Mom Hears Strange Sounds On Baby Monitor, Rushes To Check On Her Toddler

Electronics In Our Daily Life

Nowadays, as customers, we put a lot of faith in the technologies we use on a daily basis. Technology, whether it be our phones, laptops, or other smart gadgets, plays an important role in our daily lives.

But what if the technology we've come to rely on turns against us?

Parents And Their Concern

For this one couple in Ohio, keeping their kid safe and monitoring her was their primary goal. Hence, they invested in a baby monitor with the aim of constantly being aware of their daughter's antics.

However, something happened one night that would permanently alter their perspective of technology.

Strange Voice

The toddler's mother was settling in for the evening when she heard a terrifying voice she didn't know come through the baby monitor. 

Was there anyone else in the room with her child? You won't believe this horrific account of what happened that night.

Happy Parents

Being a new parent was a wonderful experience for Heather and Adam Shreck. They had always desired to have their own kid, thus the arrival of their daughter was a joyous occasion.

Of course, as new parents, they were naturally overprotective, which prompted Heather to go above and beyond to ensure her daughter's safety.

Baby Monitor

As a result, Heather invested in a high-end baby monitor that had a digital camera so she could always see and hear her 10-month-old daughter even when she wasn't in the room. 

It was a fantastic addition for the new parents, and they loved the added security. But was it really secure? They will find out later.

High-End Features

The features of the baby monitor drew the young couple in. They could not only access it through their phones, but they could also control the camera remotely, allowing them to alter the angle in the baby's room and always observe what was going on.

Even the sound could be adjusted if needed. Its features seemed amazing.


It made Heather feel content about leaving her baby in the room alone. “It can be tough not being in the same room as her, but I didn’t want to become one of those parents who can’t leave their baby alone for five minutes," she said on one account.

Adding further, she said, "The baby monitor made me feel good about spending time with my husband because I could always check on her."  Unfortunately, Heather's sense of security was about to be crushed.

Normal Saturday Night

It was a typical Saturday night for the couple. As usual, they put their daughter in her crib and checked that baby monitor.

Ensuring that the baby monitor was working fine, they both went to bed. But, things were about to take a terrible turn.

Strange Voice

Heather woke up just after midnight to an odd sound on her baby monitor. She didn't think much of it at first.

She assumed it was her husband checking on their kid, but then she noticed he was still in the room with her.

In The Dark

Heather listened in the darkness of her bedroom, holding her breath. For a brief minute, she believed she had dreamt the entire thing.

but then there was a crackle across the display and a clear voice came through. It sent shivers up her spine.

It Was Coming From The Monitor

“Wake up, baby!” A loud voice rang through the room. And it came from the baby monitor.  

Heather recalls how the hairs on her arms stood on end and the overwhelming panic that overtook her. She woke her husband fast, worried that someone had broken into their house.

Checking From Phone

Heather and Adam immediately brought up the monitor app on their phones to check in on their kid.

They panned around the nursery with the remote camera controls, terrified that someone else was in the room with her. Was their daughter in any danger?

A Relief

Fortunately, the cameras indicated that the infant was alone. What about the voice, though? Where did it come from?

Adam suspected that a signal had been crossed and they had picked up someone else's phone call. However, the situation was going to deteriorate, proving that notion incorrect.


But then suddenly, Heather became aware of twitching in the camera. She believed it was a glitch at first, but then it started rotating around the room and moving wildly.

Heather shouted for Adam to go retrieve their daughter, terrified. Someone or something was controlling their baby monitor's camera.

Panic In The Nursery

Adam didn't waste any time. He sprang out of bed and dashed down the hall. His heart was beating and the adrenaline was coursing through his veins. 

The only thing that mattered was that he reached his daughter.

Rogue Camera

Adam entered the room and was completely shook. His eyes fell on the camera which slowly moved and it turned towards him.

What happened next was truly horrifying.


A crazy man's voice began to shout at Adam over the monitor's speaker. He threatened, cursed, and unleashed a slew of obscene profanities.

Scared, Adam ran toward his daughter, unsure what to make of the scenario.

Disconnecting The Monitor

Adam immediately disconnected the baby monitor and flung it across the room after taking the kid from her crib.

He said, “It was like I was in a movie. It had to have been the scariest moment of my life. When does something like this happen? It’s insane!”


Adam and Heather immediately called the police to report the event, worried that they were being watched from nearby.

What may have caused this to happen? Heather began to worry about all the possible outcomes. Thank goodness they woke up when they did.

Back To Safety

When the cops came, they swiftly searched the house and its surroundings. Fortunately, no one was on the premises.

They used the baby monitor as evidence to explore the matter, and what they found was frightening.

Strange Things

According to the authorities, the baby monitor was set up using Wi-Fi, making it readily hackable. 

Someone had apparently gotten access through their wifi. They have somehow discovered a method to get into the baby monitor.

Went Viral

The couple's storey made headlines and sent shockwaves across the media. People used baby monitors to keep their children safe. Were they now exposed to anonymous creepers now?

According to specialists, a firmware flaw inside the camera allowed the hacker to access the monitor's passwords. He could not only see and hear the infant, but he could also engage with her via the speaker.

The Truth

Adam and Heather contacted the baby monitor's manufacturer and described their issue. And what they discovered was rather disturbing.

This was not the first time a situation like this has occurred, according to the monitor's creators. So not comforting.

Being Spied On

For how long was the couple and their baby were spied on by the creeper? It was absolutely disturbing. To think something like this could happen to any of us.

According to the monitor's inventors, this was not the first time a situation like this had occurred. What can be done to avoid this?

Advice From Experts

According to technology experts, you should never use the default password that comes with your electronic gadgets. It's important to not use the same password on numerous platforms.

Heather and Adam both agree that the scenario was an eye-opening experience. You should never put your confidence in the technological equipment that you bring into your house. You never know when anything will go disastrously wrong.