Common Health Misconceptions That People Have

Everyone wants to be healthy one way or another. Due to this, we may find ourselves engulfed by any trend that promises us better health. Do you, however, really believe that some of these things are true, or are they created by obnoxious individuals who were not fully educated and knowledgeable about the circumstances surrounding your health? Let's take a quick dive into some myths and misconceptions about your health that you need to forego. 

Detox Diets Are Necessary 

A common health misconception is that if people don't take part in detox diets, their bodies will become less equipped to flush out all the toxins inside them. Although it's good to detox once in a while, detox diets are not as imminent as people tell them to do. Your body is equipped to flash out toxins through its systems such as the liver and kidneys. By sticking to a balanced diet that contains proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits, your system is naturally equipped to flash out the toxins that are in your body. Too harsh detox diets, on the other hand, can damage your bodily systems and cause health issues as well as nutrient deficiencies. Just make sure the next time someone tells you that you need to try detox diets, you look into healthier alternatives. 

You Can Spot Areas You Want To Reduce Fat 

Thanks to many new bloggers, many people are buying into the idea of targeted exercises to lose fat in areas they desire. This is an absolute myth and a misconception as losing fat in your body does not work in that way at all. The fat loss in your body happens uniformly. This is to say that by exercising, your body loses fat in all parts of your body in a consistently uniform way. You, therefore, need to exercise with the knowledge that only your genetics will determine the uniformity of your weight loss as well as your overall body composition. Don't be tricked into having unrealistic fat loss expectations. Just keep on keeping on and your body will respond in the way it knows best. 

As Long As You Exercise, You will Lose Weight 

If you're someone who has been heading to the gym for years and hasn't seen any changes to your body, then here is a piece for you. Just going to the gym isn't enough for weight loss. You need to pair exercising with a calorie deficit diet. This is because what you eat matters. You can't be having 10 burgers a day and then hit the gym for 30 minutes expecting a change in your weight. Instead, burn more calories than the calories that you consume. By pairing this with exercise, you'll notice weight loss in no time. Remember, it's not about pushing yourself to lose weight by eating way too few calories and starving yourself. Make it sustainable. 

Weight Determines Health

It looks like everyone who deems themselves to have a healthy weight based on their Body Mass Index. This, however, is not true. Health is not a selective term and therefore, does not refer to one component. To be fully healthy, your physical, mental, nutritional and medical aspects should all reflect good health. Regardless of how good of a body you have, if your mental health is declining, you are not healthy. Moreso, you can have a healthy weight but still get chronic illnesses like hypertension and high cholesterol. So don't negate getting monthly health checkups just because your body looks good ( that would be very ignorant of you).

Mental Health Issues Are Not That Important

It's so unfortunate that we live in a society where people think they can choose which diseases come first before others. If someone is physically disabled, they get more grace and patience from people while those who suffer from mental illnesses are sidelined and discriminated against. If you think mental illnesses are not a real medical condition, that's very uneducated of you. Conditions like depression, anxiety and bipolar are real medical conditions that require real medical treatments just like any other physical conditions. These conditions are sometimes even hereditary and require effective treatment so that they are addressed. By stigmatizing mental health issues, you are causing more harm than good to those who may end up shying away from the treatment that they require. 

Meat Is The Only Source Of Good Protein

The way some people think that because someone is vegan, they aren't getting any protein is ignorant. There are so many plants that are a good source of protein. This includes foods like beans, lentils, tofu, nuts and several seeds.  This means that the amount of meat protein can be met by someone who is merely on a vegetable-based diet. If the only reason you aren't vegan is because of the protein source, here is your chance to join Veganism.

The More You Sweat, The More You Lose Weight.

Let's make this loud and clear once and for all: sweat has nothing to do with you losing weight. It is just a cooling mechanism by your body and has no reflection whatsoever on the amount of calories you are burning away. If you are someone who generally sweats a lot more, sweating after a workout is merely your body cooling itself as usual. Focus more on the exercises than the amount of sweat you are producing the next time you exercise.