Army Dad Returns Home Early, Finds Daughter With A New Dad

Desert Heat

He believed that he was hearing things. The desert heat was getting to him. While he was talking with his wife on the phone, he heard something else. 

Did it feel like deja vu? He wasn't familiar with the voice either. Upon hearing the scene at home, something seemed off.

Line Of Duty

Among the shifting sands of the Iraqi desert, Dallas Brosnan, 30, stood a lone soldier, longing and duty fighting for dominance.

In the line of duty, he had been sent to Iraq. In spite of this, his mind was nowhere near the field. He had been worried about something for some time.


In Wisconsin, he bid farewell to Sarah, his beloved wife, and their precious five-year-old daughter, Alice, a year ago. At the time of his departure, his wife was carrying his second child.

There was no choice, but he had to go through it emotionally. Having a duty to fulfill was his responsibility. He was eager to serve his country and was ready to do so.

Wanting To Return Home

It was his family that he loved most, even though he was a serious soldier. His greatest desire was to return to them. Still, there was a year left.

The physical gap had been bridged through letters and occasional phone calls, but Dallas missed their warmth, their laughter.

Father Of Two

It was their letters and phone calls that kept Dallas connected to his distant world. His wife sent him a sonogram of their baby and he cried. There would be two children born to him.

It was the nights, when the loneliness weighed him down like heavy gear, those were the hardest. He kept going, however, because of the growing family he had.

Whisper In The Wind

Dallas' thoughts began to be haunted by a distant yet persistent male voice as the relentless sun beat down on him.

Who else was in his house? Is there something being kept from him by his wife? As elusive as it was, it was undeniable, like a whisper carried by the wind. 

Addressing The Situation

Next time Dallas got a call from his wife, he decided to talk to her about this. There was something wrong in their home, and he wanted to find out what it was. His wife's loyalty to him made him feel insecure, even as a soldier.

In one of their rare conversations, he confided in Sarah, but she ignored him as if he was hearing things.

Let It Go

Rather than upset his pregnant wife, Dallas left it alone. It was up to him to find out for himself. Despite this, his ears were at high alert.

In the months that followed, Dallas' calls with his family began to be infiltrated by an odd phenomenon. It was definitely another man, he was certain of it.

Hurt And Left Out

Dallas had no other option. His family hurt him and he felt excluded. It perturbed his mind to find out what was going on at home through various methods. 

A spy should be sent back home, he thought. Getting a CCTV system for his house was what he wanted to do. When he thought about what was happening in his house, he was going crazy.

Noticed By The General

Dallas's General, Donald, started noticing that he was becoming more concerned. There was always a delay in his morning routine.  He lost focus and skipped meals. 

The form and interest he had in his work were slipping away from him. “Do you feel the pangs of home weighing you down, soldier?” General Donald asked. However, the soldier just excused himself by saying he was sick.

On The Road Again

Dallas didn’t get a chance to deal with his feelings because they were sent to site. As the soldiers were packed in the army vehicle like sardines. He questioned the decisions of his life.

They left the army base and headed off on a 3-hour drive to the makeshift army setup. Dallas knew he wouldn’t be able to speak to his wife for a while.

Home Away From Home

He was deployed to a temporary base in a small village in Iraq, Dallas was on guard. He barely slept and was on high alert at all times.

He missed his wife and longed for a touch of home. And it was as if something in the Universe felt his pain, but he received a call from home.

News From Home

He eagerly answered the call. It was his wife; she had an emergency with the baby. But everything was okay now. She would explain in detail in an email.

When he inquired who was with her, Sarah brushed it off saying she got some friends to help her out. Dallas felt a pang of unease but trusted his wife's explanation.

Somebody There

The tired soldier never forgot the voice that lingered in his mind. A faint, unfamiliar male voice occasionally echoed in the background.

But the voice persisted, an eerie undercurrent to their conversations. He asked again, “Who is that there with you?” But Sarah deflected, only to be reassured that it was nothing more than the voice of their family member.

Missing Home

The soldier eventually returned to his main base in Iraq, there was still a year left of his service. As the days stretched into weeks and then months, the voice grew more distinct, its intonations more unnerving. 

Dallas couldn't shake the feeling that it harbored secrets, concealed truths that clawed at the edges of his consciousness. The voice rang in his head.

Talking To Home

The soldier took advantage of having a cellphone and phoned back home more often. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon casting long shadows, Alice's innocent voice reached across the miles. 

"Daddy," she said, her voice a fragile thread of connection, "I can't wait for you to meet my new dad."  The soldier was speechless.

The Little Girl Said

Stunned, Dallas felt a chill crawl up his spine. What did his daughter mean? His mind raced, searching for explanations, for a logical way to unravel this disconcerting puzzle. 

He pressed Alice for answers, his heart pounding as the darkness of uncertainty closed in. But the little girl didn’t understand what her father meant. She was just happy.

More Information

Dallas tried to get information from his daughter. But she couldn’t give him the answers she wanted. “Who is taking you to school honey?” Dallas tried to prompt his child.

Then, one day, Alice's innocent utterance pierced through the crackling phone line. "Daddy, I can't wait for you to meet my new dad," she said with a child's innocent excitement. 

Daddy Number Two

The words struck Dallas like a thunderbolt, confusion and alarm surging through him. What could Alice possibly mean? His heart raced as he contemplated the possibilities, the thoughts tormenting him during the long nights in the barracks.

Through the phone line, her voice trembled, "He's nice, Daddy. He takes care of us when you're away." Who was this man?

Alone And Betrayed

Fear clenched Dallas's heart like a vise. He had thought of Sarah every day, and had believed in the strength of their love. How could she have done this to him?

The relentless sandstorms of Iraq were nothing compared to the storm of emotions raging within him now. He was a betrayed man with a vengeance.

She Always Lied

Tears burned behind his eyes. What was he supposed to do about this? His wife lied every time he tried to ask her about it, and his daughter was too young to explain the situation. Dallas was shattered. 

For all his life, he dedicated everything to his family. He wanted to give them the best lives possible, and this was what he got in return. 

He Needed Answers

He tried to get more information out of Alice, but she was more interested in telling him about her time in school. He had to speak to Sarah about this, but he wondered if she would tell him the truth.

But why would she do this to him? Did she feel neglected or betrayed by his absence? He had to get to the bottom of this. 

How Could She?

“Alice, sweetie, could you pass the phone to Mommy, please?” He spoke gently, careful not to alarm his young daughter. She remained silent for a moment before finally responding. 

“Mommy isn’t home, only dad is. But mommy said that he wasn’t allowed to talk to you,” She said casually, clearly not understanding the severity of the situation. His heart dropped. How could Sarah have done this to him? 


He felt defeated. There was nothing more that he could do. He simply had to let this go. After all, there wasn’t much he could do while he was this far away from his wife and children. It felt like his entire world was falling apart and he didn’t know how to fix it.

“Okay sweetie,” He breathed, feeling absolutely destroyed. “I’ll speak to you later.” His biggest fear was coming true. He was losing his family. 


Tears sprung to his eyes as he pressed the power button on his phone. He watched the screen turn black before shutting his eyes tightly. He was watching in real time as everything came crashing down around him. 

He thought Sarah was his endgame, but now he realized how wrong he was. Was she just waiting for him to leave before inviting this man over? Suddenly, he doubted everything they ever had. 

A New Dad

The remaining year in Iraq became a test of endurance, the suspense in his heart mirroring the volatile landscape around him. Sarah was pregnant with a boy.

The news excited and crushed him all the same. He’d always wanted a boy, but now he was wondering if he would even be in the child’s life. What if his family was actively replacing him? He didn’t know what to do.

Renewed Determination

He tried his best not to think about it too hard. He was going to have a baby boy soon and he had to ensure that he would be there for him.

He faced the dangers of combat with renewed determination, driven by a singular purpose: to return to America and confront the enigma that had infiltrated his family. He was fighting his own personal war.

Another Man

The months were passing fast, and he was channeling all of his pain and anger into his work. He felt like he had something to prove. He was excited yet terrified to return home, knowing that another man had moved into his home.

His last few conversations with Sarah were tense. He never asked her about the man, but he still heard him over the phone, playing with his children.

An Inner War

As his deployment finally neared its end, his anticipation mingled with dread. How was he going to handle the confrontation with his wife and her new flame?

The thought of reuniting with Sarah and Alice was a beacon of hope, yet it also cast a spotlight on the mysteries he was about to confront. He had to be brave.


He often spoke about the situation to one of his closest friends in Iraq, Simon. He felt for Dallas, after all, he had lost his wife to another man too. Simon kept telling Dallas not to assume anything. 

“You don’t know the full story yet,” He would say with a pat on Dallas’s back. Weeks quickly turned into days, and before they knew it, it was time to go home.

Back To The USA

The day of departure arrived, the airplane carrying Dallas homeward bound. His heart raced as the distance between him and Iraq grew, but anxiety clung to him like a shadow. 

Simon sat beside him on the plane, comforting him as they got closer to home. Dallas couldn’t help it as his hands shook. He was terrified of what he might find once he got home. 

Their Reunion

Since he left, he’d imagined what it would feel like to come home to his wife and children. But over time, his expectations changed.

He envisioned their reunion—embraces, tears, and long-awaited laughter—but he couldn't shake the lingering questions, the unsettling feeling that everything he knew was about to unravel.

On Home Ground

At long last, the day of his return arrived. The aircraft touched down on American soil, his heart pounding as he descended the gangway. 

He once longed for this moment to come, but now, he was terrified of what would happen when he saw his wife’s beautiful face. He wasn’t ready for what was to come, but he couldn’t put this off any longer.

A Long Journey

He nearly shed a tear as he said goodbye to Simon. Unlike him, Simon’s family had come to the airport to pick him up. Dallas had to get a cab home. The journey to his house seemed to last a lifetime, but eventually, he made it home. 

As he walked up the porch towards his home, a mixture of joy and trepidation welled up within him. The front door swung open, and there they were: Sarah and Alice, radiant and expectant.

Familiar Faces

His eyes glowed in happiness that he was looking at his darling child. But his feelings were confusing toward his wife.

Sarah looked as beautiful as ever, and he couldn’t help it as his heart leapt at the sight of her. For all his life, she was all he ever wanted. Suddenly, he forgot all about the pain. He wanted to embrace his wife and daughter.

The Voice

Alice ran toward him, and he quickly scooped her up on a tight hug, “I’ve missed you so much,” he said into her ear before releasing her.

But as he stepped across the threshold, his ears caught an unfamiliar resonance - a man's voice resonating within the walls of his home. He had the audacity to be in his house even on the day that he arrived?

Someone In My House

Dallas entered his house with Alice running close behind. He entered the living room and stopped dead in his tracks. A man was laughing somewhere in the house, it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen.

His eyes darted towards the source, and there, in the heart of his sanctuary, stood a stranger. A shiver of discomfort ran down Dallas' spine as their gazes locked.

I’m Steven

The man casually placed his drink on the counter and stepped closer to Dallas as he extended his hand out to him. “Hey there, I’m Steven,” He said with a silly grin on his.

Dallas took a hesitant step closer to the man and shook his hand awkwardly. That was the voice he’d heard over the phone for all those months. But who was the strange man?

Helping Out

Dallas didn’t say anything at first, they were left staring at each other as Sarah pushed into the kitchen, taking Steven’s arm with a wide smile. Dallas didn’t like the way she was touching him. How could she do that right in front of her husband?

“Steven here has been helping out a lot while you were gone. He’s been helping me with the kids and the house chores,” She grinned proudly. Dallas felt sick to his stomach.

Who Are You?

“Right,” He coughed up, clearing his throat, “And how do you know each other?” He frowned, making it very obvious that he did not agree. How could Sarah be so blatant about this? And why was his daughter calling the man ‘dad’?

Sarah flashed her ever charming smile, “He is my sister’s husband. But he’s been staying with us since you left?” He had to stop himself from throwing a fit in front of everyone.

He Didn’t Trust Him

“Come on, let get your things all packed out. Steven prepared us a wonderful dinner with all of your favorites,” Sarah smiled and walked ahead, leading her husband out of the kitchen.

But before he left, he glanced at Steven who flashed him a subtle smirk. This didn’t sit right with him. Something was up and he was going to let this go. Little did he know that Steven wasn’t going to leave any time soon.

Taking Over

Days turned into weeks, and Dallas observed with a growing sense of unease as the man ingrained himself into his family's daily life. 

The closeness he shared with Alice, the camaraderie he had with Sarah, all of it felt like an intrusion upon Dallas' rightful place. He longed to reestablish himself as the head of the family, the protector and provider.

The Bigger Man

Summoning all his courage, Dallas invited his brother-in-law Steven for a drink. The words came out with a force he didn't expect. "Are you having an affair with my wife?" he blurted out, the tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. 

Steven's eyes widened in shock, and he vehemently denied the accusation. Instead, he revealed a truth that pierced Dallas to his core - he had been acting as a father figure for Alice in Dallas' absence, filling the void that had inevitably grown.

Nothing To Worry About

Dallas couldn't refute Steven's explanation, the bitterness of realization mingling with gratitude for his brother-in-law's role. He thanked Steven for his help, though his unease remained unshaken. 

He tried to mend his fractured relationship with Alice, to reclaim his place as her father, but the chasm had grown deeper than he anticipated. Would they be able to rekindle their relationship?

Fighting For His Life

In the end, Dallas faced a heart-wrenching truth. The war he fought on foreign soil was nothing compared to the battle he waged within his own home. As he watched Alice laugh and play with Steven, he wondered if he would ever truly find his way back to her heart. 

The question that haunted him was simple yet profound - would his daughter remember him as her real father, or had the war stolen not only his presence but his place in her life?