Take this quiz to figure out your age according to your personality and characterminstead of your years on Earth. Just don’t sulk if you belong to the Terrible Two’s!
Pick a genre of literature:
Choose a birthday cake:
If you found a wallet you would:
{"answers":[{"answer":"Keep it!","correct":false},{"answer":"Bring it to the authorities","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}
Do you believe in an eye for an eye?
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander"
How often do you lie?
{"answers":[{"answer":"Rarely","correct":true},{"answer":"A couple of times a week","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}
The most important thing in life is:
If you were President you would:
{"answers":[{"answer":"Become a Dictator","correct":false},{"answer":"Work towards World Peace","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}
Do you believe in Karma?
Choose one:
Choose an inner most desire: