The Impact Of Words On People’s Lives

As light as the term ‘word’ is to say, it's not so simple when it comes to the impact or effect it holds on people's lives. Words have the power to build or destroy, mend or damage, enlighten or distract someone. Although they seem like a simple concept, can you imagine the world if words were non-existent? I'm pretty sure you saw both negative and positive outcomes there. Here are some impacts (both positive and negative) that words have on people’s lives.


The power of words when it comes to communication is undeniable. Can you imagine how people could communicate without words? In fact, what would the world be and what would it become if words were non-existent? Words allow us to communicate with one another and indulge in banter that keeps us entertained and aware of what is happening in our loved ones’ lives. I'm sure that if you've ever gotten the silent treatment before, then you can surely appreciate how words shape our lives.


Words serve to inspire people all around the world. Authors like Shakespear managed to inspire so many people, just through their love of words and because of them, many people get to enjoy every day, knowing that they are inspired and motivated. The same goes for you when the people you love and respect tell you that you are doing a good job and that you make them proud. You will feel motivated to do better. However, imagine if those same people told you that you amounted to nothing. You'd feel hurt and uninspired. Words can, therefore, inspire or cause someone to be uninspired, all of which are huge things in human lives. 


Besides just knowing who you are, words help you express who you are when there is a need. Your opinion is a part of you that can't be overlooked or buried and by getting the freedom to express it through words, you become an even better version of yourself. Instead of just getting up and fighting everyone who has a different opinion than you, using your words to share your piece is important and that's just what words help you do. You can express your disdain, happiness, sadness, anger and enjoyment through words. Likewise, you can pick these same questions from other people through their words. 

Cultural Value 

The different word dialogues that exist in the world show the different cultures that exist in the world. Some words are not just random words but have significant value to people of different cultures. They show their background, history, beliefs and what they revere, making them of great value. Some words are even incorporated in powerful phrases, meant to bring about great social changes. Words are undeniably key when it comes to their cultural value as they are not just means of communication but carriers of different cultures. They act as a tool to shape, preserve and evolve different cultures. Regardless of globalisation, words help preserve an undiluted version of several cultures worldwide. 

Conflict Escalation And Conflict Resolution 

Words have the power to cause conflict or even choose among people. That is why people need to be constantly mindful about what they say. An example would be if someone told you that what you were saying was ‘stupid’. You obviously wouldn't stand for this and the conversation would quickly escalate into a conflict. The same goes when people are disagreeing about something. They become agitated at each other, one word at a time and with each word that is said, the argument is fuelled into a full-blown conflict. However, in the same light and context, words also serve to resolve conflict. After all, we've seen different countries relying on words to solve long-standing disputes through treaties. Words aren't to be underestimated as they are both destructive and restorative when used wrongly or correctly (respectively)

Effect On Self-Esteem

Words can either build or destroy someone’s self-esteem. On occasion, you may even cause this without even thinking it through and intending on it. That is why you need to always stay mindful about what you say to other people. Let's take you for example: if you were dressed in your favourite attire, feeling confident and ready to take the world by storm, then someone remarked how you looked ‘fat’ in it, how would you feel? Obviously, for the rest of that day, your self-esteem would be lower. Now imagine all the things you have thoughtlessly said to other people and how they must have felt when you said it. Instead, if you spread positive remarks to other people, telling them how beautiful they looked and how capable they were, don't you think this would boost their self-esteem, aiding them to have better self-esteem? You need to be watchful of what you say to other people as it will either build their self-esteem or shatter it.  

Spread Love Or Hate 

The words you use on other people communicate your love or hate for them. That is why someone can claim things like you were racist towards them without you saying it out loud. Kindness, hospitality and genuineness can all be seen and explained by what you say. Your feelings towards the people around you reflect in your choice of words towards them; thus, you either spread love or hate through what you say.