Things To Keep In Mind When Setting Goals

Having goals to guide you in whatever you may be aspiring for is a very useful way of making sure that you stay motivated.  Can you imagine how the world would be if everyone was just directionless and unmotivated? Probably havoc-bearing right? While having goals is very important and useful, you need to ensure that you put your mind to them. Therefore, in this light, here are tips to consider when setting goals. 

Be Specific

If you want to avoid confusing yourself, you need to ensure that you don't set vague goals. Make sure you specify all the important details and aim exactly for the things that you aspire for. If you find yourself trying to make your goals vague because you are scared of what the future holds and want some wiggle room just in case things change then maybe you are setting your goals for the wrong reasons. Trust in yourself and set specific goals that will help you stay in the direction of your aspirations.  

Set Measurable Goals

It is of great importance for you to see your progress as you move towards reaching your goals. This helps you to stay focused and to stay motivated regardless of all the obstacles that you are facing. You, therefore, need to ensure that your progress can be measured either by the achievement of milestones, time factor or through other measurable means. Whether it's through profits, an increased number of clients or the attainment of other valuable things, you just need to ensure that your goals are measurable.  

Be Realistic

Everyone has dreams and aspirations,  but some of these dreams should be kept as such until a time when they can be realistically achieved.  You can't decide to wake up today and then decide that your goal is to be a millionaire by next week. That's not realistic, and it's somewhat delusional, to be fair. Your goals need to be realistic. They need to be composed of humanly achievable things.  Otherwise being too naive will only make you unmotivated or disappointed at the end of the day. 

Consider Relevance 

Goals are not just some random dream you had last night and then decided to jot down and do. Your values, capabilities and talents act as the anchor behind achieving the goal. You, therefore, have to make sure that the goals you set have meaning to you and that you'd still appreciate setting them in the long run. This is why you can't take someone's goals and then just decide to make them your own. Each of our goals is made up of things only we can individually and uniquely appreciate due to their relevance in our lives.  

Your Goals Must Have A Timeline

In the same way that we have a limited lifespan,  our goals should also be time-bound. Otherwise, you'd have an abundance of time to achieve a simple thing, making you procrastinate and take your goals lightly. By setting a specific time by which you should have achieved your goals, you give yourself a sense of prioritisation when it comes to your goals, allowing you to focus on them until you get your desired outcome. A sense of urgency is essential in ensuring that you are not reluctant or lazy with your goals thus the need for a timeline.

Be Flexible 

We all know that life contains many profanities. We can't avoid the fact that life fluctuates and because of this, our goals may need to be continuously readjusted to match these fluctuations. By raining flexibly, you allow yourself to remain optimistic,  even when the odds are against you. You also prepare your mind to stay resilient and ready to manage whatever may come your way. Maintain flexibility so that you don't end up stunting your goals or giving up on them instead of just readjusting them.

Set Accountability Mechanisms

Despite you wanting something so badly, some inevitable circumstances may leave you feeling unmotivated and unwilling to pursue those things anymore. That is why you need to set Accountability mechanisms. This may entail having someone as your support system as well as your guidance system. This person will keep you coherent with the fact that you have goals to achieve, making you accountable throughout the process. Having such mechanisms will help you to stay committed to your goals. 

Don't Overwhelm Yourself 

If your dream is to become a millionaire,  you can't just set your goal as wanting to have a million dollars by the end of the year.  That will only leave you feeling overwhelmed and less likely to see it through. Instead, you need to have guiding steps towards getting to your final goals. Break the things you need to do to get to your goal into smaller manageable tasks that you can tackle slowly but surely. That way, you'll have a better chance of achieving your goals. 

Allow Room For Constructive Criticism 

Humans aren't all-knowing beings. If we were,  we'd all be rich and have it all in life. Instead, we have our strengths and weaknesses which in turn become our capabilities and flaws. By allowing other people to pitch in and give you advice on areas that are pitch black for you, you will notice how you will experience more growth than when you ignore everyone else and just rely on your input, even in areas where you are flawed. By getting constructive criticism, you will progress more and achieve your goals better.