People Share Their Acts Of Revenge That Went Too Far

1. Future’s On Me

Everyone has their own experience of wanting revenge on someone who did them so wrong. Sometimes, it ends satisfyingly, and sometimes, it is full of regrets.

These people from the Reddit Community are in the latter part. These people took their revenge but encountered the “oops” moment.

I was dating this girl, and my friend saw her around town a few times and humiliated her to embarrass me. I told him to stop bothering her, but he did it again.

That night, I convinced him to try getting back together with his wildly insane and manipulative ex, whom he hadn't spoken to in years, thinking that he would just humiliate himself by trying.

Well, they slept together and got back together for a while. And they had a baby. 

Now they're terrible single parents.


2. Business Card Madness

  My friends and I used to pull a lot of pranks on each other growing up, and about 10 years ago, I was helping my buddy set up a new business. He was ordering business cards, and the company he was going through offered 500 or so free with a large order, so we decided to prank our other friend. 

We made business cards with his name, phone number, and home address and had his job title as "Professional Creep" with the slogan "If I'm creepin', you ain't sleepin'." 

We passed these cards out all over town. 

He was getting really harassing phone calls for a while and couldn't figure out why. After about 2 years, he found one of the cards on a random fridge at a party and put 2 and 2 together.

He was pissed and is still getting random calls 10 years later. I feel really bad about that one.


3. An Elegant Weapon

My brother and cousins were walking home from school. Well, my brother and I were walking, and my cousins were on bikes. They kept circling us and making fun of us because we didn't have bikes. 

One of my cousins then spits on me. 

Out of reflex, I blasted her with my trumpet case, and she went flying, landed on the concrete, and broke her arm. I felt awful, and it was the first and last time I ever hit a girl.

My family believed every word of the story, knew this cousin was always a total witch to me and largely believed she had it coming. 

I still felt awful tho.


4. Movement Went Wrong

  When I was in fifth grade, my teacher gave out a crap ton of homework one day, so I got the whole class to help me write a letter to the principal.

She found out and cried and sh*t. I felt really horrible because she was just trying to get us ready for a test coming up.

I still feel really bad every time I think about it.


5. Grandpa’s Advice

Oh, I have one for this. My grandpa was a bit old school and gave me prison-yard advice for my first week of school. He said, if anyone picks on you, just deal with them right then, don't take it. 

During the first week of Kindergarten, a grade 1 kid pushed me around, not letting me return to class. I pushed him down against a fence and kicked him in the face 3 or 4 times, splitting his nose. 

I ALMOST got kicked out of school until they found out my grandpa had told me to do it. No one messed with me after, and that guy was nice to me all the way through to graduation.


6. Stop Drinking What’s Not Yours

A kid on my track team would always come by and take a drink of whatever I had with me. I was sick of it and brought a root beer with me, which had been spiked with 3x of the recommended doses of root beer-flavored Exlax. 

Sure enough, he came by, and I said, “You know what, Tony, why don't you just take the whole thing?” We were having a home meet that day, and he was our best pole vaulter and part of the relay team.

I thought maybe he'd feel a little off and underperforming. In the midst of our warm-ups, he went missing and was absent the entire meet.


7. Bad Sister

My sister used to kick my ass on the regular. She had mad anger problems and would go berserk over the littlest things. One time, I turned the light on while she was trying to sleep. She beat me up, and I ended up going to prom with bruises all over me. 

All through the years, I never hit her back. I was a super sensitive kid, and if I ever hit back, I ended up crying to my mom about how I loved my sister and hated to hurt her. 

After I graduated, she calmed down a bit but still had issues. 

Coming back from a small party one nite, she is back on her old crap, just getting mad over something stupid and going crazy over it. We get home and get out of the car, and it says I’m driving home. 

She keeps saying I’m “too drunk” even though I’d only had 2-3 mini beers. She grabs the back of my shirt, and I’m so pissed off at her I turn around really fast with my fist out to hit her arm or something. 

She immediately lets out a blood-piercing scream and drops to the ground. Blood is spurting everywhere. She leaves a trail as she runs inside and wakes up our mom and dad.

Turns out, I broke her nose pretty bad, but my mom and dad kept saying it couldn’t be that bad because I had done it and that she must have really been f**king with me for me to have done something like that after all these years of her beating on me.   

I felt so awful.

I cried and tried to say sorry, but she ended up going to the hospital. I don’t feel so bad now because she purposely never paid the bill, thinking she could bully me into paying it, and she never let it go. 

She always says I’m the reason her credit and stuff is bad and that she still has collections agencies calling her over the ER bill. I ain’t paying that crap. 

Consider it payment for the years of abuse.


8. Wrong Statement

I think I have told this before, but. I think I was 15. I was in class and sat next to a friend of mine. 

He, for no reason, began to say: "HAHA, your bald father," which I followed up with, "HAHA, your bald mother.” 

He started crying and ran to the teacher. I honestly forgot his mom had cancer and was getting chemo.


9. Jumpscare No More

This one wasn’t really a planned revenge, but it’s one I still feel guilty about whenever I think about it.

When I was a kid, I was extremely easy to scare with jump scares, and I HATED them. I would always enter fight-or-flight mode whenever something jumped at me, and then I’d be mad afterward. 

When my buddies caught on to this, they made it their life's business to jump out at me and scare me any chance. Despite my hate of being scared, I was a HUGE fan of Halloween, and I had a Halloween party every year either close to or on the big day.

Naturally, this was the night when all my friends would do their damnedest to scare me so badly that I would bolt and run. They succeeded a few times when we were all under 9 years old, but something shifted in me the year I turned ten, and none of us knew it until it was too late.

As usual, I had my big Halloween party. All my buddies were there, and as usual, one of them wanted to try to scare the pants off me. About midway through the evening, I went down the hall to use the restroom, and while I was in there, my friend (I’ll call him Aaron) scampered down the hall after me and hid in a darkened doorway.

I exited the restroom and started down the hall, and Aaron jumped out at me and grabbed my arm. Ordinarily, something like this would have made me bolt like a bit of chickensh*t, but for some reason, that night, the Flight side of my Fight-or-Flight got turned off. The moment he grabbed me, I whirled and punched him square in the face without even thinking about what I was doing.

It was all pure instinct, and after impact, I realized what I’d just done and freaked out. Aaron wrenched his mask off and was clutching his face and groaning (or so I thought), and I yelled for my dad, concerned I had really hurt my friend.

My dad and all my other friends came running down the hall to find out what had happened. My dad flipped on the hallway light, and what greeted us? Aaron with his face covered in blood. I am instantly horrified, thinking I busted his nose, but as I’m spewing apologies to him, I begin to realize he’s not groaning. He’s laughing.

He grabbed me by the hand I’d punched him with and yelled, “What’re you apologizing for?! That was freakin’ awesome!” and he yanked my hand up over my head like I was a boxing champ and started telling everyone how cool it was of me to just haul off and slug him.

If you haven’t guessed, Aaron was a pretty cool kid. He thought it was great that I’d suddenly found the courage to defend myself. My dad helped get him cleaned up (though he insisted on keeping his now bloody costume on) and inspected his nose. 

Thankfully, it wasn’t actually broken, but I still feel a wave of guilt when I remember the sight of his face covered in blood and the feeling of my fist hitting him in the schnoze. 

I’ll always be grateful to him for handling it so well and encouraging me to stand up for myself, but I still feel so guilty about decking him that I can’t even imagine how I would feel if I had actually broken his nose.


10. Like a Leech

Had a roommate who basically let his new GF move into our house in college. She helped herself to everything in the house but never contributed. 

Finally, she parked in my parking spot, which was my breaking point. 

I let all the air out of all of her tires, thinking she'd just air them back up and it would be an inconvenience. 

Instead, she ended up buying all-new tires. Whoops. I never came clean about it.


11. Rock Beats Paper

  Back in middle school, a friend of mine threw a small, wadded piece of paper at me. I retaliated by throwing the only thing I could find, which was mud, close to my shoes. 

Smacked him right in the face with it. 

The worst part is it turned out to be dog poop that was at the bottom of my shoe. I still vividly remember his angry, "Wtf, man, I throw paper at you, and you throw dog poop?"


12. Wrong Throw

In elementary school, a friend threw a piece of chalk that hit me square in the forehead. It was the most humiliating moment for the younger me as everyone who saw that started laughing their asses off (kids are jerkwards).

I plotted and planned my revenge to get back in the same fashion over the next couple of days. One fine day weapon in hand, I find him perfectly placed a chalk-throw away from me.

I yell his name and launch the projectile as he spins around. For some reason, he had his mouth open as he looked at me, and the piece of chalk flew directly into his throat. 

His eyes widen, and he starts choking. 

I stood frozen in shock as he fell on his knees, coughing. Luckily, somebody grabbed him from behind and thumped his back, so he swallowed the piece. An adult walks in. I cannot remember who it was then, but she looked at me and asked what had happened. At this point, I'm shaking, realizing that I narrowly killed my friend. 

I say it was a mint. My friend, also surprised at this point, laughs it off, saying it went straight into his throat, and he didn't taste it. The adult shakes her head, says next time, just hand it like an average person, and walks away.

Years later, when we were moving to another country, I reminded him about the incident and came clean about the whole thing. 

He snaps and yells, "I knew it!"


13. She Shorty

When I was about 7 or 8 there was this girl at my school that was absolutely horrible, and we'll call her Cindy. Cindy would run up to you and pull your hair out, steal the toy you were playing with, eat your snack at snack time, etc. In other words, she was a real witch.

One day, as we were finishing up recess in the playground, she came up to me, pulled my hair, and took some with it. That was the last straw. As the teacher was gathering everyone inside and wasn't looking our way, I grabbed Cindy by her pigtail and dragged her over to the playground. 

Now, this playground was built weirdly with a sort of enclosed area in the middle of 3 bridges that formed a triangle you couldn't escape. Sometimes, bigger kids would jump in during hide and seek and climb out later. 

But Cindy couldn't because she was shorter. 

So I picked her up, threw her down in there, and left to go back inside. It wasn't until about an hour later that the teacher realized that Cindy wasn't in class. I didn't say where she was; it took them another half hour to find her. 

I got in trouble and had to spend the next week in the principal's office (and lost my Gameboy for a month), but Cindy never messed with me again.


14. Time To Snap Back

I remember when I was little (kindergarten?), this one kid was a pretty big jerk to everyone. One day, we were all walking down the hall in a line, and he was behind me. 

He kept yanking on my hair, and I turned around and told him to stop several times, but he kept doing it. The last time, I didn't say anything. I just turned around and punched him in the face one good time.

He cried and tried to tell on me, but the teacher wouldn't listen because he was a jackass, and I was the quiet one who didn't mess with anyone.

I felt terrible about it and told my grandmother what had happened; she said he deserved it.


15. Accidentally Cruel

When I was a kid, I was at a local river (a great swimming spot many people visited). My friend pushed me into the river, and naturally, I came up spluttering and a little red in the face, but it was all in good fun. 

For the rest of the day, I planned to get her back, waiting for my opportunity to push her in until she was at the edge of the river drying off.

I pushed her, but her flailing and the slippery nature of the rocks she was on made her slip on the spot, and instead of just splashing into the water, she landed on her back, hitting the rocks hard, and then fell into the water.

She was winded but thankfully otherwise unharmed. Our parents were furious at me, and I just spent the few seconds it took to get her out (it felt like a lot longer to me) just hoping I hadn't broken her back or something.

2/10 revenge. I would not do it again.


16. Not Sure if Petty

Some friends and I rented a house that included a pool. 

One of their kids was quite annoying with his water pistol, and I told him to quit multiple times. Instead of being the adult and ignoring it, I picked him up and threw him in the pool. 

Or that was the idea. 

The kid somehow grabbed/held on to my arm, canceling out some of the momentum, and he hit the metal pool stairs. He cried, and it was obvious I was responsible. 

So there I was, a guy in his mid-twenties trying to explain why he made a 9-year-old cry.


17. Strategical Revenge

My older brother was always quite horrible to me as a child, and my parents never really did much about it. He was also much bigger than me, so I couldn’t retaliate in a physical way cause I would be swiftly cripple cross-faced/walls of Jericho’d. 

One day, I had just had enough. 

My revenge? He had been playing Rome total war for a good 6 hours a day for about 3 weeks. I started a new game and overwrote his save file.

I have never seen fury like it.

I regretted it at the time cause he was so angry it scared me, and it made him dislike me even more, but now I praise my 13-year-old self for hitting him where it clearly hurt most.


18. Now Toothless

Idk what it was, but a lot of the boys in my sixth-grade class thought it was hilarious to try and trip people. They’d get your ass no matter how careful you were. 

Well, I was pretty good at avoiding it, but when I was in gym class, this kid named Joey got my ass hard. I was dribbling down the court, and he nailed me. 

I face-planted hard. 

So I thought about how to get him, and I got him at lunch. He was holding a lunch tray, so his hands weren’t as useful. He nailed a table and lost a tooth. I got suspended for 10 days, and a strict no-tripping policy was implemented, immediate suspensions if caught. 

That sucked, my dad beat my ass raw. Sorry, Joey.


19. Water War Went Wrong

This one is not as serious or entertaining as most of the answers you'll find here. But when we were kids, my sister threw water at me and ran away, so I picked up my glass of water and ran after her.

I threw the water from the glass at her once I had her cornered. Unfortunately, the glass had slipped out of my hand, and it hit her right across her face. 

She got bruised and cut pretty badly.


20. Roll In The Deep

When I was in Nursery (pre-school), a kid used to constantly bully me, take toys off of me, etc. One day, outside in the garden, he stole a toy tractor I was riding on. 

He stood up on the seat and stuck his tongue out at me. 

Age 4 me had finally been broken. I ran and kicked the tractor, which jolted it forward. He subsequently fell off, rolled down a hill into some stingy nettles, and got pretty bad cuts and bruises. 

I remember thinking right then and there, 'wow, I really didn't need to do that, but that little part of me felt great :/


21. Brother War

I was 11, my older brother was 16. We would fight and argue, but once, I ran up the stairs away from him, and he whipped the back of my legs with a long rubber chew toy. 

It left a pretty big, figure-8-shaped welt on my legs. I knew he was faster and stronger than me, and I knew if I tried to attack him, he'd stop me. So, I grabbed a flathead screwdriver and held it over the stove until it was red hot. 

I ran up to him and very openly went to stab him, knowing he'd stop me. He grabbed my wrist to stop my thrust (as anticipated), and I pushed the red-hot head of it into his forearm as hard as I could.

Man, I was a crazy jerkward as a kid. Sorry, Mike.


22. End of Pranks

Coworker and I had a friendly prank war spanning two years. Close to the end of our war, he "iced" my car.

Icing involves taking the hose to the parking lot every half hour and spraying a light mist over your victim's car when it's below zero out. I finished my 12-hour shift to find a car encased in 2 inches of ice.

My revenge was, I thought, both more inconvenient for him and less freezing my balls off for me. I decided to take a bed sheet, drape it over his car, and only took 4 or 5 trips out with the hose the next night.

So the next morning, he finds his car with a quarter inch of ice freezing a sheet to his car. When he started peeling off the sheet, he pulled his windshield wipers, arms, and all off of his ratty jeep.

I got a very pissed-off phone call. I felt terrible, and the unwritten rule was "embarrassing or inconvenient, no damage." I paid for repairs, and he got his revenge. 

He planted a dozen pieces of smoked herring throughout my car. It took me 6 months to find the last piece. 

It was hidden under the carpet under the back window of my car. I can still smell it.

I don't even own the car anymore.


23. Unintentionally Painful

The husband of a friend of mine was teasing me incessantly at a game night. I had finally had enough and snapped at him.

Me: You must not have had a very good mother.

Him: Oh.

Turns out he was adopted.


24. No One Knows

I had a neighbor yell at my younger brother about his weight, and I took it extra personally. I didn’t know how to get him back without getting caught.   

Then I figured out I could place nails just under the back of the tire so when he pulled out of the driveway, he’d run over them.

Turns out he was super poor and couldn’t afford the repairs. My dad had to carpool with him to work for a month or so.

I’ve never told anyone.


25. That’s Why Drink Responsibly

A drunk guy came at me on my porch. I was in college, and it was a welcome week. The kid was all kinds of messed up. 

I tried to get him to leave, and he finally came up on my porch and swung. I ducked him and shoved him away... He was too drunk... couldn't keep his balance, and bounced his face off the curb.

Blood, teeth, it was brutal. 

I was afraid he was hurt, but he quickly came to me. He ended up getting arrested before it was all said and done.


26. Pointing Fingers

When I was little, my friends kept pointing at the little girl on the box of the board game Operation and saying it looked like me.

So I pointed at the big fat guy and said, 'That's your mom.'

I didn't realize she was behind me.


27. Hit and Run

Some girl hit my car in a hit-and-run. 

There was a witness to the crime, so the police were able to track her down. When I was asked if I wanted to press charges, I went for it. Turns out she had no license or insurance. 

She kept trying to fight the charges but wound up getting sued by my insurance, having to pay me restitution via the court system, and four separate charges between all her crimes, including a decent fine.

She was an 18-year-old single mom. I felt super bad by the end of it.


28. Like a Twig

Two days ago, in my soccer game (football, I know, I know...), this clumsy defender caught my ankles seconds after I passed the ball away. So, he cleared the ball one play, and I just wanted to lay the kid out. 

As he was on his plant foot swinging, I hit him with my shoulder hard, and as he was falling, he grabbed me and took me down with him.

I landed on his arm, which snapped like a twig between the wrist and the elbow. 

I feel awful.


29. Deadly Spoon

My parents built an outdoor clubhouse for my brother and me when we were little. He got the top of the clubhouse, and I got the bottom. The bottom was just a square pit of river rock and spiderwebs. 

The access to the ropes and ladders was at the top of the clubhouse, and he had a table and some other crap up there. 

We were eating lunch outside one day, and I wanted to come up and eat with him. He said no (like usual), so I climbed up the ladder and threw my spoon at him.

It hit him in the head and actually cut his head open. I feel slightly bad about it now since we get along, but he was such a jerk (so were my parents) when I was a kid.


30. The Naughty Kid

I'm still mad at myself for this.

When I was a preteen, my friend and I went to one of those day camps that picked us up in yellow school buses. One of the other kids on our bus was a younger boy I'd refer to as Eli.

Eli was a terror. He would scream and spit and hump things, make a mess, and be as annoying and insufferable as possible. Riding the bus with him was a nightmare for everyone involved most of the time.

So, I came up with this idea. I found his family in the phone book and called up, pretending to be a camp counselor. I told his mom that he was misbehaving on the bus and would either be disciplined or kicked out of the camp if he didn't stop.

She bought it and said she would talk to him about it. I felt so freaking brilliant.

The next day, a quiet, sullen Eli showed up with a black eye.


31. Just Self Defense

I guess revenge implies thinking out the act or sometime between acts.

But at the age of 14, I had been rolling up the hose in my backyard with a friend since my mother told me to.

The two girls next door were playing in their backyard and came over to talk. One 12 or so, the other ~7. The 12-year-old happened to be standing on the hose, and I asked her to move. 

She did not.

I pulled the hose hard enough to make her fall over. At this point, the 7-year-old screamed and ran right at me, and bit me right on the stomach.

Pexels, Pixabay

She was not letting go, and I could see blood starting to stain my shirt. I grabbed her head and tried to pull her away, but nothing.

So I just full-on punched her right in her eye. I was/am not proud of this, but it had to be done. What was worse is that the house was owned by a local church where I happened to go to Boy Scouts.

Everyone quickly knew I had punched a seven-year-old and given her a black eye. 

But no one cared why.


32. Know When to Stop

The girl sitting behind me in year 11 legal studies kept kicking the bottom of my chair. I gave her the glares and told her to stop, but she kept going.

I started rocking forward on my chair’s front legs to stop her. 

She then stretched her legs out and stopped me from putting my chair flat. So I did what anyone would do, and I flung my chair back down so hard into her shin that she screamed so loud and needed a moon boot!

I only kinda felt bad, though


33. Not My Sister

  My younger sister (5 years younger than me), when she was in grade 7 was bullied a lot by these 2 nasty sisters, one a grade above her and one in her grade. She came home with a bloody nose, and I decided to exact my revenge that night. 

I walked to their house about 4 blocks away around midnight and wrote in huge black crayons, 'WH*RES GET OUT' ALL over their fence, front door, and garage.

I felt like I shouldn't have done that because their father was in a wheelchair, and he ended up being the guy having to scrub all the crayons off. Would I do it again? 



34. Wrong Revenge

There was this kid at school who, I think, bullied me or at least called me names I hated. I can’t recall what he did. He didn’t physically hurt me, as far as I remember...

Either way, I knew his mother had cancer.

One day, I snapped and just...well, just pointed it out. He actually cried. I felt a bit guilty, too. Now I feel really bad every time I think about it. 

I could never apologize sincerely, but I wish I could.


35. Too Showy

I was a swimmer and water polo player in high school. For those that aren’t familiar with water polo, it’s a pretty rough sport, and ‘suit grabbing’ is pretty common if you play hole set (center), as it allows you to control the other players' hips, which is enormous in positioning.

This one guy was going way too far and actually reaching down my suit and grabbing my nuts and sh*t, so I got pissed and yanked his suit so hard that it ripped at the seams on the side (it was a little speedo).

It fell off of him, and he had to get out of the pool naked in front of all the parents, coaches, refs, and athletes, with only his hands to cover himself.


36. Unfriendly Tap

A million years ago, I worked in a large clothing store. 

This one girl I worked with would slap you on the back or pinch your arm or whatever as if it were a friendly gesture. 

It hurt. 

I don't know if she was pretending to be friendly or was simply stupid, but it was very unwelcome, and I imagine I told her so, but honestly, I don't remember anymore.

I remember that one day, I was heading up the escalator, and she was ahead of me. So I walk up, and as I go past her, I give her the hardest "friendly " slap on the back. I may have gone a little overboard as she almost fell forward and definitely gasped in surprise.

I don't think she ever came within arms reach of me again.


37. The Cheaters

I was living in a house with 5 other people in college and ended up dating one of the girls for 6 months. I come home one day, and she's showing some guy around our house who's her "tutor." 

A month later, she dumped me, and it was this "tutor" whom she was dating instead. I could hear them cooing to each other, kissing, making out... It's driving me insane (never date a roommate, btw). 

Every time I go to the bathroom, I see his toothbrush there. So, in that state of mind, I decided the best revenge would be to take his toothbrush and scrub the toilet with it. And I did this multiple times over the course of a couple of months.  

At the time, it felt like justice.

Now, it seems super childish, and although I don't know if he ever got sick, I'm worried about what my actions may have caused. Besides, it was her I should have been mad at and not this guy, who probably had no clue.


38. Not Me, Brotha

A guy outted me out to my family and caused a huge controversy and fight.

As revenge, I introduced him to this girl I knew at a party because I knew she had herpes, and, as planned, they hooked up. 

Later, I found out that not only did he get herpes from her, but he knocked her up.


39. The Corndogging

  In my middle school, we had this thing called “corndogging,” or something which involved just kneeing people in the butt when they weren't looking. Anyway, in 7th grade, I was at my locker about to get my lunch when these two kids approached me, the one, Evan, told his crony dude to corndog me if I turned around to get my lunch.   

Evan had a locker to the bottom left of me, so he was getting his lunch while his bud watched me. He had been doing this to me for months, so finally, I had enough and decided to kick the fudge out of the locker to try and get him away from me.

It hit him right above the eye, and he started screaming in pain, and blood got everywhere. I, being like 13, freaked out and didn't know what to do, so I just went to lunch.

I got called to the principal's office about 5 minutes later, and we both got detention.


40. Workplace Virus

During a rough patch with my (now ex) fiancé, he admitted to me that he had been cheating on me and was involved with someone else. 

At the time, he was the General Manager of a company that was being sold, but none of the employees knew, as the company needed to be up and operating through the sale, at which time everyone would be out of a job, including him. 

But he was getting some big $$$ for his efforts.

So when he came clean about the cheating, I went out and got drunk with a friend. Came home that night and called everyone's voice mail and left a message with the details of what was happening to their jobs and the company. 

It was a complete mutiny the next day.


41. What A Woman She Was

A married female coworker I was sleeping with accused me of taking advantage of her when she thought her husband might find out. 

So I had the letters and pictures she had been sending me anonymously sent to her husband. She ended up getting fired, and her husband tried to take her two kids away. 

He literally showed up at our workplace, threw the pictures and letters in her face, and dragged the kids away crying.


42. For Justice

In high school, I watched a bully ball slap a 9th grader "because he could."

That day; after p.e, I stood up for that little kid and gave the bully a taste of his own medicine. He immediately hunched over and hit the floor, ended up in the hospital pissing blood, or so I was told. 

Bully's mom believed my side of the story just as much as his and refused to press charges. 

Good thing, too. I had just turned 18 a month prior.


43. Braces Off

When I was in middle school, I kept being jumped on by one of my classmates. I had hurt my back before all of this, and I’m not the skinniest person either. Knowingly, he kept jumping on my back. 

Eventually, I got pretty angry. 

The next time he jumped on me, I ended up pushing him down onto the ground and axe-kicking his teeth out of blind anger. It was not the smartest move because I broke one of his brace brackets.

I felt really bad afterward, but my back healed soon after.


44. My Life, My Rules

I have been friends with this girl since we were 11. She was kind of awful, but I still hung out with her. She'd try to embarrass me in front of our friends and was always trying to tell me what to eat and what to wear.. it was weird.

When we were in our mid-twenties, she finally found a guy suitable for her and her family (rich, same religion, rich, etc...) and got engaged. 

I don't know why, but she wanted to swing even though her fiance didn't want to. 

But he went along with it.

It was a disaster. She got hers, and he didn't get his. They fought. She still insisted on seeing the other dude to swing with him. It was just a mess.

Anyway, one day, we got into a huge fight because she didn't approve of my new boyfriend. I was so fed up with her and her crap that I told my mom (who happened to be very good friends with her mom) about the swinging, knowing my mom would tell her mom.

It just spiraled out of control, and everyone in her family found out. Her fiance, who was such a nice dude, was so embarrassed, and I guess I just didn't think about how it would affect him. I still feel bad for that guy. I really hope he got a prenup.


45. Tripped Badly

This guy who bullied me in elementary school really made my life hell. One day, we were all lined up outside the lunchroom, and he was sprinting at top speed down the walkway next to my class line.

I stuck out my foot and tripped him as he sprinted. He fell straight on his face and skidded, ripped all the skin off his nose, chipped his two front teeth, and really just messed his face up. He ended up going to the hospital. 

Felt bad about that for a long time.
