Man Deceives Grandma, She Teaches Him A Lesson He Won’t Forget

Leaving Her

It had not been an easy life for Mildred Kemp. Having been abandoned by her family, she was living in a care home. When the person she trusted most in the world betrayed her in the most awful way possible, she knew she had to act.

After learning what her grandson, Thomas, had done, she acted immediately. She told herself, "He can't get away with this."

It Was A Lovely Day

Supposedly, it would be a nice day. Mildred couldn't wait to meet Mildred's grandson's new girlfriend when he visited with his new girlfriend. 

A nearby store had stocked her with snacks, and she set a pretty table for the three of them. A visit to her grandson's girlfriend was all she wanted. Her overall impression was that it would be a wonderful day. On that day, her grandson's identity was revealed.

Uncovering The Truth

The day she learned Thomas had betrayed her in the most horrible way was that day. It was imperative that she take action. As soon as Thomas and Mindy left, Mildred rushed toward her bedroom. She desperately wanted to teach her grandson a lesson.

When she reached for the phone, her hands were shaking. Although she knew what she had to do, she was terrified by the mere thought of it.

Contacting The Authorities

As she dialed the three-digit number and waited for someone to answer, Mildred took a deep breath. Her palms were sweaty as her heart pounded in her chest. Is this how Thomas could treat her like this? In what way could he use her in such a way?

Within a few seconds, a woman answered the phone. “911, what’s your emergency?” the young woman asked.

Her Support System

As Mildred held the phone to her ear, tears stung her eyes. She had been relying on Thomas for years, but now she knew it was all an act. She wiped away tears as tears rolled down her cheeks, and she said, "I'd like to report a felony." Thomas had done such a horrible thing to her.

However, she had one more call to make. Previously, she had left everything to her grandson in her will, but things were about to change.

Difficult Times

Mildred Kemp's life was never easy growing up in Houston, Texas. Despite being raised by two loving parents, she never had many friends. 

She had always dreamed of meeting Robert, but her life changed when she met him. After meeting Robert during her final year of high school, she quickly became his best friend. A couple of years later, they were married.

Young And In Love

Robert loved Mildred more than anyone else ever could. She felt comfortable with him as one of the few people she trusted. Despite her close relationship with her mother, he got along with her parents. Mildred's life began to improve after she started her own family.

Whenever she held her children for the first time, nothing could describe how much love she felt for them. It was a little bit of a surprise to her how everything would turn out.

One Big Happy Family

Despite living in a big house in the suburbs, Mildred and Robert raised their children to be successful in life. They bought Mary a car when she turned sixteen, and when their son moved out, they paid his rent.

Overall, Mildred did everything she could to be the best mother she could be. Sadly, her children did not appreciate her.

A Clear Favorite

Mary and Anthony always made it clear that they loved their father more than their mother, and Mildred couldn't understand why.

Their mother was rarely spoken to and they spent a lot of quality time with Robert. Whenever she cooked, they would insult it and rarely say anything nice about it. However, Mildred did not hold this against them. When they were teenagers, she thought it was just a phrase. Her assumption proved to be incorrect.

Only Talking To Him

Their behavior continued into adulthood. Mary and Anthony frequently called their father after leaving their childhood home, but they never spoke to their mother. 

“Sometimes I just feel like they hate me,” Mildred would say to her husband with a sorrowful expression on her face. He never understood it, either. When Robert held Mildred close, he told her how wonderful a mother and wife she was, but Mildred never felt that great.

No Interactions

Mildred watched from afar as her children grew up and had kids of their own, but they hardly interacted with her. It was a heartbreaking experience for the aging mother. But when she and Robert were in their sixties, something terrible happened. For that entire day, he’d been complaining about a strange pain in his stomach.

It was 2 a.m. when Mildred suddenly awoke to a strange sound. When she looked toward Robert’s side of the bed, she found him groaning in pain.

Rushing To The Hospital

That night, Mildred rushed her husband to the hospital with tears in her eyes. Something terrible was happening to him, and she wanted to help him. Robert could hardly walk toward the car. It took all of Mildred’s strength to help her husband into the car at their house and into the hospital.

As soon as they stepped through the hospital’s doors, nurses and doctors rushed to help them. But what was happening to Robert?


Mildred sat in the waiting room for hours as the doctors and nurses took Robert for all kinds of tests before wheeling him into surgery. 

Robert’s illness popped up suddenly, but it would not last long. When Robert’s doctor approached Mildred, she could see the disappointed look in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Kemp. We did everything in our power to help your husband. But he didn’t make it,” he revealed.

Everything Changed

That was the night her entire world came crashing down around her. She never asked the doctor what the cause was. She was too devastated to speak. 

Just like that, her entire world suddenly changed, and she didn’t know how to go on without him. She went home alone the following morning. When Mildred broke the news to their family, everyone was devastated to hear about Robert’s sudden death.

No One Cared

But to Mildred’s surprise, no one ever thought to check in on her. She was left all alone in her house for an entire week until the funeral. 

The last time Mildred saw her children and grandchildren was at her husband’s funeral. They didn’t even acknowledge her presence. It was a devastating day, but what hurt Mildred even more was her daughter’s words just before she left.

The Last Time

Mary approached her mother as they were about to leave with her eighteen-year-old son, Thomas, by her side. “Now that Dad is gone, I probably won’t be coming around anymore. I will have a mover come to collect the last of my things from your house,” Mary said before she walked off.

Mildred was stunned by her daughter’s statement. What did she mean she wouldn’t be coming around anymore? That was the last time they ever spoke.

They Never Answered

Mildred tried calling Mary and Anthony after Robert’s death, but they never answered her calls. They had abandoned her. Mildred didn’t know why she was so surprised. She told herself that she should have seen it coming. But she was heartbroken.

Suddenly, Mildred was left all alone in her big house in the suburbs. No one came around anymore, and no one cared to check on her.

Mental Health

Two years passed after her husband’s death, and Mildred’s mental health was slowly deteriorating.  She spent all of her days in bed, hardly eating or drinking anything. All she could do was dream about the life she never had.

But one Saturday morning, something changed. Mildred was in the kitchen, preparing a pot of coffee, when she heard a knock on the door.

A Knock

She was confused at first. She hadn't heard a knock on her front door in two years, and she couldn’t help but think something was terribly wrong. Mildred placed her cup on the kitchen counter before rushing toward the front door. But when she opened it, she saw an unexpected face.

Mildred froze in her footsteps when she opened the door and saw Thomas, her grandson, standing in front of her.


“Thomas, what are you doing here?” she asked, caught off guard. For a moment, she wondered if he was there to deliver bad news. But that was not the case. Thomas smiled brightly at Mildred and stepped forward to give her a great big hug.

“Hey, grandma. I came to see how you were doing,” the now twenty-year-old man said. Mildred couldn’t believe her ears.

Inviting Him In

Tears burned behind her eyes as she invited Thomas into her home. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him there after all those years. She never thought she would see any of her family members again. Thomas sat on the couch as she brought the pot of tea to the front of the house.

They sat together on the couch as Thomas looked around the living room, taking in the room he hadn’t seen in years. But then, he said something strange.

An Observation

“I never realized how many nice things you and Grandpa had,” he said, glancing at the beautiful chandelier and fancy, old furniture. 

“Oh, yes,” Mildred chuckled nervously. “Your grandfather was a successful businessman, and I had a keen interest in nice things,” she explained. But Mildred didn’t notice the small smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips. “So, what brings you here, Tommy?” she asked.

An Explanation

Thomas reached for his cup of tea and smiled politely at his grandmother, but she did not expect what he had to say. “I’ve been thinking about you. I feel bad for the way my mother walked out of your life. I just wanted to see if you were still okay,” he explained.

This warmed Mildred’s heart. Tears burned behind her eyes as she stared at the one family member who still cared about her.

Thank You

“I never thought I would see any of you again,” she said with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for coming, Thomas,” she said, overwhelmed with emotions. 

But as she smiled at the boy who had made her day, she noticed his eyes on the necklace around her neck. Mildrid raised her hand, her fingers brushing against the beautiful, golden necklace. “You noticed my necklace?” she asked.

Grandmother’s Necklace

“Yeah. It’s beautiful. Is that one of the nice things Grandpa bought you?” he asked with a smile, his eyes never leaving the necklace. 

“Oh no. This belonged to my Grandmother. She gave it to my mother, and my mother gave it to me on the day of my wedding,” she said with a nostalgic smile. But Thomas would not stop staring. “Looks like real gold, too. It must be worth a fortune,” he pointed out.

She Didn’t Notice

Mildred chuckled to herself, not noticing the way he looked at her precious necklace. “Yes, but it’s worth more than just money to me,” she said. She slowly removed it from her neck and handed it to Thomas to look at. “I’ve always been terrified of losing something so valuable.”

Thomas stared at the necklace for a second longer, and then, he made a suggestion. “You know, Grandma, I could help you keep it safe.”

A Suggestion

At first, Mildred shook her head. “That’s not necessary, sweetie. I can just keep it in my old jewelry box,” she said. But he was persistent. “I have a safe box at my house. I can keep it there for you until you need it again. You don't want to lose something so valuable, Gran,” he insisted.

Mildred considered it for a second longer. The more she thought about it, the more she began to think it was a good idea. She agreed to let him take it and keep it safe.

A Fascination

Thomas had always shown an interest in it, even after taking it to keep it safe. Initially, Mildred thought it was just a fascination with family history and the stories that the necklace represented. 

Thomas would often sit by her side, listening intently as she recounted the tales associated with the necklace.  His eyes would light up with curiosity, and he would ask detailed questions about its origins and the people who had worn it before her.

Touched By His Eagerness

Mildred was pleased by his interest, believing it showed a deep respect for their family’s legacy. Mildred was touched by his eagerness to protect something so precious to her. Yet, she couldn’t help but wonder why he was so insistent.

After all, the necklace had been safe with her for many years. As time went on, Thomas's insistence on keeping the necklace safe puzzled Mildred. 

Stored It In A Safe Place

Whenever she mentioned it, he would remind her that he had stored it in a secure place.  Mildred found his concern endearing, interpreting it as a sign of his growing maturity and care for family traditions. However, a tiny seed of doubt began to sprout in the back of her mind.

One sunny afternoon, while sipping tea on the porch, Thomas brought up the subject again. 

Other Valuables

"Gran, have you thought about getting a safe for your valuables?" he asked, his tone casual but his eyes intense. Mildred smiled, patting his hand. "You're such a thoughtful young man, Thomas. I appreciate it. But I think we're fine as we are."

What Mildred didn't realize was that Thomas had his own reasons for everything. Reasons he kept carefully hidden behind a mask of concern and affection.

Frequent Visits

Thomas’s visits became more frequent, and with each visit, he seemed more on edge.  He would casually ask about her daily routines, subtly probing for information on when she might be out of the house.

Mildred, trusting her grandson implicitly, never suspected a thing. She thought his questions were born out of genuine concern for her well-being.

Going To The Store

One day, Mildred decided to go to the store to buy ingredients for Thomas's favorite meal. She wanted everything to be perfect for his next visit.  As she wandered the aisles, selecting the best produce and the freshest ingredients, she felt a warmth in her heart.

She loved these little moments of preparation, imagining the joy on Thomas’s face as he enjoyed her cooking.

A Break In

When she returned home, however, her idyllic mood was shattered. She was shocked to find her living room in disarray.  Furniture was overturned, drawers were pulled out, and their contents scattered across the floor. Her heart raced as she tried to comprehend what had happened.

In the midst of the chaos, she heard a familiar voice. "Gran! I'm so glad you're safe. Who did this?" Thomas stood in the doorway, his face a mask of concern.

Thomas Was There

Relieved to see him, Mildred rushed to his side. "Oh, Thomas, it’s terrible! I don’t know what to do. Why would someone do this?" Thomas led her to a chair and gently helped her sit down. "Don't worry, Gran. I'll help you sort this out."

He began to "investigate" the scene, moving through the house with an air of determination. As he did, he subtly checked the places where Mildred might have hidden the necklace. As they worked together to assess the damage, Mildred couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence. Little did she know that Thomas was there, and it was no coincidence.

Things Were Missing

Days turned into weeks, and Mildred began to notice other things missing around the house. Small, valuable items that she couldn’t recall misplacing.  Jewelry, old coins, and even some of her late husband’s collectibles seemed to vanish. Each time Thomas was there to comfort her, his concern only deepened her trust in him.

"Gran, you really should get safe," Thomas suggested one evening as they sat together in the living room. "Just to be sure everything is protected."

Never Had Issues Before

Mildred nodded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and confusion. "Perhaps you're right, Thomas. It's just so strange. I've never had any issues before." he true motives behind Thomas's actions remained hidden, and Mildred continued to see him as her caring grandson.

His attentiveness and concern seemed genuine, but there was always a lingering question in Mildred’s mind. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Doubts Growing

As the days passed, Mildred’s doubt grew. She began to observe Thomas more closely, noticing subtle changes in his behavior.  His questions, once seemingly innocent, now felt probing. His visits, once a source of comfort, now filled her with a sense of unease.

And in that moment, Mildred felt a flicker of doubt. Could it be that the person she trusted the most was the one she should fear?

Thinking About It

She pondered this as she lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling. The house was quiet, but her mind was a whirl of thoughts.  What were Thomas’s true motives? Was he really looking out for her, or was there something more sinister at play?

The next morning, Mildred decided to take action. She started to keep a closer eye on her belongings, making a mental note of where she left things. 

Testing Him

She also began to test Thomas subtly, mentioning places where she had hidden valuables and watching his reactions.  Thomas continued to visit, his behavior outwardly unchanged, but Mildred could sense an underlying tension.

He seemed to watch her more closely now, his eyes following her every move. The doubt in her mind grew stronger, but she kept her suspicions to herself, waiting for the right moment to uncover the truth.

Confiding In Someone

One evening, after a particularly tense visit, Mildred decided to confide in her neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins. Over a cup of tea, she shared her concerns, hoping for some clarity. 

"Do you think I'm just being paranoid?" Mildred asked, her voice trembling slightly. Mrs. Jenkins shook her head. "Trust your instincts, Mildred. If something feels off, it probably is. Just be careful and keep your wits about you."

Remaining Vigilant

Encouraged by her friend's words, Mildred resolved to remain vigilant. She would find out the truth about Thomas, whatever it took.  In the process, she hoped to protect not just her cherished necklace but also the legacy of trust and love that had been passed down through generations.

As she looked out the window, watching the sunset over the horizon, Mildred felt a renewed sense of determination. The answers she sought were within reach, and she was ready to face whatever came next, with or without Thomas by her side. And so, the days continued, each one bringing Mildred closer to the truth. What she would discover and the choices she would have to make remained uncertain. But one thing was clear: the bonds of trust, once broken, could never be easily mended.

It Was Time

But that was not the only time Thomas came to visit. He was there every second weekend, visiting his Grandmother and taking things to keep safe for her. This continued for years until Mildred was ready to move out of her big, beautiful house and into a care home.

Luckily for Mildred, Thomas insisted that he was there to help. The weekend she moved, Thomas was there, helping her move all of her most precious belongings.

They Grew Closer

In just a few years, Mildred and Thomas grew extremely close. She found herself always waiting for his visits. Her new life in the care home was far more comfortable. She made a few new friends, and the staff was friendly.

But one summer afternoon, she received a call from Thomas. He wanted to come over and introduce his new girlfriend, Mindy.

The Apple Of Her Eye

For years, Thomas had been the apple of her eyes. When her entire family abandoned her, he came back for her. Mildred thought she would never see any of her family members again, but she was wrong. When Thomas showed up, she thought he was there because he cared.

But she was wrong. Thomas had shown up for a specific reason, and he had been using her all along. Not knowing this, she invited Thomas and Mindy over that Saturday afternoon.