How Many Kids Are In Your Future? Take This Mommy Quiz To Find Out!

Being a mom is just about the hardest job there is. That being said, each and every mom has their own particular manner of going about things. Some like taking a laid-back approach, while others prefer to go the route of the helicopter mom. All of these are totally acceptable, but which is best for you? Today we will be finding that out!

In this quiz, we will be asking all kinds of mom-themed questions. We will cover everything from pregnancy cravings, to raising a youngster. Once you make your way through all of the questions, we will be able to reveal how many kids are in your future. Get ready moms, it may be time to trade in the convertible for a minivan! Let's begin!

What is a must-have item for a mom's purse?


The kids get lice, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Wash their hair with special shampoo","correct":true},{"answer":"Shave their heads immediately","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

The kids are throwing a tantrum in public, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Ignore them","correct":false},{"answer":"Calmly take them home","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Pick a name for a girl


Public or private school?


Breastmilk or formula?


Pick a name for a boy


Pick a color for the nursery


Will the kids go trick-or-treating?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"No way","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You have a babysitter for one night, what's the plan?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sleep","correct":true},{"answer":"Dinner date","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Is a car an appropriate gift for a 16 -year-old?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":false},{"answer":"No way","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Rate this kids movie

{"answers":[{"answer":"Pretty good","correct":true},{"answer":"Not the best","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Pick a kid-friendly weekend activity

{"answers":[{"answer":"Family Picninc","correct":true},{"answer":"Video games","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

At what age should the pacifier be taken away?

{"answers":[{"answer":"2 years","correct":true},{"answer":"3 years","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Pick the ultimate pregnancy craving


Singing lullabies or reading bedtime stories?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Singing lullabies","correct":true},{"answer":" Reading bedtime stories","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Rate this kids movie

{"answers":[{"answer":"Pretty good","correct":true},{"answer":"Not the best","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Pick a family vacation

{"answers":[{"answer":"Beach resort","correct":true},{"answer":"Camping trip","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Disposable or cloth diapers?


At what age can we start the potty training process?

{"answers":[{"answer":"2 years","correct":false},{"answer":"5 years","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Your teenager is out past curfew, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Call local authorities","correct":true},{"answer":"Ground them once they get home","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What's a good age for a child to visit Disneyland for the first time?


How much screen time will the kids get?

{"answers":[{"answer":"As much as they want","correct":false},{"answer":"An hour a day","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You're 8 months pregnant and it's date night, what's the plan?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Paintball","correct":false},{"answer":"Movie night at home","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

True or false: All babies smile within their first week at home


Which of these items can help prevent diaper rash?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Baby powder","correct":true},{"answer":"Wet wipes","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What's a good age for a kid to get their first cell phone?


Pick a pet for the kids


True or false: Men can experience pregnancy symptoms too


Rate this kids movie

{"answers":[{"answer":"Pretty good","correct":true},{"answer":"Not the best","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Attend a "mommy & me" class?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"No way","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

The kids want to bake some cupcakes, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Send them to a friend's house cupcakes","correct":false},{"answer":"Bake cupcakes with them","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

True or false: Some women lose hair after giving birth


Professional family photoshoots?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"No way","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

The kids play an epic prank on you, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Get them back","correct":false},{"answer":"Laugh it off","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Rate this kids show

{"answers":[{"answer":"Pretty good","correct":true},{"answer":"Not the best","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Attend a pregnancy yoga class?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"No way","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Will college be mandatory?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"No way","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Pick a theme for the nursery

{"answers":[{"answer":"Jungle","correct":true},{"answer":"Under the sea","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Will the kids be wearing name brand clothing?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"No way","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

True or false: Newborns need as much water as adults do


You've got a picky eater on your hands, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Send them to bed without dinner ","correct":false},{"answer":"Find special recipes that will work for them","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Pick a classic kids book

{"answers":[{"answer":"Charlotte's Web","correct":true},{"answer":"The Cat in the Hat","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

The kids need help with their homework, what to do?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Hire a tutor","correct":false},{"answer":"Help them out","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}