Lone Man Broke His Leg On A Trip, What He Did Next Will Shock You

Vacation Turned Nightmare

It was meant to be the ideal vacation. A trip to the beach to unwind and get away from the stresses of everyday life. For one Army veteran, though, his fantasy vacation was about to turn into a living nightmare.

When the man decided to go for a walk along the beach, he slipped and shattered his leg bone. Now that he was isolated and alone, he needed to get aid. You won't believe this amazing story of courage and perseverance over adversity.

Dream Vacation

Tim Robinson, a British Army infantry sergeant, had been looking forward to a vacation for months. So when the opportunity came, he rushed to his dream vacation to Bridport, Dorset.

He couldn't wait to spend his days reading, watching sunsets, and seeking peace and quiet with his lovely wife in a tiny village near the ocean in England.

A Walk Down The Beach

Tim's fate, however, had other intentions. The day got off to a good start. He had a delicious meal and decided to go for a walk down to the beach.

Unfortunately, the pleasure of dabbling his toes in the waves wouldn't last for long.


He was walking along the shore, and at one point, he slipped on a piece of seaweed that had washed up on the beach. It happened so fast that couldn't brace himself for the impact. 

His leg landed at an unusual angle, causing a piercing agony to run through his body. Assessing the pain, Tim realized that the worst had happened.

Broken Leg

He broke his leg. The situation was dire. And to make the matter worse, he didn't bring his cell phone with him. 

He wasn't expecting on staying too long on the beach. He had no idea that he would end up with a broken leg here. 

All Alone

Tim realized he was completely alone as he looked over the vast beach. There was no one in sight. The pain was intense, and he had never felt so powerless. 

While laying on the sand, Tim thankfully remembered his military training. He wasn't going to let this issue get the best of him.

Calling For Help

Tim immediately began to cry out for assistance. Surely someone at the hotel or nearby could hear him? 

Unfortunately, his screaming was in vain. Tim's thoughts strayed to the survival shows he used to watch on television as he considered his next step.

Survival Training

"You watch these survival programs like Bear Grylls and think about what is around you to help you," Tim recounted. 

Tim, however, had nothing but an unending stretch of beach and surf. Realizing the need to move, he began the agonizing job of struggling to stand.

Reconsidering The Plan

He tried walking, but he couldn't put weight on his fractured leg. So he opted for hobbling and hopping on the sand.

Unfortunately, the pain was too much for him to bear, forcing him to come to a halt and reconsider his strategy. He couldn't possibly make it back to the hotel on his own.

Weighing His Options

Tim knew he had few options. He'd have to get creative if he didn't have a cell phone and no one to aid him. And his shattered leg wasn't going to help.

The damage was so severe that it dangled like a shattered tree limb. He'd have to try something else...even if it meant risking his life.

Experience From Past

He would have to crawl. He was well aware of the gravity of his current circumstance after serving two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

And there was no way he was going to let a broken leg get the best of him.  He started crawling through the sand.

The Risk Involved

Tim had underestimated the difficulty of crawling in the sand. The pain in his leg was blocking his ability to think clearly.

He was aware that he needed to get help immediately or risk going into shock.


“After I crawled to about a mile-and-a-quarter away from the car park, I started flashing my torch in SOS and spinning it over my head to create a Buzz-Saw signal which is a way of attracting helicopters in the armed forces…” Tim told.

Unfortunately, his signals were not picked up. There were no planes or helicopters flying overhead, and it appeared like no one was visiting the beach.

Chance Of Survival

Tim understood he had to keep moving if he was to survive the ordeal. "It was all very dramatic. I was scared for my life," Tim recalled.

He realized he didn't have a choice; he could either wait for aid or keep moving. But, with night coming, the chances of anyone spotting him in the dark were small.

Not Giving Up

Tim tole to the media outlet, "There was no response, to begin with, so I crawled for five minutes and covered about 50 meters before making the same signal three times."

He was not going to give up. There was no other option except to keep on moving.

Finally A Response

Tim finally received a response after flashing his signals a third and fourth time. He noticed a flame shining back at him.

Finally, it appeared that someone had noticed his distress signal. But who was it?

Distress Signal

Tim kept flashing his light in succession until he saw the torch was flashing back in a similar manner. He understood it was someone close to him through the agony and dread.

Someone familiar. He had no idea that he would find this person.

Tim's Wife

It was his wife. Tim added, "She was shining the torch in a sequence in response to my signal. We got a routine going where I crawled for five minutes, stopped, signaled, and she replied.”

It seemed Tim's wife realized something was seriously wrong and went in search of her husband. Tim was really lucky.

Felt Like Eternity

Tim still had a long distance to crawl despite his wife's signals and assistance. He recalls the agony of his broken leg and the need of crawling in intervals while signaling his wife.

It seemed to take an eternity as if time had slowed to match his creeping slowness.

Risk Of Infection

On top of everything else, Tim realized the longer he remained on the beach without treatment, the higher the chance of infection. 

His broken leg and exposed bone were serious issues. Fortunately, he was determined to make it off the shore alive.

End Of Suffering

Tim was finally within hearing distance of his wife after many lengthy sessions of signaling and crawling. This enabled him to start calling out to her, and he understood that his suffering was coming to an end.

Tim's wife had called for assistance while signaling her husband. She recalls the worry she had, not knowing how hurt he was. Fortunately, it would all be over shortly.

Coast Guard

Tim was in bad shape when he was finally reunited with his wife. She realized his condition was far worse than she had expected. He was tired and in a lot of pain.

Thankfully, the coast guard arrived quickly, but there was no ambulance nearby to transport Tim to the hospital.

Securing The Leg

Tim's leg was stabilized by the coast guard team, who warned him that they would have to wait for an ambulance. Fortunately, they were able to keep his spirits up in the meanwhile.

“The coastguards and lifeboat guys were excellent and really professional,” Tim recalled. “They kept my morale up and had a bit of banter when they found out I was an army reservist.”

Severity Of Situation

The medics removed Tim's boot the assess the situation. He realized that the fracture was far worse than he imagined. His foot immediately flopped to the side. 

Even Tim couldn't believe what he had gone through to get to safety. The medics were shocked. Even Tim couldn't believe what he had gone through to get to safety. 

Recovery And Promises

Tim is on his way to recovery now. Tim's military background, according to the rescue mission's leader, was a vital component in his survival. Fortunately, his wife was able to assist from a distance as well.

As for Tim? He swears he'll have his phone with him whenever he travels from now on.