“Wait! I Thought We Are Sharing Our Vows?”: Shocking Instances Where A Wedding Turns Into Break Up

1. Unexpected turn of events

Literally, my first ever event as an event manager was a relatively small wedding. Our hotel didn't have enough rooms available by the time the group booked, so some of the family stayed at the adjoining hotel.

By about 2 o'clock, I was approached by the mother of the bride, who was concerned that she hadn't heard from or seen her mom (the grandmother of the bride) yet that day. I contacted Loss Prevention at that hotel to go up and do a wellness check on the lady. She was dead in her bed. The wedding got canceled.


2. Rainbow after the storm

I was asked to perform the music at a friend's wedding, and my 'sound check' was on the day of the wedding rehearsal.

I left work early and was on my way to rehearsal when the mother of my friend, the would-be bride, called to tell me the wedding had been canceled.

The groom had lied about the ring, stating it was a genuine diamond when it was discovered to be cubic zirconia.

Not really a big deal, but that opened up an argument, which turned into discovering the groom had Tinder downloaded on his phone and had recent dms on it with women he had matched with while engaged to the bride.

The wedding was immediately called off. They tried to work it out, but more and more shady activity was revealed in his life, so they split up for good very shortly after.

I should note that my friend is now engaged to a very wonderful man, and they are doing fantastic, hoping to get married at a safer time when this virus is less of a risk for everyone.


3. Wedding was a disaster

My future in-law's wedding was a disaster.

The morning of the wedding, the groom had a terrible hangover from partying, while the bride was brought to the police station for being too drunk while she got separated from her bridesmaids.

Their outdoor venue at a state park was going to have bad weather that day, so they called their second venue, which was a Morman church that they had a reservation with.

Turns out the church double booked them, so there was already an event going on there, and the pastor was called out to be on fire duty, so they didn't have an officiant.

Many hours later, they eventually found another church and got married in the gymnasium. Also, the caterers messed up somehow or never showed up; I do not remember.

They got "re"married and had the wedding they wanted, like, 20 years later.


4. Honeymoon baby

We got invited to a wedding about 20 years ago. The day the bride finds out she’s pregnant, she tells her mom, but says not to tell dad because he would flip out; she’ll just say it was a honeymoon baby. 

Mom immediately tells Dad. Dad flips out.

He absolutely forbids the wedding from happening and starts calling everyone and telling them it’s off because the groom was a liar who promised him he would not have sex with his daughter until marriage.

Since he was paying and obviously incredibly controlling, the wedding never happened. Fast forward to about two years ago, when they eloped in Vegas.

They still only have one child, but have been together as a couple ever since. It basically took the bride this long to not care about what her father thought about it.


5. Marriage bond

I wasn't at the event, but a while back a guy I worked with got engaged.

The bride-to-be called it off after the bachelorette party because she found out the groom hooked up with the maid of honor a few times before the bride met the groom.

The thing was, the bride didn't care that the groom and maid of honor had hooked up in the past. What the bride cared about was that the maid of honor was married while she was hooking up with the groom, and the groom knew and just didn't care.

The bride figured if the groom could so easily violate the bonds of one marriage, then it was clearly no big deal or anything to be taken seriously to the groom, and the bride was convinced that the groom was therefore likely to treat his own marriage with the same amount of disrespect.

So she decided to spare herself the heartache and obvious cost of a potential divorce.

Was probably the right decision, as the now-ex-groom was heartbroken just long enough to crawl into the still-married former maid of honor's bed and let her "sooth his aching heart". A little less than a week after the bride called off the wedding.


6. Hidden feelings

I didn't attend it, but it is a pretty big scandal in my hometown, and it was also pretty hilarious. The bride and her three female friends go on a trip, find some guys, and have group sex. 

The guys were so rough that two of the girls (the bride and one friend) were briefly hospitalized.

One of them had a uterine prolapse or something like that, so you can imagine what went on. When the twin sister of the bride, who wasn't present at the bachelorette party, finds out, she immediately tells the groom, and the groom calls off the wedding.

It turns out that the twin sister had hidden feelings for the groom for years. They started dating after a while and eventually got married.

Not sure what happened between the sisters, but they probably never talked to each other again.


7. Vowed to never be in another wedding

A family member had an elaborate and expensive series of events leading up to her wedding day that we all participated in.

I mean like dinners, tea parties, brunches, a trip to a winery, a bachelorette party trip to Vegas, dance lessons, a pool party, professional photographers and videographers, and endlessly coordinated outfits, hairstyles, and makeup, etc.

A lot of people were getting a little frustrated with the amount of money we were requested to spend really since everything was so over the top—but we mostly kept our complaints to ourselves and made sure we showed up for my cousin's big day.

Turns out, the groom had called the wedding off 1 month before all of these parties, and she just wanted to celebrate and feel like a bride before letting us all know. I would’ve still celebrated with her, but the fact that we funded all of this as a group or family and she knew it was canceled was just annoying.

She was also in a state of delusion because she let people show up to the venue on the day of the wedding fully dressed and with gifts and had the staff at the church break the news that there would be no wedding.

Our grandparents stood at the venue and spoke with each person and apologized on her behalf.

She then sent out an email and asked for privacy, changed her phone number, and, I think, moved out of state for a while. She never offered an explanation of any sort and awkwardly popped back in the text thread, asking if anyone wanted to meet up for brunch 6 months later.

It was at that moment that I vowed to never be in another wedding ever again!


8. Cheaters never prosper

I wasn't an attendee, just a lucky audience member.

I was at a karaoke bar a few years ago with some work friends, around 8pm. I remember that because when we got to the bar, the bachelorette party of 20 that was there was already wasted.

Big bar, not a big deal. Except, lo and behold, a bachelor party from another wedding cruises in a little later. Immediately, the two groups mesh together—this is not a red flag, clearly, the single people are stoked about this surprise.

But hey, they're at a bar, not in uniform. So nobody knows which one is the bride in the group or the groom in the other group.

I'm pretty sure the bride-to-be was supposed to do a song with her maid of honor, and all the girls started calling her name.

She walks out of the men's bathroom with the best man from the other group (I want to imagine what it was like to be the bride at this moment), and no less than half a dozen of the bachelorettes start losing their minds.

Everyone else is laughing like they can't believe it, and a bunch of people had their phones out, so there was no avoiding her groom seeing that one. We chatted up some of the ladies who split off after that, and they all confirmed the wedding was DOA.

But seriously, cheaters never prosper.


9. Firefighter

Very small town, way back in the day. The groom, his whole party of groomsmen, and most of the male wedding guests were volunteer firefighters. About an hour before the ceremony, a major house fire broke out.

By the time everyone was back, the whole party looked and smelled like they'd been fighting a fire for a few hours.

The wedding was rescheduled for a couple of weeks later.


10. Strange evening

I used to play in a fancy society band, and we played for a lot of wedding receptions. So I get to the gig, and as I'm walking around in my tux, looking for the rest of the band, I notice the guests looking at us like, "What are you guys doing here?"

Nobody explained anything to us. And eventually the "bride" shows up...in a regular dress. What is happening?

We eventually sat down with the priest, who told us what had happened: the bride-to-be had recently won a large sum of money in the lottery, and she and her mom thought the groom was out to take it from her.

So they canceled the wedding. But they'd already paid for the reception and the band, so they had us play anyway. So we did and we skipped all of the love songs and just played dance tunes. Very strange evening.


11. The things you do for love

The bachelor party was at a strip club. The groom punched the stripper because she hit on him and he wanted to stay faithful to his fiancee. 

She ended up hitting her head when she fell. He got arrested.


12. Sudden death

The bride and her family received word that the child of a relative who could not attend unexpectedly died earlier in the day.

Everybody on the bride's side was just screaming and sobbing, and the wedding was called off right then and there.

That was a couple years ago, and the bride and groom only got married recently.


13. On and off

The bride and groom have been on and off for a couple of years.

They decided to get married, but in the months leading up to the wedding, they started posting on the Facebook wedding group page about asking if people knew of cheaper venues or if people wanted to bring food, then to the point of asking if people were okay with just the wedding mass and no reception afterwards.

Then, literally a week prior to the wedding date, they canceled and said they would postpone until next year (when they could get their finances better situated, which I actually supported).

I think they broke up soon after that. As of now, I think they are both seeing other people, but I’m not really sure since I don’t keep up with them. I really only knew the girl since we were in graduate school getting our masters at the same time, and the guy I’ve only met a few times but was really nice.

Before anyone asks, this wasn’t an attempt to scam people for money; they actually returned and gave back all registry gifts bought for them. Also, they were really religious.


14. Wardrobe malfunction

During my uncle's wedding, his soon-to-be wife was talking to him and his friends. 

I can't explicitly describe it, but when my aunt was fixing her bra strap, the whole dress and bra fell down. We can all see her titters, and it was really awkward because most of the men there saw it. Including me (I was around 12 at the time).

I decided to hang out in the bathroom after that because I had enough at that point. I'm not sure it was canceled after that, but I noped out of there after that.


15. Wedding vow

I was not involved in this one, but a friend of mine was a groomsman at someone else's wedding. 

The day of, everyone showed up, the wedding started, and when the groom went to say his vows, he instead turned to the attendees and said something to the effect of "my fiancé has been cheating on me" and walked out.

I guess he found out the previous night or something. My buddy said he had no idea this was going to happen.


16. Conversation between old friends

I ran into an old friend of mine at the grocery store one day. We had been good friends in the past but had lost touch. I casually walked up to her to say hello and asked her how she was doing, and she said, "Not great. Today was supposed to be my wedding day."

She looked devastated and like she'd been awake all night crying.

Turns out she was set to marry the crappy guy she'd been dating ever since high school, but a few days before the wedding he told her he was sleeping with someone else. So she was spending her "wedding day" doing errands with her mom.

As an extra plot twist, these were very conservative religious people, and she hadn't even had sex with him. They were "waiting for marriage".

It's been about 15 years since then, and she's married to a nice guy and has two kids.


17. Consequences of action

The night before the wedding, the bride-to-be started making out with and attempting to hook up with someone who wasn't the groom at a bar.

We had to drag her out.

Although the wedding was not cancelled, she divorced shortly after the marriage when she had an affair. Shocking right? 


18. Failed marriage

So I didn't attend. In fact, I didn't exist at this time. But my parents' wedding got canceled on that day. I actually never knew about this until I was 14. Someone I was working for who knew my parents told me.

My dad never turned up to the wedding, and my mom and everyone else who was attending just sat there for hours. It turns out my dad forgot about the wedding completely. Not long after, my parents went on this failed marriage TV show. I've tried finding the video, but I have yet to find it.

Surprise, surprise, that relationship didn't last past my 5th birthday. I don't know how my mom could continue to be in a relationship with my dad after that. To be honest, I don't know how either of them survived in that relationship after that wedding.


19. Parents-in-law

I flew to Singapore for a friend's wedding (they've been together for over 10 years and have been planning a wedding for years). It always got canceled because the groom was Muslim and she's Christian, so his parents always found reasons to sabotage the wedding.

While we were there on the 2nd day, the groom broke up with her over text, basically leaving her to sort out the cancellation herself, e.g., calling everyone to tell them it's off, calling the venue to cancel, the catering, florist, etc.

We heard he got married to a Muslim woman of his mom's choice and probably has a few kids by now. My friend is still hurt and living in the past, it seems. None of us wanted to bring it up at all. We just hope she'll find some happiness soon.


20. Still a lucky day

When I was seven, a family friend’s wedding almost got canceled. The bride was getting her hair curled when the hairdresser accidentally clamped the bride's entire left ear. It was red and burned, quickly covering itself in burn marks. They called an ambulance, and after they treated her, she continued her wedding.

I want to be like you, Lisa. I want to have that much motivation.


21. Rot in misery

The baby came early and was not a redhead as my uncle was but rather quite black. Uncle was all set to marry her, and she had been seeing three or four guys behind his back and was in it for the money.

He got scammed on his real wedding day a few years later. He'd bought a McMansion because he wanted lots of kids, it was revealed on the wedding night that they would have no sex. She's not allowed to have any more kids (or they'd get taken away) as she is a registered pedophile, and her daughter was living with her but not in her custody. Her daughter was never taken advantage of; it was myself, and to a lesser extent, my brother. She can rot in misery. She ruined my life in so many ways, and that is barely the start of her manipulative games against myself and my family. Her entire extended family was in with the mob and was wonderful to us, but holy crap, I think putting a hit on my dad (unsuccessfully) being barely the start of it tells a story.


22. Swept away by wind

So the wedding was canceled because the bride got "swept away by wind." Basically, it was storming outside, and they closed the doors and windows.

But the doors at the bridal area opened, and since the bride was close to the door, she got swept away by the rain and wind. Long story short, the bride ended up in the hospital because she hit her head on the door.


23. I know what you did last summer

I was like 8 or 9, I think. It was during summer vacation, so my family went back to Bangladesh to visit family and attend a wedding. The wedding day comes, we arrive at the venue, and I decide to look around. 

When I came back, the groom fainted when he looked at my leg. It was leaking and there was a lot of blood. I still have no idea how I didn't notice it or how it even happened.


24. Ditch a week before the wedding

A friend of mine was ditched a week before the wedding. Her fiance told her that he had just stopped loving her and left immediately. She had to cancel the whole wedding by herself and even tell his parents that he broke up with her. 

He even argued about paying half the rent for their apartment for the next two months. Later, she found out that he had an affair that started before their engagement.


25. Unwedding

My loser uncle was supposed to marry his crappy girlfriend, but a couple days before the wedding they got into a huge fight where they chased each other around their house with baseball bats. 

They called off the wedding, but my grandmother had already paid for everything, so she called everyone and told them we were having a big party and to bring our friends. She called it an unwedding. It was actually really fun.


26. Intoxicated mess

The wedding was canceled. Then back on. Ultimately, it was annulled a few days later.

The groom had an impromptu bachelor party the night before (guys, this is an awful decision. Don't.) and got drunk.

Apparently, he couldn't hold his alcohol, and he legit lost his mind. The bride was with a friend, and he tracked her down, wrecked his car (because he was drunk), and had a public freakout, causing the bride to be ditched out the back door at the sight of this intoxicated mess. He goes home and throws all her clothes out on the lawn.

The wedding was canceled the day before, but they rescheduled it. It was awkward. A few days later, she realizes it was not a good idea, and they split.


27. Covid is still a thing

This is what happened to a distant family member.

They canceled because of COVID, waited a year, and decided to have the wedding even though COVID is still a really big problem. 

Everyone at the wedding gets COVID. Not surprised. Not to mention none of them were vaccinated; you’d think that would be a must for a party happening in a pandemic.


28. We hit it off

I didn’t technically attend, but while I was backpacking, my friend was working at a strip club in a super popular area for literally any kind of celebration. I would go out to the bars around there earlier in the night, make friends with groups of drunk men, and then bring them to the strip club so they could give her money.

Anyways, one night I met this guy at the club celebrating his friend's bachelor party, and we hit it off. We ended up leaving the club to go back to their condo and hang out (no, I did not sleep with him that night.)

At around 4 am, I figure it’s time to head back to my apartment, and we go back in from the backyard area to find all his friends huddled around a bedroom door. There are obvious, loud sex noises coming from the room.

The guy looks around and asks where the groom-to-be is, and his friends drastically point to the door to the bedroom. He was allegedly left unsupervised and brought back a stripper from the club.

It is safe to say the bride found out a few days later and the wedding did not happen.


29. Crazy baby mama

Not the day of but the night before my stepbrother’s wedding, he told his soon-to-be bride that during a break in their relationship, he’d gotten another woman pregnant. 

He’d paid for the abortion, but he'd just learned she hadn’t gone through with it, and he’d been served with child support papers. Oops.

Today she’s married and has her first baby, and my stepbrother is still miserable but now with a crazy baby mama too.


30. Bizarre moments

I remember going on a bachelorette trip, and the group of women I was with ran into a group of guys who were celebrating one guy’s divorce and the fact that his ex-wife was going to be paying him alimony. 

It seemed a little bizarre to me, but whatever floats your goats, I guess.
