Teacher Spots Student Alone In The Road, Realizes Something Was Very Wrong

Heading Home

After a very long day in the classroom, a South Carolina teacher was driving back home. It was a tiring day and she wanted nothing more than a warm shower and bed. But she had no idea how her evening would unfold.

And it all began when she noticed someone she recognised in the middle of the road.

Spotted A Student

As she drives she noticed someone familiar. She realized it was one of her students. But it was just that. 

She considered it odd that he was cycling alone in the middle of the road. However, after pulling over, she realised something was seriously wrong.

Matter Of Urgency

She called out to her student. The teacher's enquiry quickly transformed into an urgent need for medical attention.

You won't believe this tale of one teacher's dedication to her kid and how she eventually transformed his life for the better. 


Keller Sutherland cares deeply about her students. She has made it her aim to make a difference in the lives of her pupils and their general happiness ever since she became a teacher.

While managing the demands of the school and the needs of her kids might be difficult, Sutherland is always up for the task.

Trying Her Best

While balancing school obligations and her children's needs might be tough, Sutherland is always ready for the challenge.

“When I see myself as a teacher, I just go far beyond the classroom. I truly care for these kids.”


Sutherland's ability to connect with pupils is enhanced by the fact that she is a mother herself. She recognises that instructors spend more time with children than parents do. 

As a result, it is critical that instructors invest in their pupils' intellectual and emotional growth.

Elementary School

Sutherland enjoys teaching at Ellen Woodside Elementary School in Pelzer, South Carolina. 

The school, which serves kids in grades K-5, is well-known for its extensive programmes and student offerings, which equip students with the necessary tools for success.

Real Life Test

Sutherland believes in her school's objective and quickly realises that real-life teachings aren't only for kids. In February 2019, when the teacher was driving home from school, she saw something strange on the roadway. 

Sutherland had no clue she was going to be put to the test in ways she could never have imagined.

 A Bad Day

The day was not going great for Sutherland, to begin with. She gave an account of the events that led up to the incident that day.

“Leading up to this moment was a day that just didn’t seem to be going well. It was a day that seemed like I wasn’t making a difference with my students – a day I felt like I was failing at everything.”

Boy On Bike

Sutherland made a short call to her husband as she drove home, wanting to take her mind off her hectic day. The teacher spotted a little boy riding his bike beside the roadway during this time.

She didn't think much of it at first, but then she realised he was pedalling quite recklessly near the cars. But why?

Bad Traffic

Sutherland was worried about the scenario and informed her husband about the small boy riding his bike down the street.

She was aware of the dangers of a small child riding in and out of traffic on such a busy route. Anything could happen in a situation like this and it scared Sutherland.

Heading Back

She can't just ignore the situation. Sutherland decided to turn back after passing the youngster and check on him.

She informed her husband that she would be late and swiftly turned around on the highway, heading back toward the boy.

Old Student

Sutherland approached the small child and discovered he was a previous year's pupil.  His name was Cameron Simoncic and he had been in her class.

The question remained: what was he doing alone on the crowded highway? So she inquired. 

Vague Reply

“I immediately pulled up, rolled down the window, and I just asked him, ‘Cameron, what are you doing here in the road? There’s heavy traffic. What are you doing?’”

Unfortunately, his evasive response did not supply the answers she was looking for; instead, it raised further concerns.


Cameron was cycling in a panicked manner, according to Sutherland. And, while he came to a halt when he saw Sutherland, what he was saying made little sense.

Sutherland stated that he was rambling about going to his grandmother's house, but something didn't feel right about the circumstance.

Not Acting Himself

Sutherland stated that she was aware of Cameron's personality and the sort of student he was. He wasn't the sort of kid who would go out on his own.

“I knew that he followed directions. He wasn’t a child who would just leave the house riding his bike in heavy traffic,” she told the local media.

Asking More Questions

Sutherland decided to press Cameron more, asking him whether his father knew he had left his residence. When he said no, she realised something was wrong.

She started politely probing him with questions and Cameron started opening up.


Cameron explained that he had gone to school that day and came back home as usual. But then he felt something was very wrong when his father did not greet him at the door.

It was out of character for him. It was at this point that he found a terrible scenario in the kitchen.

On The Ground

He entered the kitchen and saw his father on the ground. His father was unconscious. Thankfully, he knew what was wrong with his father. 

Cameron claims that his father had diabetes and had passed out owing to a lack of insulin. Unfortunately, there was a problem…

Locked Phone

Cameron attempted to contact 911 on his father's cell phone, but the screen was locked. He went out to get aid since he didn't know what else to do. His neighbours, though, were not at home at the time.

Despite the fact that he was aware that his father was in danger, he persisted. He was aware that he needed to get assistance as soon as possible.

Rushing For Help

Cameron's grandmother's house was the only other option he knew of. The only disadvantage was that she lived five miles away and he would have to travel on a busy highway.

For him, he had only one option left. He took out the bike and rode to her grandmother's house despite the danger to save his father's life.

Lucky Encounter

Fortunately, Sutherland had spotted Cameron just in time as he weaved in and out of the four lanes of busy commuter traffic. And she had stopped to check on him because of her instincts.

As Sutherland consoled Cameron, two other cars pulled over to check on them and dialled 911 for his father.


They shared the information and address with the paramedics and firemen. The emergency personnel rushed to the location.

The first responders arrived at his house just in time to give his father the insulin shot he sorely needed. Talk about arriving just in time!


Sutherland commended Cameron for his bravery in the scenario and ability to remain cool in the face of adversity. She was also relieved that he had passed by at the right time.

Sutherland was also praised for going above and beyond as a teacher, stopping for a pupil even after the workday had ended.

Part Of Divine Design

Sutherland concluded that her interactions were all part of a divine design. “As I left work that day, I looked forward to going home and resting, but God had a different plan, and I’m so glad He did." She recounted.

She further added, "He showed me teaching goes far beyond the classroom and that what we do for our students outside the classroom is way more important."