How To Start A Fun And Unique Blog Page

One of the most entertaining aspects of social media is getting to scroll through different blog pages and going through the very entertaining content that is readily available there. You may even find yourself so consumed by these pages that hours may pass in a matter of minutes without you noticing. If blogs are entertaining for you and you are up for an extra gig that may end up bringing you some income, then why not start your blog? After all, you already enjoy perusing other people’s blogs, making you familiar with this world. Here are some tips that will help you develop a fun, unique, and entertaining blog page. 

Tap Into Your Passion 

Blog pages are not just about randomly writing everything and anything you think of without introspecting first. You need to know your strengths and then maximise them for your page to be a success. This means that the type of content you choose to write about should be aligned with your passion. This way, you won't be easily bored, letting your page die a premature death. Ensure that you tap into your passion with your blog page. This will be your very own signature mark, making you unique and different from other generic blog pages. You must have your niche.

Understand Your Targeted Audience 

The content you put out dictates the kind of people that will find interest in your work. For you to consistently get followers and positive reactions, you need to understand this audience more. This entails the vocabulary they are into, the type of imagery they may find fascinating as well as the writing style they may enjoy. Remember, once you launch your blog page, you have people that you need to please and for you to please them, you need to understand them a bit more.  

Invest In Catchy Titles 

Before someone reads your work, what makes them stop in their track to even pay attention to your work is the title. If your titles are catchy, fun and interesting, you will notice that people will take time to visit your blog posts so that they can read more of the articles. However, no matter how well-written your articles may be, if the title is not interesting, people won't even take time to read through your content. Do your research on how to write catchy titles and make sure you consult your friends and other trusted people around you on the titles. However, you should be careful not to end up looking like you are trying too hard. You just have to keep the titles short and catchy. 

Network And Market

It's rare for people to just randomly come across your content without your marketing and networking. You need to make sure that you market your page on platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so that you can find more people who are interested in your content. Make friends with other bloggers as well so that they can promote your page among their followers. This is the only way your blog will get the responses you desire.

Monitor, Evaluate and Adjust 

Just setting up a blog page and posting any content is not enough to keep you in the game. You should monitor the content that you have previously posted and how well it is doing, then evaluate what can be done better based on your strengths and weaknesses. After all this, you need to get back onto the drawing board and readjust certain things about your future blog. This will help you grow, rather than stay stagnant while getting the same unsatisfactory results. Remember to regularly monitor, evaluate and adjust your content. 


You don't need to be uptight and strict when it comes to your blog page. Rather, experiment with different styles and designs so that you get to find what works for you. Experimenting will help you put a halt to monotonous content and just get the time to enjoy being different and making different content for your followers. You can even ask your followers what they want you to post about next and what they think would work for you then try it out. Maybe you may just find your next niche. 


Being a true blog artist comes with recognising that you are not the only one in the industry and that rather than competing, collaborating would help you even more. By collaborating with other bloggers, you spice things up for your audience while also getting the opportunity to gain traction from a different source of fans. Regular collaborations will challenge you, helping you grow and become a good blog artist with time. 

Stay True To Yourself

I'm sure you have a blogger whom you used to like and idolise at one point but don't care about anymore. It's probably because you felt like at one point, they changed and lost their true selves. The same goes for you. When you readjust and reassess, it doesn't mean that you are supposed to let go of your true voice and the drive that led you to become a blog artist. You need to make sure that you stay true to the principles that attracted your first audience so that you don't end up burning out and being discarded after a while. Your real voice matters so don't change that about you. After all, people have a nose for fake people.