Must Visit Travel Destinations for Food Lovers

Good food heals the soul. From its tantalizing smell to its beautiful colors and its visually enticing nature. From the simple street delicacies to the gourmet dishes and the irresistible pastries, I’m sure you can relate to how food is in itself a form of therapy, being the food lover that you are. Fused with traveling, this experience is enhanced and becomes even better. If you are someone who enjoys traveling, mixed with a hint of being a food lover, then you will enjoy visiting our list of food destinations that you must try.

France (Paris)

This city is not only the home of romance but also the home of the tastiest dishes in the world. Not only will you get to see some of the world-class scenery, but you will get to do this while munching on the city’s top-notch pastries. Paris is home to world-class pastries such as macarons. Croissants and several gourmet dishes. If you love your food, then this is one destination you shouldn’t miss. If you’re up for a spicy treat, then the next destination is the right place for you.

India (Delhi)

If you’re up for a cultural challenge, then India is the city to be. This destination’s street food is globally recognized. Their innovative dishes will have you hot with interest (literally because their food is very spicy). If you want to challenge your taste buds with the best street food, then you must visit this destination to try everything from their butter chicken to their biryani.

South Korea (Seoul)

If you have ever watched Korean movies from South Korea, I’m very sure you feel slightly hungry just because of the anticipation. This beautiful and extremely clean city contains generational recipes that have run from family to family and, if you visit, to you. This city is known for its open-flame dishes that are not only innovative but juicy and tasty. One thing you will never experience when it comes to Seoul dishes is the dryness of dishes. Some of the specials from this destination include Korean BBQ, kimchi, and bibimpap. The names may be complicated, but such sophisticated dishes are deserving of this. If you’re enjoying these destinations and enjoying the dishes, then buckle up; we have more for you.

Japan (Tokyo)

Well known for its temples and skyscrapers, this is one destination you must visit. Despite the attractive Shibuya crossing and vast temples and shrines, this gem has amazing food that will leave you amazed. Their very fresh dishes and seasonal spices will ensure that you become even more of a foodie than you are right now. From the freshest of sushi to ramen and their street food, this city is worth spending money on. If you love your food and appreciate it, then you should most definitely make a trip to Tokyo.

Italy (Bologna)

We can’t talk about food without appreciating the number of scrumptious dishes that Italy put on the map now, can we? This city covered in portico is just about the place you need to be if you are a food lover. The scenery is beautiful, but the food is multiple times even better than the scenery itself. The extremely rich and hearty flavors will ensure that you are warm and fuzzy even if you are as cold as they come. The finesse in meat making and cheese making is plausible. You surely can’t miss the opportunity to travel to this destination because the food experience will be like no other. If you like your African dishes, then this next destination is a must-try.


Deep in the jungles of Africa is a small country that is just waiting to dazzle you with its local cuisine and beautiful and lush scenes. Home to one of the world’s seven wonders, Zimbabwe has one of the best local cuisines, which has peculiar names but will imprint on your brain. From the exotic plants like mawuyu, matamba, and masawu to the refined dishes like sadza, haifiridzi, and madhumbe, you will experience flavors you have never experienced before. Although there may be cultural gaps, the food will act as an anchor to bridge this. Food is a universal language, and visiting this country will support this.


Talk about vibrant, colorful, and unique, and then you can’t ignore Jamaica. This tropical country has the most beautiful beaches and flora, yet it is not the only thing it has to offer. From its globally known love of dance and its deep-rooted culture, this destination is a paradise for food lovers like you. As bold and vibrant as the people are, so is their food. The flavors are unique yet seemingly a fusion of African, Indian, and European dishes. The indigenous herbs of that country add to the uniqueness of the dishes, making for amazing signature dishes like salt fish and jerk chicken. If you think the praise we are giving to this country for its dishes is overrated, then maybe you should go and “taste” for yourself.

USA (New Orleans)

Going down our list, I’m sure this treasure is what you have been seeking for. If you ever wondered why The Simpsons kept surfacing in this lovely city, then maybe it won’t be a stretch to say it may have been for its local cuisine. It is literally a must-visit culinary treasure, which will increase your love for food even more. The unique cuisines like creole and cajun, gumbo, and jambalaya will leave you wanting more such delicacies. Due to its proximity to Mexico, the seafood access makes for lovely dishes like oyster bars. Not only will you get to enjoy your food, but you will be able to do it with riverfront views. How amazing is that?