-day lives. Try as we might, we need to communicate regularly with our family, friends, associates, bosses and in everyday activities like shopping etc. We are sure by now you have figured out how difficult it is to communicate well and how, if not done well, it can lead to misunderstandings and unwarranted hostility. Therefore, if you want to succeed in this life, you need to master good communication skills. Here are tips that will help you work on your communication skills and master them.

Active Listening

Communication is not just about talking and sharing your opinion at the expense of the person you are talking to. Remember that you need not only to speak but listen as well when communicating. You need to be an active listener if you want to communicate well. This means staying engaged in the conversation through cues like nodding and paying attention. Do not interrupt whoever may be speaking unless their lives are in danger and they may get hurt. Let them finish whatever they have to say without interrupting them.

Be Simple and Straightforward

Do not run around the conversation aimlessly. People have a low attention span, and once it starts feeling forced and uninteresting, the chances of you being listened to are extremely low, too. With this in mind, keep it short, simple and straightforward. Avoid using unnaturally big words but instead, use simpler words that the person you are speaking to can understand and follow through the conversation. If you master this, you will be able to communicate extremely well in no time.

Read The Room

You need to know what to say and when to say it if you want to master communication. Be attentive to the underlying situation within the room and take notice of it before engaging in a communication setting. You need to know what your audience is like and what they do not like because if you start talking about something they find in opposition to their beliefs and chances, you will receive open hostility. Strategize and communicate based on the place and time of the people you are communicating. If you feel like you are already mastering communication, check out the next tip.

Be Patient

You don’t want to be that person who seems to be rushed when communicating, do you? Or the one that people don’t like communicating with just because you seem to rush them and impose your ideas on them. You need to be a patient person if you want to be able to communicate well. You can’t rush over the things that you think are not valuable. Allow everyone to equally express their feelings without rushing them. Be patient with yourself as well. How do you expect people to hear you while you are speaking too quickly? Be patient for you to master communication.

Work On Non-verbal Cues

Your facial expressions matter when it comes to communication. Even the way you are sitting and the rest of your body language is part of the conversation so don’t underestimate them. You need to be mindful of your actions so that you don’t offend anyone else while communicating. Allow your non-verbal cues to be in sync with your need to communicate well. Nod in acknowledgement where need be and show your mastery in communication.

Be Open Minded

Opinions are bound to vary between you and the people around you. This means that when you are conversing with someone else you have to have an open mind and listen to them as much as you would want someone else to do with you. Do not brush off their perspectives because they vary with yours, but in contrast, be ready to learn new things and broaden your perspective. Do not openly criticize your counterpart unless it is constructive criticism. Also, avoid being defensive, as this is not conducive to a good conversation. Instead, it may quickly turn the conversation into an argument. If you want to be a master in communication, stay open-minded and be receptive to new ideas.

Tone Matters

How you speak is a reflection of your attitude toward the person you are talking to. Even unintentionally, you can make someone feel as though you are mad at them due to the tone of your voice. You need to use the right tone for the right reaction. Be mindful of how you say whatever you intend to say, as it may breed misunderstanding or promote hostility between you and the person you are communicating with. Remember that communication does not just comprise what you are saying, but it includes how you say it.

Be Assertive 

Sometimes, you need to stand up for yourself and express your feelings as best as you can, without disrespecting anyone else. Be confident in your feelings and exercise direct honesty while you are at it. You also need to maintain eye contact with your audience and ensure that you set boundaries so that people don’t cross our line under the pretext of communication. This will enhance your self-esteem and capacitate you with the decision-making skills you need. A master of communication should be assertive.

Don’t Be Destructed

Nobody wants to converse with someone who is often distracted as this means that they don’t care about what is being said. You should avoid using your phone or paying attention to your background while communicating with someone. Be attentive and show them that you are interested in whatever they are saying by nodding in agreement and participating when asked to. This will make you are master when it comes to communication.