“That’s Not All”: People Share Their Worst Encounters

Uncertainties do happen. It comes and goes, which makes people’s lives so challenging. For some, getting through each day is not easy, and it takes a lot of courage to continue and survive. 

If you ever experienced the worst thing that seemed to have no end at all. You are not alone. Check these people from the Reddit community who shared their unlucky moments you might relate to. 

1. Once Again

My SO locked his keys in his car about 6 weeks ago. Well, only the hidden key that lives inside the fob. But you see, the "unlock" key on the fob is broken, so the key is required to enter the car, and the fob fits into the ignition.  

He had no other choice than to open the trunk with the fob and punch out the small trunk access door that was behind the backseat armrest.

Tries to find the lever to lower the rear seats by shoving his body through the tiny door, crawling through the car, and retrieving his key in the front seat. 

I also forgot to mention that the alarm was blaring this whole time. He finally gets through to the front seat, starts the car, and kills the alarm. 

Exhausted, with bloody knuckles and scrapes all over, he gets out of the car and shuts the door behind him. Then, he realized he had left the keys on the seat. Again. 

And the door had locked behind him. He turned and gave a swift punt to his tire out of frustration, immediately snapping his third metatarsal, breaking his foot.

He then had to repeat this scenario to get his keys out, this time with a broken foot. He just got his boot off last week.


2. Tons Of Internal Problems

So, I found out I had a huge tumor on my ovary. It was growing hair. Then I got surgery to remove it, and they found out I had stage 4 endometriosis, which would severely impact future fertility.

Then I go home in extreme pain, and I go to the ER that night because I am doubled over and screaming in pain. The ER tells me it's residual gas from the laparoscopy.

So then I sit on my recliner for three days, crying out in pain and vomiting every single thing I try to ingest. Not farting or belching at all, like you need to do after a laparoscopy to get rid of the excess gas used to inflate the area they work on.

Then I have enough and get my husband to take me to a different hospital. They do a scan with contrast dye (boy, was that difficult to keep down long enough for the scan), and they find out that I am bleeding internally and leaking poo into my abdominal cavity.

Then, I get taken in for emergency surgery. Before the surgery, I was informed that there was also a huge tumor in the middle of my right ovary, and I would have to have it out. I could either do it then or at a later date. I opt to do it then.

I woke up from the surgery after four days in a medically induced coma in a different hospital in the ICU. I am intubated and have a nasogastric tube. I panic and see a nurse in the hall, but I can't get her attention. 

I undo the restraint on my left hand, yank out the tubes (you can rip out your vocal cords by doing that; luckily, I didn't), and yell for help. Then, I proceed to spend weeks in the hospital recovering. Eating nothing but soup broth, I eventually get upgraded to ensure.

I get MRSA in the surgical wound, and it takes a few rounds of very strong antibiotics to contend with it. A bunch of my hair falls out. I go home and can't bathe for a few weeks because the incision is still pretty much open (they didn't stitch the skin together). 

I have to have a home health nurse visit me every day to clean the wounds. It takes about a year to heal. I keep getting recurring MRSA infections at the top of the incision site inside my belly button. 

Whenever the MRSA comes back, my belly button oozes a ton of pus and blood and forms a giant, painful boil. It's been two years, and this crap is still happening.


3. Year Of Pain

All this happened in 2014. My mom died in May. Then her bichon poodle, Katie, died. My father died nine weeks, four days after my mom, just four days before my birthday.

One week after he passed, my roommate got drunk and drove my car into the front of the house we were renting. On the day of my father's funeral, my roommate moved out without notice and stole my belongings.

Now we're in September, and my boyfriend has a grand mal seizure and requires hospitalization. In October 2014, my mother's other bichon poodle had seizures and died.


4. Most Memorable Trip

My mom planned a 3 generation trip of a lifetime with my grandpa, my brother, and me. We were going to stay in Vegas for one day and go down to a gold mine of one of her friends.

Then, visit the Grand Canyon and fly back from Phoenix while making multiple stops on Route 66. We were going to leave after my high school graduation.

On the day of my graduation, my grandpa hit his head because the Comfort Inn he was staying in installed new slippery tubs (he wasn't the first person injured). He did a concussion test on himself, and since he didn't have a bump on his head, he went to my graduation and went on the trip with us.

We spent a night in Vegas checking out the casinos, but my brother and I couldn't gamble or drink, so there wasn't a lot we could do. We went to bed and woke up the next morning to check out, but our grandpa wasn't down yet. 

He didn't answer his phone, and we asked the hotel manager to let us into his room. We find him unconscious and unresponsive. They take him to a hospital, and we find out he has a brain clot. 

They weren't able to treat it, so we had to take him off life support, and he died 7 hours later. Once we got home, we tried to get a death certificate, but we were told that it could take between 4-6 weeks for them to give it to us. 

Six weeks later, we received a death certificate with a mistake because the person who filled it out googled h my grandpa's address instead of using the one we gave them. 

A couple of days ago (5 weeks later), we received the death certificate. In a week, my mom and brother are going down to Florida to get his stuff, but I can't go with them because of college. We still don't even know where his will is, and I bet more crap is going to hit the fan.


5. Life Challenges

In late 2016, my live-in girlfriend and I were in a rough patch. I was kind of riding it out until the end of the lease to see if things got any better. Well, they did not.

She told me she was breaking up with me in late October. A week later, I was laid off. She moved out shortly after. A few weeks later, I saw on social media that she had gotten engaged.

Sometime after that, mutual friends assured me that she had been cheating. I found a contract job, which I hated. While there, I started a side contracting gig. 

When the primary contract ended, I decided to take my side gig full-time. Since I suck at sales, I couldn't manage to get traction.

Fortunately, I am now in a job I enjoy very much, back in the gym, losing weight, and dating more. If my life were an NFL team, the coach would call this a "rebuilding year."


6. Unexpected Events

Got out of the Navy. Decided to go to college. Met a girl. Liked the girl. It’s close to my birthday two years later. Cross the road to meet my dad.

He was passing through town for work and dropped off my present. Get smashed by an SUV while on foot. My head breaks off his mirror, crushes the windshield, and totals the car.

It gets worse. They shave the side of my head with a scalpel so they can staple my skin flap back to my skull. Two weeks later, I hobbled back into my apartment.

See gf making out with a guy on my bed. Heartbreak, anger, pain. Should have stayed in the freaking Navy, too crippled to re-enlist. Thanks god.


7. A Bad Year

My ex-wife wanted to be a stay-at-home wife, even after I offered to pay for school or help her start a leather working business.

My best friend/Co-worker gets promoted over me at work due to what Akins to a coin flip. A friend has the day off work one night and comes in anyway.

Turns out his wife caught him and my ex-wife sending some dirty messages to each other. Come to find out that they also had a physical relationship, like three nights prior.

At the same time, I was asleep in the other room. Fast forward through some marriage counseling and two years later. In the new state, with New opportunities, she doubles down on being a housewife.

I pay for her to fly out to a convention with her friends while I'm away in the desert for work. Literally a month in one of the hottest spots on earth.

She came home and holed herself in the house, choosing to live online and neglect reality. After some arguments, she and one of the friends she flew out to go see were having an online relationship.

She told me she wished I had never come home. Work got worse, and I believed that the marriage failure was my fault. Finally, wake up and file for divorce.


8. Tiring Tires

I'm driving down the side of a mountain on the freeway on my way to work for a 4 am shift, and I get a flat tire. I pull over and watch the big rigs going by about three feet from my car and decide I don't really care to change that tire.

I call AAA, I call my work to let them know I'll be late, and I sit and wait. I watched two different tow trucks drive by. I call AAA back. Watch another tow truck go by, and now I can't get anybody at AAA.

Fine, I'll change the tire in the rain while trying not to get hit by giant trucks who can't see me until the last minute because of a bend in the road. I get my spare tire out, get out my jack, and realize I have a problem.

I'd only had the car for about two months, and I had made sure I had a spare tire and a jack. However, I don't have the handle to make the jack do anything. Still can't get AAA back on the phone, so I call home.

Talk to my dad, and he'll come bring me a jack. Both parents show up. I still have no idea why my mom came to watch us change a tire. We got the tire changed, and now we can see the spare tire is low on air.

No problem, my dad has an air pump. A brand new pump had to open the packaging to use it. Doesn't work. Ok then. We slowly make our way on the shoulder about two miles to the exit and pull into a gas station. Air up my tire.

I went to check the air pressure, and my tire gauge basically exploded into different pieces. The spare tire had a higher pressure than what the gauge could measure. And that's why I started my 4 am shift at 6.


9. The Valet Guy

  I was a manager at a hotel in Oakland. A valet parker took a guest’s corvette out for a joy ride. He lost control of the car in a residential area and crashed into a parked car in a driveway. 

The Corvette and the parked car smashed through the home’s garage door and caught on fire. We were shocked upon hearing the news about it.

The home partially burned down. The valet was caught by the police a block away fleeing on foot with a broken leg. What an unexpected event. 


10. Noped Out

I was at a country concert in the middle of June and was dancing with some friends, but all of a sudden, they disappeared (I was pretty drunk).

As I'm leaving to go find them, this girl grabs my hand, and we start dancing. One thing led to another, and we started making out until, at one point, she pulled away and said, "I don't think my boyfriend would like this."

I tell her I'm going to grab a beer to get away, and she grabs my hand and says she'll come with me. Here's where it gets worse.

I run into a customer from the store I work at and start chatting with him. The girl with me starts chatting with the customer's girlfriend.

All of a sudden, I hear her tell the customer's girlfriend, "Yeah, it's my birthday in September! I turn 18." Noped out of there so fast.


11. Girl Of Nightmare

I walked in on my ex making out with a girl and a guy, but wait, it gets worse. I told her it was time for her to move. Three days later, she shows up to get her stuff and smashes me with a table lamp. 

Police showed up and arrested me, but wait, it gets worse. Sitting in the cell for a few hours, and then two detectives came and took me to an interrogation room. 

They have my pistol sitting on the table, along with ammo and a few knives. Okay, no big deal, but wait, it gets worse. One of the detectives leaves, comes back a minute later, and slams a sawed-off shotgun onto the table. 

What the hell? Apparently, her new beau had hidden it in the furnace room. It took seven years and cost about $10,000 in lawyer's fees to get my record cleared, but it got worse. She gave me HPV...


12. Kind Heart

Many years ago, I started dating my current wife. We lived two hours apart, and it was difficult to start with.  We'd had one date, and I'd spent one weekend at her house. She came to spend a weekend at mine. 

On Fridays, I would play Magic with friends and drink some beer. She walked into this chaos... And she didn't play magic.

Apparently, I was drinking too much and way too fast. I stumbled upstairs and puked all over the bathroom. She cleaned up, helped me into bed, and told everyone I was done for the night. She then proceeded to climb in and sleep next to me. But wait...

So, at the time, I was still living with my ex. We had separate bedrooms and were completely platonic. She was still there, though. She had gone up to the local bar with a couple friends. At some point in the night, my phone started blowing up with messages from her.

Finally, my future wife, completely sober, couldn't sleep and answered the phone. Ex had been kicked out of the bar and needed immediate pickup. Apparently, the ex was slamming drinks herself, and just projectile vomited all over the bar.

My future wife grabbed my car and headed to the bar in this unfamiliar town. She made the pick-up for a drunk ex and two drunk friends. She continued forth on the half-mile drive back to my house.

Then she proceeded to turn left at a no-left-turn intersection. Unfortunately, a cop was near and decided to pull her over. Typical ma'am, do you know... blah blah, and ex pulls open the door and proceeds to puke everywhere.

The officer is all like looks like you've got your hands full and sends her on her way. Cool... They make it to my house. I am still obliviously past the fudge out. Ex stumbles out of the car and falls down in the yard.

Maybe pukes a bit more. Totally pisses herself. The future wife helps her inside, cleans her up, helps her change clothes, and gets her into bed. She then climbs back into bed with me. About a year later, we got married. I don't know what the hell she was thinking.


13. Worst DIY

Doing some DIY, we had some loose floorboards in the bathroom. I can fix this, I thought. Made a note of where the floor joists were and hammered in the first nail.

It didn’t feel quite right, so I hammered half an inch to the left, and it felt much more secure. Put in the next nail, again, it didn’t feel right.

I moved it over a bit and hammered again. The next thing I know, I’m hit in the face with high-pressure hot water from the heating system.

By the time I’ve shut off the water, I’ve got the equivalent of a bucket of water coming through the ceiling in the kitchen under the bathroom.

Go back into the bathroom thinking oh god, what a mess, then realize I can smell gas. The previous nail had gone straight through the gas main, and we had to shut off the gas.

The gas board came around and declared the house unsafe, and it took us four days to get it repaired. When we went to repair the hot water pipe, it turned out the first nail had also gone through the shower drain. The good news is I’m banned from DIY for life.


14. Cruel Day

Driving six hours to my cousin's wedding with my partner. Leave early, have a great trip, and arrive about three hours before the wedding starts, so we have time to check in to the hotel and change.

Got a call from my dad - his car broke down (he's terrible about maintenance), and he's half an hour behind us; can we please rescue him? We doubled back, and it took us nearly an hour to find him because he refused to give us any cross-streets (his description was "by the trees in the pullout by an overpass"). 

We get his car to a safe location, get back on the road, get to the hotel, and throw on nice clothes. Dad says it'll take 15 minutes to get to the venue, so he takes an extra 10 minutes to get ready. 

It's actually 15 miles/30 minutes; we get to the wedding five minutes late. We had to sneak in in front of everyone, and I had to stand in four-inch heels on the grass for half an hour because there weren't chairs outside the front row. Okay, fine, we made it. That's the important part.

But wait, it gets worse.

In the middle of the appetizers, the DJ pages "the person driving [my distinctive car]." The rear tire is flat. Okay, cool, it's better than finding out late at night.

We find a small nail in it, swap it out for the donut, and go back to the party. The plan is to get the tire patched in the morning before driving back to deal with Dad's car. But wait, it gets worse.

Get up after four hours of sleep and head to Walmart to get the tire patched because they're the only place nearby open on a Sunday. Don't get hotel-free breakfast because they won't let you remove food from the serving area.

Go into Walmart Auto fifteen minutes after they open... an hour and a half wait already. Okay, cool. We wandered the store and played on the Wi-Fi. Finally, I get called in to deal with the fix. But wait...it gets worse.

The tire wasn't flat because of a nail. The tire had two major slashes, probably from hitting a piece of glass. $100 later, I now own a new tire. It's now 9:30 am, so no hotel breakfast. I'm exhausted and hungry, and we go grab something resembling breakfast and the largest coffee money can buy.

We go get Dad to get his car to the only shop open on a Sunday. They say it will take at least a day to fix. We get him a hotel and drive the rest of the four hours home so my partner can work the next day. It was a lovely wedding, though.


15. Internal Pain

Three days ago, I injured my back. It is a lumbar sprain, super painful, especially when leaning forward. Two days ago, I decided to get a burger from a newly opened fastfood chain.

I get food poisoning. And not just mild food poisoning. I am talking about lying down in front of a toilet for days, fluids exploding out of all orifices. Ever had to throw up with a back injury? Do not recommend it. Well, today, I got my period.


16. Drink And Run

This is my friend's story, but I really enjoyed it. College, freshman year. Party in the dorms, they have a tons of booze, and you aren't supposed to have booze.

The resident advisor (RA) knocks on the door due to a noise complaint, and a bunch of students run to hide in the back room.

Now, this isn't so bad if you have booze. You don't get kicked out; you just have to write an essay on why alcohol is bad, and they confiscate it.

These kids don't know that. So they jump out the window. Three stories up. The first guy somehow doesn't hurt himself and breaks away running. The second guy lands okay. The third guy is a freshman girl, and she hits her head and blacks out.

They finally let the RA into the room. He gets a call on his cell. "Yeah, we just saw a body fall past our window." So now he has to get the police involved. They can't find the girl because the second guy dragged her body behind a dumpster.


17. Drink Responsibly

In college, I had a few friends over in my dorm to hang out with. I was really interested in this girl, so I approached her and asked her if she was interested in me.

She said "Gross, never with you," then started throwing up in my room. But wait, it gets worse. I head across the hall to borrow a mop. I return, the doors locked, and she's making out with someone on my bed.

My keys were inside the room, and I banged on the door nonstop. I had to wait half an hour until they were done. To my surprise, they had also thrown up on my bag/laptop.


18. Hardships Together

This was the worst year of my and my husband's life. At the beginning of February 2012, I had a faint positive pregnancy test, and I went to the doctor with great confirmation. It didn’t turn out that way. 

But wait, it got worse. He dismissed me, saying because I have endometriosis, I couldn’t be pregnant (I had been pregnant twice before both losses) and that I was crazy even thinking I was.

It gets worse. Two weeks later, I was around 18 weeks into my dating, miscarried a little boy in my bathroom. I knew I was pregnant, and nobody except my husband believed me. It got worse. 2 weeks later, we lost my father-in-law from a massive heart attack, so on top of grieving for the baby, I was grieving for my father-in-law.

It gets worse. A month later, my husband's grandma, my grandma-in-law, died of pneumonia and a broken heart. We couldn’t make it to the funeral, no money, we were 700 miles away.

It gets worse. Less than 2 months later, my husband lost his job, which meant we lost our house. We had a couple of weeks to find accommodation that would take a hyper puppy, the dog we had adopted.

It gets worse. The only place we could find was a cockroach-infested trailer. We didn’t know it had roaches until we moved in at night. My husband had gotten up to get a drink of water, and 1,000 roaches came flying out of the sink. We cleaned and got an exterminator, but nothing worked.

It gets worse. We had horrible neighbors, got flooded in during a tropical storm, and my husband ended up working 100-hour work weeks.

It gets sort of better. In March 2013, we decided to move far away and start over. While getting ready to leave, we had to throw out all our kitchen appliances, furniture, and a computer printer, all so we could leave roach-free. It didn’t work. Took another year to fully exterminate them.

It finally got better. My husband got an amazing job, we’ve been here 5 1/2 years, we have a daughter, the dog is now 7, our home is great, the landlord rocks and life is great.


19. Huge Grudge

Playing touch football with friends. One of my friends decided to turn it into tackle football. I am 4'11" and, at the time, weighed about 75 lbs. My "friend" was 5'8" and probably weighed about 130 lbs.

She tackled me after getting pissed at me for something (it's been so long since the incident I can't remember what made her mad).

We landed on the sidewalk, she landed on top of me, and it broke my lower back. It gets worse. The Dr on duty wrongly administered me Toradol (he gave me the dosage you would give an adult male). And my kidneys shut down, and my organs started to shut down.

It gets worse. I retained fluids because I couldn't pee. My face was swollen, and I couldn't see. The witch that broke my back tried to visit me in the hospital (no freaking way).

It gets worse. They called the Make a Wish Foundation and were talking about life flight to another hospital and dialysis. Eventually, things got better, and I now have full use of my organs and kidneys.

It got worse. Now I have herniated discs from the incident that pinch my sciatic nerve. I can't lift over 25 lbs (I can't pick up my 5-year-old.) Silver lining? I am alive with functioning use of my organs.


20. Aching Everywhere

Went into premature labor with my son. Had to have an emergency c-section due to placenta previa. Dr nicked the placenta, and I started bleeding out. Thankfully, we both came through it.

The next day, my husband was made redundant from his job. I had no job to return to after having Bub. We had just bought a new house a few months before that we could no longer afford.

Got discharged from the hospital 4 days later. The next morning, I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. Went back to the hospital and spent 3 days being poked, prodded, etc, while in agonizing pain to be told that I had Influenza.

But they couldn't work out what else was wrong. 7pm on night 3, I had the sudden clarity that I was going to die, so I called for dr. I was taken in for emergency surgery, and they discovered I had a massive infection. 

I was a couple of hours away from going into organ failure from sepsis. Spent a week in the ICU recovering. A week later, a speeding idiot smashed into our only car, and it was written off. So that was a crappy fortnight!


21. Too Much Movement

The year I left my husband, I found out he’d been having an affair. ( in addition to everything else) I moved to Queens, where I was robbed by my super 3 weeks later. 

I moved again, and water was leaking into my place, so I moved again. That November, my block caught on fire (in NYC), and I was smoked out.

The only good news here is that I kept the smoky apartment and met the best boyfriend ever. At least I got to celebrate life at some point.


22. Badly Needed Cleaning

At my previous retail job, I was working behind the register when suddenly all the managers and even some of my coworkers gathered in front of the CCTV in the office. I didn't think much of it; it was a slow day, and we were all craving something interesting.

One of my managers left the office and came up to me. She sheepishly asked me if I could clean up "an accident" in the women's bathroom. Whatever. It was a slow day, and I needed something to do.

Then she told me that I should probably wear gloves. So, when I went to the back utility room to get the cleaning supplies, I pulled on some good ol' latex gloves. 

I grabbed the bathroom key from behind the register and made my way to the bathroom. Oh, Lordy, I was not prepared.

The handicapped stall had giant globs of dump, still fresh, smeared all over the front of the seat and around the toilet. The smell filled the tiny space. It's a wonder my pansy-ass asthmatic lungs didn't just choke me then and there.

I just used my shirt as a respirator as I used a ridiculous amount of disinfectant, toilet bowl cleaner, and a literal mountain of paper towels. When I was done with the bowl, I made the mistake of flushing it.

When I did, the toilet overflowed and flooded the entire freaking stall. Guess the customer took a WAY bigger crap than I thought. I ended up spending god knows how long in there with a mop to de-flood the place.

When I finished, I could only wash my hands to make myself feel even slightly clean. When I finally returned, a co-worker and my manager told me who the culprit was: An elderly lady, probably in her 60s or 70s.

That was why they were all crowding around the CCTV monitor - they were trying to look for who shat all over the bathroom. It's only been a few months since, and I'm still not sure if I'll ever feel clean ever again.


23. Family Ties

I was supposed to head out on vacation with my aunt and cousin, but it got postponed due to A friend of the family dying unexpectedly. On the way home from the funeral, my uncle, driving my aunt and cousins, dies of a heart attack. Wait, it gets worse.

A few days after my uncle's funeral, my aunt, cousin, and I drive up to our cottage on the lake. My aunt says to us on the drive up she can't take another death it better be over.

Two days into our vacation, my cousin's daughter drowned. My dad drove the 10 hours to come pick us up. About halfway through the trip home, we get pulled over by a state trooper. They had a look out for us.

The state of Maine insisted I come back and write my witness statement of what happened to my cousin. I was 13 at the time, and it was all too much for me.

So we drive 5 hours back to Maine, I do what is needed, and we head out again. On the way home, our transmission blew about 4 hours from home. It was a rough time.


24. Lesson Learned

I got a yeast infection from antibiotics I took for a cervical infection. But wait it's gets worse- I tried to treat it at home and ended up having an allergic reaction to the cream.

3 days off work, 35 Vicodin, 1 Percocet 15, 3 yeast infection pills, a strong dose of antibiotics, a stronger dose of steroids, and lots of crying in the emergency room later... It gets worse.

It's been over a year, and the reaction completely destroyed me. I can't make out with someone, can't use tampons, nothing. NOTHING goes in there. But wait, it gets worse.

I've spent over $15,000 on doctor appointments, blood tests, exams, creams, and medications to get no answers. All because I chose the cheap route instead of calling in a prescription.


25. Mom Struggles

Had an 8-year-old with someone I was in a relationship with for 10 years. Got pregnant again. Then, we were looking at engagement rings and a house when his mistress texted me.

Turns out, he’s been cheating with an ungodly amount of people the entire relationship. I went into labor 8 weeks early due to stress.

My son spent a month in Nicu. After that, the food stamp application was denied because of a lack of paperwork. Redo it, and it’s denied because they said they never received it despite my having a tracking number.

I was then on a wait list for try number three. I sold everything I could for money to stay afloat. My work has cut hours, and I’ve been working no more than 15 hours a week for a few months, but I can’t get a night job because I have no childcare.

The transmission blew in the car, and then the brake system went, so now I don’t have one, and I rely on Uber or other people for rides. I went through my savings for groceries and rent to catch up.

Still behind by a couple of hundred dollars. I also cashed in all my change in Coinstar for laundry and other things we need. I then tried to apply for an Amazon credit card to get the stuff we needed.

Denied. In the end, I’m now alone with two kids and struggling financially and emotionally while he’s living his best life.

The child support I receive barely covers anything. I can’t wait for my tax return so I don’t feel like a failure. I still cry myself to sleep sometimes.


26. Pee Fountain

About 2000, I've had issues with my urinary tract for a lot of my life. I wake up one morning, and I can't pee. At all. I need to, but I can't. I try to catch myself (I had one from a previous issue from a while back), but no dice.

I decide I'm going to just pound water and push it out, figuring it's a blockage. FF to around midnight that night, I haven't peed in about 24 hours and have drank around 2 gals of water. I gotta go.

I call my GF (now my wife, btw), and she takes me to the ER. They take me back and try for about 3 hours to get a catheter in. But wait, it gets worse. I'm a 25-year-old man being worked on by 2 female DRs and a female nurse.

I'm delirious with need, and they finally decided to wake up the on-call specialist. It takes an hour to get there. He tries for about a half hour. But wait.

At about 430 in the morning, they decide the only option is to cut a hole above my fufa and poke a catheter in there. At this point, I'm ready to let them cut my head off if it would relieve the need.

No anesthesia, just cut, poke, and KABOOM! A geyser of urine about 4 feet tall shoots up and soaks the general area. Had to wear that catheter for 4 months until the surgery to correct it, where they took a piece of skin from my cheek and fashioned a new chunk of urethra.

BWIGW, Recovery was a nightmare. They cut me from nuts to rectum to access the stuff, and my sack blew up like a watermelon for about 10 days. And I spent a year and a half sitting on a boppy pillow.


27. Wrong Timing of Jokes

Be 18 years old at at a Steak n' Shake with two of my good friends. One of our friends was notably depressed, and he wanted to break some news.

We ordered, and as he was about to break the news, the table next to us was being rowdy and disrespectful. I confronted them but was met with a lot of "Shut up, fatass" and "Go screw yourself."

Thinking of myself as an "18-year-old Alpha," I began arguing back, making the situation worse. The manager was sent in and got us yelled at like a bunch of kindergartners.

We ended up getting kicked out of the restaurant, but wait, it got worse. I was an edgy smoker, so I told them jokingly, "Hey guys, I'm gonna go get some cancer. I'll be back."

My depressed friend then broke down sobbing, revealing to us his dad had just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.... I haven't had a smoke in 6 years.


28. Mother’s Day

So, my mother was on chemo for breast cancer. She had a heart attack and was shortly hospitalized for that. A few days after she was released, she started feeling a bit under the weather.

So we went back to the hospital to check it out. They examined her a bit, then rushed her into emergency surgery. After removing ~2 lbs of flesh in her pelvic region, she survives.

She had Necrotizing Fasciitis, and the surgeons told us that had she come in hours later, the infection would have reached the base of her spine, traveled to her brain, and that would have been it. This was on Mother's Day.


29. Big Loss

Not me, but my Aunt and my cousin-in-law. 6 months ago, my cousin died of a heart attack. He was in his 50s. He was too young, but everyone knew he had a bad ticker despite being of a normal weight. He was on the transplant list.

Then, last Saturday - my cousin's son - my aunt's grandson - was in the Limo in Albany that crashed, finishing off 20 people. He leaves behind a son.

It's been a freaking terrible week. Hoping ANYTHING gets better at this point. I can't imagine it. My aunt lost a son AND a grandson in the span of 6 months, and my cousin-in-law lost her husband and her son at the same time.

I lost a good childhood friend (the relative in the accident was a few years older than me), but I feel like all I can do is be strong for the rest of the family.


30. Moth Day

A few weeks ago, I accidentally knocked over a glass as my boyfriend and I were getting ready to go to work. No big deal, boyfriend springs into action, cleaning stuff up, and starts vacuuming. 

The vacuum seemed to be clogged, so he started to take it apart, and then I heard him cursing, only to discover that the vacuum bag was full of MOTHS. Yes, moths. I guess I'd vacuumed up moth eggs cause we get a lot of kitchen moths in the summer over here.

So, crisis averted... we take garbage bags full of broken glass and moths down to the dumpster and head to work. I said, "Well, today certainly can only get better."

Actually, no, it did get worse. I had woken up with heart palpitations, which is unusual. When I got to work, they were still going on. 

Eventually, I was so freaked out that work called an ambulance, and I was rushed to the hospital with a 180 bpm heart rate! It was reversed with a crazy medicine that basically made me flatline for 4 seconds, which felt SUPER weird.

Anyway, then I just chilled out in the hospital for about 6 hours while they made sure my heart didn't start going crazy again. Luckily, that's the worst that it gets because I live in a country with socialized healthcare, so I didn't pay anything out of pocket. 

The workday was just counted as a sick day (i.e., I don't need to make that day back up). Still, that day definitely got worse after the glass/moth fiasco.


31. Woman Of Dating

Ex-wife asked for a separation out of nowhere. Find out she is sleeping with my best friend of 17 years. It gets worse. We divorce, picking my son up from her house, and she tells me she is going on a date with her 1st ex-husband's brother.

It gets worse. Then she called me to defend herself and told me it was okay. She asked her daughter (from her first marriage) if it was okay.

Then she asked her daughter if it was okay that she dated her uncle...yeah so It got worse. While trying to “make” me understand her choices, she tells me that she can’t take it, will never be happy, and thinks about ending herself.

I would say it gets worse. She didn’t. What she did was continue to date her daughter's uncle and used hurting herself as an attention grabber. It’s getting worse. She thinks the flu vaccine is bad for children. The last part didn’t relate, but she is stupid.


32. The Macho Guy

My brother, after receiving an injury in a monumentally stupid moment of machoism, had to go to the hospital. The injury was a stab wound, obviously from a knife, in his arm.

He refused to tell the truth about how it had happened but knew he had to come up with something to tell the cops since the ER would definitely call them.

He was extremely drunk at the time. Then, the nurse gave him Vicodin. So then he was drunk AND high on painkillers.

He regales the officer who shows up (with his trainee in tow- a guy I went to High School with. He recognizes me.) with a blow-by-blow, completely made up out of thin air account of "The n-word" who attacked him. The police officer was black.


33. Charity Worker

I helped my girlfriend move into a new house on campus two weeks in a row. The first week, I moved and set up just about everything and drove extra that night to drop off a table for her sister (~3 hours away).

She lacked furniture, and I had just graduated and didn’t need any of my furniture, so I gave it to her. I helped her move all my stuff in, too.

The next weekend, I showed up and got broken up in the morning. Still moved all her stuff in and put furniture together because I am a pushover. She also still has my TV.


34. Car Nightmare

My car blew a tire while I was on a road trip alone. In the middle of the night. In the middle of NOWHERE, Nebraska. What could be worse, right?

No cell service. No one to hear me scream. Get it fixed thanks to a kindly group of female bikers passing through who let me use their cell phone.

But wait. The next day, my car (only 3 years old, just over 30k miles) won't accelerate past a certain speed. I am on I-80 when it's down to a two-lane road because of construction. I'm going slower and slower, down to 30 mph.

I think, well, maybe I can make it to the next exit (just 2 miles away), but I can't accelerate at all. There are MILES of trucks behind me, laying on their horn.

My car just died in the middle of this two-lane road, with nowhere to swerve and no road to pull off of for me or for anyone behind me. My catalytic converter or muffler or something just gave out. Took 2 hours for a tow truck to haul me out of the way.


35. Sticky Hands

So, I was riding the bus a couple years ago on my way home. I was standing because it was crowded and there weren't any seats.

All was well until I felt someone grabbing the hem of my skirt in the back as if to put their hand under it. I've experienced that on public transportation before, so I flipped around, ready to tell them off.

Well, imagine my surprise when a little old lady was in the seat. I looked around, confused, to see if it could have been someone else, but no, it had to have been her.

So naturally, I assumed that I'd imagined it and continued on my merry way. Flash forward to later that day, when I'm home and getting changed out of my work clothes.

I'm getting ready to flip my dress over my head when I notice something on my skirt. Something wet and gooey. That's right, she had booger-ed me.


36. The Ill Lady

My sister dies of leukemia at age 32, leaving behind a 4-year-old girl. But wait, it gets worse. I was diagnosed with mouth cancer two years later at age 32.

After drastic surgery and radiotherapy, I'm barely able to eat or speak, but I survive. But wait, it gets worse. A year later, I'm diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. I have 12 months to live.

But wait, it gets worse. Three months later, I was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Fanconi Anemia. It's responsible for all of my cancers.

It makes me sensitive to chemotherapy, that could extend my life. It's likely responsible for my sister's leukemia, too.

Any number of other family members could be affected and need to be checked. But wait, it'll get worse. Soon, my parents will have buried both of their children.


37. Got Nailed

I stepped on a nail that went clear through my boot and into a bone in my foot. But wait, it gets worse. My doctor was "all booked up" and could not see me for a few weeks. They prescribed antibiotics over the phone, but the wound got worse.

I finally got to the doctor, and they said there was nothing they could do and I should go to the hospital. Docs at the hospital say I'm going to need an amputation and immediate IV antibiotics.

I lost my big toe and a large portion of my foot. But wait, it gets worse. Turns out that the partial foot is only going to cause me problems in the future.

Also, there's still a chance that the infection is still present in the remaining portion of the foot. I end up getting a second amputation about 4 inches below the knee.

The moral of the story is when a doctor tells you they are all booked up, don't accept that crap. Go camp in their office.


38. Guy War

I was at a house party one winter, and this guy Andy thought it would be funny to get Tim's coat wet and throw it in the freezer. When Tim found his frozen coat, he grabbed the hose from the sink and sprayed Andy with it, soaking the kitchen in the process.

Well, Andy got mad and wrestled Tim outside to the backyard, where he turned on the hose, pinned Tim down, and soaked him, with most of the house guests standing at the door watching.

Tim was embarrassed and angry, so he grabbed a cup, went to the bathroom to pee in it, and then came back out and threw his pee on Andy.

So Andy did the only thing left, he took a cup to the bathroom and took a dump in it. As soon as Andy entered the room with his cup...the smell...people just started clearing out of the room. He then threw his poop on Tim.

As far as I could tell, it 'only' hit his clothes, but that was enough excitement for the guests, and we set our cups down and started heading out.


39. Drowning Discoveries

So I was at the beach with my friends and nearly drowned; therefore, I swallowed a ton of ocean water and sand. But wait, it gets worse.

That night, I got severely dehydrated, so I threw up constantly, so much that my poor new pup got vomited on too. Well, it gets worse.

The doctors couldn't find a vein to stick the IV bag/take blood from in my arms, so they ended up poking me about 6 times until they could finally get it in my wrist. Just to find out that there were air bubbles in my blood.

But wait, it gets worse. When the nurse examined me, she noticed an odd-looking "birthmark" on my back. After some tests and skin scrapes, it turned out I had skin cancer.


40. New Driver

First time getting pulled over. So I’m sitting at an intersection when a cop pulls up behind me. No problem, I wasn’t speeding and wasn’t worried at all.

We both pulled through the intersection as soon as the light turned green, and he turned his lights on. So I pulled over, having no idea what the heck I did to get pulled over. My 16-year-old heart is racing.

He takes around 3 minutes to actually walk up to my window. He’s this old dude in his 60s. Asks me for my license and registration and walks back to his car.

So I sat there for probably around 5 more minutes, terrified out of my mind, still having no clue what I did. I had just gotten a job as a lifeguard working for a public pool, so I was naturally worried about how whatever I did would affect my new job.

So he comes back to my window and simply said, “Please exit the vehicle immediately.” I instantly thought I was getting arrested for whatever it was I did and felt like I was going to throw up as I stepped out of my truck.

He led me to the back of the car, where he pointed at my trailer hitch, saying it obscured one of the numbers on my license plate. So, this truck was a gift from my grandpa, who was known for being pretty against the grain regarding traffic laws.

He had put a cover on the trailer hitch, covering one of the numbers from whatever angle it was viewed, meaning he would never get a speeding ticket from a photo radar. He has not been pulled over once in the 15 years he has driven this truck. I had been driving it for 2 weeks.

So, the officer gave me a decent ticket and made me sit in the truck for 5 more minutes before finally sending me on my way.

So, upon telling Grandpa about this, he let me know that it was actually an RCMP Officer (The federal police in Canada) who had told him to put that cover on his trailer hitch in the first place.


41. Poor Kid

I used to be a Camp Counselor (4 and 8-week camp), and we had a kid who just did not want to be there. Poor kid was incredibly homesick. He wakes me up one night at about 2 am. He is freaking out.

I wake up and see that the kid in the bunk above him just yacked everything he ate for dinner all over the bottom bunk where the homesick camper slept. He was covered.

I grabbed a trash bag, we cleaned his sheets, and he got to sleep in the nurse's station. The kicker is when I woke up the following day.

Only to find out that the homesick camper had an allergic reaction to whatever was in the vomit, and both his eyes swelled shut for about 3 days. Poor kid.


42. Worst Dad

15 years old. Mom gets sick. While Mom is in the hospital, Dad has his mistress forge checks to drain 250k from an account my mom had set up for my benefit.

Mom dies. 16-year-old dad moves his longtime mistress in. She's a crackhead who proceeds to steal anything and everything from the house.

Obviously, I'm arguing with her regularly. Dad kicks me out. At 16. With a small trash bag of clothes. Oh, and it's winter.


43. House Fire

Neighbors set their condo on fire. It’s the one below mine. They throw what caught on fire outside on our stacked decks. My deck has my wood staircase.

Trapped inside. Have to be rescued from the window. The firefighter loses footing, and we fall. Fracture of my left lumbar transverse processes burst fracture of l5, and a broken rib.

The boyfriend gets out fine and has smoke inhalation and a burn on his arm. The House burns down, burns up my car and my boyfriend's car. Finished off all five of my cats. I am out of work for four months, and he was laid off three months after the fire.


44. Being A Furparent

One of my dogs got very sick. She had to stay with the vets for a couple of nights over a period of a month. This was right in the middle of some very important exams for me.

She had stayed a few days in a row near the end. Turns out she got put to sleep at that time. I had no idea. I never got to say goodbye. It was a very rare kidney failure.

But wait, it got worse. My other dog got cancer. All his paws were basically ruined. He died two months later.

He died from a broken heart. I stayed up with him all night the night before he would get put down. We brought a vet out while I was at school. I just came home to a house with no dogs that day. But wait, it gets worse. I did really poorly in those exams.

I have two dogs now. One is the same breed as one of the two who died. I am fully prepared for when he dies. It will hurt, I will cry and mourn, and it will come long before he deserves it.

It'll come out of the blue, and I'll be surprised if he lives more than two years longer than the last one. But if the other dog we have goes and dies of a broken heart, too, it might actually break me.


45. Left Alone

I was visiting my mom and dad up north the weekend before my birthday, and mom wasn't feeling well. I decided to leave to get home for my birthday plans.

I talked my mom into going to the Dr the day I left. She ended up going in and being taken by ambulance 2 hours north for better medical care. They were surprised she was still alive because her kidneys had quit working.

They put her in a medically induced coma. Two weeks later, she was gone. A few months later, my aunt died, then my cat died.

My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, and then he passed days before Christmas. I met a guy that I fell hard for, and he left me to go back to his ex-wife. I lost 40 pounds in about a month.

I was diagnosed with PTSD. Then, my best friend died from deep vein thrombosis. I finally started living again about 4 years ago and got myself off the oxy. I should not be alive.
