Foods That Will Help You Lose Tummy Weight

The moment you decide to take care of your body again, after relaxing on it for a little while, is the moment you will discover how it is not an easy thing at all. This is especially the case for the tummy as it is usually the last weight to shed from your body yet it is also the first to accumulate. While the focus is usually on things that you aren’t supposed to eat and avoid for weight loss in your tummy, here is something different that will help you. Here are foods that are recommended for you so that you can lose the extra tummy Kilos.

Green Leafed Vegetables

Green is not the most attractive colour on clothes, shoes or other items. However, when it comes to your food, green is an indefinite indication of nutrition and good health. If you are keen on burning off that extra weight, consider leaning towards vegetables like Kale and spinach. These items are not only low in calories, which will reduce the accumulation of eight, but they are also rich in fibre. High Fibre will help you lose weight as it helps the food to digest well while making you feel fuller for longer. If you want to lose that tummy weight, then your green leaves are a must.


You may love Avocados already, but we are pretty sure that you will love them even more now that you know that they contribute to your losing that stubborn belly fat. The healthy fat content in avocados is healthy and will help you become fuller for longer after consuming them. This means that your hunger is reduced and that you can reduce your overall body weight. If you are finding this list helpful so far, then here are more foods that will be beneficial to you in losing weight.


A man who invests in their nuts is a many likely to lose weight. Want to know Why? Well, nuts are very helpful when it comes to reducing overeating as they control your hunger. This makes you less likely to consume food that may harm your body. When consumed mildly, studies show that nuts in your diet will contribute to you maintaining a healthy weight by reducing your belly fat.

Greek Yoghurt

If you enjoy fancy, then this is your chance to enjoy something fancy, all while reducing that stubborn belly fat. This yoghurt is full of protein. This nutrient has been proven to reduce appetite and promote fullness. If you find it difficult to chew and consume solids, then this smooth delicacy is your ticket to shedding off belly fat leaving you with a healthier tone and feel.


If you have been working on becoming healthier for a while now, this healthy choice has probably been at the top of your list. Unknown to you, however, is that this beautiful blend of soluble fibre will help you shed off the extra tummy weight. They help to reduce your appetite by keeping you full for a long period. Oats also help reduce your blood sugar levels and this has the impact of you snacking less by reducing your cravings. Instead of sugary cereals, you may want to opt for oats.

Chia Seeds

These sophisticated yet very cheap seeds are a must if you want food that will help you lose that tummy weight efficiently and relatively quickly. The theory is feeling and can be easily incorporated into your meals. You can add them to your oats, yogurt or water and they would still work in the way you want them to. Despite being extremely nutritious, these seeds will also help you lose weight in your tummy as well as the rest of your body.

Whole Grains

You should consider sticking to unprocessed grains if you want to lose weight. Their fibre content is very rich and unfiltered which allows you to remain full for a long period. Replace the white rice, Millie meal and other grains with brown grains if you are interested and committed to losing the tummy weight. This journey requires sacrifice and by compromising, you will experience the result. If you are finding this list educational then you should check out our next item on the list.

Green Tea

There is nothing that beats a cup of good old tea. It soothes the soul and keeps you warm. Do you know what else it can do for you? Yes, you guessed right, it will help you shed the weight in your tummy area. The caffeine that is contained in the tea will help you boost your metabolism, allowing the fat in your body to be burnt away. If you make regular cups of green tea an incorporation into your lifestyle, then you won’t be disappointed by the outcome. Your belly fat will slowly yet sustainably shed away right before you. Invest in green tea to shed the extra belly fat from your body.


This is yet another green item that you should add to your list of regular food you need to eat more. This is because incorporating them will indefinitely help you burn off the belly weight. Due to their high water content, cucumbers are not only healthy in terms of keeping you hydrated. They allow you to lose weight, especially in the tummy area, as they are a low-calorie option. They are easy to incorporate in meals as you can add them to salads and smoothies or just eat them directly. Whichever way you do it, your tummy weight is guaranteed to reduce