Farewell, Deception: Greatest Cheaters Getting Caught

For some people, trusting someone takes a very long time, and maintaining it would be very crucial to every relationship. Many people say that once a trust was broken, it would be close to impossible to fix, just like shattered glass.

Imagine being with someone for most of your life and always dreaming about spending your eternity with them. Suddenly, a single notification shows tons of horrible secrets, and the betrayal of your partner unfolds. What would you do?

1. Positive Test

  I was married. My husband got caught cheating on me while pregnant. I forgave him. He came clean. I forgave him, and he did it a few more times, and we got a divorce.  

I was pregnant, and they were doing the standard tests, including STDs, and I tested positive for chlamydia. It was a real confirmation for me.

I was so embarrassed but glad to have found out because it turns out that can really mess up a pregnancy. Still took me another year to file for divorce, though.


2. Call Of Revelation

We broke up before I found out. In my head, I thought the 6-year-long relationship just ran its course, and I was even happy. I felt I was gaining a true lifelong friend.

Two weeks later, I got a call from the other woman. She flew him out across the country to meet her parents. He gets there and decides he doesn’t want to date her.  

Out of spite, she calls me and tells me about their 3-year-long affair. I still need a therapist to unpack that crap. It caught me off guard.


3. Go Away, Miss

The other woman knocked on my front door and asked me to take my kid and get out so that the two of them could be together and be happy.

I told her she could have him, but they'd have to go because I owned the house. I then told him he was free to go. I did not lose anyone, lol.  

He did not go, sadly. She'd been dropped off by her ex, who she'd cheated on with my (ex)husband. That was quite awkward.


4. The Bills

Large unexplained cash withdrawals. Then, the phone bill. In those days, landline bills listed all your calls. I called a number just to see who this strange number was that repeated on the bill so many times.

I spoke to his wife. She casually informed me he usually had affairs with his students. It was odd, but somehow, it sounded like she was numb about it.  

He then actually called me and told me that his relationship with my wife was none of my business and that I was wrong to “bring his wife into it.” Seriously.


5. Knock of Heartbreak

A man knocked on my door and introduced himself as the husband of a woman that my husband worked with. Uhm, okay, so where is this going?

Well, he was there to tell me that his wife was having an affair with my husband. My husband never came home after that. I guess something already happened.  

He got an Air b’n’b and told me to get a lawyer. We had been together for 24 years. It felt like he was really ready to dump all that for an affair. Good riddance, I guess?


6. Saving Dignity

Went on a solo road trip to CA from NY. My then-boyfriend of 5 years was supposed to fly to San Diego when I arrived, and then we'd drive home together.

Pick him up from the airport. Use his phone to pull up directions for our restaurant reservation. He gets a notification from a social media app he must've forgotten to delete.

I ask him about it, and he grabs his phone and deletes the app. Says it would hurt me more to read the conversations he'd been having with women.

I'm obviously going to dump him either way, so he wanted to save himself the embarrassment of getting exposed. I made him call his mom and arrange to have his stuff moved out of our apartment.

Told him to find his own way home. Finished the road trip home without him. When I got home, it was like he'd never lived there, exactly how I'd wanted.


7. GPS To The End

I was using her phone for GPS while we were on a road trip because mine had issues when she got a text from a guy. What infuriated me was the fact who the guy was.

That person was whom we had been in marriage counseling about, and she says she hadn't talked to her for months about seeing her tomorrow.

Twenty-four years of being together, 23 years married, with two kids and a house. All went down the freaking drain and ruined my life for a guy who could pass for a real-life Ned Flanders.


8. Hidden Conversations

I opened up the tablet to play with it and found an open email that I had never seen before - read the messages between them.

I’ve never been the same since. We are divorced now. We were together for 30 years. He was a part of half of my life. Suddenly gone.

Married 24 years. We started dating at 15 and married at 21. I didn’t have children until my 30s. I tried and wanted to keep my marriage, but he continued to lie and betray me, so I was left with no choice but to divorce.


9. Bro Code

First serious girlfriend. She was the older sister of my best friend at the time. He introduced us and got us together. Good times.

2.5 years later, he randomly calls me. Tells me he overheard her on the phone. He felt terrible about it but couldn't tell me.

I didn't believe him at first, but he was right. I remember at work a few years after, we were all swapping cheating ex-stories.

I told this one, and the ladies I worked with were all surprised that a brother would snitch on his sister like that. Without missing a beat, the other guy there said, "The BRO in bros before women doesn't mean biological."


10. Two Deceivers

I’ve got two interesting stories from friends. The first was a friend's neighbor who looked into her house from the second floor and saw him making out with the nanny. They are currently in divorce proceedings, though he's still dating the nanny.

The more interesting one is a friend who was headed to Thanksgiving with her husband when she got a text from a woman.

The stranger girl said, "Your husband has been making out with me and several other women," then gave a list of the women.

She was aghast, not sure what to do. Then the woman sent pics as evidence. The woman was pissed as he had promised her he would spend Thanksgiving with her instead of his wife/my friend. My friend divorced him.


11. Roommates’ Revelation

Her roommates called and asked me to meet them for lunch, and they said it was important. I met them, and they told me she had been cheating on me with her ex the entire time I was deployed.

They showed me pictures (back when you had to get pictures developed). They said I was a good man and I didn't deserve to be treated like that.

They had collected my things that morning when she left for work and gave them to me. I drove to her work, walked up, showed her the pictures, and demanded the ring back. She gave it to me, and I left.

Later, she called me, yelling about me "conspiring with her roommates," basically trying to make it my fault. She asked what I was doing meeting with them.

I said, "It's called respect and closure, and it sounds like this." I unplugged the phone (landline), waited an hour, plugged in the phone, called the phone company, said I needed to change my number, and never heard from her again.

I took it really rough and am thankful for her roommates and the friends who got me through probably the darkest time of my life.


12. Clueless Mistress

This was a long time ago- before social media. I went to check my email on his computer, and his instant messenger popped up. His "ex-girlfriend" couldn't wait to finally see him next week.

That long distance has been awful, and she can't wait to reconnect. He told me they broke up. They did not. He did not tell her about me or that we were living together.  

I was suddenly homeless. She did fly in the next week and gave the ring back- I did not know they were engaged. Thought they had broken up. Yay- good times.


13. The More, The Merrier

Me, and the other two guys I worked with had it come up in conversation. She told guy a) that we had broken up, and she told guy b) that I gave her a pass while I was on vacation.

You think she would have learned. We found out that a few years later, she did the same thing with a couple of guys at the gym she was working at (at the time).  

Those two guys showed up at her house to call her out on it. I guess some people really never learn. She liked it when there were more options, lol.


14. Other Guy

For me, a dude at work said congrats to me when I got in. I was like, what are you talking about? He said he overheard my ex saying she got laid last night.

He knew we were seeing each other. I was like, uh.. I actually didn't see her last night. Then another girl at work came and told me the same, but without the congrats, because she knew I'd been cheated on.

When I confronted her about it, all she cared about was who told me. Priorities. Anyway, that relationship was doomed from the start. I ignored a lot of signs, so I blamed myself for staying as long as I did.


15. Scared Of Own Ghost

I decided to get a divorce. Dude wouldn't stop accusing me of cheating. After I left, some mutual friends of ours at the time told me he was on dating sites, etc.

When I went back to the house to grab some of my stuff, another woman had moved in (2 days after I left). It ALL started to make sense... apparently, it's true if they're cheating, they will accuse you.  

I don't know all the details and don't want to. Better off sparing my feelings and not knowing all the details than being ripped apart inside of what I do.


16. More Secrets

Long story short, she lied about seeing a movie that wasn't coming out for another two weeks. I pressed, and the truth came out.

We stayed together under the guise of working on us and fixing the problems that needed fixing. I tried. Hard. But there was no chance.

Two months later, a mutual friend tells me that she's been seeing the one dude. I talk to him and find out that she's been seeing him and three other people.


17. Slowly Drifting

He stopped smiling at me. He stopped kissing me good night. Stopped holding my hand. He became very short and impatient with me, mean.

Didn't seem to want me around. Spent lots of time in his office. He was on his phone a lot and would get messages and be smiling.

Then he asked me for a divorce. I decided to snoop. I opened his laptop and saw all the evidence. I’ve been seeing the signs. It destroyed me.


18. Won The Battle

He asked me to go unlock his car since he’d locked his keys inside. A friend he told me he was with was nowhere to be found. Hmm.

I checked his phone and found the messages. He wouldn’t admit to actually sleeping with her until two years later. I was skeptical most of the time, tho.

Then, he asked for an open relationship and got upset when I got more dates than him. We’ve since split, thankfully. It was a good riddance.


19. The Tip

I got an email from some guy I met once at a friend of a friend's party. My wife was seeing his former housemate behind my back.

He had been cheated on himself and was doing me a solid favor. Tipped me off with the address and said to check the EZ pass and phone records.

I caught and confronted her, leaving the guy's house the next day. We're lucky we didn't have any kids. I've been divorced for almost ten years. Never been happier.


20. Concerned Peeps

I was taken out for wings with her best friend's husband and another of her guy friends - we hung out quite a bit. I had no idea back then.

They knew I was clueless as to what was happening, but they liked me :) I was told straight out by both of those dudes. That was a solid move by them.

It sucked hard to hear, but after a bit of time, I really appreciated that they felt I was enough of a friend to let me know. It's been a few years since I've seen or talked to either of them. Good people, those two guys are.


21. Peek Of Surprise

I worked a lot to support my little family. She complained that I worked too much. I came home early to surprise her but had forgotten my key to the apartment. I called her and said surprise, I’m home.

She said, “Really?” ( I thought it was because she was happy I was home, but I realized after the fact it was because she had her boyfriend there)

Once I got to the door, I knocked and knocked. I called her, and she wouldn’t answer. I was able to peek through a part of the blind to see her helping him climb into the hallway closet.

I left and went to drive around. I was in shock. She called me wanting to know where I had gone. She was in the “bathroom.” What a liar she was.

I told her I knew, and she didn’t confess until the next day. She ended up deciding she was too young to be a wife and mom and left us. I was 19 then and instantly became a single parent.


22. Background Noise

I was working late until 1 am and always called my ex on the way home because she would stay up to hear about my day. That was sweet, right?

Asked her what she was doing, and she said she was lying in bed, but I could hear people talking in the background. Uhh, weird?

Believed her at first, but her house was literally on the same street I took home, and her car wasn't out front, so I stopped by and texted I was on the front porch and that she should come out to say hi.

Her mom happens to be awake and sees me on the porch, then comes out and says, "She told me she was with you." Turns out she was with my best friend, who had lived with me for four years but had recently moved out.


23. Online Life

I was telling her sister that I was really concerned about her. That she had stopped mainly communicating with me. We shared this experience, or she seemed to be in the same room with us but in a far-off place mentally.

And then I mentioned how I was annoyed that she spent more time talking to her discord friends, which I believed was a group of people than she did me these days.

To which her sister said yeah, I thought her talking to that guy so much was suspicious. When her sister said the words, guy and suspicious, I decided I should take a look at her phone.

It was all in plain English on Facebook Messenger. Luckily, I caught it only a few weeks in, but it was particularly hurtful because, at that time, I had been putting her needs before my own for months due to her personal issues.  

I'm in a better place now, but at the time, it was devastating. I had never been so uncontrollably emotional. I was angry, and although I did not do anything physically violent, I was doing a lot of yelling and screaming and just twitching or something.

I was like shaking a lot. It was really hard for me because part of it was me recontextualizing a lot of things that had happened previously and realizing why they had happened.

Things like her going to the UPS store right before closing and not getting back for an hour and a half and telling me it was very full.


24. Unexpected Friendship

The other woman found out about me when a mutual friend showed her my pictures with my dude and our kids on Facebook and contacted me to apologize and let me know she had been told he was single.

We met for a drink and to compare notes - after she showed me texts and proof that he had been cheating on me for months, we both dumped him.

We flew off to party together in New Orleans for a few days and have been besties for over 12 years. He was the best thing that ever happened to me - he introduced me to what ended up being my Tribe.


25. The Audacity

My girlfriend at the time used my laptop to boast to her friends about cheating on the guy she was cheating on me with. Then, she left the browser open when she went to work.

I sat down to watch movies; it was the first thing I saw. She spat at me when I told her what happened. I'd invaded her privacy.

She called me a stalker and said I couldn't be trusted and also that she'd need to stay at the house another month or two until she found another place. On some level, I still admire her conviction.


26. Boss And Her

Came home after working a 16-hour shift, and it was 3 am. I sneak in without turning on any lights so I don't wake her. Her phone lights up, and a text, "I wish you were in my arms again tonight."

I recognize the number. It's my boss. She said I wasn't there for her because I was working too much. I was covering shifts for my boss, who said he was going through some crap.

I threw her out that night. I didn't even let her get dressed. Out the front door, naked as the day she was born. The regional manager found out and fired my boss. Then called to have him blacklisted at all the places he had sway.


27. One Call Away

My husband came home and, out of the blue, said he didn't want to be married anymore. I was devastated as we had a 1 yr daughter, and I was just finishing up my undergrad degree. How could I be a single parent?

I called my best friend for sympathy, who replied, "What an SOB! How dare he cheat on you. Talk about a jerkward,” Booted husband out.

Kept getting hang-up calls around 3 am every night for two weeks (landline phone, no caller ID). Very strange. Found out he was cheating with, you guessed it, the Best Friend I called that day.

Found out it was her when I heard her parrot in the background of one of the hangup calls. I don't know which I was most mad at, her or him. Good riddance to both.

Divorcing him was one of the best days of my life. I met my soulmate two years later, who adopted my daughter and thus demoted my ex-husband, to whom my daughter, 35 years later, still refers to as "The Sperm Donor."


28. No Signs

Kind of funny, but we just had a wonderful night in with a homemade dinner and some games, and we settled in on the couch for some late-night trash TV.

I don't know if anyone's familiar with this show, but in my area, the show Cheaters was a guilty pleasure of mine. We were about halfway through an episode when he excused himself, saying he wanted to grab some snacks and drinks from the gas station.

I innocently believed him, so after a few minutes, he messaged me, confessing to having cheated on me with a co-worker, just out of nowhere.

No signs, no major changes in behavior, nothing. Initially, I thought he was joking, so I kept ribbing him and not taking it seriously until he became more insistent.

He didn't stop seeing this person, even though he was "remorseful" and wanted to stay married, but the cheating continued many, many times over. He ended up leaving on his own, and it was the best thing he ever did for the both of us.


29. Wait, There’s More

I was bored at work and loaded up Facebook for the first time in a long time. Saw a message from a year ago from someone I did not know claiming her boyfriend slept with my then-girlfriend.

I didn’t believe her and asked my girlfriend if she knew this girl, and she said she hadn’t. I told the girl I didn’t believe her until her ex-boyfriend, who slept with her, messaged me with proof.

Apparently, it happened right before my girlfriend got into pharmacy school, and I moved with her to a city I didn’t want to live in to work two jobs to support us.

Confronted my ex when I got home, and she admitted to everything. I asked if there were any others, and she admitted she had cheated multiple times with multiple people across the five years we were together.

Friends of hers I had met and helped out multiple times. Every few months, she messages me asking if I would ever imagine getting back together. No, I would not.


30. Multiple Pain

College girlfriend. She said she was hanging out with her friend, Kenny. I knew Kenny a little bit, and being a trusting guy, I didn’t think anything of it.

A couple of days later, I was helping her put her laundry away and found Kenny’s shirt. She explained it away as innocent, and I gave her the benefit of the doubt, as I didn’t think anyone cheating would be that stupid to be caught cheating so easily.

I casually brought this up to a mutual friend, the girl, Kenny, and I (I was still a little suspicious). They were like, “Yeah…she’s definitely sleeping with Kenny…and has been for your entire relationship.”

Apparently, EVERYONE knew except me, and my friends just didn’t know how to tell me. To this day, I still think my friends were not telling me the girl was cheating hurt more than the actual cheating.


31. Late Reveal

It happened after I ended my first relationship. 6 months later, we met to talk about some stuff because she moved in with my mother.

She told me that she had cheated on me with six different guys during our 2 1/2 years relationship, and one of them was even her stepdad... to hit me hard.

She told me how they all were much better and could satisfy her more than I ever would be able to. It took me a decade before I got into my next relationship. I couldn't trust any girl anymore for a long time.


32. Upset Cat

My bf and I were students at different universities, and he was staying over at my house for the weekend. We were watching a show or movie on his laptop.

When he went to the bathroom, a message popped up on the corner of the screen (IM style, who remembers those?) from one of his friends.

The message was telling my bf that Katie was really upset with my bf for coming to see me cause she's been nothing but loyal to him.

I don't condone my behavior. I was young and foolish, but that bastard got a good punch to the chest and all his clothes thrown out of my window.


33. Recovered History

I downloaded an app onto his phone that retrieves all deleted texts within the last 90 days. This was after I was using a MacBook we shared for work, and he got an iMessage that said, “Okay, this is our story if they ask why I sent you a picture like that.”

He worked with her, and she sent him a spicy picture that their mutual coworkers saw her do (they all knew me as well, so I guess she made up a story).

I confronted him, and he called me crazy and said he loved me more than anything and couldn’t even think of another woman in that way (lol, I’m so dumb).

I confronted her, and she swore nothing had happened and that they were just friends. So I got suspicious. I bumped into her sometime later and said hello in a friendly way.

We chatted, and before we parted, she said to me, “He’s a really bad guy. I hope you know I smiled.” I gave her a hug and moved on. I hope she’s doing well. I’m not sorry about invading his privacy. It gave me the strength to leave.


34. Giving Personal Space

She wanted to be "friends" with some guy at her work. At the time, I just shrugged it off. Like, yeah, cool. He seems nice. What was a friendship turned into a crush, and she started crushing on him.

I didn't see it, though. She worked late, so it was normal for her to be out late. The day before my birthday, she said she had fallen asleep at a friend's house. I didn't think much of it; I was just glad she was safe since I hadn't heard from her the night before.

A few weeks later, after our break, she admits to getting drunk and not remembering what happened. That broke my heart, but I loved this woman with all my heart and stupidly took her back.

I even proposed months later because all I wanted to do was be with her and be there for her. Fast forward a few years later. I never really dealt with it in a healthy way, and our relationship deteriorated.

Now we're broken up, and watching her leave my life broke something in me. Like, I'm better now, but gosh, it still hurts and plagues me to this day. I'm not great, but I feel alright. A decade down the tube


35. Real-Time Scene

He left his FB messenger logged into the iPad, and when he went on some training for the military, I was getting all the message notifications on the iPad :-)

It's not a cool way to find out he's been seeing her for so long. My anger couldn't be contained when I found out, and I moved out before he came home from his training.  

I picked him up at the airport when he came home, dropped him off, and drove away, lol. I cannot see other good reasons to stay.


36. Odd Question

My ex struck up a conversation about how I would deal in a hypothetical situation if she broke up with me. We have two kids together, and I found it odd but assured her I wasn’t going anywhere and still loved her.

Then she told me her coworker had been flirting with her, and she wanted to break up. I was gutted; that entire week after, it felt surreal.

A month later, she came to me wanting to get back together, saying it was all a mistake. I said no at the time, but a year later, we did get back together.

I now realize that once you break that trust, there’s no going back. I thought I’d be with her my whole life. I supported her, we had a family, I moved mountains to get us a house, and in the end, it wasn’t enough.

She started giving me the cold shoulder, something she did prior to our first break up for months/years at a time, but this time, I didn’t put up with it and broke things off myself.

Ruined a lifelong friendship and trust for a one-night stand with a coworker. She was my first long-term relationship, and I’m doubtful I’ll trust anyone again.


37. Savior Cat

My cat made me see it. I woke up at 2 am to realize my husband wasn’t in bed. I went downstairs to see if he had fallen asleep on the couch. He had, with his phone on his lap.

My cat then fell asleep with her paw on his phone, so it never locked. When I went to check on him, all the texts he was exchanging with this girl were there in plain sight.  

The phone died immediately after I saw it. I ended up divorcing him and getting a tattoo of my cat because, without her, I would have never known.


38. Folder Of Lies

Lol, he gave me his phone to contact his daughter’s mom through messenger (She didn’t want me or him to have her number). About two or three threads underneath hers was a message from a girl saying, “Good Morning, sexy.”

So I click it, and when I scroll up, I find they’ve been talking inappropriately for months. My son was two months old at the time.

SO had stopped sleeping in the bed with me, and I thought it was because I had the baby. Nope, he was talking to her on the phone for hours and messaging back and forth.

I also found a folder with her name, 700+ videos, and pictures. Most of them were spicy. When I confronted him the same night, he said he had no clue what he was doing was wrong. I was 23, and he was 35 at the time.


39. Hurt And Abandoned

He updated his social media status to "in a relationship with," and it was another girl. Apparently, they had been dating for three months already, and he claimed our relationship was so boring he had just forgotten about me.

I got "home alone" by my own boyfriend. I tried to message him, but he had blocked me. When I messaged his then-girlfriend to say, "I'm his girlfriend, what the heck is going on?"

She tried to fight me, saying that I had no business in their relationship, then posted on her account about how she had a stalker.

When they broke up, she cited me "acting crazy" as one of the reasons. My ex is a dad now and doesn't have a job. I don't know much about the girl, but I think she became an architect.


40. Self-Exposed

He wanted to show me something on his phone. I was looking at his phone since he was going to show me something. He accidentally scrolled, and I saw a dating app he was on. He basically told on himself without me having to do any digging.

It was a day before his birthday, too, and I had planned two birthday parties for him as a surprise. One with his friends and one with his family.

The next day, I saw him posting pics of him going out with his friends and partying for his birthday. I was completely blindsided.  

It took me 6/7 months to finally get over it. We were together for 5 years and living for 2. I don’t wish cheating on anyone. It really destroyed my ability to trust and broke my heart.


41. Coming For A Fight

Decides to be the "crazy person" and checks her phone after months of being distant. I found texts that spanned the last 4 out of 5 years of our relationship, talking to a guy who she met on a high school trip to London.

There were so many graphic texts received and a history of long Skype video calls (this was 2018). I found out the guy moved here to the States and was living in our city.

He talked a bunch of crap about how he was gonna fight me and steal her from me, and she told him how hot that would be, and SHE GAVE HIM MY ADDRESS AND GATE CODE.

I broke up with her and had a bit of a freak out (I did not get violent even when she slapped me because I don't hit girls). A week after I dumped her, I heard a British man yelling outside of my apartment window at 2 am, calling for me to come outside.

I knew exactly who it was, and when I told him, "No, I'm not fighting you," he called me a jerkward and threw a rock at my window, which cracked it.

That was the final straw, and I went downstairs and proceeded to beat the man. I've since moved, met my fiance, who is the mother of my beautiful child, and I've sobered up and avoided violence at all costs.


42. Same Circle

The girl that my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with wormed her way into the friend group and was having a sleepover at my best friend's place with another mutual friend.

I wasn't there because I had an early morning shift the next day. So my friend, who was feeling some weird vibes between this girl and my ex, checked her phone while she was asleep.

The phone wasn't locked (!!!), and she found the incriminating messages. My friend promptly told me the next day (and showed me some photo evidence), and my ex and I were through. 4-year relationship, over.  

What's also terrible about it was that my best friend and this girl were kind of in a talking stage, fixing to date. My ex was also in the friend group, so it caused many problems that were difficult to get over.


43. Deleted Messages

My wife was out of the country and could not use her cell phone, so she was using her social media to talk with her affair partner.

I borrowed her laptop as my old one sucked, and she had left her account open on there, so I was able to see them messaging each other.

I always suspected she had a crush on him but didn't think they were actually hooking up. She obviously had been going through and deleting messages on it, as there would be big gaps that did not make sense when you read it.  

I kept checking on and off over the next few days. There was lots of flirting and heart emojis, but nothing certain until her last night when she texted him about how she could not wait to get back to work and see him and that she missed him inside her. I almost threw up.


44. The Mighty Liar

Through the corner of my eye, I saw he was scrolling through a subreddit for single people on his phone while we were cuddling. Later, I demanded to see his phone.

He told me, "Tomorrow." after he fell asleep, I unlocked his phone and found out just how many people he had been talking to, sleeping with, and trying to sleep with.

I don't even know if I scratched the surface. God, that hurt. Every time he said he was going out with friends. He told other people he loved them while I was in the psych ward.

He told them I was berating him so he could get sympathy. He lied constantly about being in a relationship. On a separate time, I found a train ticket on the floor for the previous weekend, on a night he said he was going to a local restaurant with friends. I hate myself for ever loving him.


45. Mysterious Friend

My wife of 10 years went to hang out with a new friend that I’d never heard of before that point. She dressed up and left with the smell of her perfume lingering in the air.

She never came home. Her brother told me a few days later when he called to negotiate a time and date for her and the “new friend” to get her things without me home.

After that night, I’ve only had any interaction with her after hearing her phone call with the judge in court after I filed for divorce. She couldn’t even show up to get what she clearly wanted. What a coward.
