'Happily Never After': Disastrous Tales Of Marriages Unraveling Before They Even Begin

1. Backhanded Compliment

I was a wedding DJ for 7 years. DJ'd several hundred weddings. Seen a lot of stuff. One horrible thing I've witnessed stood out. 

I introduce the best man to give his speech and hand him the mic. He starts out by saying, (paraphrasing because this was years ago but pretty close to the quote IIRC) 

"Well, there were a lot of things that I didn't agree with in this relationship when it first started, and that I still don't agree with because it's seriously messed up and unbalanced and the dynamic is too one sided, etc. etc. (he's staring at the bride while saying this, proceeds to trail off) 

...... but......that's not why we're here today. We're here........ to celebrate the marriage between Jack and Ingrid.....so I just want to say congratulations, best of luck to you guys, etc. etc."

Everyone in the whole place was just looking around, glancing nervously at one another.

Afterward, the father of the groom or bride (can't remember which one) comes up to me and says, "Thank you for not cutting the mic. I saw you looking at the head table and at us for direction and when you didn't get it, you didn't act. I appreciate that because it would’ve been awkward if he had just been cut off and didn't get the chance to at least come back to congratulate them."

Most awkward compliment I've ever received.


2. Emergency Wedding

The pastor officiating my wedding had a heart attack, and my (now) wife and I caught him as he fell. We have video of my wife, in her wedding dress, consoling the pastor's wife, who was in tears behind the podium. 

One of my groomsmen is an ER doc and handled the situation well, and the pastor finally came back around. He was stubborn and insisted on finishing the ceremony (through the sound of sirens of the ambulance coming for him). 

Then my brother (best man) passed out minutes later. Apparently, he had put on the wrong collared shirt, so it was too tight around the neck. At least the EMTs had something to do while the pastor finished up.

My brother spun and handed the rings off to ER Doc groomsman as he fell, and my wife and I just busted up laughing at that point.


I was a wedding DJ for 7 years. DJ'd several hundred weddings. Seen a lot of stuff. One horrible thing I've witnessed stood out. 

3. Lake Wedding

My good friends were getting married; it was a medium-sized wedding (no more than 75 people, including the bridal party and groomsmen). The bride's sister-in-law is mad at something mighty. 

It was a wedding and reception by a lake, and everyone knew the venue, so we dressed accordingly-- shirts and comfortable trousers, sundresses and sandals, etc. Sister-in-law is dressed like she's heading out for an evening of dinner and dancing.

Sky-high heels, tight dress, and rhinestones everywhere. She looks gorgeous! But it's not comfortable. And we're outside. The ceremony is sweet... except for the words "Freaking bugs... freaking pine needles, freaking dirt..." that's being picked up from the small (yet apparently mighty) microphone up front.

Right after the ceremony, we walk over to the gazebo/picnic area where the reception will be, and the sister-in-law starts lobbing her high heels at her husband, screeching about what an awful day it is, and gashes her husband's eyebrow open. 

While people scramble to get him napkins because facial wounds bleed like crazy and try to get him into a car to drive him to the hospital for stitches, she decides to up the ante. She says, "I can't take this anymore!" and throws herself off the dock in a dramatic swan dive.

The problem is, the lake at that point was only four feet deep, and marshy, so instead of ending herself, she just sort of bobs along in the water because everyone's more concerned with her husband's eye/face. Sister-in-law's father just turns towards the lake, and tells her to get out of there and cut the fiasco.

They piled into two cars and drove off. It was surreal.


I was a wedding DJ for 7 years. DJ'd several hundred weddings. Seen a lot of stuff. One horrible thing I've witnessed stood out. 

4. The Invitation

My husband and I were invited to his military buddy's wedding. We were running a little late, but weren't too worried. We got onto base and headed for the main chapel (there are three or four chapels on base). 

When we got to the main chapel, it was apparent that no wedding was happening. Looked at the invitation again. It just said "Post chapel" and gave an address. So obviously, this was different from the post chapel that the bride had intended, and I whipped out my phone to look up the address. 

We drove to that part of the base and found the place. It was some sort of administration building, definitely not a chapel. We were confused, but we found a building with "Chaplain's office" on the directory so we figured we'd been invited to some sort of civil ceremony. 

The building was locked. Now thoroughly confused and late at this point.

As we were wondering what we should do, we see an older gentleman in a tuxedo wandering around. He's pretty clearly in the same boat. Turns out he's the groom's father and he doesn't have any more idea what's going on than we do. 

After a few more minutes, a soldier arrives. He's the chaplain's assistant and he's looking for lost wedding guests (namely the groom's father). Turns out the bride put down the wrong address and the wrong chapel name on the invitation.

By the time we got to the wedding (which they had delayed because the groom's dad was missing), the bride was in tears. I felt so bad for her.

They finally started the wedding, and the chaplain gave an awkward sermon about "being clothed in Jesus' love" and lost his place several times. Finally, as the ceremony was over and the guests began to applaud, a bat fell down out of the ceiling and died.

Craziest wedding I'd ever been to.


5. Unfortunate Events

My parents had a pretty disastrous wedding. I wasn't there to witness it but my parents and the guests tell the stories all the time.

The wedding was in July, they were expecting a hot, sunny day but it ended up being a major downpour. My mother had a taxi scheduled to take her from her hotel to the church, but due to the rain the taxi was super late. 

As my mother was waiting, in her wedding dress, she got hit by a car. She gets knocked to the ground, but it wasn't hard enough to break any bones so she just walks it off. Unfortunately, her dress picked up a lot of the mud from her fall and a big chunk of lace was torn. It turns out the car that hit her was actually the taxi that was supposed to pick her up.

She finally made it to the church, my father was in tears, on the verge of a nervous breakdown thinking that she wasn't going to show. Again, about a third of the guests didn't make it because of the rain. The rest of the ceremony went ok.

At the reception, the hotel was understaffed due to the rain and the DJ couldn't make it (again, due to the rain) so the reception consisted of guests sitting around in a silent room waiting for food. A plus one soon decides that she is literally dying of hunger so she goes up and cuts a slice of the wedding cake for herself before my parents had taken pictures with the cake or sliced it. 

On the positive side, later on they discovered that a restaurant in the hotel had a jukebox so the restaurant lets them move it into the banquet hall and they're able to pop in some quarters to get music playing.

It was a disaster at the time, but now they look back at it and laugh.


6. A Bridezilla

I went to a wedding with my boyfriend a few years ago. His friend was marrying a woman that NO ONE liked. She was awful. During the ceremony we could all tell that the best man was uncomfortable. 

As soon as the ceremony ended the best man burst into tears for about 10 minutes and had to excuse himself. You could tell he just realized that his best friend was gone forever. 

We tried to cheer him up and reassure him that he and the groom would still be close, and that the bride wasn't too bad. Everyone present knew it was a lie and we were all just so depressed.

Later, the bride came and yelled at our entire group (all of her husband's friends) because we weren't dancing enough. We weren't dancing because they had no dj, just a short playlist with the couples favorite (not dance-y) songs being played on repeat. 

I think throughout the whole night we heard the playlist start and end about 5 times.


7. The Obnoxious Priest

The ceremony for my cousin's (the groom) wedding had the most obnoxious priest. I think he was related to my cousin or a long time family friend.

The whole ceremony became about him. Before every reading, he would explain what was about to be read for like 5 minutes, then after the reading, would explain it again for another couple minutes before explaining the next reading. 

He gave terrible advice like "If you're having problems, don't talk to each other, talk to me. You have my number." He mentioned multiple times how he had recently moved to Illinois (where the wedding was taking place). 

Even between the vows he had to throw his two cents in. 

After my cousin said "I Do" he commented, "Oh, I thought you were going to do it with more gusto like when you're cheering for the Bears. I DO!!!" 

At the end, he just had to mention himself again: "And by the power vested in me by the state of Illinois, which I am now a resident of, I now pronounce you man and wife". 

What could have been a 30-45 minute ceremony ended up taking 75-90 minutes.


Later, the bride came and yelled at our entire group (all of her husband's friends) because we weren't dancing enough. We weren't dancing because they had no dj, just a short playlist with the couples favorite (not dance-y) songs being played on repeat. 

I think throughout the whole night we heard the playlist start and end about 5 times.


8. Drunk Woman

The groom's sister got a sorority girl wasted in the limo on the way to the reception. She stashed a brown paper-bag with two fifths of puck under her chair for the Lord's prayer. 

She held my hand the entire time chanting "I need to pee". She drank heavily all through the meal and then caught the bouquet. 

The guy that caught the garter had his head shoved up her dress while he was putting it on her. Once he finally emerged from her cavern of drunk doom, he was bright red and ran away. 

She chased him around and literally flung herself at him to dance in front of everyone. She got bored with that and started dancing on the DJs table. 

The Bride was mortified and in all but tears, so her brother picked up this drunk mess and tried to carry her outside. This sent the redneck boyfriend into a rage and he picked a fight with the brother. 

The cops were called. I just sat there wishing I had popcorn to watch the mess.


9. Sobbing Bride

At a wedding of a college friend of my husband’s, we learned that the bride (his old friend) had been in love with him for over a decade. We learned this from the women at our table at the reception. 

We introduced ourselves while we waited for the bride and groom to arrive. They were horrified that we were there - and extremely worried. My husband had NO idea that she had feelings for him. 

She bee-lined right for our table after the 'introducing Mr & Mrs' thing - ignoring her family and leaving her husband standing alone. She clung to my husband and sobbed - lifting her head to glare at me. 

She had to be pulled off of him. She repaired herself, then followed us as we tried to leave quietly - her parting shot was to stare at my chest and say, "well I guess I know what I was missing all along!" 

Her new husband was in shock and my husband was horrified and embarrassed. He was completely clueless and would never have gone to the wedding if he'd know she was obsessed with him. It was bizarre.


10. A Total Disaster

When my dad got remarried, it was the worst event I'd ever been to. It started four hours late because the bride decided that she just had to have Olive Garden before the ceremony started, so she loaded up all these half-made-up bridesmaids into a couple cars and drove to Olive Garden, where we waited for like two hours for enough space for all of us.

We finally got back to the church and finished with the make up. None of the bridesmaids had matching dresses because the bride decided on a dress like a week before the wedding, so she said for everyone to pick the closest thing they could find at the bridal shop. 

And the make up guy was a friend of hers who claimed to be a runway make up artist, but we all ended up looking like cheap 80s hookers.

So their ceremony finally starts four hours late with a bunch of mismatched bridesmaids in horrible make up and giant hair, and two of the bride's friends just decided to stand up next to the bridesmaids like they were part of the ceremony too, for some reason.

At the reception, there was a guy with a guitar paid to sing and play, but one of those two friends decided she was going to be the main entertainment for the evening, and she grabbed the guy's mic and started singing in the most awful tone - deaf screechy voice I've ever heard.

Finally, it was all over and we could leave, and I went to my car in the parking lot... and someone had slashed my tires. All four of them.


11. A and B-List

It was my then-business partner's second marriage, to a prominent lawyer. She was 40-ish but behaved like a Cosmo-swilling sorority sister and was obsessed with optics, image, status. The wedding was a twi-nighter at a banquet / event center in the city.

When my wife and I showed up, we discovered the guests had been partitioned into A and B lists. We were on the shorter A list who were invited for cocktails, the ceremony, and a sit-down dinner. The B-listers had been told to appear 2.5 hours later for cake and dancing.

During dinner the already-half-in-the-bag bride stood up and told we A-listers we were her "real friends," the "cream of the crop," and our standing with her was reflected in the fine catered dinner we were eating.

Things ran long and the B-listers began assembling outside. They were not allowed in but the place had storefront-type windows and you could see what was going on in there from the street. We were having creme brulees. 

It began to rain and the B-listers had to stand outside getting wet and staring at us while the banquet part of the evening wrapped up. They clearly had not been apprised of the two-tier deal.

The favored A-listers were in acute discomfort. A gang of the bride's alleged best friends, similar sorority types in little black dresses, talked major snark about her for the rest of the evening, mocking her dress, her weight, her choice of husband, and especially the uncool structure of the event.

Finally, the door was thrown open and angry damp B-listers straggled in bearing rain-washed gifts. The groom was nowhere in sight and the by-now-drunk bride was doing the electric slide by herself on the dance floor. 

The room was thick with tension and weirdness and my wife and I slipped out before the cake-cutting. (Later I would tell the bride how nice the cake-cutting, etc. had been and she said she had seen me and all the A-listers front and center.)

The marriage lasted about three years. Four months in, the bride made a serious pass at me in the office. Shortly thereafter, the fun was over and she was sleeping on the sofa (she said). 

The whole wedding seemed to be merely a hook for a big party and a pretext for classifying her friends into first class and economy.


12. The Upside Down

I was a banquet chef for about 5 years at a Country Club near Vancouver, where we had 4 reception rooms. Quite often we had more than one wedding on the same day, which could get interesting with parties running into each other. 

On New Years Eve (this was probably 2003-4?) we had two weddings, one upstairs and downstairs, so no worries normally. I was working the upstairs wedding, when the father of the bride had a heart attack during the reception, and was rushed to the hospital.

Obviously it was quite somber, but the guests were still trying to celebrate the wedding, while the mother of the bride and a few family members were with the father. Unfortunately, the family found out the father passed away in the hospital, and decided to announce it to everyone. 

Right as they told everyone (no joke, like 30 seconds later), the party downstairs was starting a countdown for an "Toronto New Years", as many of the guests and family were apparently from there, and celebrating it at 9pm for the time difference. 

So as everyone in the upstairs banquet room was in shock, they heard 100+ downstairs cheering and singing with joy. To say the least, one of the most awkward moments I've witnessed.


13. Sneaking Drinks

I was the maid of honor at a wedding, and a fellow bridesmaid decided that she was going to start drinking at 11am. While we were getting ready, no one knew she was sneaking into the bathroom to drink. 

She then decided that while the bride and groom were dancing, she (at this point was extremely intoxicated) wanted to show everyone at our table her wedding video. She made a point to say her dresses were nicer, how much fun she had blah blah blah. 

I pointed out to her that it might not be the right time to watch it, but I happily would later. She was not amused. She was loudly remarking that she couldn’t believe these two were actually getting married and didn’t think they should be together. 

She then crawled under the table during the first dance and vomited in my shoes. WTH!!!! I hadn’t noticed until I tried to put them on quickly to go up and give my speech. Such filth. THEN she wanted to go dancing after dinner (which she hadn’t eaten) and fell in the middle of the dance floor, pulled off her underwear and said “catch this.”

At this point I had enough and told her she needed to remove herself and go back to the bridal suite to sober up. Someone came up to me a little while later and told me they needed help with her since they were intoxicated as well, and I had not been drinking. 

This is when the bride realized what was going on and I had worked really hard to make sure she didn’t. The bridesmaid was vomiting profusely into the champagne bucket. Like a real champ. It was 8pm. 

So I did what any person would do, I asked a man to pick her drunk self up and take her to my car, she was going to her hotel. 

She then continued to vomit all over the inside of my car and I stayed with her all night to make sure she didn’t choke- I sent her the invoice for the detailing service, she politely declined to pay. You win some, you lose some.


14. Out of Control

My best friend from high school was getting married, and asked me to be the Best Man. They wanted their wedding to be outside next to a pond, and had gone ahead and planned everything ahead of time.

Except two things happened that just made it unbearable:

First of all, there was an absolutely miserable heat wave that hit right at the time of their wedding. It was totally out of the ordinary for that time of the year in our area. Normally the high temperature should have been around 75 to 80 F, but it was flirting with 100 on the day of the wedding. 

We'd tried to make arrangements to find an indoor place with air conditioning, but just wasn't in the cards. There wasn't a nearby place that could hold everyone on such a short notice.

Second, the wedding planner was a terrible excuse for a human being. She insisted that she had to remain in possession of the rings, but then ended up being over an hour and a half late to the wedding. Nobody really knew what to do since she had the rings, the marriage certificate for the minister to sign, pretty much everything.

Eventually, nearly everyone at the wedding got up and left. The heat was unbearable, and nobody knew when the wedding would even start. By the time the wedding planner got there with everything we needed, she was completely unapologetic and it was basically just the wedding party itself still there on the verge of heat stroke.

I felt awful for them, everything was really totally out of their control and still ended up being a terrible mess.


15. Bad Joke

I got invited to a cousin's wedding. My cousin (the groom) was too immature to get married, and his groomsmen looked and acted like a bunch of frat boys. About and hour before the ceremony the couple had a small get together just for the families to get to know each other and have a few cocktails. 

As a joke one of the groomsmen brought the groom one of those big pink tropical drinks with the pineapple slice and umbrella. He laughed and drank it down. 

Unfortunately for him, that wasn't the joke. This groomsman thought it would be a hilarious prank if instead of tequila or rum he mixed about a third of a bottle of "Everclear" (95% pure alcohol) into the drink. 

The groom was already a little tipsy from a previous cocktail and the drink was so sugary he didn't really notice. 10 minutes before walking down the aisle, the groom starts vomiting, but it's too late the alcohols already taking effect. When I say the groom was drunk when the ceremony started I mean he was almost falling down drunk.

He was swaying and slurring his words and couldn't get through his vows. He kept closing his eyes like he was asleep whenever the priest spoke, and the best man had to step over and grab him a few times to keep him upright. 

The bride kept crying but the ceremony couldn't be postponed because there was another wedding scheduled after theirs.

After it was over the other groomsmen explained what happened, and the culprit had enough good sense to realize he'd f-d up and left before the reception started. 

The poor groom almost slept through the reception, with everyone constantly shaking him and pressing coffee on him. The bride's big day was ruined and she was devastated. My heart ached for her and I know the groom was mortified when he sobered up.


16. Devastating Truth

I was a groomsman at one of my best friend's wedding. He had lost a sister to a car accident years ago and his family was pretty devastated. They made a big deal out of having flowers in memory of his sister, which was great, because we all knew her growing up. 

Anyway, the groom was a bit wound up on the way to the church, which was about 45 minutes away and started drinking whiskey. 

We all tried to keep him sober, but the only way we could do this was to get rid of the whiskey by drinking it. He was getting a bit out of hand and angry when someone would pretend to drink or try to spit it or pour it out the window. 

So anyway, that sets the scene for our arrival to the church at like, 10:00 am - 4 tipsy groomsmen and a groom that was drunk. 

The mother of the bride takes all this in and makes some comment about how he should really be able to get over his sister's death and stop using it as an excuse to act irresponsibly. 

She was right of course, but the grooms mother heard this and punched her right in the face. It was pandemonium for a while but eventually everyone calmed down. the groom sobered up and the wedding went off fine. They are happily married with a bunch of kids 20+ years later.


17. The Weirdest

I actually went to a wedding about two weeks ago that could qualify as bat crazy or just white trash.

First, we get to the church all dressed in nice trousers, dresses and heels. We walk to the front of the church and the doors are locked. It is 5 minutes before the start time of the wedding, so we run to the reception hall door to make sure we aren't late and we can make it before we're seen. We walk in and immediately it is a mess.

 The maid of honor is wearing sweatpants/yoga pants and flip flops when she walks down the aisle.

I notice they're playing Bruno Mars' "Marry You".. This was the song she walked down the aisle to. I also see the groom is wearing baggy JNCO jeans from the 90s along with chains and lots of gel in his already greasy hair. She comes out wearing a snow white wedding dress, suited for her white trash man with a matching chain around her neck.

During the ceremony, the Pastor laughs and can't continue with their vows, so the WT couple say "screw it" in unison and walk down the aisle.. Not even pronounced Husband and Wife yet.

At the reception, she planned for 100 people and 10 people showed up. I ate out of politeness, but I found a roach in the meatballs so I refused to continue eating. There are more things about this weird wedding, but you get the picture.


18. The Big Speech

At my buddy's wedding back in September, we're all 28 and still like to party hard. One of our boys was the best man and had to make a speech. Of course everyone was feeling pretty good by then after having some drinks. our buddy stood up to make his speech and was swaying all over the place and slurring his words.

Our buddy who was getting married was not too happy, his wife is super conservative and a 'goody-goody' and was really upset. Anyway, our boy making the speech started saying stuff like 

"___ you can do better than her, we never see you anymore man and she took you from us. you need a girl who's cool and.." 

And then he got cut off by the bride's father, and was taken to the back to 'have a few words' (meaning the father of the bride punched our buddy right in the gut and sent him home in a cab).


19. Mysterious DJ

I have only been to a couple of weddings, but I went to one a couple of years ago and it was just awkward in general. Before the wedding started, the DJ was playing a weird selection of music. Lips of An Angel by Hinder, Gunpowder & Lead by Miranda Lambert. 

Both songs aren't really the best when it comes to a wedding, but it doesn't end there.

When the groom was trying to give a speech after the wedding, the DJ couldn't get the mics to work. The groom was visibly upset and looked at the DJ, he just threw his hands up in the air and shrugged. 

At one point, he randomly disappeared. One of the family members claimed they saw him out in the parking lot snorting some kind of powder/pills.

Later on during the reception, people were dancing and having a good time. The DJ gets on the mic in the middle of the song and says, "Is everyone having a good time? I'm ready to go whenever you all are ready to go!" 

About fifteen minutes later, the power completely goes out during the reception. You couldn't make this up. I swear I thought the DJ went and flipped a breaker or something, but a storm was passing through that shut off the electricity.


20. Mixed Events

At a cousin's wedding, there were a bunch of people in the hallway near the restrooms. A drunk cousin of mine, who gets drunk and thinks people are talking about him, walked over to a guy he didn't know and told him if he says one more word he's gonna beat him up...

That guy's brother hit my cousin, and so began the biggest Royal Rumble I've ever seen out of nowhere. My cousin's 2 brothers jumped in and battered that guy into a ball on the ground. 

His relatives came running in and all my relatives came running in, fists are flying. The 'Gift Wishing Well' with all the Bride & Groom's money was on a table and that was flattened by several people all punching one another in the face.

Once innocent bystanders started picking up the money things really took a giant upswing in the fighting activity because some were actually stealing the money! 

This meant now girls were running up and punching other girls in the face because they were stealing money from their brother. I'd estimate about 40 people were at any given moment fighting random people that kept running into the melee.

The cops came and that was my cue to leave.

In the end all of the money was stolen, a crapload of people were beaten and battered and the Bride & Groom almost went to jail.


21. Illegal Confession

This happened a little more than a year ago. I knew the groom from dental school, and he was this really sweet, shy, Mormon guy who was absurdly kind, helpful and generally nice. Also, very sheltered. 

He was marrying an extremely attractive young woman who wasn't a Mormon, and because his family had money and her family didn't, the Mormons paid for the wedding. 

They were nice enough to provide wine with dinner for the non-Mormons, but there was no real bar service. The bride's family responded by bringing in a bunch of bottles of liquor and getting wasted. 

Her step-father especially got drunk and angry, and seemed to be trying to pick a fight with the groom, so finally he was asked to leave.

The step-father responded with an angry rant, which culminated in announcing that he'd had slept with his step-daughter.

Apparently, in his drunken state the opportunity to taunt his target by announcing that he'd had the bride first was enough to make him think it was a good idea to confess to what he had done in front of dozens of witnesses.

The step-father did end up getting arrested, but both the bride and groom were in tears when I left. The only things I can report are that they're still together and that they make no mention of anything related to this on their Facebook pages.


22. Inconsiderate Dad

My friend and his fiance were getting married at the tail end of a summer that had had a lot of weddings. This wedding was the least likely of them to work; the couple had been constantly off and on. We all suspected she was a little crazy, and the group of us KNEW that he was.

However, this wedding did feature the best drama I've ever seen. The bride's parents had just gotten divorced, and the dad was going through some midlife crisis where he had started dating someone fresh out of high school — 18 years old. 

The rumor from the groom was that this girl was also a heavy user, and that had been a minor drama about four months before their wedding date.

In his infinite wisdom, the father decided to bring his girlfriend to his daughter's wedding. Meanwhile, the mom didn't know that the dad was even invited, and certainly didn't know that he was bringing a +1 girl who is six years younger than his daughter. 

The stares back and forth during the ceremony were fantastic, as was the screaming fit the bride had yelling at her father and then again yelling at her mother at the reception hall for ruining her special day.

Well, said couple moved south somewhere, and were both teachers. They got a job at the same school, where the wife proceeded to get herself fired for sleeping with one of the husband's AP history students.

That said, the food was excellent.


23. Completely Trash

The groom was late to the ceremony, and when he did finally arrive he was so intoxicated that he could barely stand. He slurred and stumbled through the ceremony, occasionally snickering at some sort of inside joke he shared with the groom's men.

The real fun came at the reception party following the wedding. The groom and bride had a few words over dinner so the groom took the first dance with one of the bride's maids, grabbing her tush, and making a great grand show of the whole thing. 

He then attempted to invite various people along to the honeymoon suite for what he called an 'after party', started a fistfight with one of the guests, and finished up by passing out in the parking lot. 

The night ended with the bride and a few other people dragging the groom into the bed of his pick-up truck.


24. Unexpected Surprises

So my dad has a small hotel, and we do host civil ceremonies and wedding receptions there occasionally. (It is worth noting that this hotel is in quite a trashy area of England) 

I rarely work there, but on this particular day we were short staffed, so my dear ol' pops roped me in. No biggie. I can deal with working on a Saturday unpaid, it's just one night. It can't be that bad, right?  

Well, not long after agreeing to work, my mum told me that the housekeeper's niece had gone to school with the bride and that a couple of years ago she had fallen pregnant while at school. 

That isn't so bad. However, she hid the pregnancy, and when the baby was born, she left it in a bush, terrified of what her parents would say. It was found and she made the national papers. As soon as I found out I knew it would be a night full of drama, but I had no idea how bad it would become.

The night kicked off and people started drinking and doing typical wedding stuff. This lot are particularly scummy and rude to the bartenders and waiters, but we let it slide cos it's their happy day before they go back to their lives scrubbing toilets at Mcdonalds.

About an hour in and we notice a lot of the close family on the bride's side are crying. Turns out mid-reception grandpa (he was already in hospital) has bit the big one. No problem. 

After they console each other a bit, they put on a brave face and get their boogy on. They're clearly devastated. Not. I mean the bride even went upstairs and changed into a tight dress that must have been a real tight squeeze (You could tell that she was hot in school, but had put on weight since then) just to dance.

At this point, I should point out that I'm not being witchy for the sake of being witchy. The bride's side of the guests, and the bride in particular, were horrendously abhorrent people, real scum-of-the-earth types. 

Anyway, the bride and groom disappear upstairs and we almost immediately hear yelling and crashing. Turns out they both worked at a Mcdonalds-esque restaurant and she had been cheating with the boss. 

The husband found out as he had checked her phone while she was in the loo. Cue lots of crying, screaming and the staff trying to hold in our inappropriate laughs as they argue through the hotel. The worst wedding I have ever worked.


25. Planned or Not

I went to a wedding once where I'm fairly sure the Bride and Groom intentionally caused a fight to break out during the reception.

Near the end of the meal, just as the desserts were coming out, 2 guys on one of the tables near the head table started yelling at each other, then stood up and started pushing each other around, while the bride and groom yelled at the people around them not to intervene. 

A few seconds later, waiters started pouring into the room with bowls of popcorn, right as fists got involved, and a large part of the room started egging them on and started chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT," including the entire head table.

It didn't take long for more responsible adults to intervene and break it up, but the Groom in particular looked ridiculously happy about it happening. 

From what I could gather the fighters were extended family members who didn't get on, so I can only assume from them being seated together and the popcorn that it was entirely planned, if not by them.


26. His Speech

I heard of a local wedding where the church service was beautiful and the reception was near perfect. After the speeches to the Bride and Groom, the Bride spoke in appreciation for all friends, family, and her new husband and their excitement for life together.

The Groom was last to speak and thanked everyone for being so good to them and then apologized that they had to be part of such deceit. He explained that the night before his bride was banging his best man and that he was filing for annulment immediately. 

He also explained that he felt it best to proceed with the wedding while he made his final decision. 

He also suggested that the Father of the Bride, who paid significant amounts towards their wedding, hold both his daughter and the best man financially responsible. Then he walked out.


27. Jaw Dropping Moment

My older brother and sister have always been super close. They're both much older than me, so I always felt like the third wheel in sibling stuff. When my sister started dating this guy she met at college seriously, I could tell something wasn't sitting right with my brother. 

I could hear him crying at night and he was missing work a whole lot. She was a big part of his life. I figured he was upset that she wouldn't be moving back home after college.

Eventually, it all blew over, but I could tell he still wasn't right. My sister's boyfriend eventually proposed to her and she said yes. Their wedding seemed like a fairy tale. Her fiance was a software engineer for an investment firm, so he was loaded. We all thought it was going to be the wedding of the decade.

On the day of the wedding, my brother is nowhere to be seen. My parents were starting to get concerned, but they kept quiet because they didn't want to ruin my sister's big day. Everything was absolutely perfect.

As we sat and watched the 40 hour long Catholic ceremony, we heard car come to a screeching halt in front of the church. Everyone turned their head towards the door waiting to hear a crash. A few moments later the church doors open and it's my brother. It's a big church, so I didn't have a good view, but I could hear people gasping. 

I knew some juicy stuff was going down. As my brother got closer, I noticed why everyone was in such shock. He was completely naked and drunk. He stood in front of the front row and slurred "I object" like they do in the movies. It was there that he broke down and admitted his love for our sister. 

He revealed that they had been sleeping together for several years. My jaw was on the floor at this point. My mom was hysterical and my dad held my mom with his eyes closed. 

My brother then went on to reveal that he had gotten my sister pregnant and that he was broken over her decision to terminate. 

He said he still wanted to start a family with her and that her fiance didn't deserve her. Several of my uncles dragged him away as he screamed about his love for my sister. Upon learning this news, the priest cancelled the ceremony and the wedding was called off. 

My sister's fiance didn't say a word. He just left and we never saw him again. I still talk to my sister, but her and my brother have been excommunicated from the family. My parents even went as far as taking them off their wills.


28. Skipped A Part

I went to a wedding recently for one of my husband’s friends. Nobody liked the relationship between the bride and groom, including both families and all the friends. 

It was super toxic and controlling and they managed to completely isolate themselves by hating everyone. The wedding was mainly just immediate family and a few of the groom's childhood friends. 

It was the shortest wedding in history. When the time came where the minister asked if anyone would object to the marriage, IT WAS COMPLETELY SKIPPED. I think the couple knew that several people would have objected so I just decided not to have it. 

Also, they put the wedding on the day of a grand final so more than a few people had their phone out DURING THE CEREMONY watching it. When they were announced man and wife, nobody clapped. 

Everyone left quietly and then at the reception, there was a betting pool for how long until they would get divorced.


29. I Object

I was not at the wedding, it was way before I was born, but I did get to see the fallout from the event.

When my aunt was married, my Great grandmother (who died before my birth) stood up at the point in the ceremony where they ask for reasons that the bride and groom should not be married and declared that "She is not a "Smith'' (Pointing at my aunt, her own granddaughter) she is getting married under a false name!" 

Apparently nobody had a clue what she was talking about and everybody assumed that she had started to suffer from dementia and so as she began to rant about my aunt's name not being "Smith '' some of the members of the family removed her from the church and the ceremony continued.

Fast forward fifty or more years and my grandmother, my aunt's mother, is dying but a few weeks before she passed away she told my aunt that her father, my grandfather, was not her biological father and that she had married him after she had given birth to her. 

My grandfather obviously knew the truth and so did my great grandparents, but I presume everybody else just assumed that he was the father all along. My grandmother refused, however, to tell her who her father was.

When we dug a little into the family tree we uncovered my aunt's birth certificate. Sure enough she was registered under my grandmother's maiden name and not my grandfather's name.


30. Random Guy

I’m a church music director at a small church right outside a downtown area. We get a lot of homeless people that come in during church, or anytime the doors are open really. 

Once we had a guy who kept coming in sitting in the back while the wedding was getting set up. I asked him to leave twice and said we would call the police if he came back. We didn’t see him for a while but he came back in after the wedding started. 

We didn’t see him and no one spoke up. When the pastor asked if there were any objections the homeless guy said “Yeeeeeep right here!” He didn’t stand or raise his hand, just sat there. 

It was really awkward and they tried to proceed, but he did it again. The bride’s father turned beet red and looked ready to kick someone. Two big guys in the back of the church stood up and asked the guy to leave, which he did. 

Then the pastor laughed a little and told the photographers to erase that part. He said “Action! Does anyone object...” Weird stuff like this always happens, we’re pretty used to it now.


31. Family Conflict

My buddy had a wedding about 15 years ago, we thought he had found the perfect woman, she was so nice all the time, hot as a bonfire and from what we understood from manly banter as well as her own jokes at the poker table, amazing in bed.

Wedding time comes round "does anyone have a lawful objection" his dad objects because he hadn't found a way to tell everyone that he cheated on my friend’s mom. 

Apparently she was his half sister with the other woman. The dad had only seen pictures of the girl as she grew up and only him and her mom knew the truth.

A DNA test later confirmed and now my friend is in therapy because "the best love and lady of my life was my sister!" Dude was in a real life corn story before the trend even started!


32. Sour Moment

When my friend's parents got married, it was because they had a daughter in their teens. My mom was about their age, and they all knew each other through family friends, even friends themselves.

So the day of their wedding the groom's dad walks up to my mom and proceeds to loudly express how he didn't want his son to marry the bride, and how much he would've liked it if he had married my mom instead. 

The bride obviously heard it all, and immediately started to dislike my mom. Many of the guests heard as well. My mom says she felt so embarrassed, especially since she didn't even want to attend the wedding because she felt sick, and this made it ten times worse.

Eventually, they had a son who was born two months after I was born, and we went to preschool together. I suppose his mom must've told him horrible things about me and my mom because even though he was two years old he really disliked me. 

But it's been 17 years and we're friends now, so I think it's good?


33. Flower Issues

We had a bride and her mother show up at 9am. They wanted to order a bridal bouquet, a mother of the bride cattleya orchid corsage, a boutonniere for the groom, and six smaller ones for the groomsmen. The wedding was scheduled for noon. 

Yep, three hours from then, and they wanted them ready by the time they were done with their makeup appointment at the beauty parlor a few doors down. The bride was flipping through the FTD sample book and pointing out the style and flowers she wanted. 

Think garden roses with long sweeping trails of stephanotis and variegated ivy, all three of which would require at least a week's advanced order with our suppliers. She was absolutely gobsmacked that we didn't carry extremely expensive and highly perishable flowers at all times. 

Same with the cattleya orchid for the mom's corsage. My boss told them that since they didn't place an order beforehand they would be limited to what we had in stock, and simple styles that could be assembled quickly. The bride and her mom kept pointing at the book and arguing that we should have those specific flowers in stock. 

My boss eventually took the book off the desk and tossed it behind the counter.

The bride vacillated between tears and petulant whining that we were going to ruin her big day. My boss, who had a bone deep loathing for brides in general, told her she had ruined her own day by not ordering her flowers before her actual wedding day. 

The mom tried chewing out my boss for her lack of customer service skills. My boss told her that she was welcome to go down the street to Vons and ask their flower department to make their order with whatever they had in stock. 

The mom said she'd do just that, and reassured the bride that she'd have her flowers done by the time her appointment was over. Both women stormed out.

I figured that was that, but my boss told me and the other girl to start on six simple dendrobium orchid bouts. Meanwhile, she threw together a ribbon wrapped bridal bouquet with some white roses that were nearly past their prime and some more dendros. 

Sure enough, twenty minutes later the MoB slunk back in and meekly asked if we were still able to assemble what they needed. We did. We also charged her a very large witch tax- ahem, rush fee.


34. Shutting Her Down

I worked at David’s Bridal and I have to say that I never really had a terrible bride. It was always the moms, grandmas, sisters and friends that were terrible. Either they hated what the bride would pick out for them to wear or they would hate what she was picking out for herself to wear. 

At DB we have kinda strict appointment guidelines when it comes to time and a lot of brides that would bring entourages wouldn’t find a dress because everyone would bombard her with their opinions and overwhelm them. 

The worst thing I’ve ever witnessed was when a bride that always struggled with her weight came in. She was overweight and had been working extremely hard on it over the last year. 

It was a slower day and we all loved her story and wanted to make that day special, so we all decided to help. She finally found a dress that she loved and she started crying along with most of us. 

Then she looked at her mom and asked for her opinion and her mom looked at her and said “you look fat in it”. We all stood there in silence and the bride lost her happiness. She asked to be assisted in taking it off and they left.

It was one of the saddest days that I had experienced there.


35. Polish Bride

I worked at a mom/pop shop. We had a bride who was Polish, my boss called her 'polish princess'. She wasn't my bride but they picked a very bad consultant for her. Made worse by the fact that this girl wanted stuff added to her dress that wasn't done by the manufacturer so we had to do it all in house. 

To give you an example, she wanted lights, those tube lights? I think that's what they are called, all around the bottom half of a dress that we had already spliced with two different dresses.

Side note: my boss loved anything that meant money.

Anyhow, we spent months fixing and refitting this dress because she not only lost 45 lbs from her first time being measured, which brought her 4 dress sizes less than her original, she also got a massive boob job, brusk. 

Well, after finally fitting her into her gown, last week she decided the lights that took our poor 70 year old seamstress two months to sew in, looked tacky. 

She was crying and throwing herself at her mother in a tantrum, screaming in Polish all this craziness. She ripped the bottom of the dress and ultimately had to buy a dress from David's bridal because my boss finally got smart and kicked her out. 

Just a mess. She made our seamstress cry!!!!! The witch.


37. Tons of Accusations

I work as a wedding server, awesome job. I love it. As soon as someone says bridezilla this one story where the manager of our hotel had to shut down the wedding halfway through comes to mind. This was the bridezilla of all the bridezillas I've ever seen.

There were a lot of little things leading up that were casual bridezilla until the wedding took a sharp turn. At one point she accused the wedding server staff of stealing her veil... then the manager found it in her room and also showed her the card swipes to her room proving only she had been in the room that day.

About 20 minutes later she was screaming at some poor front desk employee, accusing her of stealing her wedding boots. 

Manager intervened and after a long talk the photographer told them he had a photo of the boots on the staircase of the church, and asked if she had worn them since... when she said no she told our place it was our job to have picked them up and made sure she had them (the church was not related to our place at all).

THEN shortly after she started opening the wedding gifts frantically inside the ballroom and screaming at anyone and everyone, guests included, saying someone stole her wedding certificate.

After that, our manager gathered the wedding staff and told us to take off our uniform jackets, empty them in front of him, then to clock out and go home. Which we all did, none of us stole anything. 

We heard the next day the maid of honor had the certificate and after we left the wedding was shut down completely. Room left as is for the bride to come back to in the morning.


36. Demanding, Mean Bride

I worked management at a resort in a popular tourist town. When weddings are booked at our venue with the event coordinator we can hold certain number of rooms for guests attending. A manager was always required to check in the bridal couple and I had been given a heads up by the coordinator on Bridezilla.

They wanted a room on the highest floor and closer to the beach, they were booked into the Honeymoon Suite. 3rd floor, ocean views. Nope, she wanted higher and closer. 

She had an absolute meltdown at the front desk when I explained there was nothing higher... Or closer.

A colleague of mine ran for the event coordinator when she started screaming at me and her husband to be. He was very apologetic and tried to calm her down. She was placated and sent off with keys, less than 30 minutes later she was back and demanded we empty the rooms next to and below her. 

Honey, those rooms cost $640 a night and we are fully booked!

I was lucky enough to not be working the night of the wedding but I heard all about her abusing the wait staff, kicking the band out for playing a song she didn't like and the screaming match she got into with her mother in law. What a peach!

All up the wedding was about $40,000 and she made everyone miserable. The groom left out front desk staff and a box of wine to apologize for her behavior.

Not the only Bridezilla, but definitely the craziest I had


38. Banquet Drama

The wedding dinner was on a Sunday so instead of the usual 1 manager on, we had the banquet coordinator come on for a few hours to make sure everyone was happy. 

They were a rich couple and we wanted more of their business. Their menu was $119 a person and they had $80 bottles of red on the table.

So guests start to arrive and order obviously start ordering drinks. At this point the bride and mother see this and approach the head server. They tell her that everyone except the head table are to get separate bills. 

That they are not planning on paying for anything but what's at the head table. Server finds us, tells us what's happening and banquet manager heads over to figure out what's going on. Seems that the bride and mother decided that their guests should have to pay, and they didn't want to be the bad guys so they expected us to have to tell the guests. 

They also decided that since they are their guests at their wedding, they will drink and eat what they are eating.

We tell the people that have already arrived, half of them laugh thinking it's a joke, once we told them the truth, they laughed and left. My job became to stay at the front and tell all the people arriving for the dinner that they are going to be responsible for their whole bill, and what the costs were.

Final guest count was 20 people. Most left once I told them what the costs were. We ended up threatening legal action against them since they signed the banquet sheet stating that they agreed on 60 dinners. 

Best part was they paid the full 60 dinners, plus gratuity, and only had 20 people there because they wanted to save some money.

Other end of the spectrum was a Muslim wedding. We had to even cover the wine in glass storage in their wedding dinner room. The parents who were paying the bill felt since it's their money, it's their type of wedding. 

Except the bride and groom showed up the day before, left a credit card and told us to have an open bar ready for any of their guests. A lot of people went upstairs to the bathroom that day which oddly enough was right beside the bar


39. All About That Cake

A few months back, I had a bride who wanted a Navy to white ombre cake (something like this) made with white sponge. Now, dark, rich colors like that in white cake suck. 

They always taste terrible because they have so much gel coloring in them to get them right. However, you can do it, if they're willing to have the dark layers be chocolate. 

Navy is especially easy, thanks to blue velvet. I tell her this when we're planning. "But I want white cake!" I tell her I'll do all but the last few in white sponge. She agrees, and I make the thing and drop it off.

I come back to pick up the staging stuff the next day, only to find my whole cake sitting there.

Apparently, when they cut into the thing and fed it to each other, she freaked out over it being chocolate, and refused to let any of the cake be served. 

It appears that she forgot she had agreed to have the bottom tier have two layers of blue velvet, so she threw a massive temper tantrum over 'the cake being wrong' and how I ruined her wedding, then locked herself in the bridal suite. 

If she wouldn't have been a little psychopath and let the staff cut the cake like they should have, she would've seen that 90% of the cake was white sponge like she wanted.


40. Complete Momzilla

I worked a wedding this past summer with a ridiculous momzilla. During the rehearsal, she handed me the box of decorations and said "don't you dare make this look tacky". 

On the day of the wedding, she arrived and came up to ask me where the wedding programs were. I told her there weren't any programs in any of the boxes and she proceeded to chew me out for losing them and then decided that I stole them. 

She also asked that we build a water station for the guests, but instructed that she didn't want the guests to have access to it until after the ceremony. It was 90 degrees that day and the ceremony was outside so that did not go over well. 

And when the guests complained that they were thirsty and we weren't letting them go to the water station, she told them how horrible we were and made a big deal out of opening the water station early, like she was the hero. 

Thank God they only booked the venue for the ceremony so she was only my problem for about an hour.

The next day my boss handed me an email the momzilla sent her. She wrote about how I lost the programs but then in the same sentence said she found the programs in her hotel room later that night and made a comment about how I should've gone to her hotel and gotten them. 

She also complained about how I wouldn't give her guests water and how the photographer was the worst person she's ever worked with. She actually wrote "don't bother remembering her name, she'll never work in this town again" about the photographer. 

Her letter ended with her complimenting the venue space and saying something along the lines of "I think I would be a great addition to your team of event coordinators! Let me know when I can start!"

Witch was blatantly trying to take my job. The worst part is that my boss actually hired her. Needless to say, I quit working at that venue.


41. She Did Them Wrong

I worked as a wedding planner and coordinator and one bride stands out to me because she was so inconsistent with all the vendors. She was a complete sweetheart to me during the planning phase and I never saw any of the crazy until the day of the wedding. 

It was honestly like a Jekyll/Hyde moment.

She wanted a big wedding, around 300 people, and spent a lot of money on the venue and food and wanted the best for everything. No complaints about paying for it either, never asked for discounts or anything like that. 

And since she wanted the best and seemed to have a really large budget, I referred her to a popular baker for the cake. I let her handle the logistics for the cake since I've worked with this baker before and never had any problems. 

I figured they would do the standard cake tasting, pick a design with the baker, and I would see a gorgeous masterpiece on the day of the wedding.

Well, that didn't really work out. For some reason she didn't want to tell the baker that it was for a wedding. I'm guessing she read that you can save money by ordering a regular cake because some vendors will automatically add an extra charge if it's for a wedding. 

(By the way, this is true to some extent but the extra charge truly is there for a reason. Whenever something is for a wedding the vendor puts in much more care, stresses about the timing, execution, etc. way more than usual, and often times will go all out and use premium materials or add upgrades. Not all of us are just adding extra charges for no reason.)

Anyways, she decided she didn't want to pay for a wedding cake so she told the baker it was for a birthday party. The baker asked how many people the cake would need to serve and she said "around 50". She also didn't want to pay the delivery fee so she had her sister pick up the cake on the morning of the wedding and bring it to the event.

At this point it's important to mention that we live in Texas and this is a summer wedding. By the time the cake got to the venue (about 6 hours after it was picked up from the bakery), it didn't look all that great anymore. 

Some of the decorations had melted, the cake got a little banged up in the car ride and there was icing on the inside of the box, the entire cake was sagging on one side. It was also way too small for a wedding of her size. 

I saw it and it looked like a complete disaster. But at this point we're about an hour away from the start of the wedding and there's no possible way to fix this. 

The bride comes into the reception room with her makeup all done and sees the cake and completely flips out. Screaming, crying, throwing things, collapsing on the floor. Complete meltdown. 

Threatens to cancel the whole wedding if we can't fix it. We try to calm her down as much as we can and grab the makeup artist before she leaves and ask if she can help fix the bride's makeup, which is a mess now. 

The bride sees herself in the mirror and has another meltdown because she ruined her hair and makeup and now wants to have the whole thing re-done. 

After she gets everything done to perfection again, we're about an hour behind schedule. I let the guests come inside the reception room to wait because it seemed cruel to force everyone to sit outside in 100 degree heat, but when she saw that everyone was inside she had another meltdown. 

She spent the entire wedding sulking with a scowl on her face, and refused to take any pictures with people. Her new husband kept coming over to hug her and try to cheer her up and she would either yell at him or give him the silent treatment. 

Most of the guests left very early because the atmosphere felt so uncomfortable. So pretty much a waste of the $200,000 budget for a lavish wedding, all because she wanted to save a couple hundred bucks on the cake.


42. They Created A Monster

I was the DJ for a wedding where the bride (from a very wealthy family) was not expected to live past childhood. Imagine, if you will, a girl who was raised having never heard the word "no". Her entire childhood was one big Make-a-WishTM.

She had a zest for life. She loved to dance, so much so that her parents were building her a giant lake house with, I guess a ballroom but more like a disco club; a room just for dancing.

She was marrying a man several years her senior that she met at a dance class. He was just like a character out of a movie that charms older women and then steals their fortunes, except this was a much younger woman.

The request list for the wedding reception was a lot of early 90's high-energy dance music. After dinner, and I've done this hundreds of times, dancing starts. I decided to kick off dancing with the bride's favorite song, Technotronic - Pump up the Jam. 

Until this moment, I had nothing but pleasant interactions with this woman who genuinely seemed to appreciate life for how precious it truly is. Before the beat could even drop, she was running over to me screaming, tearing into me for ruining her wedding. 

It was a spectacle and the guests watched in horror as she berated me. She wasn't ready to dance yet, and I was playing the song that she was most looking forward to dancing to on her wedding day. 

was forced to stop the song cold and the only sound was her screaming as I fumbled to find some cocktail music to throw on until she was ready to dance.

At the end of the night most brides come up and hug me and thank me for a wonderful night. I didn't get so much as an icy stare; it was as I didn't even exist to her anymore. Her father came up and gave me a $400 gratuity. 

His words offered but a simple apology but you could tell they carried the weight of the monster he'd created.


43. The Downside of Being a Photographer

While the photographer was waiting for the extended family to gather for formals, he photographed couples and families already present. The bride bristled that he wasn't taking photos of her and that these were not photos the bride had requested.

(Photographer had already finished photos of the bride and groom in several locations.)

Because she was upset, she didn't ask the photographer to take photos of her and her special friends during the following reception.

So, when she finally saw the photos a few weeks later she regretted that she had taken out her (unwarranted) anger. She was missing dozens of photos she would have wanted.

Another bride was very upset that in some engagement photos the framing/cropping wasn't right, even though the very same pose was captured with correct framing IN THE PREVIOUS and NEXT photos.

Because of his previous "mistakes," she hated the wedding photographer the entire wedding day, and hated his photos too, even though they were very high quality - matching with his portfolio.


44. Rained On Their Parade

The couple opted for an outdoor wedding with no weather backup option and, low and behold, it started pouring literally 5 minutes before the ceremony. The guests and groom ran for cover under the reception tent.

After it didn't let up, the groom made a mad dash to the door of the RV the bride was getting ready in, because she nor any of the bridesmaids were answering their phones.

She made the poor guy stand outside in the pouring rain while she screamed and cussed that she was NOT getting married under the tent and everyone would just have to wait until it stopped raining. 

This was the middle of July, so even the rain was hot and sticky, and there were a lot of elderly family members with health issues in attendance sitting in 80 degree heat for over an hour. The cake had also started melting.

I honestly wasn't sure if the wedding was going to happen at one point, but it eventually stopped raining and the bride married her soaked groom and ate wedding cake soup.


45. Attention Seeker

My experience with a bridezilla happened at my great aunt's house. She has a private lake and a lovely set up for a small, country style outdoor wedding. The mother of the groom was a close friend of hers, so my aunt was happy to open up her home for the event.

I got the feeling leading up to the wedding that the groom's family didn't care much for the bride, and after witnessing her throwing a temper tantrum over the placement of the food table because it started to rain, I kinda started to see why. 

Listening to the way she talked to everyone around her appalled me. She was a complete spoiled brat, and really was lucky that everyone didn't just leave the wedding completely... I wouldn't have blamed them a bit.

However, the worst was the fact that she decided that she wanted her bridesmaids to walk barefoot... in the muddy, wet grass. After, she had them buy new boots to wear specifically with their dresses. 

Anyone who has ever bought cowboy boots knows that they are upwards of $100, and she picked out pink ones to match their pink dresses. 

All five of the bridesmaids had to buy these boots on top of whatever they had to pay for the dress. And she decides 10 minutes before the wedding starts, that she doesn't want them to wear them.

Of course, everyone complies with her and pacifies her and the wedding goes well. Although it got pretty tense during the "speak now or forever hold your peace" part. Not surprised to hear that the marriage didn't make it to 6 months.

She was the most selfish person I've ever met, I'm convinced that she didn't want to get married at all, just wanted all the attention on her.
