Dog Won't Stop Barking At Twins Until Doctor Figures Out The Real Situation

Their Family

As the couple raised twin babies and a lively dog, their home was filled with laughter and joyful chaos. Their dog had been a gentle and affectionate guardian of their newborns since the day they brought them home from the hospital. 

When she was around the infants, the dog often lay quietly near their cribs or watched over them with her big, soulful eyes. However, they didn't realize that their dog's character would soon change.


Anna and Barry were eagerly anticipating the arrival of their newborn twins, Emma and Ethan. Their Californian home had been baby-proofed, and they looked forward to raising their children.

Their lives were already enriched by Masie, their active and affectionate two-year-old Pitbull, who they considered a part of their family. Their loyal companion, Masie, had been with them since she was a puppy, and they were eager to see how she would react to the newest additions to the family.

Training Her

They spent a lot of time grooming and training Masie the Pitbull, their first 'baby.' She was a handful as a puppy, but the couple loved her. In spite of her busy schedule, 41-year-old Anna managed to decorate the twins' room in a modern style.

Throughout the months, their home was a hive of activity, and Masie seemed to sense that something was different. She seemed to understand the couple's concerns about the new babies.

Training Her

For a while, Masie slept outside while renovations were taking place. At first, she wasn't happy about it, but eventually she adjusted.

She was trained to spend more time outdoors on her own before the babies came, so she would be more comfortable with it when they arrived. Although the Pitbull enjoyed her huge backyard, she was extremely attached to her 'hoomans' and wanted to be around them.

Going Home

It was a special day when they brought their twins home. Their family had decorated the house for them, and everything was perfect. Upon entering the apartment, Masie barked furiously, tail wagging furiously. For fun, someone had put a diaper on her.

Barry and Anna exchanged nervous glances. "Remember what everyone said," Barry whispered, his voice filled with concern. "We need to be careful." The dog had a tendency to jump on everyone.

Introducing Them

Anna was confident about her new role as a mother. She nodded, her smile unwavering. "I know, but I trust Masie. She's always been gentle with everyone." Getting down on Masie's level, she let the dog sniff the babies. 

Masie's tail slowed, and her brown eyes were filled with curiosity as she cocked her head to one side. After licking Emma's tiny hand, she sat down beside them quietly, licking Ethan's hand as well. Her gentle behavior impressed them.

Trusting Her

It didn't take long for the family to bond with the new babies. Despite Masie and the twins' growing love, family and friends expressed concerns frequently. 

"You know how big dogs can be around babies," Anna's mother said. "Just be careful." Barry's friend chimed in, "You never know when they might get too rough." Despite their worries, Anna and Barry remained confident in Masie's gentle nature. As long as their dog did not display any aggression, they were able to trust her.

More Warnings

During the course of a few weeks, Masie proved to be a gentle giant. As she lay by the crib, her ears perked up at every sound they made. While they were napping, she was often found nuzzling their tiny feet or wrapping herself around them protectively. 

Anna had to teach Masie not to lick their faces. Even though Masie was loving, friends and family still warned the new mother to be careful. However, she should have taken more precautions.

A Weird Sound

As Anna prepared dinner one evening, she heard a strange noise coming from the nursery. She rushed in to find Masie growling softly, alert. Masie was gazing at the window, where the curtain fluttered ominously, although the twins were safe in their cribs. 

"What's wrong, girl?" Anna whispered, concern rushing through her veins. Having left the window slightly ajar, she shut it. Everything seemed normal on this cold evening. Seeing her dog, she squinted. What was wrong with her?

Nothing Unusual

"Hey, everything is okay," she told Masie. Anna double-checked the twins' monitor and secured the room once again. She thought everything was okay.

Barry joined her with a pale face. "Maybe it's just the wind," he thought aloud, though his voice betrayed his uncertainty. As he approached the window cautiously, he saw nothing unusual. "We'll keep an eye out," he said, trying to sound reassuring.

On High Alert

The next evening, as the couple was settling the twins into their nursery, Masie began to bark. At first, it was a low growl, but it quickly escalated into frantic barking. 

Barry tried to calm her down. "What's wrong, girl?" he asked, but Masie continued, her eyes fixed on the cribs. The babies were getting unsettled by her loud barking. "Maybe she's just excited to see them," Anna suggested, trying to soothe her own unease.

A Loud Dog

Masie was generally well-behaved after that. However, the barking didn't stop. Over the next few days, Masie's behavior became increasingly concerning. 

She would stand by the twins, barking incessantly, her normally calm demeanor replaced with agitation. The worried father didn’t know how to control his dog. "This isn't like her," Barry said one night, worry etched on his face. "She's trying to tell us something." But they didn’t know what it was.

A Sixth Sense

Anna felt a knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. "What if something is wrong with the babies?" she wondered aloud. They had read stories where some dogs had a sense of when something was wrong with babies or the elderly. 

They decided it was better to be safe than sorry. The next morning, Anna called the pediatrician and made an appointment to have the twins checked. "I'll take them in today," she told Barry. "We need to make sure everything is okay."

The Doctor

The next morning Barry had an important work meeting, so Anna had to take the twins alone. It was the first time they were leaving the house since they brought them home. At the doctor's office, Dr. Martinez examined Emma and Ethan thoroughly. "They seem fine physically," he said, but noticing Anna's distress, he added.

"Let's run some regular tests just to be sure." Anna nodded, holding her breath. She watched as the nurse gently examined her babies, their cries piercing her heart.

Is It A Bug

The worried mother was fiddling around the office, "Is there something specific you’re looking for?" Anna asked, her voice trembling. Dr. Martinez smiled reassuringly. "It's just a precaution," he said. "We'll know more once we get the results." Anna tried to keep calm, but the wait felt interminable. 

When the results were finally in, Dr. Martinez's expression was serious. " Everything seems normal, I don’t know why you were so concerned," he said. She didn’t want to sound silly by blaming her barking dog’s diagnosis.

It Continues

As soon as Anna returned home, Masie began barking incessantly at the twins. She had to shut her outside just to get in herself. At first, Anna and Barry thought she was just excited to see them. 

But as the days went on, Masie’s barking grew more persistent. The dog who had always been calm and composed around the twins now seemed agitated and restless. Her eyes were focused on Emma and Ethan as if she were trying to tell them something.

A Strange Animal

The worried father couldn’t do much with his hectic work schedule, he left everything in Anna's hands. Sometimes he felt that he wasn’t helping enough. "Do you think she’s just being overprotective?" Barry asked one evening as they sat in the living room, Masie pacing nervously by the twins’ playpen.

The exhausted mother sighed as she drank her coffee, "I’m not sure," Anna replied, worry creasing her forehead. "It’s not like her to act this way."

The Attention Seeker

Barry even bought Masie some new chew toys but she continued to behave strangely. She would bark incessantly whenever she was near the twins. 

Anna and Barry thought she was just maybe trying to get their attention for more playtime. But as the barking continued over the next few days, they began to grow concerned. They knew that nothing was medically wrong with the babies, so why was the dog always so agitated around them? 

Not Normal

Anna was getting tired of having to control Masie’s barking. Their dog was spending most of the day outside due to her barking. One night when it rained, they brought her into the laundry room, but she continued to bark there as well.

“Something’s not right, Barry,” Anna said one evening as Masie barked non-stop by the twins’ cribs. “She’s never acted like this before.” The worried mother knew that her children were in danger.

Another Issue

Anna had a feeling that her babies were in danger. She was a superstitious woman and believed in supernatural phenomena. She knew that there was some sort of special connection between the dog and the babies. But she couldn’t put her finger on it.

Barry nodded, a frown creasing his forehead. “Maybe she’s just stressed with the new changes. Dogs can sense when something is different.” He didn’t realize then that he was actually right, but for the wrong reasons.

She Won’t Stop

Masie’s barking continued for a few more days. The twins were also getting up at night and this was affecting their growth.

Sometimes, Maisie would calm down when she or Barry came into the room. Still, Anna couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to it. The next morning, she decided to take the twins to the doctor. “Just to be sure everything’s okay,” she reassured Barry as she packed the diaper bag.

A Second Opinion

Finally, after four days of Masie’s constant barking, Anna decided to take the babies to see Dr. Patrick, a pediatrician. As she walked into the clinic, Masie’s behavior weighed heavily on her mind. 

She didn’t want to tell him that she was losing control of her dog at home. If Masie continued with her bad behavior, she would have to keep changing doctors and pediatricians. She didn’t want them to get the wrong idea of her.

A Better Doctor

Dr. Patrick, a kind man with years of experience, greeted her warmly but noticed the anxiety in her eyes. "Anna, what brings you in today?" Dr. Patrick asked as he examined the twins, both gurgling happily in their stroller.

The babies didn’t show any visible signs of distress, but Anna wanted some medication to keep them sleeping throughout the night. She wasn’t sure if the doctor would agree to a prescription.

Out Of The Box

As she watched the doctor, she realized that she couldn’t lie to him. This was about her children’s health. She decided to just be honest and tell him about the chaos going on at home. Perhaps he could advise her.

"It’s Masie," Anna said, her voice trembling. "She won’t stop barking at the twins. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I thought it might be a good idea to get them checked out, just in case." The doctor examined the babies and assured her that they were in 100% perfect health.

I’m Not Crazy

After another sleepless night filled with Masie's barking, Anna decided to take the babies to the doctor. The couple went together to another well-renowned pediatrician.

This time Barry came with her. "It's probably nothing," Barry reassured her, but there was a note of worry in his voice. Dr. Patrick examined the twins thoroughly and suggested running some blood tests. "Just to be safe," he said. He seemed to suspect something that the parents didn’t think of.

A Thorough Check

Dr. Patrick nodded thoughtfully. "Let’s do some blood tests to be sure. It’s probably nothing, but it’s always better to be safe." He plucked a hair from Barry's head without him noticing.

Anna watched anxiously as Dr. Patrick drew blood from Emma and Ethan. The twins squirmed a little but were otherwise unfazed. Dr. Patrick assured her that they would have the results soon and promised to call her when they were ready. But they had no idea what he was about to uncover.

The Doctor Calls

The worried parents went home and settled in for the night. They would have to wait sometime before receiving the news. After a few days, Anna received the call. "Mrs. Anderson, could you come to the office? And bring Barry with you, please."

Anna’s heart skipped a beat. "Is something wrong, Dr. Patrick?" she asked, her voice shaking. But the Doctor didn’t want to say another word over the phone.

The Test Results

Dr Patrick sounded serious, “I have the DNA results from the twins in front of me,” he cleared his throat. Anna urged him to tell her the results but he refused to. “Are they okay? At least tell me if it's life-threatening?” 

But the Doctor didn’t want to say any more. "It’s best if we discuss this in person," he replied gently. "And I would prefer to have Barry there as well." She had no idea what to expect next.

Where Is The Father

Sitting in the waiting room with the twins on her lap, Anna felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her stomach. They were waiting for the lab results.

Dr. Patrick soon emerged; his face somber but kind. He led Anna to his office and gestured for her to sit. "Anna, I’m glad you came in," Dr. Patrick began. "I have the test results, but I want Barry to be here when I explain everything."

He Had An Inkling

The frantic mother couldn’t wait for the test results and urged the doctor to tell her. "Please, just tell me what’s going on," Anna pleaded, her eyes filling with tears. The doctor kept saying that it was important that Barry was there too. 

Anna couldn’t understand why. He had DNA tests done. Dr. Patrick took a deep breath. "We found something unusual in the blood tests. I don’t want to alarm you, but it’s important that we wait for Barry so we can discuss the next steps together."

The Wait

Dr. Patrick looked at her with a warm smile. They sat in an uncomfortable silence as they waited for her husband to arrive. “Will he be much longer?” the doctor asked her. “She should be here soon, he couldn’t get away from the office sooner, " she said to him dryly.

Anna didn’t like Patrick much, she didn’t choose him when they were going through the pregnancy, but he came highly recommended. If there was anything wrong with her babies, he would find out.

The Medical Process

While sitting in the pediatrician’s office, Anna was reminded of the turmoil they went through while trying to fall pregnant. She had several miscarriages in the past and they had spent a lot of money on IVF treatments. They thought that the problems were behind them.

Dr. Patrick was making her tense with the results. “I think it’s best if you and Barry read it together,” he said. The serious tone in his voice made Anna’s heart race. What did he find out in the blood tests?

For Her Babies

Anna’s mind raced with possibilities, each more terrifying than the last. She clutched the twins closer, praying that Barry would arrive soon. Dr Patrick asked her a few questions about how she was finding motherhood, and she answered him. She found the questions he was asking quite strange.

Anna was about to ask him what he was trying to say when their conversation was interrupted. Moments later, Barry burst into the room, his face flushed with worry.

Barry Arrives

The clearly exhausted man walked into the room and stood next to his wife. ”Afternoon traffic hey,” he said, wiping his forehead.

"Barry," Dr. Patrick said, standing up to greet him. "Thank you for coming. Please, sit down. We need to talk about the test results." Barry's face went pale as he sat down. He looked at Anna who shrugged her shoulders and looked over to the doctor. They had no idea what to expect.

The Blood Work

Anna reached for Barry’s hand, squeezing it tightly as they waited for Dr. Patrick to continue. He was reading the documents in front of him. “I have the DNA results here,” he pointed to the papers, “I had them done twice, just in case, they came back with the same result…” he looked between the scared parents.

The air in the room felt heavy with anticipation. Dr. Patrick looked at the couple, his expression serious. What did the results reveal?

The IVF Error

That afternoon, Anna and Barry sat anxiously in Dr. Patrick’s office. “What’s going on, doctor?” Barry asked, gripping Anna’s hand. The tension was rife in the office, Dr. Patrick looked grave. "The blood tests showed something unusual," he began.

 "Emma and Ethan have different DNA from Barry. This is highly irregular, especially considering they were born via surrogacy." The couple couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

Not Your Children

Dr. Patrick took a deep breath. “The blood tests revealed something unexpected. The twins’ DNA doesn’t match Barry’s. Given that they were born via surrogacy, this is highly unusual.” Anna felt the room spin. “What do you mean?” she whispered. “How can that be?” 

“This suggests that Kendra, your surrogate, might not have been entirely truthful with you,” Dr. Patrick explained gently. “We need to investigate this further.” Anna and Barry were stunned. They had trusted Kendra implicitly and had paid her a significant amount of money to carry their babies. The betrayal was devastating. “We need to find out what happened,” Barry said firmly.

An Oversight

The doctor suspected foul play and was concerned since it happened in his hospital. Barry nodded. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. For Emma, Ethan, and for us.” 

As they held each other and their precious twins, they vowed to uncover the truth, no matter how painful it might be. They struggled to get a hold of Kendra; she had gone missing. They sat in the doctor’s office not knowing where to turn next.


The frantic parents tried to contact Dr Martins, the IVF specialist, but he was away on holiday. There were too many missing links. Anna and Barry exchanged stunned glances. 

"What does this mean?" Barry asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Dr. Patrick took a deep breath. "It means that the surrogacy mother, Kendra Cole, may have been dishonest about something very important." They realized that they had somebody else’s children all along.

Being Fooled

Anna's mind reeled. They had paid Kendra a significant amount of money to be Anna's surrogate, trusting her completely. The worried mother held the babies close to her. "Are you saying these aren't Barry's biological children?" Anna asked, her voice shaking. 

Dr. Patrick nodded. "It appears that way. The DNA does not match Barry's at all." The couple was distraught. Their dreams were shattered. Their family was a lie.

All In Vain

The doctor tried his best to console the desperate couple. He was the one who made the discovery and couldn’t leave them in that state. "But how could this happen?" Barry demanded, anger and confusion evident in his tone. "We trusted her!"

Dr. Patrick leaned forward. "There are many possibilities. She might have used another man's sperm without your knowledge, or there could have been a mix-up at the fertility clinic. You need to speak with Kendra and possibly the clinic to get to the bottom of this."

The Legal Route

There wasn’t much more they could do at the hospital so they decided to leave. As they drove home in silence, Masie greeted them at the door with her usual enthusiasm. 

Anna knelt down and hugged her tightly, feeling a rush of gratitude. “You knew something was wrong, didn’t you, girl?” she whispered. Back home, Anna and Barry sat in stunned silence. Masie, sensing their distress, sat quietly at their feet, her eyes full of concern. "We need to talk to Kendra," Anna finally said. "We need answers."

The Real Mother

The next day, they finally got hold of Kendra and arranged a meeting. When they confronted her with the information, she initially denied any wrongdoing. But when faced with the DNA evidence, her façade crumbled. "I... I didn't mean for this to happen," she stammered. "I was desperate. My boyfriend had just left me, and I... I made a terrible mistake."

Anna felt a surge of anger and betrayal. "You lied to us, Kendra. We trusted you with everything." Kendra broke down in tears, apologizing repeatedly. "I never meant to hurt you. I was in a bad place. Please, forgive me."

Our Children

The truth, while devastating, gave Anna and Barry some closure. They decided to pursue legal action and reached out to the fertility clinic to ensure no further mistakes could happen. 

The caring couple wanted full custody of the children and needed to protect themselves against the erratic Kendra. It was an emotionally trying time for the couple. Throughout it all, Masie remained their loyal companion, her barking had led them to uncover the truth.

Parental Rights

Kendra tried to swindle as much money as she could from the couple but the IVF documents had a clause that she couldn’t go back on the decision.

As they navigated the challenging days ahead, Anna and Barry knew one thing for sure: their family, though unconventional, was bound by a love stronger than DNA. And Masie, their vigilant guardian, had proven herself more than just a pet—she was their protector in every sense of the word.