OR Drama: The Most Controversial Maternal Deliveries Of All Time

A mother giving birth is one of the most beautiful events in the world. It was supposed to be magical and enlightening but when the delivery room became a scene from a drama where the baby daddy is not really the daddy, everything could turn ugly.

These Redditors share the most dramatic moments of mothers giving birth but these dramas will give you a total headache. Brace yourselves for these!

1. Unexpected Turn Of Color

We had a lovely blond-haired blue-eyed mom and dad along with their entire extended family in the room for a delivery one busy afternoon at work (think aunts, uncles, cousins, Grandma, and Grandpa too).

The baby is born and as the doctor places her on the mom’s chest the first words out of her mouth are “That’s not my baby! That’s not my baby!”

The baby in question, still attached to the umbilical cord, has beautiful dark curly black hair, and dark skin. The nurse looks at her and tells her that this is her baby because “she’s still attached to you” and she, not so quietly, tells the nurse, “There’s no way, I never slept with a black man! It’s not mine!”

The “father” is standing there silent, not sure what to do. A long awkward silence fills the room. We clean her and baby up as cheerfully as we can. We see the extended family filter out of the room and the “father” leave to get a cigarette.

About ten minutes later a tall black guy walks up to our front desk asking how to get to the patient in question’s room.


2. Mocha-Colored Mystery

I was assisting a Caesarian when I was a junior doctor. The woman is a dark-skinned partner who has been in prison for 9 months or so. I took the baby immediately upon delivery and announced cheerily “It’s a boy!”

But that was not her main concern. Her first words were “Is it black?” Luckily the baby was a mocha color that could have gone either way, and I told her in a mildly confused manner “Ah, it could be?”


3. Paramedic Dilemma

Paramedic here, our crew delivered a full birth in the back of our rig. We have 2 paramedics in the back with the PT and a driver, and I’m working on the laptop listening to info they are telling me to add to the report. Suddenly, it goes kind of quiet, I hear the mother, who was very white, let out a very loud “Oh crap, it’s not white!”

The driver alarm was pressed 2 times quickly, generally meaning to turn around to get info for the report. I turn from the front passenger seat to see a very dark-skinned baby. I can’t see the mother's face, but all I see is her shaking her head.

She begins to worry, saying “My husband is meeting us there at the hospital! He can’t see this!” I just continued the report and am not sure what the problem is. I guess we’ll see when we get there.

When we were at the ER. We stop outside the ambulance bay, I get out to open the doors and am met by another very white heavyset guy in a uniform shirt, dress pants, and glasses, asked me if his wife is in there and if she is in labor when he is coming home.

Hospital policy dictates that we can’t have random people that we can’t confirm identity that close to the rig when opening doors for PT safety. Security is there quickly, but holds him back a bit. We open the doors and roll the PT and her newborn out. He takes one look and sees the color of the baby,

He had his jaw dropped, pure desperation. Like a 1000-yard stare. Even security had a look like, “Wow, that woman messed up, and this guy knows it now” Then the wife said, “Babe, I can explain every bit of this!!! I know it looks weird, but I can!”

We wheel her into the ER. There was no sign of her husband. The last thing I knew, the husband didn’t check into the hospital as a visitor. I’m assuming he went home to pack his stuff.


4. A Chlamydia Conundrum

We had a newborn who had chlamydia. He got it from his mom. So the mom admits she was cheating on the dad because there’s no other way to explain that one.

Well, the other explanation is the dad was cheating too, with the other guy’s girlfriend, and all 4 of them had chlamydia, with no idea who had it first. They also had no idea who the actual dad was. That was a rodeo.


5. Bittersweet Twist Of Fate

So a friend of mine, who already passed away, had cancer and he was dating a girl for about 2 years he then discovered he had the disease. He would live at best 1 more year. His girlfriend announced to him a week later that she was pregnant (they were both white).

He kept on saying that life is a joke. He was happy because he would have a baby now but sad because he would pass away in a year. Anyway, 9 months later the baby was born and it was black. He then disappeared for weeks and we learned that he had passed away a month later. Felt so sorry.


6. A Dramatic ER Visit

We had a patient who came into the ER for UTI with her boyfriend of 4 months (his words). She was 19. Acting extremely dramatic for just having a UTI. We tell her we need urine.

She urges us to catheter her which is unusual but she says she can’t pee so me and another nurse assume the position of putting in a catheter with her lying on the gurney. At this point, the nurse screams, “Call L&D!! She’s crowning!”

The L&D nurse gets in just in time to grab the child as it shoots out into her hands and is a living breathing baby. The girl swears she had no idea she was pregnant. They wheel her off to postpartum and the guy is just kind of left standing there, dumbstruck.

“We have only been dating 4 months. I had no idea she was pregnant. She never mentioned it at all.” He just buried his head in his knees while he was sitting on the floor against the hallway wall. I felt so bad for the guy.


7. C-Section Delivery Unveils A Secret

I am an anesthesiologist. C-sections are typically done under spinal anesthesia, and we're the ones at the head of the table keeping the mother calm and talking her through the procedure while the surgeons operate.

I've seen it more than once, but I remember one in particular when the parents were both very Caucasian, and the baby was very much not. The actual father had to be very dark-skinned. At delivery, when the not-Father saw the baby he just looked down at his wife (who was starting to cry) and calmly said, "You awful wench." and walked out.

She started screaming for him to come back, but there wasn't much she could do since she was, you know, still being operated on. She lost it to the point I eventually had to sedate her just a bit because she was in danger of injuring herself. As far as I know, her husband never came back to the hospital, I don't know what happened after that.


8. Unanticipated Bonds

My brother had a surprise baby this way. He and a coworker had a one-night stand while she was broken up with her ex. She gets back with her ex and ends up pregnant flash forward to the delivery day.

The day my brother sent me a picture of a random baby out of the blue and said "I think I am a dad". She is white, her boyfriend is black my brother is white. 

Baby came out looking very very white. I don't know how it went down in the hospital room but I know they separated very soon after.  

My brother went to visit her in the hospital and asked her if she would let him take a paternity test. She agreed and it came back positive a week later. And that's how I got my surprise nephew.


9. Genetic Surprises

My dad is blonde and my mom is brunette. I came out of the womb with fiery red hair. My dad’s mom made a huge fuss about my mom “cheating” on my dad and had to be escorted out of the hospital.

My grandmother’s mother had flaming red hair, which she forgot until my great-grandmother held me for the first time and said, “I always wanted a baby with my red hair.”


10. Awkward Arrivals

This was the most awkward situation for everyone involved. The husband was only in the room for a bit. He stayed until the mother delivered the baby. He then left abruptly and didn’t see him again.

The father of the baby showed up after the baby was born. I’ve also had where they didn’t know whose baby it was so both guys were present to see whose they thought it was.


11. A Dad’s Unwavering Love

I have a white friend who is a Superman of a dad. When his third child was born, she was obviously of mixed race. His white wife had an affair with a black man. The wife also had substance abuse issues before this pregnancy and was no longer dependable or stable as a mother.

So my friend immediately divorced her and took custody of the kids. All of them. He's been raising his two bio kids and the third child who isn't technically his for the past decade. She's his princess and he loves her exactly like the other two.


12. Genetic Marvel

I am a witness to this rare happening. But my best friend's brother-in-law has two black parents and came out completely white. They even had a DNA test and it confirmed they were both his parents.

It just is like that sometimes. I'm only guessing they tested the mother as well to rule out any possibility of an accidental swap at the hospital. That was the most extraordinary thing I ever knew.


13. Double Duty Dad

It was the most complicated thing ever. We had two women give birth a few days apart on my floor. They were both waiting for the father to show up. It was odd that the father was not around when the labor happened.

Turns out they had the same baby daddy. The father of the two newborns got both patients pregnant around the same time. It was an interesting day for the social worker!


14. Shocking Paternity Twist

Not a doctor or nurse but an undergrad. I had a buddy (Caucasian) who’d been dating the same girl (also Caucasian) for a while. She gets knocked up, he proposes. Fast forward a few months and both families are eagerly waiting at the hospital to meet the baby.

The baby comes out black. Everyone is in shock. The girl is frantically trying to convince everyone that there’s been a misunderstanding. My buddy called off the engagement immediately, returned the ring, and never looked back.


15. Curly Quandary

I'm of Irish descent. Extremely pale, freckled, wavy dark hair and darker green eyes. My husband is half Native American, and half German. Dark hair and slightly wavy as well. My daughter came out with light brown curly hair and ever so slight strawberry blonde pieces mixed throughout curls for days and the nurse goes, "Wow, where did you get that hair!"

Knowing I had a similar color as a baby and my mother has kinky curly hair, my husband, in a room full of nurses goes "I don’t know, Jared. Where did she get that hair?" I could have instantly ended him.


16. Shades Of Heritage

Not a doctor, but someone in my extended family had a baby (two Middle Eastern parents) who turned out to be dark-skinned. The father of the baby filed for divorce, even though the mother kept saying the baby was his.

A few years later, they found out that the mother's great-grandmother was African and that the baby obtained strong genes from her. They didn't get back together, because too much had gone down at that point, but the mother was right all along.


17. Pink Celebration To Blue Revelation

Not exactly cheating but an awkward situation. During my OB rotation in Med school, I was caring for a patient with a very large family, the kind that all wanted to be part of the delivery process from beginning to end.

They were having a baby girl, and the room was filled from wall to wall with pink presents. Bassinets, blankets, clothing, embroidered quilts, you name it. 

Anyways, I deliver the baby and I’m horrified, thinking there was some sort of mutation in the baby’s female organ.

After my initial shock, I realized it was simply a perfectly normal-looking baby's male organ. The “Congrats, it’s a boy!” was met with shock instead of excitement initially, but then everyone was so happy after understanding he was perfectly healthy.


18. Misguided Treses

Both of my parents have blond hair. When I was born, my hair was strawberry blond. My paternal grandparents lost their crap and accused my mom of cheating because red-tinted hair didn't run in their family.

However, it ran in my mom's family with a redhead popping up now and then. My paternal grandparents didn't know that, they just really hated my mom so looked for excuses to drag her down.

It wasn't until I stopped looking like a potato (as most newborns do) and started looking like a person that my dad's family features came through enough to make them apologize to my mom.


19. A Silent Storm Of Discovery

The birth of the couple's third child. The couple was white, the baby was obviously of Pacific Islander descent. Everyone went very quiet. The nurse telling me the story said she took a moment of silence as she realized what had happened, then she tried to act normally, but waiting for the outburst.

She said the tension was unreal. The guy stared for a minute at a child that was very obviously not his. The mom was already in tears and talking very fast. The guy stood up, looked around for a minute, then left the room. Never said a word.

He wasn't seen again at the hospital, the mom spent the rest of the day on her phone, and the nurse doesn't think she ever found him. The last part is even more distantly related gossip, but allegedly the father cut all ties immediately, speaking regarding the care of his 2 actual kids only through his lawyer. If any of that is true, I take my hat off to the guy.


20. Genetic Kaleidoscope

My brother married a half-Korean, half-white woman who had three girls to the same Mexican guy. The first girl looks Latina. The second girl looks Pacific Islander. The third girl has platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes. They look nothing alike, and yet if you look at their lineage it all makes sense.

I don’t know if this ever caused any issues between her and her ex, but I could understand if an eyebrow was raised in the third one. Now she has a fourth girl with my brother and she looks nothing like the other three. Just a standard brown hair brown-eyed white girl. I know this ain’t super relevant to the question but it always entertains me.


21. Colorful Confusion

This story is from my friend who was a delivery nurse for years. The mother takes the doctor aside and makes him promise to let her know the color of the baby the instant he knows.

The baby is born and the doctor announces to the mom, "Congratulations on your beautiful, healthy WHITE baby!" The father just walked right out of the room and they never found anything more out about it.


22. A Paternity Puzzle Unfolds

This story is from a friend of my brother. She worked as a nurse and a woman and her husband came in. They were both white, and she delivered a child that was black. The husband immediately starts saying wtf, while she is going on and on about dormant traits and everything.

He orders a DNA test. While this is going on her mother and stepdad show up. The stepdad is black. After the testing is done, the DNA test ends up showing that the baby is the stepdad's. Her husband instantly dropped her and cut ties.


23. Tangled Webs of Relationships

She delivered one baby where the father and mother were acting awkward but he was around during labor and when it came time to push the man just walked out and left the room. Apparently, the issue was they were just friends and he lived in another state with his wife and kids.

Another woman had an affair with her cousin’s husband and got pregnant, calling him her fiancé. Her own husband passed away during this period and it prompted her to go out and sleep with a few other one-night stands. 

At this point, she tried to get rid of the baby but she was turned away because she was overweight and hypertensive making the procedure too risky.  

She never followed up with the doctor and gained weight to over 400 lbs. It was too late to remove the baby at this point and she had been taking medication for the hypertensive thing and the medication can cause deformities or can be life threatening. When she delivered it took the entire staff to prevent her from having a stroke and the baby’s kidneys, do they work? No one knows.


24. Rollercoaster Of Doubt

I knew a guy who had a vasectomy, and his wife got pregnant. He accused her of cheating throughout her pregnancy, until the baby was born and paternity tests proved it was his. So he went back to get his vasectomy redone by the same doctor who botched it in the first place.

Well, his wife got pregnant again with twins. And so this guy was sure that his wife had cheated on him this time. He emotionally abused that poor little woman for her entire pregnancy abandoned her for much of it, and called her horrible things.  

When the babies were born, paternity tests proved that they were his. They ended up suing the doctor who performed the botched vasectomy, and the wife divorced the husband for how horribly he treated her throughout her pregnancies.


25. Betrayed By Blood

I wasn’t there, but my cousin found out real quick that her girlfriend was cheating on her. When his girlfriend's kid was black neither he nor the girlfriend were, that’s where his world crumbled down.

The funny thing is, he’s the one taking care of him, as his girlfriend was an even bigger piece of work than he was. She keeps showing repeatedly that she’s not fit to care for a child. What a horrible woman.


26. Shadows of Apartheid

Not me, but this happened to my grandma. Seventy years ago in South Africa, my great grandparents (the female was white, the male was black) had four kids. They all looked mixed race, till the youngest, my Aunt Jan, was born with bright blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin.

Great-grandfather immediately left, claiming their mother had cheated with a white man. The now five kids were adopted out and moved to England. Last year, my grandma's daughter (my aunt) hired a genealogist just to discover they were all genetically related, great-grandmother didn't cheat, and they spent their lives in orphanages for no reason. My aunt wrote a book about it. It's really good.


27. Blood Ties And Unraveled Secrets

I am a medical student. We had a mother who was A- and a father who was A- but the baby ended up being A+. Mother was asking if this could happen and the doctor kind of implied that it was possible (to my surprise since it's not meant to be).

However, they suggested to retest the husband's blood group and follow up with their GP. The doctor told me after that they didn't want to get involved and would leave it up to the GP to deal with and just hoped the husband was positive.

It got awkward the next day (they stayed for a couple of days after due to complications) when the husband was asking about blood grouping and was just strongly suggested to get retested. I never found out what happened after but from my impression of the mother and some of the things she said I am pretty sure she cheated.


28. A Hilarious Tale of Cultural Misunderstanding

My mom has a story about when she gave birth to my sister in Sweden. My family was living there temporarily for my dad’s work. My mom’s blonde and white, my dad’s Japanese but the delivery was a C-section so his entire head was covered for sterilization reasons.

My sister came out with a full head of dark hair, the nurse looked very concerned and whispered to my mom, “Hey, your baby’s black!” Not really used to minorities, most Swedes in the ‘90s. Obviously, my parents both laughed it off, but it’s a fun anecdote.


29. Shadows of Deception

I had a guy who worked for me years ago, he was a white man. Her wife was a fair-skinned Indian. When the woman delivered the baby, they had a baby that was so much darker than her, and the tight black curly hair was a giveaway.

He insisted it was his, he took care of the baby and stayed with her until she ran off with someone else. He wasn't the brightest light on the Christmas tree and the illegal substances obviously made it worse.


30. From Heartbreak to Hilarity

I got a weird one, my previous neighbor was a nurse and delivered one where a buddy of mine was involved. A buddy of mine she knew came in with his girlfriend who was in labour, my buddy was clearly not keen on having a kid but the mother didn’t want an abortion and was madly in love with my buddy to the point that it was an obsession.

So, the girlfriend decided to keep it to keep him around. The girlfriend was properly paranoid, delusional, and an abusive head-case that made my buddy’s life hell for 18 months. He was at the point where I genuinely thought he might just run away or slip into depression and end himself due to this woman.

She insisted it was his and was expecting him to either marry her or in her words one of my mutual friends “If he won’t love me I’ll just take him for all his money for the next 18 years.” My neighbor said he looked like he was going to pass away while the baby was being delivered in the room.

The baby came out, and my buddy and the girl who are both of English/Irish heritage looked and saw a Pacific Islander baby. Turns out the girlfriend was sleeping with one of the local rugby players on the low who knocked her up.

My neighbor said she had never seen someone who looked so emotionally and mentally broken do such a 180 in less than a minute. My neighbor looked back at him as he walked out of the room laughing maniacally with joy. Looked at my neighbor and said, “That’s not mine, thank God I’m free!”

She said he was spotted dancing down the hallway to the exit. My buddy is doing okay now, he has a nice, smoking-hot South African girlfriend whom he has been with for 3 years. They are looking to buy a house together and get married soon.

His ex is now living with her parents in a small granny shack with the kid. The Pacific Islander baby daddy went MIA and last I heard is suspected to be hiding out on some island in his native Fiji. I can’t blame the guy for leaving and I personally hope he is never found.


31. Colors Of Parenthood

When I was 14, maybe 15, I found out my cousin and his wife were having a baby Keep in mind my mom had lots of much older siblings, so my cousin was already 23 at this point.

Fast forward eight months later, my mom and the rest of our extended family were eagerly waiting outside the delivery room, and we heard a scream. Not my cousin's wife, but my cousin.

The nurse opens the doors for us, and we see my cousin sitting on a chair, his head in his hands. His wife is holding their baby in her hands, but the only thing is the baby is black. Needless to say, they divorced a month later and we have not heard from her since.


32. A Neonatal Unit's Unconventional Journey

The story is my sister’s. So, the girl was problematic, to say the least. She was in her late teens and ran away from the doctors to get high on God knows what during the early stages of her untimely delivery.

Unsurprisingly the kid had a plethora of problems and was immediately transferred to a neonatal unit. Now for context, we live in an extremely white area, so babies of color are a rarity. Well, turns out the baby was mixed.

But as you know, newborn mixed babies often have ashy gray skin that darkens during the first hours. It can look quite ambiguous if you’re not used to it. “Dad” (who was not particularly alert and probably high too) was white and my sister and the others were just awkwardly doing their thing and waiting for him to realize what was going on.

After all, people don’t really “break” the baby’s race to the parents as they’re already supposed to know, right? So they just said nothing and exchanged stares as they tended to the mom and the baby. Then my sister’s colleague walked into the room. Kid was her first patient of the day and she wasn’t aware of a lot regarding the case.

The first thing she saw was the baby so got all excited and went “Oh look at that cute little black baby,” then looked up and noticed the pale-ass parents as the “father’s” expression went from dumbfounded to enraged. A shouting match ensued and the guy stormed out.

Luckily, he didn’t mess anything up or have to get escorted. He wasn’t seen again during the baby’s stay at the unit. The little guy survived but had severe physical and mental sequels thanks to his mom’s self-neglect during her pregnancy.


33. Roots Of Reassurance

This situation happened in my extended family. My aunt and uncle had two kids, both toe-head blondes. My aunt is blonde, my uncle has light brown hair. They have their third kid who has the darkest, curliest hair you've ever seen!

My uncle thought my aunt cheated on him with the literal milkman. Apparently, that guy had dark curly hair, bad luck. It turns out, that my uncle's mom had dark, curly hair when she was born (and throughout her childhood) but started coloring her hair blonde and straightening it when she was a teen.

My uncle never knew his own mother's natural hair or texture and there were very few pictures of her as a young girl so he didn't know it wasn't her natural hair. Thankfully, when my aunt and uncle's marriage was on the rocks, my grandma casually mentioned how much this girl would hate her hair when she grew you and would color/straighten it, just like she had.

That saved their marriage. Uncle had a sigh of relief and all has been good since then. By the way, my cousin does not dye or straighten her hair, I guess grandma was wrong


34. Surprising Spectrum Of Family Genetics

I was present at the birth of all my children, and my youngest (daughter) was kind of a surprise, and we still really do not have an explanation. Mom and Dad are both white. When my daughter was born, she was quite swarthy.

Not sure how else to put it. Not dark enough that anyone thought she had a black father but I had no idea, someone could have thought her father was Latino or maybe South Asian.

Anyway, I didn't think anything of it at the time. She showed some other physical traits which made me certain I was her father (ear shape, and some other facial features). As she grew older and grew up, she "lightened up." Actually, at birth, her hair was dark, but very quickly grew out blond, (another trait, but from both sides of the family).

She has her mother's brown eyes. The funny thing was that when she got into her teens, her blond hair went to “dishwater”, then to brown as it is today; though on any given day, it could be orange, green, or white. She's like that.

As she got older, there were more and more physical traits that convinced me she was my descendant. The specific location of cowlicks. Nervous ticks. Shape of her finger and toenails.

She even has this weird "extra" fold on the inside of her pinky on her right hand, exactly like mine. And a mole on her cheek, which I also have (slightly different location, but same type of mole) and my brother has, and my sister has, and most of her cousins have, and both her brothers also have.

The other funny thing was that she was so dark as an infant, when we bought her her first doll, we picked the "Latino" colored one, to match how she had been. (then as she grew up, turns out she was not into dolls. All that social gender programming was for naught - she considers herself some sort of neutral gender, which is fine, still love her.


35. Heart Of Crisis

My sister used to volunteer as a nurse in third-world countries. She built orphanages and helped with treatment. In one particular hospital (in Congo I believe, I’m not sure, she’s worked everywhere) she was stationed at the Gyn department.

On her first day, a woman came into labor with Placenta Praevia (the placenta is in front of the exit for the baby) which was the cause for the mother losing a lot of blood and on the brink of passing away. 

Because my sister was white and she was wearing a white coat, the doctors there thought she was more equipped to do the Cesarean, even though she was just a nurse in training. Nevertheless, they shoved the instruments in her hands and made her do it.  

My sister continued to do it because the doctors were afraid to do it themselves. Apparently, if you come in and need a C-section, they cut out the baby but the mom never survives. Anyhow, she did the surgery from what she had learned from individual study, and together with the doctors they managed to save both the baby boy and the mother.

After a harrowing surgery, blood everywhere, etc. The baby had to go into an improved incubator. Before they could do that, the dad went crazy on my sister. Well, because all babies come out a little whiter than their own skin color, the dad thought my sister put some spell on the child, making him white because she was white herself.

People restrained him, the baby was safely intubated and my sister continued to calm the father and explain how it worked. Needless to say, she was very scared when a huge muscular man went crazy and tried to hit her with a bedpan. Luckily everything turned out all right in the end. I know, it’s not really an exact answer to your question, but I thought it kinda fit here!


36. Palette Of Family Heritage

My story isn't a cheating situation, but it looked like one. Both of my parents are Asians with black hair and black eyes, they also have darker skin compared to mine. I am the first of their kids and I have hazel eyes, brown hair, and pale skin.

The nurses and doctors thought that my mom cheated and tried to convince my dad of that. Turns out both of my grandmothers are mixed and I got some genes from both of them.


37. Political Secrets Unveiled

I was once privy to a situation where a state senator and his wife had a baby. She claimed the baby was premature, but it was very clearly not. Not only that, but the senator was very obviously gay, he winked at me several times and asked for my phone number.

Then another man came in. He had a prominent forehead, short arms, and a tiny nose, just like the baby! Everyone had their suspicions about the situation, but nobody found out for sure until about a year later when the woman finally admitted it alongside the road.


38. Love Laughs At Labels

My mum was pregnant before she met my dad, but only for a month before she met him. She had decided to give the child to a couple who were close family friends who couldn't have kids and then told my dad. He handled it pretty well since she wasn't asking him to be a father, just emotional support, and in his words.

He already knew that he found the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. However, back in those days in my country it was still looked down upon to have a child while you were single/out of wedlock, so my dad told everyone the baby was his, and that they were planning on getting married. Saved face for mum, and stopped rude people sharing their unwanted opinions about the situation.

Now, my parents are both white, but the biological father was a Pacific Islander. Mum did not see that as relevant to tell the midwife or anyone else except Dad. It all went well until the birth. My mum gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, while dad waited outside the whole time.

Straight after birth, Mum was exhausted and went straight to sleep. However, the nurses see that the baby is not white, like both my parents, and go to tell my dad that the baby had been born but he might be in for a little bit of a shock. They looked so sorry for dad, thinking this poor sucker had been cheated on and lied to.

When they told him that his little girl was probably not his, he burst out laughing and just said "I know.” Poor nurses got such a shock, couldn't make sense of the situation, and just walked away while Dad sat there giggling to himself. He's a strange guy my dad, but a great one.

After telling me that story, he said he always knew his mum was his soul mate, and going through that helped him realize that mum was the one for him. When Mum told me that story, she said exactly the same thing. 33 years later they're still going strong.


39. Hospital Mix-Ups

No me, but my in-laws. The wife is in delivery, she states she has blood type X, the nurse does a blood check, and comes back with type Y, details are vague because I remember my son's birth more than this.

My Father-in-law goes batcrap crazy and blames my mother-in-law for cheating, there was also concern about my wife not being their child as the hospital had mixed up during her birth. It's also the same hospital that messed up my wife's blood test at birth.

I had to order DNA testing from an online store, wait weeks for results, and answer awkward questions from my own family about why I ordered a DNA test and thought I ordered it to test me and my son. DNA confirmed father and daughter are a match. My Father-in-law threatened to walk away if didn't match, throwing out more than years of relationship.


40. Strains Of Love

Not my story, but my brother's. My mother is an OB nurse, so she got to help deliver my brother's girlfriend's baby. We're all white, but the baby came out black. My brother was so heartbroken and desperately didn't want to believe the baby wasn't his.

He raised the baby for at least 6 months before his girlfriend kicked him out to try and be together with the kid's real dad. This was just a little over a year ago, but I don't think my brother has been the same since


41. Colorful Beginnings

I was with my wife while giving birth. I'm Chinese and my wife is a white woman. When our daughter was born, she had a little jaundice. When the doctor told her this to let her know that the baby needed the light treatment, he said, "Your baby girl is a little yellow."

Not understanding the situation because he was still lying on the hospital bed and was half-conscious, my wife in her post-labor state said, "Well, my husband is Chinese."


42. Unraveling Roots

I am not a doctor or nurse. But, one person I know had a child that showed African-American features such as dark skin. The husband divorced the wife because of the color of the baby.

The wife claimed she never cheated. Then ten years later, it turned out that he had African ancestry, and the kid was his. So I guess that was a long years of believing in something that is actually not.


43. Family Ties Tested

My dad is Native American, and my mom is white. My parents weren't married, and they were having some issues with their relationship. My dad had my (half) brother with his former girlfriend, and his ex was trying to take my brother away because my dad wouldn't get back together with her. My dad didn't like his ex, refused, and stayed with my mom.

My dad and his ex were having a custody battle over my brother, and while that was happening my mom found out she was pregnant with me. My grandpa wanted my dad to go back with his ex, so that they could raise my brother together and he could learn "what a real family is,” so that "he would grow up with a normal family,” etc.  

He tried to pay my dad to leave my mom at the start of the custody battle. So, when he found this out, he started telling everybody my mom was lying so he would stay with her. When my mom was visibly pregnant he would say that my mom had cheated because my dad was "smart enough to use a condom."

I was born. I didn't look native. My dad kind of freaked, and everyone else did. My grandpa was there, and apparently just started yelling about her being a cheater, and "I told you so.” Thank God they got a paternity test, because yes, I am his kid. I had to take a blood test to get my status card, and I am about 40%.


44. Unexpected Turns of Fate

I met a woman years ago, a great girl, but we just never were seriously into each other. Long story short, she became pregnant, and was pretty sure it was mine. I agreed to help raise the child if it was.

At delivery, everything was cool until the nurses and doctor went silent. The baby was black. Mom and I started hysterically laughing at each other because we had forgotten about a physical intimacy that we had had with another friend. It all worked out, he stepped up, and all are doing great last I heard.


45. Warzone Whispers

In the military downrange one guy informed us his wife had gotten pregnant while he was home on RR, of course, we gave him crap, saying “Jodi has a new baby” and asking him if he knew the father. But it was all just joking around.

This guy and his wife were white, very very white. End of the rotation we got back and walked into the gym where our families were waiting, we did the dog and pony show and were released. 

We were all hugging family and laughing, but we looked over and this guy was holding the darkest baby I’ve ever seen and looked to be three months older than it should be.

The jokes stopped. Nobody said crap about it. About a year later the couple were standing outside the Chaplain's office and I asked what was up. They informed me that he had found out that the baby wasn’t his and they needed counseling. I could have gotten an Academy Award for my acting! “Oh really? Your baby looks just like you! Nobody would have guessed!”
