Restaurant Charges Soldier $200 Over Uniform, Then They See Who His Commanding Officer Is

Serving His Country

Having served his country for months, he had done it well. In his scarred, marred, and proud state, he only wanted to spend the afternoon with good food and good company in peace. 

As soon as the manager saw him walk through the front door, she had other ideas. There was no way anyone could have predicted how disastrous this would turn out.

What Is The Hype?

As Griff entered the restaurant for his dinner, he hadn't anticipated this happening. It had been getting good reviews, and he wanted to check it out. 

As soon as he stepped onto home soil, after spending six months fighting, he vowed to visit this place. What a surprise awaited him if he only knew what it was. 

After The Front Lines

Prior to returning home, Private First Class Griffiths Geller spent half a year on the front lines. Even though he was only twenty-three years old, he had already accomplished a lot. 

Griff enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating from high school. In addition to fulfilling his lifelong dream of joining the Force, he wanted to make his family proud. 

Armed To The Teeth

In the same way that many motivated young people today do, Griff dedicated his entire life to becoming a Marine. After completing all the required steps, he was deployed several months later. 

As Griff fought alongside his fellow citizens, armed to the teeth, he made his country proud. It wasn't long before his deployment ended, and a new chapter began for him. 

High End Establishment

When Griff was on deployment in Tampa, he had heard his friends and Marine buddies talking about a high-end restaurant just near the base. 

Griff, a Chicago native, knew little about Florida before he hung up his weapons, but he wanted to change that soon. However, the treatment he would receive there would be unlike anything he had ever encountered before.  

Late Afternoon Sun

Griff emerged from the Marine base wearing combat fatigues and carrying a Marine duffel bag over one shoulder. Even though it was late afternoon, the sun was still high in the sky. 

Hot and dry, the air was heavy with the kind of love you can only find at home. As Griff inhaled it, he smiled, happy to be back home. However, his day would not be fruitful.  

Swooning Over A Good Meal

In the trunk of his truck, Griff stuffed his duffle bag and started the engine. In his mind, he could already taste all the delicious food he would be devouring that day. 

Despite being tasty and healthy, he had grown tired of eating army food for seven months. Something delicious was on this Marine's mind today.

Upon Arrival

I drove to the restaurant in a short amount of time. One or two cars were overtaking grip on the relatively empty roads. As soon as he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, he hopped out. 

A smile spread across his face as he glanced around. He was shown a picture of this place by one of his friends while on duty. His lips curled further when he realized everything matched what he had seen. 

The Concierge

The Marine exited his vehicle, leaving his duffle bag behind. Upon entering the restaurant through its double glass doors, he was greeted by a well-dressed concierge. 

In order to keep things casual, Griff greeted him respectfully with a friendly smile. The man grimaced before speaking, eyeing him from head to toe.

Under Dressed

In a posh, almost European accent, he asked, "Can I help you?" As he spoke, he twirled his mustache, clearly uncertain whether Griff should be present. 

Griff nodded in agreement. “A reservation was made at the restaurant, so I wanted to check it out.” "Oh," said the concierge. "Are you planning on dressing like that?" 

He’s Not Here To Impress Anyone

"Yes," answered Griff. He'd already noted that he was the only one not dressed in a crisp black and white suit in this immaculate space.  

Even his truck in the parking lot had looked out of place, surrounded by luxury sedans as far as the eye could see. But Griff wasn't here to impress anyone. He only wanted to eat and fulfill an oath to an army buddy. 

Right This Way

The concierge turned to his computer, pressing a few buttons before ushering Griff to the restaurant. "Right this way, sir," he said. 

Unlike the hot, dry air outside, the restaurant's atmosphere was cool and refreshing. Mellow piano music emanated from an unknown place, and countless servers weaved around carrying large plates of food. Griff thought he was right where he was supposed to be, unaware he was being watched.

A List Of Delicacies

The concierge handed him to a waitress, who eyed him from head to toe before taking him to his reserved booth. She gave him a menu, smiled, and walked away.

As Griff looked at the endless lists of delicacies, his mind started wandering back to the front lines. His eyes turned glossy as he remembered the real reason he was here. 

Wishful Thinking

You see, while on duty, he and his closest buddy, Ricky, had been talking about what they'd want to do the minute they got home. Griff told Ricky he wanted to drive home to his family first. 

He wanted to show them all the incredible medals he'd attained and all the fantastic photos he'd taken. He wanted to talk to his dad about the horrors he'd witnessed because, just like him, his dad had been a serviceman. But what was Ricky's wish?

Meet Ricky Ford

Unlike Griff, Ricky Ford had grown up without biological parents. After spending years in several foster homes, he'd found his family with the Marines. He'd finally felt seen, loved, and appreciated. 

Unlike Griff, this was his second deployment. They'd started their relationship as enemies, with Ricky constantly butting heads with Griff. But that changed as soon as the two were beyond enemy lines. 

Telling Him About The Restaurant

A strong bond was birthed between the two battle brothers, and for months, they spent time trading stories of where they were from. A Tampa native, Ricky, shared about the restaurant and how great its food was.

A few Marines who had also lived in Tampa for a few months agreed with him, saying the restaurant was a must-visit for anyone who loved authentic Italian food. But they failed to mention one crucial thing. 

Making Plans

Ricky and the other marines egged Griff to visit the restaurant when he finally returned home. Ricky even offered to take him there, saying he'd show Griff the time of his life. 

By now, the two had become best friends, barely separable unless it was by their corporal's order. Visiting the restaurant had been the two's plan for a good three months before disaster struck. 

IED Attack

The disaster came in the name of an IED attack. On his last breath, Ricky begged Griff to see their plan through. In tears, Griff nodded, frantically trying to put pressure on Ricky's chest. 

Sitting in the restaurant alone, the memory came to the Marine, so vivid that he ate back a whimper. He could still smell the stench of burnt flesh and melted metal. He wouldn't stop until he saw his promise through. 

A Hero

Griff's reason for visiting the restaurant was more than the food. He was here for his best friend, to honor his life and the good he'd done for their country. Ricky was as heroic as he was selfless and brave. 

He’d taken that IED hit and saved his entire fire team. He was never afraid to step into the dark, where nothing but chaos reigned. He was everything Griff hoped to be one day, and Griff would honor him the best way he could. 

A Line-Up Of Food

In their talks, Ricky had given Griff a line-up of the foods to order while at the restaurant. He'd talked about how each food in the three-course meal would complement each other, slowly building off the last's flavor.  

"I wish you were here, bud," Griff whispered, and holding back tears, called the waitress to take his order. But everything was not as it seemed.

An Unexpected Encounter

As Griff waited for his meal, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. Glancing around the restaurant, his eyes met with the intense gaze of the restaurant's concierge, the same man who had eyed him disapprovingly at the entrance.

Their eyes locked for a moment, and Griff felt a pang of discomfort. He shifted in his seat, wondering if he had somehow offended him or if his military uniform had triggered something. 


He quickly looked away, trying to focus on the beautiful decor and the soft piano music playing in the background.

When the waitress finally brought his food, Griff's mouth watered at the sight of the beautifully plated dishes. He could almost imagine Ricky sitting across from him, sharing stories and laughter. But when the bill arrived after his meal, Griff's heart sank.

A Toast

Even though Griff was enjoying his food, he couldn’t help but think of Ricky and how much he would have enjoyed having him sitting across the table from him.

He sniffed as he thought of his fallen friend and discreetly made a toast in his honor. “To you, Ricky boy. May we meet again on the other side.”


As Griff continued his meal, he still felt some uneasiness. It felt like the whole restaurant was staring at him. As if eyes were boring into his back.

He felt very uncomfortable because he knew that he seemed a little out of place in the fancy restaurant. But still, he wasn’t going to let some people ruin his day.


He was there for a special reason, and Ricky would want him to ignore what was bothering him and have a great day. Ricky was a cheerful guy, and Griff hoped his cheerfulness would someday rub off on him.

He was an anxious mess, and it all stemmed from his time on the front lines of war. But today, he just wanted to forget about it as the waitress brought around more food.

Tasteless Food

The Marine ordered his plates, one after the other. He started with the appetizers, followed by the main course and dessert. Everything was cooked to perfection. 

But Griff couldn't immerse himself in the food when his friend wasn't here with him. He knew he would have to drive to his grave soon, and that alone withered his insides. But for now, he needed to finish his plate. 

Seventy Dollars

The Marine finished everything he'd ordered and asked for the bill. He'd worked the math for everything while ordering and knew he wouldn't spend more than seventy dollars on everything. 

But the waitress handed him a bill that had him shooting to his feet. "Excuse me," he called. "I think there's a problem with my bill."

The Shocking Bill

The waitress glanced at the bill and then back at Griff, seemingly unfazed by his concern. "I assure you, sir, the bill is accurate," she said in a tone that made it clear she wasn't going to back down.

Griff stared at the numbers on the bill, feeling his blood boil. The total amount was staggering. He had expected a reasonable bill, considering he had meticulously planned his order within his budget.

A Concierge’s Intervention

As Griff's frustration mounted, a man approached their table, exuding an air of authority. It was the concierge. "Is there a problem here?" he inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Griff's military discipline held him in check, but his voice trembled slightly as he responded, "Yes, there's a problem. This bill is way higher than it should be. I calculated everything, and it doesn't add up to this."

No Mistakes Here

With his nose up in the air, the concierge replied, “We do not make mistakes here. Perhaps your calculations are wrong.” Griff gasped at the audacity.

He knew he wasn’t wrong. He ate three courses and made sure to look at the prices before he ordered them. Seventy dollars was all he could spend in this place.

Not Prepared

“Could you please have a look again? I wasn’t prepared for this exorbitant amount,” Griff pleaded. But it looked like his pleas fell on deaf ears.

The concierge gave him a sour look and walked off as he politely and enthusiastically greeted a glamorously dressed couple who had just arrived. Griff knew that they were not going to let up.


He looked around him in confusion. By now, it looked like a few of the patrons had been looking his way and were shaking their heads in disgust.

Griff felt like he just wanted to get up and leave the place, but how was he going to do that when he was staring at a huge restaurant bill?

Two Hundred Dollars!

The waitress came rushing back. She looked at it and said, "I believe it's correct, sir." But it wasn't. For some reason, the restaurant had tacked an extra $130 on Griff's $70, making it a whopping $200 for plates of Caprese salad, spaghetti bolognese, and tiramisu.   

Livid, Griff asked to see the manager. But the man was impassive. He looked at Griff's Marine uniform and said, "Your uniform isn't meant for such places, young man. It's an eyesore here. The $130 is for our effort to protect the rest of our honored guests from looking at you."

Don’t Be Rash

Griff's eyes went wide. "Excuse me?" he asked, and the manager repeated what he'd said, this time louder, despite being a foot away from Griff. "Now settle that bill, if you can, and leave my restaurant."

It took everything for Griff not to do something rash on the spot. He was still reeling from having to eat his food alone, without Ricky by his side. Giving the manager one last look, he told him he wouldn't be paying an extra $130 because of his uniform. And that's when it happened. 

They Took His ID

The manager called two security guards, who, after looking at Griff, called in three more guards. One of them, the biggest, took Griff by his shoulders. Before the Marine could retaliate, the other guards held him in place. 

"You will pay that bill," the manager seethed as the men escorted Griff outside. "Take his ID," the manager commanded. Waving it before Griff's eyes, he said, "Pay the bill, and we'll give this back."

He Goes For The Duffle Bag

They left Griff in the parking lot, trembling from his anger. He'd always been a man of a few words. A man of action. He turned to the trunk of his car and grabbed his duffle bag. He would teach the manager and his goons a lesson. 

Griff was about to head into the restaurant when he suddenly braked. Was he really about to do what his mind was pushing him to do? "No," he mumbled, covered in sweat. "There's a better way."

Back At Base

He hopped into his truck and raced back to the base. A minute later, he was standing before one of his superiors, the corporal who led his and Ricky's fire team. Griff explained what happened at the restaurant, explaining that he'd only gone there to fulfill his oath to their fallen brother. 

Luckily for him, his corporal had been there when the two were making plans. He'd even given them a few other restaurant recommendations. Without wasting time, he asked Griff to follow him. 

Show Us, Son

The corporal led Griff to another superior's office, where he explained everything. The superior, a grizzled older man with leathery-toned skin, salt and pepper hair, and piercing blue eyes, made a phone call. 

Four marines walked through the door, saluting before standing still. "Show us, son," the superior said before he and his marines filed out of the office. 

They Waste No Time

Everyone jumped into two military vehicles and drove to the restaurant, with Griff's corporal and their superior in the front seats. They didn't even wait for the drivers to park before they jumped out of the vehicles and marched into the restaurant. Griff was quick behind them, wondering what they'd do. 

The air in the restaurant immediately turned sour the moment the superior entered clad in full marine gear. He kept his hand just above his holster. His eyes narrowed as he searched for the manager. 

ID. Now

Finding the manager, he said, "Give me his ID now, or I will start looking for it myself." When the manager handed it over, the officer walked past him and jumped at a counter. "All Active Duty Military," he started. "This site is now on the Prohibited List. Pay your tab and get out."

He got down and walked out, and half the restaurant tailed him. Griff hadn't seen them when he was last here, but he could tell many were either reserved or retired – loyal. The restaurant went on the List and was still there when Griff transferred out of Tampa six months later. 

A New Mission

Griff stood there, stunned, as the situation unfolded before him. He never expected his visit to the restaurant to escalate like this. The superior's actions left no room for negotiation, and the entire scene was like something out of a movie.

As the manager scrambled to address the enraged customers and the atmosphere grew tense, Griff's corporal turned to him. "You did the right thing coming to us," he said, clapping Griff on the shoulder. "We've got your back."

Unexpected Allies

Feeling a mix of relief and gratitude, Griff nodded at his corporal. He had expected to face a tough situation alone, but now he had the support of his fellow Marines, his brothers-in-arms. They were ready to stand up against any injustice he faced.

The patrons who had followed the superior outside patted Griff on the back, some offering words of encouragement. It was a stark reminder of the brotherhood he had in the military, even when off duty.


The manager was now struggling to salvage his reputation as he hurriedly dealt with the irate customers. Word had spread among them about how an active-duty Marine had been mistreated, and they were expressing their anger by leaving the establishment one by one.

The restaurant's reputation took a significant hit that day, and Griff watched with a sense of satisfaction as the manager realized the gravity of his actions.

Unexpected Gratitude

Before leaving, Griff caught the eye of the waitress who had served him. She looked apologetic as if realizing the extent of what had transpired. She mouthed a "sorry" to him, and he gave her a small nod in acknowledgment.

As he stepped outside into the warm Tampa air, Griff's heart was lighter than it had been in a while. He had faced adversity and stood up for what was right, and his military family had rallied around him.

A New Promise

Driving away from the restaurant, Griff knew that his mission was far from over. He had honored Ricky's memory by refusing to back down in the face of injustice. But now, he felt a renewed determination to make a difference not just for himself but for all those who had served and sacrificed.

He knew that there were more battles to fight, both on and off the battlefield. The fire within him burned brighter than ever, fueled by the memory of his fallen friend and the camaraderie of his fellow Marines.