EMT Sick Of Cop Blocking His Truck Gets Even

Blocked In

Troy, an EMT, couldn't believe it. They had loaded the person that needed help on board but couldn't move the ambulance. Why would someone do this?

The ambulance was cut off by a police car! The vehicle was meant to aid them in getting to the hospital quickly. But now it was hindering them from going anywhere.

Asking Politely

They asked the police sergeant if he could move the car, he ordered the police officer who owned the car to move it. But with a smirk, he just said "no".

He couldn't believe his ears, his subordinate was refusing a direct order. He knew they had to get the car out of there, then he saw a tow truck waiting nearby.

Learned His Lesson

The trooper hopefully leanred his lesson when his police car got towed away. He did refuse a direct order and put a man's life in danger after all.

We still don't know what sparked this rebellion, maybe a petty vendetta against the EMTs or some other motive? Either way, we're sure he won't do it again.