“That Hurts A Lot”: People Share The Most Brutal Friendship Betrayals

1. Sudden Confessions

I was in what I later realized was a very bad relationship, but at the time, this dude was like a religion to me. I was crazy about him. My best friend at the time was sort of a "mean girl", but I wasn't very good at making friends so I put up with her being cruel to people. She would never do anything to hurt me right?

Anyway, that relationship started getting abusive, but I kept with it because you know; I was young and stupid. I convinced myself that if I tried a little harder, everything would just fix itself. It didn't, and after a few months, we broke up.

Some time later, I was at a party, and my "friend" was a bit drunk. She told me (laughing the entire time) how she and this freak were sleeping with each other two weeks after we started dating. 

She details how they would have intercourse while he was talking to me on the phone and then laughs about it. She went on to detail all of the ways and places they used to sneak around to sleep with each other.

And this was the girl I would cry to when my ex would attack me.

She didn't seem to have any idea that what she was saying was fudged up. She actually thought that I would think it was funny too.


2. It Was All Lie

My girlfriend of 2.5 years also cheated on me. With a mutual friend.

I found out because the scumbag left his facebook logged in on my PC. I had always been suspicious of the two, but I'd taken my girlfriend's word for it over my gut feeling. I had just wanted to know for sure, we weren't even dating at that point, I needed to know for my own peace of mind. 

I didn't realize I'd find a graphic facebook message thread spanning 5 months into our relationship describing all the nasty they got up to. Things like her thinking about staying at my place, but working out the pros and cons of doing such a thing. (pros: I had a great internet, cons: me).

It really tears into you, I also found there were other mutual friends who were aware of what the two were up to, but neglected to mention it to me, so on top of being cheated on, I felt like the court jester of the group. 

I wish these excuses for human beings would just find each other and hook up and cheat on each other ad nauseum to their heart's content.


3. Hands of A Magician

I had one "friend" that would steal from friends pretty regularly.

One time I had a small social gathering (~6 or 7 people) and my new smartphone went missing. Scumbag helps me look for the phone in my house for over an hour, later on I see my phone in his room on his desk. I just took it back, no words were exchanged. I just stopped talking to him altogether after that.

Later, he was at a mutual friend's party. Her 80gb iPod goes missing. Me and some other friends were suspicious that it was him, so the next day we called up the local pawn shop and described the iPod. 

Pawnshop guy said he got one that day. Sure enough, it was under the scumbag's name. Pawnshop owner offered to call the cops.. we declined. 

We approached the scumbag and told him we knew. He tried to deny it, but we managed to shame him into admitting it.

Screw people that steal from friends.


4. So That’s Why

While freelancing on a sweet gig that came out of the blue, I found out that I would be working with Sean, a guy who was in my group at a former ad agency. Awesome, a friendly face.

Sean was a geek. No one liked him and as his associate creative director (supervisor) I looked out for him. He seemed to try hard and I didn't understand why everyone excluded him. During two rounds of layoffs, I went to bat for the guy and saved his job, promising to work with him. 

He was always busy and soon after I moved on to a new job. So I looked forward to working with him some more and proving those mean jerks from our old agency wrong.

While working this freelance job, l sensed something was wrong soon after it began... Sean had no ideas. None! He literally brought a blank pad in day after day. Excuses were that he was tired, the assignment confused him, etc. I was nervous, but I was stuck.

So, since we were on a team, I shared my ideas, our only ideas, with him. We had to present an hour after lunch.

During lunch, I had to go to a doctor's appointment with my wife, who was seriously ill. On my way back to the office the cab I was in had an accident. A jerk in a Lexus slammed into us. 

No one was hurt but it totaled both cars. Further, I didn't feel comfortable leaving the cabbie, as he was foreign and spoke little English. The guy who hit us was ranting, so I stayed to give a statement to the police. 

I called Sean to explain and asked if he minded handling the meeting and asked him to relay my situation.

Then.... this sucker presented MY work, claimed it was all his and they sent me home because 'Sean nailed it.'

Salt in the wound? Took 9 months to get paid for the time I did put in. All along, I tried to explain but no one believed me. He copied my notes in his own writing and submitted them as proof. 

As far as they were concerned I was riding this guy's coat-tails. I coulda kick his nuts for a week without getting bored.

Two months later, he was found out when he tried it again. Dozens of former coworkers called to rub my nose in it. 'Still think we're just picking on Sean?' I learned that sometimes people are shunned because they deserve it.


5. Upside Down Situation

I had a friend for 20 years. He called me at night to ask to borrow 3600$. It was for his last year of a degree and would get him a raise when he graduated. At the time I was making quite a bit of money and had lots in the bank. He said he would pay me back in a year. 

Three years later after the crash he still had not paid me back and was constantly giving me lame excuses like, he " needs three vacations a year" and " is saving to buy a house." 

My situation had changed and he was still not only refusing to pay me back but still asking for favors and loans. I finally said I was broke to which he replied "you are stupid, I am never going to pay you back or help you out." 

I dropped him as a friend and have had very little contact with him since. He did hire my wife at a company he manages. I guess I should have seen this coming.

I had just gotten married and had two kids. Another time he said "your kids aren't starving!". He always just thought of himself. Could not care about anybody else. I guess I thought he was funny. 

Listened to his hooker stories and finally enough was enough. Last time I talked to him as a friend he was asking me to get him some marijuana. I said it was way out of my way. I was too busy. He said "too much to ask for eh?" I said "well, what would you do for me?" When you grow up with a guy it just seems it is too hard to recognize he isn't really a friend. 

Keep this inside for a while. Don't have any friends from high school anymore because they were all like this. Should have hung out with a better class really.


6. Best Bro He Is

My best friend of 12 years, we were living together, I trusted him with my life, I mean we grew up together, we even went to college together.

Turned out he was banging my girlfriend of 3 years for 6 months before it dawned on me, I knew she was unhappy with the relationship. I confided in him during those 6 months and he would play dumb to it and try and console me. 

How do you do that so well to a bro? I mean thinking back on it, it should have been obvious to me, all the signs were there, but you just don't suspect your best friend.

In the end, she stole £1000 from me and he stole my PS2, all my games and moved in with her, the day I came banging on her door, she answered the door with him, moving boxes everywhere and he had this screw you stare on him and I was just in shock, I didn't know they had stolen from me at the time, so I just stood there in total shock, I turned around and walked away.

I didn't even look at her, I knew things were going south with her for a long time, but he royally screwed me and I couldn't believe it. 6 months later I got together with another girl and spent an incredible year with her and forgot about everything that happened, love of my life, but it went south with her too and unfortunately she died of a seizure and only now ( 5 years since ) have I gotten over that.

Not much luck with women I guess.

I imagine most stories will be similar to mine, but man, just can't believe your best bro, could do that. It so crippled me for the longest time.


7. Cried On The Wrong Pillow

When I was a freshman in highschool I dated a guy who was really emotionally abusive. At the time of course I couldn't see it, and one night it crossed the line into attacking me. I was terrified and didn't tell anyone, except my then best friend, who urged me to break things off.

When I broke up with him a little while down the road, I went to stay with my biological dad out of state to get myself back together. While I was there my then best friend sent me an email telling me that she and my ex boyfriend had gotten together. 

I was incredibly upset, felt lied to and just disgusted. The next few months consisted of the rest of our mutual friends constantly hounding me about how I was being awful and unfair and how she was so upset over what I was doing to her.

I never really spoke to her again. It's been at least 6 years now. they're still together. and I still think it's messed up.


8. Throw Away

Extremely long story short, I had a record deal with a very major record label, one of my best friends was my manager. I ignored one phone call from him when I was taking a day off and wanted to be out of contact (which he knew). 

He decided that was the signal to call the label as the project was coming to a close and lied to them about how he had produced most of the record (he hadn't) and proceeded to help leak some of the instrumentals to another producer at the label, who stole them and released them with other artists. 

Months of working night and day on a project fully by myself from instrumental to vocals to mixing went down the drain and the final product ended up in so much legal red tape that I couldn't even release my own 100% self-created album for free, much less independently or on another label.

My career rebounded, albeit mainly on the local, internet, and underground circuits. whether that label could have taken me to be in the spotlight or not, I will never know.

I haven't spoken to that 'friend' in years. Every so often, he runs into my mother and he tries to stage these accidental meetings with me. I couldn't be more cold each time we interact, and he still tries to act as if he doesn't know why. He thinks one day everything will just go back to normal if he waits long enough. 

No, you live in a huge house and made a ton of money off exploiting my work, I am doing ok from busting my butt off, we will not be back to normal until you can promise me that album with that label backing it at that specific time in history wouldn't have made me a crap ton of money, because just parts of it sold to crappier artists obviously made you some.


9. Helped The Wrong Person

I graduated college a year before most of my friends and got a job at a great company. I rose up in the ranks. My dream was to one day take over my little division. The following year was a really bad job market, and my friends all had trouble getting placed. So what did I do? I spent some political capital in my new role and managed to get nearly a dozen of them hired for a seasonal project.

Some of them stayed on.

Most continued to report to me, but some spun off into other departments. My best friend, college roommate, and best man at my wedding also rose up through the ranks. 

When we got an entirely new executive team and our boss retired, I finally saw my chance to take over the division. This was my big break: I'd led my team to turn the only profit in the entire company during the 2008 recession: I was a shoe in! Unfortunately, my buddy got another friend of his to make up a fake job and told the brand new CEO that he was being headhunted.

He parlayed this into getting the top spot over me, transferred my entire department to another manager, moved me to a newly created department as a "consolation prize," rejected all of my requests for funding, and three months later I was laid off after ten years with the company because my new department was being "scaled back."


10. Huge Lie

In grade 11, I met my first girlfriend. We were really great together. Even though I had to drive 45 minutes to meet her, I always looked forward to hanging out with her because she was awesome.

About 4 months into the relationship; however, my best friend started talking to my girlfriend. I didn't see anything wrong with it because I trusted him and her. Big mistake. One night, my girlfriend sent me an IM: “How could you do this to me”. My heart sank immediately. 

I had no idea what she was talking about. I kept asking what I did, but she kept saying I was just playing dumb. I called her on the phone to talk to her. She said that my best friend had told her that I had been flirting with another girl at my school.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't convince her otherwise. She broke up with me. About a month later, I went into the town where she lived. Me and another friend are going to hang out with some mutual friends of my ex. 

We go to their house and who is there but my best friend and my ex, her sitting on my best friends lap. Apparently my “best friend” had asked her out a bit after she broke up with me, and she had said yes. She trusted him because he had “outed me”. To this day this is the biggest betrayal I have ever felt.


11. The Trickster

I had to go out of town for work. 6 weeks. Not far enough that I couldn't come back every weekend.

GF at the time was a closet psycho. It hadn't shown yet, but she was on a downward spiral. 2 solid days together with 5 days apart wasn't good enough for her.

Best friend had a lot of girlfriends. I went to him for advice, to vent, you know, to keep it together, to have a buddy to talk to. He asks if he can talk to her about anything. I say no, just give me advice. 

Fast forward to week 5. Girlfriend meltdown, calls me saying she hates me, citing complaints I had about her to my best friend, but way amplified over what I had said. I tell her how much I love her.

There's no way it can be my best friend. We've been buddies for over a decade. We share stories all the time, somebody is messing with me. I confronted him.

"I have not said a thing to her, '' he says. He blames it on his crazy ex. My gf at the time confirms, it's his crazy ex. She hacked his email, sent all of the logs of my complaints out of context to my girlfriend, "Because she was worried about our relationship". Okay, I can recover this, I'm a good person, it’s obviously out of context, I try to explain so much to her. 

Friend upset about "crazy ex". "She’s messing with my relationship too man". He says. He's with a different girl right now, they've been together for over a year, they're having trouble, but he can pull through i think. "I love her more than anything ever, '' he says. "I want to marry her," he says. "I'm tired of dating, this girl is the one," he says.

I still go to my friend for advice. He tells me to relax, it will get better when I get back, concentrate on my work. I was naive.

Not working. She says she can't handle me being away all the time (5 days at a time, I drive 5 hours home every weekend, and 5 hours back to work). She says she's seeing somebody else to stay happy". 

Okay, hang out with somebody else. You're still mine. I ask my best friend "no way man, she isn't, she can't give you a name therefore she isn't. She's just messing with you, stay strong".

Fast forward. When I get back, I deal with her completely psycho attitude for a couple weeks. She starts to like me again. I'm trying to do the right thing, I feel bad for leaving her, even though it wasn't that long.

There was no hack. There was no explanation. My best friend lied to my face. He was the "guy I was seeing", and was doing loads of drugs. 

My best friend lied to my girlfriend and I, to get her upset and to dislike me, so he could party with her, while telling me he wanted to marry his current girlfriend, while blaming all of my issues on one of his exes. 

His lies went on for weeks. I'm upset, but he's still my best friend.

I found out. "I'm sorry man, I'm trying to keep distance from your gf now, feelings got in the way 2 weeks ago", nothing happened though. "BTW She cheated on you right before your birthday." This is where I should have cut it off. 

But I was naive. Me: "No, I'm trying to do the right thing, I love this girl, I feel bad for how screwed she is etc" (She's a dropout, no job, hurting, but could definitely climb out if she tried). 

Him: "How do you do it man, how do you stay strong? '' He asks this alot. I always explain that I want to do the right thing and that I love this girl. I was stupid. I was addicted to the girl.

I try to spend as much time with her as possible. My best friend still talks about how he wants to marry his gf, how he told her everything that happened between him and my gf. He wants both of our lives to go back to normal, he says.

Fast forward a few weeks. Still rough. She's still treating me crappy but it's getting better. And better. I'm honest with everything now. She says she is being honest. She breaks. She loves me again. She tells me that "seeing him" meant him. 

She was banging my best friend while I was away. He was lying to my face saying he wanted to marry his girlfriend. He was cheating on his girlfriend, with my girlfriend, and both were lying to me about it. I leave town for 2 weeks. Distant, broken. She gets upset. We fight. She's been banging him the whole time. Even when I was back. The whole time.

He was my best friend, he said he wanted to help me, and always offered help. He used everything I ever told him in confidence, while asking for relationship advice to turn her against me, for months. 

All of the advice he gave me was designed to get her to dislike me more. "Make dinner for her man, I'll give you a recipe for an awesome meat sauce, do it with a red wine". 

She hates meat sauce and red wine. He was banging her, and loading her up with free illegal substances after I had spent a year with her, while lying to my face. 

Looking into my eyes and telling me how bad he felt and telling me how to fix it. They both lied to me.

Now they are both addicted, ex is massively in debt, lives at home with parents, and both work dead end retail jobs. I got a 4000$ bonus check after my 6 weeks out of town. I'm still angry about it, my heart is pounding right now. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity, and my once unconditional trust that people wanted to be good together.

 Don't date a girl that's so insecure that she needs the attention of other guys at parties to be happy, but freaks out when you so much as glance at another girl, even if she's an old lady taking your order at a restaurant.


12. Her Table Scraps

I was interested in a guy in college, so a girlfriend and I went to his house to hang out. She knew at the time that we had a thing going on but it wasn't serious because he didn't want it to be yet. I really liked him. 

Anyways, They step outside to smoke and they are laughing and chatting. Then all the sudden they get quiet. They come back in and we hang out for a little while longer then I decide it's time to leave. 

We are heading out through his main hallway of his house and they are both trying to get behind me and it's obvious. So I let them in and I opened the door to go out. I turned around as they thought I've gone out the door and saw them making out in the dark of the hallway. 

She breaks apart and realizes I've seen them. We went out to my car and headed home (I was her ride). She tries to apologize that she didn't expect that to happen (as this was their first time meeting) 

I basically tell her to shut the heck up for the next 30 minutes and that I don't want to hear her speak for the duration of the drive. I drop her off and call him. He says that we aren't dating "yet" so he didn't see the big deal. 

I actually understood because, yes, that is true. It also killed my lady boner for him. Saved me a crappy relationship, but I also found out later that this wasn't the first time she went after my table scraps. So to speak.


13. The Diary

In middle school my mom and the father of one of my classmates started dating. I kept to myself a lot, didn't have any friends, was bullied, but I was happy to finally start hanging out with this girl because she was my first real friend. Things went well, we played video games and talked about cartoons, kid stuff.

Turns out she was really friends with my bullies and didn't give two crap about me. She copied the contents of my diary after one sleepover and told my bullies everything. For the last 4 months of the school year I had to deal with their torment while my "friend" pretended nothing was wrong.

Thankfully that summer my mom and her dad split, and I was sent to a different school. Became very difficult to trust people for a while.


14. Threw Me Face to Face

I'm Canadian and flew all the way to the US to visit who was at the time, my best friend. I am really nocturnal so we were up late hanging out having a couple cocktails and decided to go for a late night walk since it was so nice out (it was about 1AM) We took our cups with us without thinking. 

The streets were dead so we weren't too worried. Well sure enough I heard a vehicle coming so I threw my cup as far as possible and I told him to do the same but he held onto his. 

The car turned out to be a cop and he stops and asks us if we have been stealing flowers because they had some reports someone was doing so, we said no we were just going for a quick walk. 

He ends up coming to our side, spots the cup and asks who it is. We both denied it. The cop asked for our ID and I had left all of my things back at his place so he called for some backup... 6 cops later they're still trying to figure out who I am, I kept telling them I'm Canadian and ALL of my IDs are with my friends.

My friend ended up telling them his drink was mine (they never did see that cup I threw) so I got patted down and groped by a couple male police officers, had to take a breathalyzer (I wasn't drunk) and got put in the back of a cop car. 

I was crying hysterically because I had no criminal record, was afraid of being deported and because my friend screwed me over. They drove me to my friends where I showed them my birth certificate, photo ID, passport, social insurance card AND health card but apparently that still wasn't enough. 

They really wanted me arrested and my friend refused to stick up for me. They ended up leaving and said "we know that drink was yours, you should have just admitted it". I ended up phoning my parents crying telling them everything and have never gone back to Wisconsin. My friend just said, "Well I didn't want to get in trouble."


15. He Thought Differently

I was in a long term relationship with a recently realized mentally ill woman and my closest friend at the time would occasionally get coffee with her. I thought nothing of it, in fact, I thought it was cool that my girlfriend and best bud were hanging out. 

Seemingly out of nowhere she tells me that she's in love with someone else. I am obviously hurt and instantly go to my friend for support. He tells me that it is him whom she's "in love" with. 

My mind is completely boggled, and he even tells me that he's not sure what's going on. After receiving a call from her a couple days later saying she's having racing thoughts, I realize that she's in the midst of a manic episode and that explains her irrationally "loving" my friend whom she barely knew. My friend agrees to not talk to her and my girlfriend tells me she's scared and isn't thinking clearly. 

A couple weeks later, I find out he's talking to her and has told her that he "loves her" too. I felt completely betrayed and abandoned by the two closest people to me at the time.


16. It Was Too Much

I was close friends with "J" since the third grade. We talked every day and had all the same interests. As we grew into Middle school he became more of a muscle head (bit of a pro wrestling obsession) but we still talked and did things together often.

J had a younger brother, "D". D didn't like me very much and never really has. We fought fairly often but J always brushed it off more or less from what I can remember.

Both J and I at the time watched too much pro wrestling and DBZ, and eventually Fight Club, so being young and stupid we made one of our own. 

It was fair, no face no nuts, nothing too entirely damaging. We named it the IFF, the Insane Freestyle Federation (Because, again, we were young and dumb).

We did a few "events" where we would gather some friends and beat each other up, but not to the point of breaking anything. As we did this, J grew a bit...more distant. 

While I was "head" of the IFF, he was the "top fighter", as he was quite strong and able to pack and take a punch, and he seemed more than content with his position. 

As more of these happened, more "followers" began to follow J, as if he was the big cheese in all things. Didn't matter too much to me, he was just a friend of mine, and the titles we had were mostly for fun anyway.

We had one big event planned, behind a hill in an old graveyard in a bit of a valley. Surrounded by trees, it had a nice, big, circular open space and was perfect for what we had planned. Everyone (a full maybe 13 people) were coming. 

Some of them had gathered at J and D’s house the night before. I was there, and came in to them playing a wrestling game. They casually poked fun at me, which I shrugged off as general fun poking, it wasn't something rare. 

I noticed they had changed their self-made wrestler character to full stats instead of the balanced ones we had before. 

When I went up to play, most of them left the room, and when I found my character I found they had maxed my weight to max (I was a bit heavier then) and reduced all my stats to zero. I casually messed with all the stats to fix mine and a few others, before leaving without much more than a few words to get home.

On the day the event was going down, I was supposed to be home helping with some important cleaning duties, but one of me and J's mutual friends (F) eventually talked my mother out of it, and we walked down to the event. 

I remember standing on top of the hill, looking down at the valley and seeing them all gathered. I stretched my arms out and yelled "It Begins!" to invoke Mortal Kombat. I had no idea at the time how true that was.

We only did two matches, the winner would fight the other winner. I fought my cousin, H, who easily beat (with admittedly a bit too much force). The next fight was the brothers, J and D. 

I remember saying something about how one of the rules should be, and F remarking "Yup, you're right, it's your league." It struck me as odd because really no one usually pays attention to that, or pays any heed to our made up roles. I was confused as if he was being sarcastic or actually giving some kind of respect. I shrugged it off and the match went underway.

It was fairly underwhelming, neither seemed to be trying and D, who is noticeably smaller than J, won in a fairly uneventful way. I was disappointed by the lack of action, but went out to face D anyway.

The match was standard for about 30 seconds, before I mistakenly clipped D's lip, hitting his lip ring. I immediately stopped and apologized profusely. I ended the fight, declared him the winner via DQ and extended my hand to him. He extended his back. That's when it all began.

His fist came out of nowhere the moment his other hand grasped mine, a strong sucker punch that quite literally relocated my nose to under the right peak of my left eye. 

In a second the punch hit me, 10 of the 13 people there jumped me, and began to beat me down into the ground, pounding my face and body until I was a weeping, heavily bleeding (from my face) pulp on the ground. 

They wrote the name of their "new" league in the loose leafs and told me to basically sod off and die somewhere, I wasn't needed or wanted. They walked up the hill, and I remember looking up at them as they all looked back to my ruined form before walking over the peak and disappearing. 

All the friends I had ever had took one last look at someone they didn't see as worthy and excommunicated with as much violence as they could muster.

My cousin H, the only person there who didn't attack me, gave me his white shirt to hold over my utterly broken face, which soaked it almost completely in blood by the time my two other friends, who had gone to the store to get a soda, returned back and saw what happened.

While this may sound like a standard jump story, the effect on me was profound. Nearly every friend I had, had instantly turned on me in ways I didn't, and still don't, understand. It shattered my current reality and left me mentally broken, emotionally drained, and feeling completely and utterly alone. 

I should mention, not long after this, I fell into heavy psychosis for what I believe to be a year (it's hard to tell time in that period for me). I've since fully recovered.

The best part about this story? When I went to the hospital with a completely broken nose and slight fracture in my skull, I was hauled into a hospital room...and not 6 minutes later, D, with J and family were rolled in right next to us, for D's clipped lip. At that point, I was so beyond myself and beyond the pain I was ranting. 

I remember my mother trying to calm me down, not to talk with them next to us on the other side of a curtain, to which I replied "screw them, what are they gonna do? They've already broken everything they can."

I'm 26 now, but sometimes this still gets to me.


17. I Hoped For The Best

I had a roommate named April and a friend that was like a bro to me named Don. Introduced them. They fall in love, get married.

I also, around the same time, get married and move to a nearby town. I found out they were in a bad situation where they had no place to go. So you know what? I talk my husband into getting a bigger apartment, let them stay with us rent free till they get jobs, GIVE THEM A CAR, and use connections to land them both sweet-paying very easy jobs.

My husband had changed since I married him and he started abusing me. My caring friends Don and April said they wanted him gone and I deserved better. I told them that I could not afford to pay rent till my new job began two months from then. 

They said that this was their opportunity to repay my kindness to them and that they would soak up the financial side and I just worry about getting away from an unsafe and crazy man.

So I had him move out and filed a restraining order. Three weeks later, my friends vanished in the night. They stole all the cash I had, less than $200, left me with all the utility bills, left their cat and hamster and the car I gave them, without warning without a word. 

In fact, two days before they left they asked me if I was interested in a threesome. I, uh, thankfully declined. I was the primary on the lease and held full legal responsibility for all of it.

When they were poor and in need I gave them money and a home. When I was poor and in need they robbed me and I ended up living on the city streets homeless. During that time I was attacked, and I held a burning anger inside me.

Later a mutual friend heard from them and asked them why they would do that to me. I was really sweet and kind and giving back then. Their response was "we were just at a really weird place in our lives."

I've never been able to trust again. I was the witness at their wedding. They had a trustworthy reputation. I really loved them. I hope karma is real.


18. Insane Amount of Hatred

So a while ago I was attacked by a guy at my school. Messed me up real bad, lots of therapy. Technically this is the worst backstab story because he was a guy I was dating and trusted. But this related one is pretty rich.

So I was friends with this girl. Pretty close with each other. She goes abroad and ends up breaking up with her boyfriend who my friends and I are friends with, but not super close.

She is sad, but acts like everything is fine and that we should keep being friends with this guy. Then we start getting these texts from her asking if he's hooking up with girls he was in pictures with on Facebook. 

Literally every girl even hinted to be connected with him was a suspect. Long story short, this escalated into her going insane and deciding that we all "betrayed" her even though we were just trying to stay friends with both of them.

So we break off the friendship. She comes back from abroad and ends up living in the same dorm as me. Whatever, I ignore it.

THEN she starts posting all these sappy "best fwends" posts on the Facebook wall of the guy who attacked me. Barely knew him before. Now she's super tight with him and invites him to party with her all the time, just a couple feet from where I live. If things were bad before, it didn't even compare to how bad it became.

I sent her an email asking her to stop because I felt unsafe, and she laughed it off.

So yes, I went from close friends to her becoming best friends with my assailant just to spite me.


19. Nice Trip

One of my best friends in middle school and high school automatically flirted and showed extra-special attention to any guy that she found out I liked. I didn't see it for a long time, even though other friends pointed it out to me on several occasions. I trusted her too much.

Then a few years after high school, I was intimate with a guy I liked, hoping it would grow into something more. Well, I started to dislike how he treated me, and even though I was still attached, I told him he had to move out and find a job (he had been mooching, and I left him, because I really liked a lot about him).

So a week later, he and this "friend" planned a secret trip across the country together. Everyone who knew hid it from me, and one person accidentally let it slip out at a party. Needless to say, things got very awkward, very fast.

They stayed together for three and a half years, and he ended up tormenting her. Witch.


20. Probably Dodged A Bullet

Best friend went to the Coast Guard. He, myself and my girlfriend at the time all worked at the same place before he joined. A few days before he came back home on his first leave, my girlfriend and I broke up. Best friend comes home, we go out for a few beers at the popular drinking spot in town. 

Ex-girlfriend is there (we still work at the same place) with some of her friends. I have to leave because I have to work the next day. You know where this is going. Best friend leaves with my ex and bangs her. 

A few weeks later, the same ex comes up and apologizes profusely. 

We haven't spoken at work since she banged my best friend. I feign forgiveness and we hang out for the evening. I end up going back to her place and post-intercourse, she is talking about how she is glad I forgave her and that she wants to get back together. I told her to sod off and never spoke another word to her again. Although, I was hurt much less by her than by my best friend.

Also, I didn't speak a single word to my ex-best friend until four years later. He was in town and came to a tailgate party at a college football game. I didn't acknowledge his presence. After a few hours, he sidled up beside me and sheepishly said "are you not going to talk to me?" I simply said "I've got nothing to say to you" and walked away. One of the most satisfying moments of my life.

Last I'd heard, he was still in the Coast Guard, divorced with a couple kids. I left work shortly after all this happened to take a new job. Ex-girlfriend banged a few other guys at work, everyone started hating her for all the drama she caused and she was forced to retreat back to her home state where her parents lived. 

As for me? I have now been married for about ten years and couldn't be happier so I would like to publicly thank both of them.


21. The Special Hat

My best friend in the third grade used to lie about anything and everything ("I am so rich, my parents buy me everything, they are good friends with so-and-so, blah blah blah"). 

I lent her a comic book once (from a collection of maybe 50 comics) and she ravaged it. When I got the book back the cover was worn and torn, the pages were falling off, etc. But silly me did not learn my lesson at the time.

Then I found out that she was stealing my stuff, like cute Japanese stationery that my parents bought me. I confronted her and she claimed that her mom bought them for her. I did not say another word to her, I just quietly stole everything back. She even had the nerve to confront me and say that I stole her stuff!

Anyways, I decided I didn't want to be friends with her anymore, so one day after school I asked her to give me back my $5 that she owed me (big money for third graders). Not only did she refuse, she stole my hat and ran off with it. I chased after her and grabbed onto her backpack and refused to let go, all the while yelling at her to give me back my hat. She kept trying to hit me with my hat and I kept slapping her from the back.

We then went into a park, where I was still holding onto her backpack, she then kneeled down, and I kneeled down with her, trying to see what the freak she was up to. THE WITCH FOUND A PILE OF DOG CRAP ON THE GROUND AND DECIDED TO RUB MY HAT INTO IT!!!

I was livid at this point, and without thinking, I snatched the hat out of her hands and rubbed it as hard as I could into her snotty little face. Then I ran home, as fast as I could, she was stunned, and started yelling and crying behind me.

I never talked to her again and did not see her ever again after the third grade.


22. Too Much Exposure

In high school I had a best friend that I would tell a lot of intimate things to. One time we had a conversation with each other revealing our darkest secrets. She told me her little sister was murdered right in front of her, I told her that my father had attacked me for seven years. (ya, I know...dramatic, but both are true stories). 

I felt so bad for her. When we cried about it, I held her. I treated her like a sister, gave her things, let her stay with me, I was there for her when she was getting hit really hard with her reality. 

Well, after a couple months her friend and I got into a lot of fights over a boy we both liked. I was pretty beta in high school. Although I didn't like to roll over in a verbal fight, I was weak. This girl hit me a lot. It got to the point that I let her hit me so that she would be suspended from school and I would get a few days break from her. 

Anyway, this girl was also really manipulative and convinced my friend that I wasn't worth her time, that I wasn't smart, I was stupid, I was a “garden tool” - you know, all the catty things. 

My friend was convinced eventually and told my whole grade (which eventually turned into the whole school) about my secret. Oh boy. I wasn't very popular at this school (as you can tell) so this was fodder for the fire. 

This was a perfect excuse to make fun of me. Kids were calling me "daddy's little garden tool" and telling me to "go sleep with daddy again!" calling me all sorts of vile things that just ate me up. I was already dealing with PTSD from the issue, along with severe bullying. How could anyone handle a mix of the two? My hands tremble just remembering this. 

I left the school for another one where no one knew me and was able to start over. She stayed behind, had a kid at 16, and last I heard of her she was working as a stripper.


23. Facebook Exposed Them

I deployed for Afghanistan last September. I started dating my friend of 3.5 years. She was amazing, supported me 100%, sent me handmade gifts all the time and visited me on my pass at Pre-deployment where we spent 4 days having the times of our lives in Texas. 

Fast forward to a month ago. She starts acting really distant, one word answers if she answers at all. I confront her about it for a couple weeks and eventually she tells me that she can't do it anymore. So she leaves me. 

My heart was absolutely destroyed. 3 days ago, I reconnected with an old friend of mine who said "Oh yeah, she's with X now". I was furious. She had hung out with him quite a few times but I was fine with it. 

I was friends with him for quite a few years and I knew they were good friends for a while now. I always trusted her and she would get mad when I questioned the frequency that they saw each other. 

Then another friend hops online, I tell him and he goes "yeah, I saw when she changed her relationship status a couple weeks ago to be with him". 

I asked for a screen shot, sure enough, she was in a relationship with him before we even broke up. She did it because I don't have a Facebook anymore. Screw me right? 4 more months to go still.


24. The Home Wrecker

I had a friend that I had known for over 17 years. We were best friends through our teen years, but drifted apart as adults. However, I still considered her a close friend. Her life was in perpetual flux: she seemed to live in a different house every few months, oftentimes with a new fiance, and she couldn't hold a job if her life depended on it.

One night she calls me, crying and begging me for a place to stay. Her landlord was kicking her out for non-payment of rent. My friend claimed the landlord had promised repairs that were never done, so per the rental agreement, my friend refused to pay until said repairs were done. It went to court, supposedly, and the court sided with the landlord and evicted my friend (along with her two children). 

My father owned a house that had been vacant for about a year. It needed minor repairs, but was more than livable. I talked to him, and since she was a childhood friend and had practically lived with us throughout our teens, he worked out a deal with her and her fiance. 

They would live in the house and do the repairs; in exchange, he would only charge them $200 a month in rent. This was a three bedroom house that would normally rent for at least triple that so it was a great deal for them.

It went well for the first six months. She was never late on the rent and they did a few of the repairs. Then Christmas time comes and she asks my dad if she can double the rent in January so she has extra money for presents for her children. My dad says that is fine. He never received another payment for her. 

She started avoiding his calls, and when he would show up at the house, nobody would answer the door. She also started avoiding me. After six months of non-payment, he finally went to court and had her legally evicted. (Thankfully, he had drawn up a contract with her!) The eviction was served.

Two days before she was supposed to be out of the house, my dad's lung collapsed. He was in the hospital for over three weeks and had to have multiple surgeries. My brothers and I went to the house the day she was supposed to be out; they were packing and everything looked fine. 

I briefly talked to her and she apologized for how things went down. She promised to pay my dad the money she owed him and she asked me to keep her updated on his condition. I thought that was it.

My brother went back to the house the next day to check on it. After we had left the day before, she and her fiance proceeded to destroy the house. They smashed every window, broke the locks on the doors, hacked the garage door in with an ax, spray painted obscenities on the walls, smashed holes in the walls, broke the sink fixtures, crammed something in the toilets to clog them up, dumped what I can only assume was maggoty fishing chum in the garbage disposal, and urinated and defecated all over the house.

It took my siblings and I an entire weekend of cleaning to get it semi-decent. It cost my dad almost $20,000 to repair it completely. I will run into her sometimes and she always says the same thing: "I didn't know about it. Mike (the fiance) did all that after I left. I will pay your dad back someday, I promise." It will be six years in May and he has never seen a penny from her.


25. The Mean Girl

I had gotten into a car accident that left me needing a couple years worth of physical therapy. To this day, I still cannot close my left hand in a fist without it hurting and shaking like mad. Anyways, I got discharged from the hospital. I had my friend, let’s call her Wendy, a week before if she’d be able to pick me up that day at this time. She agreed. 

I called her and she said “oh sorry there’s traffic I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” 20 minutes turned into 6 hours, and I called an uber home. Sent a text two days later saying “sorry my car wouldn’t start.”

Why lie?? Anyways, a couple weeks later I saw Wendy, Jesse, and Vila. I’m at their house to hangout and to celebrate one of their birthdays. The ENTIRE time was Jesse complaining about how I shouldn’t be here at the birthday party because I'm taking everyone’s attention as the birthday girl. 

And how I planned this to ruin her birthday. yada yada. Wendy and Vila gossiping while looking at me and giggling. Jesse got fed up that I needed help raising my hand for a toast (because why else would she specifically make EVERYONE use their left hand?).

I attempted to make an effort raising my hand and the champagne spilt everywhere on me. And then Jesse got up and pushed me out of her party, while Wendy and Vila did nothing and laughed at me. That day, I went home, blocked all their numbers, and stopped talking to them. 

About a couple months later I got a text from Wendy saying “I’m sorry but you kinda deserved it, I mean you were taking all the attention of Jesse.” How does that justify anything???? And then I learned that all three girls got arrested selling substances together. Good times.


26. Way Too Inconsiderate

In 2014 I woke up Jan. 1st in horrible pain. I ended up needing an emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I was a single mom to 2 kids under 5 and had just moved back to my hometown after living out of state. We'd had to leave a really crappy living situation and had only been back about a month and I had not found a job at that point. 

I had had a really close family friend who had been living with me before I had moved back and he ended up homeless so I bought him an $80 bus ticket and got him back to our hometown and let him stay with me a few days. He quickly found another place to stay but we had invited him to my youngest son's 2nd birthday, which is the 6th of Jan.

I was like 4 days out from surgery at this point and could barely make it down my stairs at this point so he offered to go and pick up the pizza and cake for my son for me. We didn't have a huge party or anything. 

I was on food stamps and had cash assistance since my son's dad was not involved at all and did not pay child support. Even so I offered for him to get himself a small pizza to take back to the girl he was staying with since her and her kids couldn't make it over.

So the party goes great, everyone has a good time, especially both my kids. A few days later my grandma was going to go grocery shopping for me so I went to get my card and realized it's not there. 

I never got it back from the guy, and I forgot he even had it since I was all doped up on pain meds from surgery. I tried calling him like 5 times and he didn't answer, so I got onto my account online to check my balance and he took everything. I had like $600 in cash( paid my rent and bought my kids the things they needed), and then I had like $750 in food stamps. 

All of it was gone. He let the girl he was staying with convince him to steal my money from me. I'd only used the money to buy the bus ticket, and the pizza and cake for my son since I'd been in the hospital for the first 4 days of the year and only home for 2 after that.

It is still to this day the most intentionally messed up thing anyone has ever done to me, mostly because it was such a huge screw you to my kids. Like who steals from a single mom recovering from a life saving surgery, on her kid’s birthday? Especially after I helped him! Like holy crap.


27. Life In Danger

My "best friend" and I worked together for 3 years at a restaurant. I was the night manager and was really cool with all of the employees, but especially her. We hung out outside of work all the time, she went with me to the beach and carnivals with my kids, who adored her.

She started dating this guy at work who was slowly becoming an addict. I could see it (my crackhead aunt made it easy to spot) but no one else could. After he messed up for the 10th time in a week and started nodding out at the sink, he was fired by my boss on a Saturday.

The following Monday night, at closing time, he came in the backdoor wearing a ski mask. I was walking towards the front door to lock it when I was grabbed from behind and felt something cold against my neck. 

It took me a second to realize it was a knife. He said "get me the money" but I couldn't move. I was literally paralyzed with fear. My brain was screaming at me to move towards the register but my feet just wouldn't move. He screamed "give me the money" again but I was frozen.

He then dragged me to the register, made me open it, grabbed a fistful of 20's and ran out the back. My best friend at the time this whole thing went down? Conveniently, in the bathroom. I was still in shock trying to explain to the police on the phone what had just happened. 

When I hung up the phone, she asked what had happened and I told her I had just been robbed at knifepoint. Her exact response was "I hope no one thinks I had anything to do with this"

Ummmm what? So long story short, they find the guy (I told them I recognized his voice) and he rats her out on the set up (the "set up" was her texting him an all clear when only she and I were in the building). He didn't have to though, she quit the next day. And stopped replying to my texts.

When I found out I was heartbroken. This is someone who was around my kids regularly. I was diagnosed with extreme anxiety and PTSD after being robbed and still have flashbacks randomly. If someone comes up behind me and startles me I panic. 

The amount of money my life was worth to them? $440 The punishment they received? He got 2 years in jail, 50 years suspended. 1 year of probation.

She got 1 year probation. I had to quit the job I had over a decade ago because I couldn't stand being in there anymore.


28. Huge Pockets

I had a friend from high school till about 4 years ago (about 8-9 years total friendship). He was a very close friend, and one day confided in my boyfriend (now husband) and I, that his roommate was moving out to live with his girlfriend and he wouldn't make rent that month. 

Boyfriend and I had an apartment lease ending so we decided we could be of help and moved in (2 months before our lease was up, 2 rent payments). 

Lived there for about 2 months and we found out we're pregnant and having a baby, a happy scenario as our roommate has informed us he wishes to turn over lease for the house to us to move back in with his parents. 

Perfect 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms and plenty of space. The day before we're set to meet up with the landlord we come home to an eviction notice on the door and all of my roommate's stuff is moved out. Call him, no answer.

Call the number on the eviction notice from the landlord and find out he lied and never told the landlord anything, he wouldn't even work with us at all, just said we have 30 days to gtfo. 

Roommate had been pocketing our rent money for months. Had 30 days to unexpectedly find a new place, pay first and last month and a security deposit, and move in the middle of Michigan winter, while pregnant.


29. The Credit Card

Several years ago I moved to Florida. Almost immediately after, I met a friend. He was a great guy (so I thought) and we'd constantly hang out or he'd show me around the town/this state, etc.

About a year and half of knowing him he stole a couple of my credit cards and racked up really big bills. Unfortunately for me, and I know this now but didn't then, I simply thought calling the credit card company to report your card stolen and canceling the account also vacated the charges. That's not true, you actually have to formally contest the charges separately, and you only have 60 days.

By the time I realized this it was too late. I tried, in vain, to semi-reconcile with him to try to get a payment plan. He begged me not to call the police. I regret now that I didn't. 

I did believe that he had fallen on hard times, and he would get back on his feet, and try to repay me. That didn't happen. Although, later on he did get arrested for something else and was put on probation.

I figured that would have been the best time to try to recoup the money lost (I had fallen behind on these payments and my credit was starting to suffer. I had to drop out of college because of that). 

I did try instead to take him to small claims court. I do realize that civil court is not criminal, but with him now being a convicted felon I might stand a better chance at looking much better.

Instead when we got to court he denied everything, said everything was a gift, and completely slandered me in open court. Why he was allowed to get away with it is beyond me, but that case was dismissed: I got nothing.

My credit suffered for years because of that. I eventually did save up enough money to file for bankruptcy to just get rid of that debt that I couldn't repay (nor should I have had to). I have never really forgiven him for what he did to me. He still lives around, luckily I haven't seen him in several years. 

IDK what I'd even say if I ever did encounter him. The bankruptcy did eliminate that debt so I cannot (and will not) ever say he owes me anything monetarily. But, he owes me a huge apology. But like I said I would seriously doubt the sincerity of it and likely wouldn't accept it anyway. I think the best is as it is now: he just stays away from me.


30. Left Unsaid

In college, my best friend & I had an art class together with a guy I was hanging out with on the regular - getting to know each other to see if there was anything more there. He & I hung out, messed around, had fun, etc. Nothing formal or spoken just yet but we communicated daily. We were more than friends, but not a dedicated couple.

One day I stopped by his house after a morning class for a reason that I forgot. Knocked, no answer, so I let myself in the unlocked door (small Kansas town, nobody locks anything) so I could leave him a note (pre cell phones/texting, at least for me).

Well her purse was on the chair by the door. Nobody answered when I called out his name. Or hers. His car was there. Her purse was there. They were there. Ugh. I got back at her though, almost 20 years later: she friend requested me on Facebook & I denied that witch. Take that, Jessica.


31. Unstoppable Jerk

I had a college roommate who had been a high school best friend. He was sometimes a jerk, particularly when he was drunk. One night we had both been drinking. I'm not exactly sure what was said, but he left the room, and apparently went and peed on my bed. 

He then left the room and went to a mutual friend's dorm. I went and washed my sheets and flipped my mattress over, then poured a bunch of water all over his bed and put a nice looking lump of peanut butter on his pillow (I couldn't bring myself to actually pee or poop on his stuff). Then, I went to our friend's place where folks were hanging out.

He had this sly look on his face when I came in and he made a comment about peeing on my bed. I told him that he was dumb for doing that and then leaving the dorm with his room unlocked. The look on his face flipped in a second and he ran out of there. I had locked my door, so I had a good laugh about it and brushed it off.

When I went back to my room later, I discovered that he had gotten into my room. (I later found out he had gone to an RA, told them he lived in my room and was locked out, and they unlocked my door for him and left him alone. WTF.) He peed on my bed (again), peed on my cell phone, peed on my computer, and peed in a bottle of adderal (that I had a prescription for). Hundreds of dollars of damage.

But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that, while I was dealing with the fallout, he was hanging out with our mutual friends and a group of girls we were all friendly with. I don't know what he told them, but none of them would even speak to me afterward. 

They wouldn't even tell me why they weren't speaking to me. He decided that he was just going to ignore me and our mutual friend/roommate and pretend we didn't exist for the rest of the year. He poisoned my relationship with high school friends, and new college friends, and after an evening in which he did the most vile crap I have ever experienced. And I couldn't even bring myself to pee on his bed.

He has reached out to me over the 15 or so years since then. In big groups I can be polite, but this is the only person I have ever not been able to forgive. To rub salt in the wound, he is still friends with a girl I was crushing on at the time, and who I know had been attracted to me as well. 

She was a part of the group that never spoke to me again, and it has to be because of a lie he told her.

Also, he continued to leverage the relationship he had developed with a relative of mine who was kind of a big deal at the university and in the town. My relative would tell us to get together and work things out, and I would say I can't do that and ask him to cut off contact. 

He thought we were just in a spat or something, and kept trying to be a mediator. While continuing to help my "friend" and get him into programs at the school, and jobs afterward.


32. Just One Sip

At the beginning of summer going into high school, my two friends and I were left alone at my buddy’s house. We snuck into his parents liquor cabinet and all tasted some vodka. Being that it was my first time tasting hard liquor I took one sip and instantly disliked it. I decided to not drink anymore because it was gross. One of my friends started pounding shots even though it was his first time drinking. 

He had maybe 4 shots and started feeling tipsy. We proceeded to marvel at his drunken self for the rest of the night. Fast forward 2 weeks and I'm riding in the car with my mom. She begins to ask me if I have anything I want to tell her and like any 13 year old in my position I said no. She then goes on a rant about how disappointed she is in me for drinking alcohol at my friends house and proceeds to ground me for basically the entire summer. 

Come to find out my friend who got drunk started feeling guilty and told his mom what he did. He was a spoiled kid and his mom didn't punish him while I on the other hand got grounded for taking one sip. Strict parents man.


33. Broken Phone

I had some friends who lived in my street, they were literally the best friends I ever had ( at the time). We were playing footy in the park and my friend fell over, his phone screen was smashed (old school Walkman phone this was 10 years ago) said I should pay for it.

I was like, “No way man. If you play footy with a phone in your pocket and it gets broken, that's your fault.” Next thing you know all the friends turned against me and alienated me in the village I lived in. I got really depressed because my best friend from school who I’m still best friends with now lived 45 mins away.

Next thing I knew pizzas were being delivered and the police were being called to my house by all these restaurants. Then I started getting stones thrown at my house, my dads BMW got vandalized and other stupid stuff and my phone kept getting random calls from numbers I didn’t know threatening violence.

Turns out the phone was smashed before the game of football and he thought my parents would just replace it. When I said no they decided they didn’t much care for me and wanted to see how far they could get with “terrorizing” my family.

It got dealt with though and I was best man at my friend’s wedding this year and him and my other best friend have each other’s back 100%


34. The Borrowers

When I was a young guy in my 20's I didn't have a lot of money. However I was the kind of person who liked to save and buy good things so they would last. I bought a new fridge and a new vacuum cleaner.

I had three guy "friends" who were living in another apartment together. They asked if they could borrow my vacuum cleaner and my old fridge, so I said yes.

The vacuum cleaner came back 2 weeks later, after much asking. It now leaked a small amount of gray smoke when used, and was sort of spluttery and uneven. I found out from one of them that they used it to vacuum wet areas. As it wasn't theirs and as far as they were concerned it was "free" they didn't bother to take care of it. So my new vac was messed up within a month.

They borrowed a car from another friend of mine and theirs. They then used it to "chuck donuts" in an industrial area and damaged the clutch and other things. When I asked them to stop they told me "It's ok he will never know". Remember, this guy was their friend too.

After two years they said they were moving out. I kept asking them about the fridge; no response. Finally once they were moved out one of them told me "The fridge is still over there. If you want it, go and get it".

Screw the three of those guys. And life did. None of them has done well… in fact two of them are pretty much done for, and one of them has no friends left after stealing from / mistreating / abusing all his friends.

When you're a teen / young man, it's easy to build up a set of friends. But if you mistreat them, they're gonna disappear. And the older you get, the harder it is to make new friends. Don't be a jerk to your friends..otherwise one day you'll be alone when you need help.


35. Homeless With The Dog

I had a friend who recently had no place to live, so we gave him a spare room. It had everything: bed, clothes, the works, but he would only ever sleep on the couch. We even paid for his food and escorts (Canada.) Then one morning we are woken up by four people ransacking our house. He had told a bunch of his "boys" that we were scheming to make him disappear. 

So he invites them over and while we are basically naked they came in with weapons like knives, bats, and hammers. Stole a lot of stuff.

The story doesn't end happily, he was never caught and we have never heard from him again. In the process of moving out our landlord came into the house and saw it was a mess and without telling us removed the remainder of our items like furniture, clothes, and had my vehicle towed. 

We tried to have our tenants' insurance work but we couldn't remember what was stolen and what was taken by the landlord so they didn't help us. 

My roommate had gone to live somewhere else with his family and I didn't have anywhere else to go, so I was basically homeless with my pit bull for half a year, then a friend of the family owned a condemned building and let me stay there. 

Before everything happened I was making 25$ an hour working with a friend, said friend overdosed just before all this happened and the business shut down. I had a hard time finding a job after that and hit the bottle pretty hard, but I shared most of my meals with my dog.


36. Without Any Word

It's been about 2 years since my former best friend abandoned me after I almost died from an accident. I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (temporal skull fracture) and severe thermal burns to my face and hand. I was in ICU and the hospital for about a month.

I apparently was texting her a crap ton of broken nonsense while in the hospital because someone thought it was a great idea to give someone with a severe brain injury access to a phone to talk to people. I don't remember doing it but the things I was saying were nonsense. 

I was combining like 3 or 4 different things in trying to explain something and it was just coming out like I was crazy. I had other friends tell me that I had called them and was speaking crazy and saying messed up weird awkward but they knew something was wrong but never held it against me.

After I got out of the hospital she stopped talking to me and I never heard from her again. Still have no idea why. It sucked. My best friend, just up and gone at a time I needed them the most. It was all good though, her bailing on me was the beginning of the catalyst that brought me and my wife(ex gf at the time) back together and we were married about 8 months later.

I still think about my old friend though, I hope she figured herself out and is doing well but a part of me doesn't care and hopes karma comes back at her. No dharma for her.


37. Young Life

I went to Korea for a year with the military straight out of training. I had been dating this girl since highschool and it was going pretty well. We still talked while I was in Korea, just not as much due to the time problems. 

While I was over there we decided to take a break because it was hard for me to talk to her on my schedule and same for her. We still talked occasionally, just not as much. 

Then I went to do some field training with my platoon and EVERYTHING went downhill from there. I stopped talking to her but once every few days, then it just changed to once a week maybe. We took a mutual break in the relationship during that time. 

A few months later and we were out of the field I decided to send her a text to see how she was doing and it turned out she was seeing someone else. I was sad, but I understood why she would do that. 

Then while I was talking to her saying it's ok and I knew it would happen, she dropped the bomb that it was one of my good friends from highschool she was with now. 

The second she said that all these memories started flowing back to me about him talking to her more while I was gone and my buddies saying they talked more and were hanging out more often. It was the biggest backstab of my young life.


38. Cons of Starving

Went on holiday with a 'friend' who took a liking to some guy at the resort, they banged and were flirting all day. It was all-inclusive so we got pretty drunk at the pool, everyone was really friendly so basically all the guests were drinking and chatting together.

By about 3pm I was starving and asked if anyone wanted lunch. The guy my friend liked was the only one who wanted to eat so we went and came back in 20 mins tops. When we came back she told everyone I went to bang the guy she liked and I had betrayed her after 10 years of friendship. We had only been friends for 1 year...

Random guests were coming to me saying rude crap and how could I do that to my childhood friend. She owed me 400 quid for the holiday but she blocked me on everything and I haven't heard from her since.


39. The Pettiest

Back in middle school when I was being severely bullied (to the point of contemplating ending it), I fell in gym, and in my frantic efforts not to faceplant onto the ground, hit my friend in the face.

Chaos ensued. I thought those two were my friends, but they openly berated me, called me all sorts of colorful names, and also made fun of me for never having had a boyfriend, would encourage other kids to mock me and even threw expired milk in my face.

They had a meeting with me and the dean where the girl I accidentally hit made a side comment about it being why my mother doesn’t love me, and I broke. My mom and I were in therapy together to work out our differences, and she knew that. I yelled at her about how she would never know how it felt that her mother thought she was a burden, that she would know she was unwanted and unloved, and she just smiled and boasted about how her parents give her money.

I got detention for yelling at her. After that I moved to an art school, met my best friends and we all go to that high school now, the same district as that middle school. I see her from time to time, and she doesn’t recognize me now that I’m trying to transition a bit without my dad noticing.

If you read this, Alana from DMS, screw you. I have severe anxiety from that experience at that school, and you made it ten times worse by ripping into the psychological torment I had at home.

My mother and I are just fine now BTW, it took me a bit to realize that all the negative thoughts were from my dad bitter about their breakup.


40. Down The Aisle

My boyfriend and I were having problems, and were off and on for a while. She would reach out to me to find out “how I was doing” and ask about our relationship. We had broken things off and the next day she posted a picture of her in his lap on social media. They’re married now.

I laugh about it now because I’ve found a great guy and we’re getting married next year, but it sucks to lose a friend that way. Friends since 3rd grade. What really sucks is that I miss her sometimes, but then I remember what a crappy friend she was. 

It’s not so much that they ended up together, but the way she went about it. I could’ve made peace with it if she had just been honest with me and not tried to weasel her way in by asking about the status of our relationship. And if she could’ve given it more than a day before making her move.


41. Poor Decision

When I was in high school I had a friend who asked to come into my group because his friends were being mean to him.

I let him in but nobody liked him. They started teasing me and saying I was gay because I wanted him to stay but nobody else did. Despite this, I stuck up for him and stood by him because he was my friend. He eventually won everyone over by bringing smokes and sharing them around.

The next year, some stuff happened and the group was mad at me. He then convinced everybody to kick me out because I was bringing them down. I decided to leave and spent the rest of my time there with basically no friends and my old friends including this guy all whispered to each other and laughed whenever they saw me. I’ve been out of high school for 10 years now but it still hurts. Screw that whole group. I'm glad I haven't seen any of them in years.


42. Token Depressed Friend

We were at a sleepover where everyone in our group was invited to one girl’s place. We were gathered in the living room and everyone was trying to decide on what we were gonna start with. Movies, music/karaoke, chatting amongst ourselves. One of these people happened to crack a joke about offing themselves because, well, yeah we were in middle school and edgy as heck.

And someone looks at me and starts to snicker and chuckles out "let's see if you can beat her to it". I proceed to wince and shrink in on myself and I can't remember if I said anything to them or not, but they later started talking about how I am the " token depressed friend" and how I would be the first to die. 

Couldn't really move outta town at that age, so I just kinda had to deal with it— Those people were jerks, and I regret that they were my first experience with friendship.


43. The Liar

My oldest and best friend who I've known since we were 5 started traveling around Europe in a camper with his girlfriend so we rarely saw each other.

We work together on the side doing websites, talk every week by text or video.

He calls me around midnight saying he's back in town and invites me over for drinks, when I arrive I find 10 other people there already because the party actually started hours ago and he forgot to invite me. Not only that but it turns out he had already been home for weeks, we even talked during the time he was back about work and not once did he tell me. He was literally 10min down the road from my house.

I told him to go screw himself and never talked to him again. He tried to apologize when he worked out I wouldn't help him with his websites anymore, then he refused to pay me for websites I had already built for him. Luckily I had already been screwed over in the past so I installed a backdoor to sites I make so he did end up sending the money once I added a giant banner calling him the c-word on a couple of his sites.


44. The Game

Sounds childish but I felt betrayed when they started playing online without me and they knew I was online. I last texted these friends on New Year's Eve wishing them a happy new year, and heard nothing back. It's been silent since.

We were so freaking close man. Been to each other's weddings. Played everyday during the pandemic after work. In retrospect though....they are crappy human beings. Complete jerks who treated people in Publix very poorly.

I've left the door open and it's been closed the whole time. It's actually been a huge life lesson for me. I am 28 years old now and I keep my circle extremely small, and it's been working great. It sucks, obviously, but you find the joy on a quiet Friday night at home with your wife knowing your 3 friends have actually never cared about you.


45. Birthday Celebrant

I felt betrayed when none of them showed up to my birthday party, and then I found out that they all went out to celebrate a colleague's leaving-do that same night instead. Not one had thought to even let me know that they wouldn't be coming.

I had planned on celebrating together with my partner's best friend because his birthday is the day after mine, and I was hosting the whole thing and was so excited to have them all over. When none of my guests showed up, it effectively meant that I was hosting someone else's birthday party, on my birthday. I cried that night.

Later I realized that I had considered them closer friends than what they had considered me (they were my only local friends at the time as I had moved there only 9 months prior). I had a hard time making and trusting friends for a few years after that.
