Man Notices Smell Coming From Wall, He Looks Inside And Calls 911


Since moving into their new home, Dan had been puzzled by a strange odor outside. It lingered in the air, leaving him curious about its source and wondering if it came from beyond the house.

Driven by suspicion, he finally decided to investigate what lay on the other side of the wall. What he discovered left him shaken, realizing the gravity of the situation was far beyond his control. With a sense of urgency, he reached for his phone and dialed emergency services.

Something Was Off

Dan Moss sensed something was off as soon as he and Molly moved into their new home. A foul odor lingered in the en suite bathroom, hitting them the moment they stepped inside. No amount of air fresheners or deep cleaning seemed to make a difference.

Despite his best efforts, from striking matches to scrubbing every inch, the stench stubbornly remained. Each visit to the bathroom forced him to hold his breath, as the smell was unlike anything he'd ever encountered before.

His Breaking Point

One evening, Dan had reached his breaking point. After months of battling the same issue, he could no longer ignore it.

That night, as he lay in bed, sleep eluded him. The stench in their bedroom was unbearable, filling the air with the rank smell of rot and decay. Dan’s stomach turned, and he knew he couldn’t live with it any longer. It was time to take action.

Frustrated Groan

Dan let out a frustrated groan and angrily kicked the covers off, his wife watching with confusion. "I can't take this anymore," he muttered, his voice thick with frustration. 

The moment he stepped into the bathroom, he vanished from sight. Despite their best attempts to fix the issue, the foul odor only seemed to intensify. Irritated, Dan scoured every corner of the bathroom, his frown deepening as he found nothing out of the ordinary.

Causing The Issues

Unable to see what was causing the issue, Dan relied on his other senses, particularly his sense of smell, to investigate further. He wandered around the bathroom, nose lifted, trying to track down the source.

As he moved from one corner to another, he realized that the scent wasn't coming from the usual suspects the shower, sink, or toilet. Instead, the odor seemed to be seeping from one of the walls.

The Strange Smell

Dan stared at the wall, his face etched with confusion. The strange smell lingered in the air, leaving him at a loss for words. Could something be causing it? He ran his hand along the smooth surface, wondering if the paint or something hidden within the wall could be the culprit.

In an odd moment of curiosity, he lightly tapped his fist against the wall. To his surprise, something unexpected occurred, marking a moment he would never forget.

Unforeseen Chaos

Dan's world was thrown into chaos by an unforeseen event. With one punch, the wall crumbled beneath his knuckles, as if it were connected to his very skin. "What in the world?" he muttered, loud enough to catch his wife's attention. Yet, it wasn't the damage that bothered him it was the foul odor seeping from the gaping hole.

Instinctively, he cupped his hands over his nose and mouth, trying to block the stench. His gaze was drawn to the opening, curiosity overtaking his initial shock. As he peered into the darkness, a chilling sight met his eyes, one that made his blood run cold.

Growing Up In Flint

Moss grew up in Flint, Michigan, constantly contemplating what his future might hold. He often found himself lost in thought, dreaming of the life he wanted to build for himself. One dream stood out a vision of owning his own home, a symbol of independence and the freedom he craved.

From a young age, Moss aspired to start his own family and step out from the shadow of his parents' home. The idea of creating a space he could call his own was a powerful motivator, pushing him toward the future he envisioned.

Reaching Goals

Dan reached his goals through determination and relentless effort. Right after high school, he pursued higher education, dedicating countless hours to his studies and striving to excel in every course.

Just two months after college graduation, Dan's life took a turn when he met Molly, a vibrant kindergarten teacher. He was immediately captivated by her, and though their future held many unknowns, Dan knew this was the beginning of something special.

First Crossed Paths

Dan and Molly first crossed paths at a dinner party hosted by a mutual friend, where they immediately clicked. Dan's infectious smile and sharp wit captivated Molly, sparking a connection that felt both natural and exciting.

After swapping numbers that evening, their romance quickly took off. Their chemistry was undeniable, and Molly’s blend of beauty and intellect made her not only a wonderful partner but also a loving, ideal mother. Dan had always hoped to find someone like her.

Starting Their Lives Together

The pair made their relationship official just two months after they met, and from that moment, they spent all of their free time together. As the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years, they only grew closer. Eventually, it was time to take it to the next level.

When Dan proposed, Molly was over the moon. Of course, she said yes right away. She couldn’t wait to start her life with him.

Excited For The Future

Dan and Molly began planning their wedding immediately. They couldn’t wait for the future, but one day, Dan made a suggestion. “I just think it could be cool if we had a house to move into, where we could start living after the wedding,” He said.

Molly couldn’t agree more. They immediately began looking at available places in the area. But they found the perfect place right away.

The Perfect House

The house that stole their hearts was in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Flint, Michigan. As soon as they saw the photos, they knew they had to see it. Dan arranged a viewing with an estate agent, and before they knew it, they were on their way to see the place for themselves.

As soon as the couple stepped through the front door, they shared a knowing look. There was no doubt that this would be the perfect house for them. But this house held a dark secret.

They Took It

The real estate agent walked them from room to room, commenting on the interior. The house seemed to be in great condition for its age. “The kitchen and the living room have been redone, but the bedrooms and the bathrooms have not,” The older woman said.

But Dan and Molly didn’t need to hear another word. They had already made up their minds. “It’s perfect. We’ll take it,” Dan said.

It Was A Steal

He couldn’t believe how lucky they were. As the weeks went by and he sorted out all of the paperwork for their new hours, he often thought about the property. He couldn’t believe that no one had snatched it up before them. With the price it was listed at, it was a steal.

But there was something Dan hadn’t noticed about his new home. He would discover the terrible truth months later.

Their First Night

Dan and Molly’s wedding was a huge success, and as soon as they returned from their honeymoon, they headed straight for their new home. They had spent months before the wedding moving into the place, and now, they could finally live in the house they loved so much.

As soon as they stepped through the front door, they were overcome with joy. They had been dreaming of this day for months.

A Strange Occurrence

That night, Molly cooked them a wonderful dinner to celebrate their new home. But it wasn’t until later that night that something strange occurred. It was just after 10 p.m. when they decided to head to their bedroom. Dan was exhausted after two extremely busy weeks.

All he wanted was to lay in his new bed with his new bride and get some much-needed rest. But as soon as they stepped into the bedroom, he noticed it.

The Smell

As soon as Dan stepped through the door, he noticed a faint, strange smell in the bedroom. But he could just barely smell it. He glanced around the room, noticing that the windows were open. “Do you smell something weird?” Molly asked as she stepped in behind him.

He nodded slightly, his eyes focused on the bedroom windows. “Yeah, it’s probably something from outside. Hopefully, it goes away soon,” he said. If only he had known the truth.

A Sound

Dan and Molly decided to ignore the unfamiliar scent as they crawled into bed together. As soon as Dan’s head hit the pillow, he realized just how exhausted he was. 

He mumbled a quiet “Goodnight, I love you” to his wife and turned onto his side, ready to fall asleep. But he had no idea what was about to happen. The bedroom was pitch black and dead silent as he slowly began to drift off to sleep. But as he did, a strange noise awoke him from his slumber.

Fast Asleep

Dan was groggy and confused as he slowly sat up in bed, trying to figure out what exactly he was hearing.  He glanced toward his wife, but she appeared to be fast asleep already. Slowly, he decided to get out of bed.

But as Dan quietly walked across the room, he noticed something. The sound became louder when he approached the en suite bathroom.

A Terrible Scent

Confused, he placed a hand against the cold, wooden door and slowly pushed it open, but he was caught off guard when he stepped through the door. He had to stop himself from gagging when he entered the room and smelled the same terrible scent as before. But this time, it was a lot stronger.

But as he stood quietly in the dark room, he heard the strange sound once again, but it was louder this time.

A Dripping Sound

Dan was beyond confused as his eyes glanced around the dark room. The smell was overwhelming, and the sound was a lot clearer. It sounded like something was dripping. He closed the door behind himself, trying not to wake his wife before he flipped the light switch.

His eyes burned as the bathroom lit up around him. But as he looked around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from, he saw nothing.

He Saw Nothing

This concerned Dan. Something was clearly dripping or leaking somewhere. His eyes scanned the ceiling, but he saw nothing. Next, he decided to look into the shower, but once again, he noticed nothing out of the ordinary. But where was that sound and smell coming from?

Dan stood frozen for a second, beyond confused. Part of him wondered if he was so exhausted that he was imagining all of it.

Going To Bed

Dan looked around for a second longer before giving up and heading back to bed. He closed the bathroom door behind him, pleased that it drowned out the sound. That night, Dan fell asleep rather quickly, forgetting all about the strange situation in the bathroom. But soon enough, he would be reminded.

Dan and Molly awoke early the next morning, and to Dan’s surprise, the smell had left the bedroom, and he could no longer hear the strange sound.

He Didn’t Mention It

He was convinced that the smell and strange sound had come from outside, so he didn’t mention anything to his wife that morning. However, shortly after leaving their bed, Dan decided to head to the bathroom. He pushed the door open and confidently stepped inside.

But he was immediately reminded of the night before when he smelled it. The bathroom still had that terrible, rotting smell.

Doing Something About It

Dan couldn’t stand it. The smell was faint but noticeable, just strong enough to make his stomach churn.  Dan had wanted to spend that day relaxing, but instead, he decided to do something about the smell.

Together, he and Molly ran to a nearby store and bought a bunch of cleaning supplies. They were convinced that the bathroom just needed a good cleaning.


That day, they spent hours scrubbing each tile in the bathroom. While Molly cleaned the shower, he handled the toilet and sink. Before long, the bathroom was filled with the smell of soap and cleaning supplies. The couple was convinced that they had sorted it out.

Dan felt proud of their hard work. They went about their day, forgetting all about the strange smell until that night rolled around.

It Was Even Worse

Dan couldn't believe it when he stepped into the bathroom hours later and noticed that same nauseating smell. “Honey,” he called for Molly. She approached, but as soon as the scent found her nose, she gasped. It was unbelievable.

Somehow, the smell had only gotten worse. But how was that possible? What on earth was causing it? Dan’s stomach dropped. They needed to get rid of this problem. But how?


As the days went by, Dan became increasingly obsessed with finding the source of the smell. He spent hours scouring every inch of the bathroom, searching for any sign of decay or rot. Molly grew concerned as she watched her husband become more and more fixated on the problem. She tried to convince him to let it go, to call a professional and have them deal with it, but Dan refused to listen.

He was determined to solve the mystery on his own, no matter the cost. But little did he know, the cost would be far greater than he could have ever imagined.

An Inspection

One evening, as Dan was once again inspecting the bathroom walls for any sign of weakness or decay, he heard a faint scratching sound coming from behind the wall.

His heart skipped a beat as he froze, listening intently. There it was again, the sound of something moving, something alive. Dan’s mind raced as he tried to comprehend what could be causing the noise. Could it be rats? Or something even worse?

There Was Something There

With trembling hands, Dan reached out and pressed his ear against the wall, hoping to hear more clearly. But what he heard next sent shivers down his spine. It wasn’t just scratching; there were faint whispers, barely audible but undeniably there. The words were indistinct, but Dan could sense a malevolent presence lurking just beyond the wall.

Fear gripped him as he realized that whatever was causing the smell and the strange noises was not of this world. But he couldn’t bring himself to admit it, not even to Molly.

Sleepless Nights

Instead, Dan kept his findings to himself, convinced that he could handle whatever dark force was at work in their home.  He delved deeper into his investigation, spending sleepless nights scouring the internet for answers, searching for any clue that could explain the sinister presence in their midst.

But the more he searched, the more he realized that he was out of his depth. The answers he found only raised more questions, and the fear that had been gnawing at him since that first night in their new home grew ever stronger.

A Change

Molly began to notice the change in her husband, the way his once bright eyes had become hollow and haunted, the way he jumped at the slightest sound, as if expecting something to leap out at him from the shadows. 

She tried to talk to him, to convince him to let go of whatever dark obsession had taken hold of him, but Dan wouldn’t listen. He was convinced that he was close to uncovering the truth, that he could banish whatever evil lurked in their home once and for all. But little did he know that the darkness he sought to confront was far more powerful than he could ever imagine.

Cleaning Companies

As the weeks passed, he did everything he could think of to sort the issue out. He hired cleaning companies and tried all kinds of hacks and tricks. But the longer they stayed there, the worse it became. It got to the point where they refused to open the door to the en suite bathroom.

Instead, they decided to use the guest bathroom in the hall. Dan was grateful that as long as that door remained closed, they couldn’t smell it.

Nothing Unusual

But he would still wake up to that strange dripping sound every now and again. He couldn’t figure it out. He tried to convince himself that all of this was coming from outside their house, but one day, he finally decided to check.

Dan walked along the back wall of the house, but he couldn’t see anything unusual. Little did he know that this situation would only get worse.

The Unveiling

One stormy night, as the wind howled outside and rain lashed against the windows, Dan’s determination reached its peak. He couldn’t take it any longer. 

Armed with a flashlight and a hammer, Dan marched into the en suite bathroom, his heart pounding in his chest. He was determined to uncover the source of the sinister smell once and for all. With a resolute expression, Dan approached the wall where he had heard the scratching before. Without hesitation, he raised the hammer and began to chip away at the plaster.


Did they also have insects or rats in their walls besides the awful smell? This was becoming too much for him to handle. All he wanted to do was get rid of the smell, and now he would potentially have to deal with another issue.

Dan was at his wit’s end. Everything was taking a toll on him at this point. He felt like tearing the whole house down. He was beyond frustrated.


Molly could see how everything had taken a toll on her husband. He was a shell of the person he once was. He spent endless nights trying to figure out where the smell and the scratching noises were coming from.

As soon as Dan came home from work, it was the first thing that he did. He marched upstairs, determined to get to the bottom of the mysterious smell wafting through their bedroom.

Stronger Chemicals

He tried cleaning again, but this time, he had picked up stronger chemicals. He was convinced that by using something stronger, the smell would surely disappear. 

He bought gloves and a mask to put over his mouth and nose. “These are very strong chemicals, Molly. I don’t want you coming anywhere near these. I think if I use this to clean the bathroom, the smell should disappear for good this time.”

Running Out Of Options

Dan spent hours scrubbing and washing the floors and everything else in the bathroom. The industrial strength chemicals were so strong that they made Molly gag, even though she was standing in the bedroom, far away from the bathroom. 

However, that night, as they lay in bed, the smell came through once again. Dan couldn’t believe it. He had spent hundreds of dollars on strong cleaning supplies, but now, those didn’t even work. He was running out of options.

Behind The Door

For a few days, everything seemed fine. Dan was aware that the smell was still behind that bathroom door, but he decided to ignore it. As long as it remained closed, it wasn’t his problem. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself. But soon, something would change.

For a few weeks, Dan and Molly lived happily in their new home. They had almost forgotten about the smell until one day.

Leaving The House

That day, Dan and Molly decided to leave the house for a few hours. They wanted to go out for lunch and pick up a few groceries. But when they got home just after three p.m., everything seemed fine. But that changed when Dan stepped into their bedroom.

He felt like he was going to be sick when he walked in. The room smelled beyond horrific. It was worse than ever before, and it had traveled through the bathroom door.

Not Working

He tried to deal with the issue for that entire afternoon, but nothing seemed to work. Their bedroom smelled awful, and it wasn’t going away. 

By the time that evening rolled around, he’d had enough. He was tired and wanted to get some sleep. As he lay in bed with the awful smell, he told himself that he would call in a professional the next morning. But he was about to discover the truth.

It Didn’t Work

Dan closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, but it wasn’t working. The smell was so bad that it was giving him a headache. As he lay in bed with his eyes wide open, his blood began to boil. If he had known what he would have to deal with, he never would’ve bought the house.

His entire bathroom and bedroom smelled of rot and decay, and he couldn’t take it a second longer. He decided to act.

He Couldn’t Take It

Molly watched in confusion as he let out a frustrated groan and kicked the covers from his body. “I can’t take this anymore,” He sighed, beyond angry. She felt terrible. She could tell that her husband was having a terrible time trying to deal with the strange incident.

Dan quickly disappeared into the en suite bathroom and decided to have another look around. But he saw nothing out of the ordinary.