Her Photo Goes Viral, Mom Realizes Something's Off

The Viral Photo

Joy loved taking her teenage daughter to school, she would always celebrate it by taking a photo of her every morning so that she could make a montage of her growing up. Brooke understood with her mother's wishes and obliged. But she never thought anything would come of it.

The next day, Brooke saw hundreds of messages on her phone from everyone she knew, they were talking about the photo her mom had just posted the day before. What was the big deal?

An Obsession

Joy couldn't help but take the photos of her bundle of joy. She wanted to celebrate every day that she got to spend with Brooke and would often show off her artwork or what she had learned in class that day.

But Joy didn't know what she was taking a photo of one day when she snapped a picture of her beautiful daughter outside their home by a tree.

A Slithery Friend

Brooke read her messages, they all told her to look at the photo more closely. After squinting her eyes and examining the photo, she couldn't believe what she saw. There was large snake hanging out on the tree behind her.

Her mother was equally astounded when they realized what they were so close to. It was a fateful encounter with a beautiful creature of nature - and a photo she'll always cherish.