Important Qualities Your Partner Needs To Have

Let’s face it, deep down, we all have a picture of the partner that we have dreamed about having since the day we knew that dating was a thing. All these qualities were created based on our own experiences, needs, and wants. We, however, cannot have the picture-perfect partner, and I’m sure by now you have realized this. Regardless of not getting the dream picture created by our imagination, there are things that we can’t compromise on when it comes to having a partner. Here is a list of the qualities that your partner needs to have for a successful, healthy, and content relationship.


This is a basic quality that we need to look for in partners. By having been socialized and raised in different environments, you will turn out differently. These differences can be traced to behaviour, speech, actions, and even dressing. You will notice how these things will then be grounds for arguments and differences. A healthy relationship, with healthy partners, is then able to maneuver these differences through compromising for each other and finding a middle ground that works. A compromising partner is a long-term partner so if you want a partner for the long haul, you need to consider this.


The world is run by the law of respect. We are inherently dignified creatures that deserve respect regardless of the situation and underlying circumstances. Your partner needs to be someone who respects you, your views, and the differences that may be there for the success of your relationship. You are an amazing human who deserves respect all the time and not occasionally. Respect is an important quality in a partner and you should choose your partner respectively


Imagine dating someone who is as stingy as they come. A generous partner is not rich but one who is willing to share. Picture this: you are out of cereal in your house, and things have been very tough for you this year. However, in contrast, your partner has bowls of cereal that they aren’t utilizing and do not care about. This is a gap you need to be filled yet your partner is not willing to give you. This isn’t a form of entitlement at all, but given that your partner should understand you and be willing to make you happy, giving out something that they aren’t using should not be too difficult, should it?


How can you have a partner who does not understand you? How would that even work? Being understanding does not mean agreeing with someone. However, it means that even if you may not agree with what they did, you take time to listen and hear their perspective openly so that you get a picture of the situation. This should be mutual and could save both of you a lot of time which may have been wasted through arguments. Understanding also deepens your connection as both of you would feel safe to share, discuss and talk about several things in your relationship. If you find this quality helpful, check out the next one.


This is a basic requirement in a relationship. How can you build trust if your partner is lying to you? Dishonesty can only breed distance and strain the connection that you may have created with your partner. For your safety and security, you need someone who can be open and honest with you about every aspect of yourself. This includes tearing up that initial superficial picture and revealing their true selves to you. If you are both honest, the relationship is guaranteed to work


Unless you and your partner are in a polyamory or polygamous relationship, then loyalty is key. Your relationship should only involve the two of you, and you should never have to experience the feeling of lack just because of your partner’s action. I’m sure, after the growth you have poured into yourself, you at least deserve someone who you can be loyal to and receive the same energy.

Kindness and Consideration

Just as the world deserves a little kindness, so do you. You deserve someone who genuinely cares and gets concerned and bothered about you when you are not. You deserve a friend in your partner. Someone who is considerate of you and shows that they care for you through their actions. This ensures that on the days we are sick, down, low and breaking down, you don’t have to worry about your partner showing disdain. You can just receive the love you deserve. After all, love is kind and so should be your partner.


If you want to see progress within your relationship, you need a patner that is motivated. Stagnancy is not an option. You cannot be in the same situation you are in, ten years from now. You need to have a partner who is motivated so that you can also be motivated and build on that. On the other hand, if you are motivated and your partner is not, it may be difficult for you to experience growth in the relationship.


To be human is to err. We aren’t perfect and because of that, we sometimes make mistakes. You need to have a forging partner, one who understands this concept of forgiving one another and moving on. Imagine having someone who piles up everything you do wrong and reminds you of it constantly. That is toxic and the only way you can prevent this toxicity is by finding a forgiving partner