Secrets Unveiled: Hidden Truths That My Beloved Must Never Hear

Mostly, each of us has our own little secrets about another person that we can’t just tell them. It could be a bad or wholesome secret to keep everything in place. 

And this time, you’re about to dive into the latter part. These are people who share their white secrets with their partners that they can’t just expose to prevent sad moments. 

You might want to grab a coffee and check these out if anything looks familiar to you. If none, do you think they should maintain it as a secret or not?

1. The Disney Princess

My wife has a beautiful heart. I jokingly call her a Disney princess because she has to talk to and greet any animal that she comes across. She had cried after seeing a dead raccoon on the side of the road.

At the time, I was working the day shift, and she was working a swing shift. I had a busy day, but she sent me some pictures of a young doe eating in our front yard. She seemed thrilled.

I came home and saw the same deer! Dead. On my god-darned porch. I felt like I started to hear “the first 48” theme playing as I realized I had six hours to get rid of this thing before my wife got home and her world was shattered.

I called my local city authorities, thinking they wouldn’t want a dead animal in the middle of town. It turns out they couldn’t care less.

I called some local raptor shelters to see if they could take a stat donation, but it turns out the dead deer business is booming, and they didn’t have a need for donations at this time, especially in the next 6 hours.

Frustrated, I call my dad to vent and get advice on what to do. His response was only a “Hold on, bud. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”

I go back inside to take care of the dogs, and within the next 15 minutes, I see my dad back his huge truck into my backyard, has the tail gait down, and is knocking on my door with a pair of nitrile gloves on and another pair in hand for me.

It was starting to get dark out, but we had that thing loaded up and found a special place, to, uh. “Dispose,” is it? We made it back with 20 minutes to spare before my wife got home.

I haven’t told my wife because I think it would either break her heart or creep her out at how efficiently my dad can dump a body.


2. High Curiosity

I am notoriously difficult to surprise - I ask too many questions, and it bothers me when things don't add up. I’m sorry, can’t help it!

My husband was so proud of the fact that he kept his proposal a surprise, and I didn't expect it. In reality, I texted my best friend the day before.

I suspected him and sent my friend a list of 6 reasons why I thought he was going to propose to me that weekend. I'm not going to tell him, though - the proposal was really sweet, and he put so much thought into it.


3. Mom’s Writing

My mom wrote me a note once about missing a homework assignment. Unfortunately, her handwriting and spelling were so bad. I won’t deny it.

Well, the teacher grilled me for trying to Wiesel my way out by forging it. My mom didn’t finish middle school and is not highly educated.

I was so embarrassed that I decided to just take the detention and public ridicule from the teacher as a liar rather than ask my mom to back me up. I now have a master's degree to make her proud. Screw you, Mr Richardson.


4. Signs Of Aging

I contacted the DVLA about her aunt, who then got a letter saying she needed to be assessed before being allowed to drive. She's 83, and I think she clearly has the beginnings of dementia.

She stops if she has to go past a lorry, can't see in the dark, and has no peripheral vision. I personally didn't think she should be in charge of a high-speed chunk of metal.

The whole family was so angry that someone betrayed them, but I've convinced them that sometimes doctors have to contact DVLA if someone has a specific medical condition. It's probably an automated thing and not personal. They seem to believe me.


5. Husband As An Employee

Several years ago, my husband (BF at the time) worked for a small company owned by a very good friend of ours. I spoke with the friend quite a bit.

He confided in me that my husband was not a good employee, pretty unreliable, and the only reason he hadn’t been fired yet was our friend knew he was having a rough time after his mom died.

I had also recently moved out of state to take care of my sick dad. My husband refused to come with me because he felt he couldn’t leave the company.

I was having a conversation one day with my husband, and he mentioned another friend of his was having a hard time at this other company but felt he couldn’t leave because he had a baby on the way. He said, “I’d offer him my job if I thought my boss would hire him.”

So I conspired with our friend/the boss to get the other friend to quit his job and pretend he got fired. My husband then decided the only honorable thing to do was fall on his sword and give up his job to give to the other friend.

He “talked” with the boss and “convinced” the boss to let him make the move. And it played out like that, and my husband moved in with me. He ended up getting a job he liked better, and he was happier being with me, so his performance was better.

We are still very good friends with the boss. To this day, we’ve kept the secret, and it’s been almost ten years. And every time I see him, he whispers in my ear.

He says how proud he is that my husband was able to move in with me and grow into a much healthier adult. But we’ll never tell him because he’d be so embarrassed if he knew what our friend thought of him as an employee.


6. Sleepless Nights

My SO snores. Been with her for 19 years, and she snores EVERY night. Mostly, I can get to sleep, and I sleep through it, but I KNOW I am not getting great sleep.

I've asked her to see if we can do something about it. She even suggested we do didgeridoo lessons together (the breathing technique does wonders for snoring, and why not learn a weird instrument?).

She's never really bothered. Her snoring can manifest as sleep apnoea, which, besides just not being good, is a contributor to anxiety (which she has), so it'd be good for her too.

So, we've recently moved. 2 nights ago, the next-door neighbor's dog was barking in the middle of the night and kept her up for an hour or two. She kept mentioning it all day and kept telling me how tired she was.

I gave some perfunctory sympathy but no more because, secretly, it was all I could do to not say, 'Welcome to EVERY NIGHT in my life.' It's not a big secret, but yeah.


7. Bending Over

Not me but my parents. If my mom wants to hide literally anything from my dad, no matter what it is, she just puts it somewhere where he would have to bend over to see it.

It doesn't matter if it's something like a package of Oreos. If my dad has to bend over to find it, he's never going to find it. I tested it with my own snacks when I was still living with them to confirm it worked.  

He'd be mad if he knew how many snacks we'd hidden from him simply because he doesn't bend over low enough to see it in the cabinet.


8. Cleaning Service

How much her apartment cleaning service cost. My best friend, practically my brother growing up, owned a cleaning service. So I get the "owners' rate" -- they clean my house for $60/visit, which is insanely cheap here.

When I first met my girlfriend, at some point in the conversation, it came up that I use a cleaning service. She joked, "Oh, big shot pays other people to clean his house," so I told her how, fortunately for me, it's not really a big expense.

Fast forward a month or so, and she spent a whole Friday night and Saturday cleaning. We both work a ton during the week, so I was like, "I'll pay for your cleaning service so we have more time to spend together on weekends."

She wouldn't let me pay for it but asked me to sign her up with my friend's service, and she just gives me the $60 (or pays for some common expense in that range).

The thing is, I couldn't get the owners' rate for her, so it's really like $150/visit. She loves having a cleaning service and appreciates having more free time.

But she wouldn't pay $150 for it. I don't really care about the money, just want her to be happy, so I don't tell her what it costs.


9. Not Likely A Surprise

One year, for Christmas, she was trying to surprise me with something, but I hate surprises. I was out of a job at the time and didn't want anything extreme because I knew I couldn't return the favor.

I told myself I wouldn't snoop, just ask a few questions and express that I didn't want anything big bc poor. She decided to try and casually ask me if I was still interested in a concert for my favorite band, and I immediately knew.

Her face gave it away. I knew she got tickets, but it was more. She got us meet and greet tickets, and I found out a few days later after her face kept giving it away.

Christmas came, and I was right. But I didn't need to act. I was really happy. It was an amazing gift, and we had an amazing time. She was so proud of herself for pulling it off without telling me. I'll never tell her I knew just because she was so happy.


10. Huge Worries

40% of my company was laid off systematically over a 2-year period. I built up my resume, networked, and made sure I had a place to land if crap hit the fan.

I also worked my arse off at the job to make sure I was the one they kept if they did not go under. I ended up staying with the company, getting a raise and a promotion, and was pretty instrumental in turning the company around.

She and the kids have no idea how close we were to losing my job and then, subsequently, our home. I did not want her to worry.

I still remember sobbing in the shower and giving myself a pep talk in the mirror many mornings and saying, "You can do it - just put all the fear out of your mind and be mentally tough."


11. The Clown

My late husband was a clown, loved clowns, and went to clown gatherings. I played along and smiled and laughed and thought he was eccentric, and he was, which I loved, but the clown thing was getting old.

We had been together for 10 years before getting married. As we were beginning to plan our wedding, he seriously suggested that we have a zombie-clown-themed wedding. Absolutely not.

That was where the clown crap needed to not overlap into my life. After a short time, we were able to come to an agreement on the theme. Unfortunately, about 3 months after we married, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed within 6 weeks.

While he was sick and in hospice, I hired an artist friend to paint a portrait of my husband in his clown makeup and the painting arrived the evening before he passed, and he got to see it. I’d do anything to have my clown back now.


12. Bad At Surprises

I knew he was going to propose. The man is so easy to read. He’s my open book! I love that about him. He wears all his emotions on his face.

He’ll plan a trip for my birthday months in advance but then be so excited and proud about surprising me that he has to tell me straight away or make me guess where we’re going.

He’s not so cracking at surprises, so he’s always SO proud of himself that he surprised me that one time and that I had no idea! Except I did, I heard him talking to his grandad about the ring.

I saw the heart-shaped lump in his pocket, plus he’d been talking about marriage all the time, thinking he was being sly.

I’ll take it to the grave; it honestly makes him so happy, and he’d be so disappointed with himself if he thought he’d given it away. God, I love that man.


13. Visible Patterns

My husband is terrible at surprises and wasn't very subtle in asking me about my ring size while studying abroad in Europe.

Shortly after he returned, I was helping him unpack his bags, and I think I told him I unpacked one of his bags, and his eyes went all wide and panicked (I didn't find the ring he had stashed in there, but he thought I had). I didn't think much of it until later.

The next day, he was like, "Hey, we should go for a walk. I think I know a good route," which is unusual since he usually doesn't plan that far ahead.

He wanted us to walk past the building where we had our first class together and where we met for our first "date," plus a few other spots that meant something to us.

Then, he wanted to walk to our nearby nature preserve, where we spent a lot of time, where he ultimately proposed. I totally knew what he was going to do, but I kept my mouth shut and let him romance me because I loved it. He was so nervous and adorable too.

We've been married about 4.5 years now, have a kid that’s 2 years old, and I'm glad I met this sweet nerd of mine. Will keep it a secret for eternity.


14. The Reader

My ex-SO used to read me chapters from whatever book he was reading at the time. It was usually me that initiated it, mostly because it felt so warm and intimate.

But also, because I knew he had dyslexia and dysgraphia as a child, it would give him a little boost of confidence. But this also meant he was actually really terrible at reading stories.

I’m talking pure monotone; it made any book extremely boring, and I would cuddle up next to him so I could see it and read it in my head as he read. But I liked to think the good outweighed the bad, and I never told him!


15. Daddy’s Girl

I made a point of my husband having to read my daughter a book every night before bed since she was 2 weeks old. And she’s just over a year now, and whenever he says, “Do you want me to read you a book?”

She crawls over to her bookshelf, picks out a random book, and squeals with delight. He plops her beside him, and she giggles.

He’s learned to go from monotone to reading with emphasis and voices for her. And the smile on his face when he knows she’s excited to read is amazing.

I can never tell him he used to read terribly, adding in random words because he couldn’t pronounce or understand a certain word. I figured having him teach our daughter would be teaching him as well. And it has!


16. Splitting The Bill

My girlfriend moved in with me a few months ago and wanted to split the monthly bills. I was already covering all of it, so I was okay with just continuing that way.

However, she was insistent. She's also not making too much, so instead of telling her the real amount, I told her a lower but still believable amount to pay.

It isn't much, but I feel a little better knowing that she's saving up a bit more every month than she would've otherwise.


17. Not So Unique Present

My SO got me a beautiful necklace for our one-year anniversary! It says love in a hundred languages when you shine a light through it.

He was so excited to give it to me and so pleased he'd gotten me such a good, romantic present… The only problem was that my best friend had been given an identical necklace from her boyfriend on her birthday a week prior.  

He had no way of knowing and was so happy to get me such a unique gift that my friend and I just coordinated. We never wore them at the same time.


18. The Helping Hand

My wife is a huge animal lover...volunteered at local shelters and such before our kids were born. One night years ago, she was leaving work, and outside the front door, she found a small bird, probably a sparrow, on the sidewalk.

It didn't run or fly away, so she assumed it was hurt. She ran back inside, got a box, and searched online for a bird rescue and found one about 20 to 30 min away.

She drove the bird there, dropped it off, and they took her information because they said they would send her a card as a thank you.

This was at least 6 or 7 years ago, and she still brings it up every so often and remembers that they "never sent that card."

They did send the card thanking her for bringing the bird in for help. The card also said they euthanized the bird because it had broken bones in its wing, maybe from being hit by a car in the parking lot.

I read it and crammed the card deep into the trash because I didn't want her to get upset that the bird she tried so hard to help had to be euthanized.


19. Bee Patrol

He is terrified of bees/wasps. They are all "bees" to him. Completely terrified. Just the word "bee" will get him to start nervously looking around.

If he was driving the car and a bee got in the window, I'd be afraid for my safety because there was a solid chance he'd accidentally crash. He is very embarrassed about his fear, though he knows it's irrational.

He can't seem to help it. So, I have developed a sixth sense about the presence of bees. If we're outside and I see one buzzing around, I'll either stand in his way so he can't see it or make an excuse for him to go inside.

I've found wasp's nests in and around our house, and I take them out while he's at work and then never say a word about it. If a wasp comes around and he sees it, he'll run away.

But then I'll hunt it down and finish it off so when he comes back out, he can have the peace of mind of seeing its corpse (from a distance).

He doesn't know I've been on 24/7 bee patrol for him for the past three years. I'm afraid he'd feel humiliated if he knew and maybe even get depressed about it. But I don't mind. They're just wasps and honeybees, lol.


20. Fake One

The first Christmas after I got together with my partner, he brought me a beautiful opal necklace. He knew it was my favorite stone. I suspect he paid quite a bit.

He's mad proud of the thing and loves to see me wear it. He told me that when he brought it, he paid for a slightly smaller opal, and the shop worker accidentally grabbed the wrong one, so he got an upgrade to a bigger opal for free!

My partner also has a whole thing against fake stones in jewelry. He thinks it is tacky, horribly dishonest, etc. Long story short, he doesn't realize that my beautiful opal IS fake.

See, I suspect he paid for a real opal. But he probably wasn't meant to see that *oops* when the shopworker grabbed the bigger one. I suspect they ran a little con on him, charged him for a smaller real one, and grabbed the larger fake instead.

He thought the accident was in his favor, so he never complained. I only know. First, The play of color and size in my opal would have cost a small house deposit if it had been real. There is no way he brought that up as a uni student when we first went together.

Second, a real opal would never have stood up to the wear and tear I have put it through - I literally never take it off. It comes for me on runs, in the salt water, in the shower, etc, all things that would have destroyed a real opal many years ago.

Lastly, a friend brought a pair of earrings that matched my necklace (not on purpose), and she confirmed that my necklace and her earrings made up the store's imitation opal birthstone set.

I love that freaking stone. I don't wear much jewelry, but I haven't taken that necklace off in three years. I have told him that if we get married one day, I'm having the thing pulled off the necklace and set into a ring (that will be an awkward conversation with a jeweler).

If I told him, he'd probably feel really bad about it and want to get me a replacement. But I love the stupid thing, so I won't tell.


21. Dirty Secret

I took a girlfriend with me on a vacation to Hawaii. The first thing we did when we hit the Air BnB was shower off - it's a long flight.

I'm washing her down, and as I was washing her arse, I noticed she's left a huge dump stain on this washrag. I'm disgusted but love her, so I clean her up.

Then I proceeded to hide the rag so she wouldn't find out. Later that night, I did a secret laundry load, so she never knew.


22. Missing Cat

Several years ago, one of our outside cats, my wife's favorite, went missing. She was pretty upset. I had actually found the cat that morning and discovered what had actually happened to it.

The facts and circumstances leading to its death would upset her tremendously. She still thinks to this day the cat was taken by a rogue coyote or something.

But in reality, she had incidentally backed over it in the darkness of morning when leaving for work. I've never been able to bring myself to tell her and never will. I felt awful for her. I even feel awful telling the internet about it now, and it's been years!


23. Brown Liquid

When my girlfriend was pregnant, she liked to take baths every night before bedtime. Every now and again, I’d join her and enjoy that relaxing hot water.

One day we were both sitting in the tub when she farted a big nasty fart. She and I both laughed, and I gave her crap for possibly breaking the tub. Then there it was.

I noticed a few brown things in the water. Turns out she had pooed a little. I was so absolutely disgusted that I nearly vomited. I didn’t want to freak out because I knew she would feel absolutely terrible and impossibly embarrassed.

So I turned the jets on, added some bubbles, and sat there with her for another 10-15 minutes. Afterward, I suggested that we both shower because I had added too much soap for bubbles. I still think about those poop chunks floating around next to me whenever I take a bath.


24. Her Sound

Sometimes, I really like her singing. But a lot of the time, she's just straining way out of her range. It can almost sound like she is wailing or shouting.

And it's fine. I mean, I can't really sing for crap, so even her bad singing is probably better than mine. But it can be really annoying.

Sometimes, she'll be playing guitar to accompany herself, and she'll get so into the song she's singing that she'll start SLAMMING the strings.

I don't know how else to describe it. She plays really well generally, but when she's excited, she hits the strings so hard that they sound like they're going to break.

That weird clanging music accompanied by the high, LOUD, cracking singing is truly deafening. I will never tell her. Not ever.

She has so much fun doing it I've decided that it's just worth more than my temporary annoyance. I couldn't bear to let the wind out of her sails by telling her when she sounded irritating.

It would be a different story if she was performing at open mics or something, but she only plays to entertain herself. So I’ll let it go.


25. Living Filter

Everything. Any given thing could set her off, so I tried incredibly hard to keep that from happening. To try to figure out exactly the right way to phrase things so they didn't upset her.

And then, in the other part, I tried to soften the things she said to other people. "Oh, you see, what she really meant by that was this. It's not really as bad. You just have to understand where she's coming from. She doesn't really mean that."  

It became my job and survival mechanism to filter things to and from her. We're divorced now. It was too much for me to handle for YEARS.


26. Worst Listener

My girlfriend loves for me to tell her stories at bedtime. After the first time I ever told her a story, I asked her how she liked it.

I literally saw she fell asleep during the first few sentences but didn't want to hurt my feelings, so she told me she loved it.

Now, she brags about how amazing my stories are and how I'm such a good storyteller. The problem is, I've only ever told the same 2 beginnings of stories before she's asleep.

Every single time. I don't think she knows that I know she falls asleep, but after 4 years of telling stories, I'm not sure how to tell her.


27. Unprepared Dad

My son is almost a year old, but I didn't want a child yet. When my wife first told me she was pregnant, I faked happiness and was cursing internally.

I don't resent her or my son in any way, but I wanted a few more years of it just being the two of us before we started trying to have a child, and now I feel like those years were robbed from me.

Yes, I do understand that there will come a day when it will be just the two of us again, but I'll be well out of my 20s by then. I never plan on telling her this, but it's really nice to be able to at least get it off my chest.


28. Poor Pup

My wife saw a small dog on the side of the highway on the way home from work one night. It had been raining, and the poor thing was soaked, and she couldn’t catch it.

She called me, so I came out, got the dog wrapped up in a blanket, and got ready to head to the humane society when she discovered she dropped her keys somewhere in the grass.

I found the keys about 15 minutes later, and we took off to see if this pup was chipped or not. Unfortunately, there was no chip, tags, or way of finding ownership. My wife was so concerned about the pup she insisted that they call and tell us what happened to her.  

The next day, I got a call from them. The poor pup was riddled with cancer, which could be why it was abandoned in the first place.

They ended up having to put the sweet thing down. I told my wife that they could contact the owner, and the dog would be going home. It would have broken her heart to know that the last few days of that dog's life were hungry and wet.


29. Basic Hygiene

I think his teeth are really gross. Of course, I love him no matter what, and he's perfect the way he is, but I wish he would take a little more pride in his appearance and oral health.

His parents spent a lot of money fixing his teeth when he was a kid, and he's neglected them for so long that he'll eventually need thousands of dollars in repairs done.  

I don't think he's even been to the dentist in ten years. Beyond the health issues, he just doesn't think the appearance of his teeth matters. As crappy as it sounds, it matters a lot.


30. Complete Opposite

So far, I don't have the heart to tell my new boyfriend two things: One, on our first date, I didn't actually accidentally forward him a message from my best friend saying, "Yeah, he looks a really good person. I'm impressed" about her boyfriend.

It was me texting her about HIM, and it was sent to him instead of her, which was hugely embarrassing. Two, he's one of those people who's overwhelmingly positive, like, literally once told me, "Oh, I don't have bad days, just slightly less good ones."

In the meantime, I am very unlucky in life and have had a rough time the past few years; his positive attitude is both endearing and overwhelming.

I am not sure how to handle his Bob Ross can-do attitude. I’m kind of struggling to keep up. Sorry, Steve, you're a dog dating a cat. I adore you, though.


31. Mom’s Secret

When I was engaged to my now-husband, his mom paid upfront for professional teeth whitening and convinced my husband's dental office staff to tell him he "won" free teeth whitening the next time he came in for a cleaning.

I thought he would think it was BS and not do it anyway. He got home and was so excited because "he never wins anything."

It's been four years, and I've never had the heart to tell him his mom actually paid for it, and he didn't win anything. Don’t have the guts.


32. Two Secrets

The number of emotional breakdowns I have. We don't live together, so this is easy to hide... but I still feel bad because I know he'd want to help me.

Then again, he doesn't need to know that I, a grown woman, regularly cry so hard I'm incapacitated. I hope you get what I’m saying, like, you know?

I also had an ex to whom I kept my personal history. He was very insecure, and I was more experienced than he was. However, I let him believe that he and I were on the same level because he often said, "I don't think I'd be able to handle a person who had more partners than me."


33. Finding Wedding Rings

I only recently told my husband that I accidentally threw our wedding rings away before we got married. They were in a black box in my bag, which had a black lining, and I forgot that they were in there.

I went to clean out my bag first thing in the morning, and when I'd taken out all the obvious stuff, I turned the bag over and shook out the crumbs into the trash can. Didn't realize that the ring box had fallen in, too.

It wasn't until late that evening that I realized what had happened. I had a sudden realization that I didn't know where the rings were and that they must have fallen in.

Luckily, the trash hadn't been emptied because the bag was empty that morning. I nonchalantly walked out of the room and started digging through the kitchen trash, hoping he wouldn't walk in and ask why.

I found the box, and my heart was pumping so hard. I had to clean the coffee grounds off it. I didn't tell him for a long time because I have a reputation for being absent-minded, and I didn't want him to have more ammunition.


34. Missed Steps

My husband missed my youngest brother's first steps, our oldest son's first steps, our daughter’s, our next son's, and the next two kids' steps.

It just happened to be at the wrong time. He was just in the wrong room or happened to not be in the house. He was so upset and disappointed each time that he didn’t get to see it.

When our next son stood up and took a few shaky steps one day just as he’d left to grab something from the store, I swore the older kids who happened to be there to secrecy and said nothing when he walked through the door.

He walked into the living room just as our son pushed his way to his feet and happily squealed out, ‘Dada!’ and stumbled up to him.

He was so freaking happy he’d finally been there to see one of his kids first steps he was tearing up. I refuse to ever tell him.


35. Obvious Gift

I totally forgot about this because I never speak about it! My fiancee, before we were engaged, was making me a huuuge pillow for Christmas-- it was based on an item.

It was a sword thingy from my favorite videogame, Transistor, and she'd been working on it for about a month before Christmas.

I knew she was working on something but had no idea what. I also somehow have this crazy knack for ruining her gift surprises, as I always somehow see them beforehand. It's a running joke. Anyways, the pillow.

When I entered her house to ask her dad for her hand in marriage, I saw the damn pillow right on her couch! Another surprise ruined!

Her dad and I just looked at each other and, without any words, swore to never speak of it. That Christmas, I opened the gift and was "surprised" by the pillow.

The crazy thing is, I actually still got teary-eyed because it is an impressive thing. It's beautiful. She is so proud that she kept that secret from me ;)

Two days later, I got her with a genuine surprise-- engagement-- and thus to the tradition of me surprising her, but her never surprising me continues.


36. Playing Dumb

My wife planned a surprise 40th birthday party for me. I found out this was in the works because I found the invitation. It had fallen out of a stack of papers in her planner.

I moved the planner as I was cleaning up, and it slipped out onto the floor. This was 5 months before the party. On the day of the party, I just played it cool even though I knew what was going to happen.

I walked into the room, and everyone yelled, “Surprise!!!” and I gave the biggest “Oh my god, I can’t believe it. I’m so surprised!” So many times, people accidentally gave it away, and I just played dumb.

After the party, she asked if I knew. “Of course, I didn’t know! How could I have known!” Can’t break her heart like that. She put a lot of work into the party, and it was amazing!


37. Watch Together

How much anime that I actually watch while she's not home. She hasn't watched anywhere near as much as me, but I've been getting her more into it.

She gets sad if she finds out about an anime and brings it up with me because she wants to watch it together, only to find I've already seen/started watching it.

But I love it and stay up to date on just about everything. There's also a lot of time when I'm on my own and want to watch something.

We make it a point to pick ones we both really want to watch and not touch those so we can watch together. Outside of that, I sometimes pretend I haven't seen things she gets excited about.

I just watch them again with her, reacting with surprise as best I can. I feel a bit bad about it, but it seems to make her happy.


38. Tons Of Flowers

My husband has been buying me a dozen roses for every special occasion since we started dating. Every birthday, our anniversary, Mother’s Day, etc., without fail, he will somehow manage to come home with a dozen red roses.

What he doesn’t know is that I do not give two singular darn about bouquets of flowers, especially roses, because they’re expensive, and then they just die and rot.

I honestly would rather have a potted plant because it would at least live longer than a week. But he’s the furthest thing from a romantic and has very little concept of sentimental gestures.

So the fact that he drives so far out of his way to the same little floral shop and pays whatever outrageous amount (he’s usually very financially reserved) they charge for already dying flowers is just so out of character for him that I know he is really trying to be sweet.

So when he’s “running to the liquor store” on Mother’s Day, and he’s gone for three times longer than he should be, I dig out the dusty vase and act surprised, and I give him a big hug and kiss and act like I am in love with them. Every. Single. Time.


39. Mum’s Mouth

My parents totally ruined my Husband's Surprise Proposal for me. He was going over to their house to ask for their blessing. My mother is a total airhead, and I didn't understand him asking her to come over for dinner in the middle of the week.

All hush hush meant it was supposed to be a secret from me. (He even said, don't tell Kitt3n). She forgot and called me up and asked when I would be coming with my Significant Other for dinner later that week?

I was confused, I heard my Dad yelling at her in the background, and she hung up on me. So yeah, I figured out real quick what was happening.

This also meant my SO was going to propose a full year before he told me he would be able to. Not even 2 weeks later, he planned this amazing date to this gorgeous location in our state we had always wanted to go to together.

He found this nice secluded spot for us to picnic. And I knew it was coming. I always told him I would want a private proposal, just the two of us.

I acted surprised for him. He worked so hard to surprise me. He jumped through so many hoops with my family, proposing early even though it put a financial strain on him, and all just because he loved me so much.

So, I pretended I never caught on to what was going on. We have been married 4 years, together a total of 8, and he is just the most amazing man I have ever met. He makes me want to be better. I hope I make him even a fraction of how happy he makes me.


40. Fallen Turd

Once, when we had just started to get frisky, I felt something hit my leg. I look down, and there’s this small brown thing.

I immediately knew what it was, but he didn't notice, so I used a Kleenex to swipe it off the bed to deal with it later. Gosh.

After we were done, I told him I was going to get cleaned up and went to pick up the Kleenex, but the little nugget had fallen out.

So I went down and looked for it. It takes me a minute because it has found its way under the bed. Of course, I found it, picked it up with a Kleenex, and went to the bathroom to flush it and wash my hands. Never told him that he had dropped a turd on me.


41. Tiring Endurance

My wife gets tired before I do, or so she believes. I am usually just as tired, but kind of selfishly, I need some alone time every day to recharge my batteries.

We have a 1 and a half-year-old who is all over the place, and after working all day, helping meet my wife's and the baby's needs around the house, I really just need some time to just be alone and turn my brain off.

So almost every night, I tuck her into bed and play either game for an hour or watch Office re-runs. I don't think I could properly explain this to her without hurting her feelings, so I just tell her I'm not tired yet and don't want to sit awake in bed.


42. Unwanted Responsibility

As much as I love her and her kids, our lives would be so much easier if she just let her ex have custody. She has a disability, and they're both toddlers.

I'm never going to have time to myself between work, tending to her needs, and tending to the kids' needs. Plus, we’re like a home with pets.

None of it is fair to me, and I know in love, both parties should try to give 60%, but I give 90%, and I just don't need that to be 100%. I didn't make the kids.

I never wanted kids (honestly, I still don't). I just fell in love with their mother, and if I want her, I have to want them, too. They aren't bad kids.

They're really sweet despite their father's side of the family... I just don't...want the burden. She thinks her disability is the biggest burden I could possibly face. It isn't. It's the easiest part.


43. Worst Body Clock

I hate her work schedule. She used to work a regular 8-5 day at a copy/design shop, but that was 10 years ago. The problem is, she’s a ridiculously hard worker and very task-oriented, but she’s an awful morning person.

Her boss allows her to come to work later and later because she’s really good at her job. The problem is that she’s gotten to the point where she stays late at the office working on finishing jobs until 9pm or later.

Occasionally, she’s too tired to drive the hour home, so she naps at work and comes home in the wee hours. My trust issues got so bad that I took a few rides down to her shop to make sure it wasn’t anything worse.

There she was, face down at her desk, monitor on screensaver. I’ve tried having conversations with her about how she barely makes enough to cover the mortgage, her debt is piling up, and she’s basically working for free all these nights.

Still, it’s no big deal to her. We’ve been together for 20 years and married for 5. Still, I’m long past frustrated with being alone in the evening, waiting to have dinner with her or having to hang with friends and having to explain why she’s not around.

Maybe if she was making more money than she is, it wouldn’t be so bad, but her boss doesn’t even know how late she stays. Gosh, this is frustrating.


44. Ear Pain

My husband loves binge-watching shows like Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Fire, etc., but loves discussing the last episode in great detail.

I secretly hate listening to these long-winded stories, but I try really hard to listen to these stories intently. At times, I dig my nails into my hand because I’m listening to Meredith’s backstory again.

He’s so animated when he goes off on another tangent that cuteness makes the story bearable. I listened because I watched my grandmother mourn the death of my grandfather.

She would say that she wished he would just pester her one last time. So there’s no way I’m telling him I don’t care what happens between Olivia and Quinn. I know that one day, I might get to hear any more Shonda Rimes recaps. There’s no way I’ll tell him.


45. I Said It First

I said 'I love you' first. He knows this, but he thinks I said it in my sleep. I was, in fact, awake but just happy and tired and had my eyes closed. I said it on purpose and wanted him to hear it.

When he asked if I was awake, I didn't answer, and thus, he assumed I was talking in my sleep (which I occasionally do, too). I was, in fact, awake and feigning sleep. I pretended to sleep because I knew he wasn't ready to say it back and that I was deeper in love than he was.

I hoped to hear back from him later but didn't want to put him on the spot because I was pretty sure he wasn't ready for that yet.

Sometime later, he took me to a wedding as his guest and asked me questions about it. "So what do you think love is?" After the wedding rehearsal, I was reasonably sure he was in as deep as I was.

Also, that the reply I'd been waiting for was approaching. He was getting up the nerve to actually say it aloud. By the time he said he loved me, I was already sure he did. It still felt great to hear it.

He tells people he said it first because saying it in your sleep doesn't count because you don't remember talking in your sleep. I don't correct him. I like hearing him tell me how he knew it was love and how he surprised me.
