“Buzz Off!”: Chronicles Of Worst And Weirdest Flatmates

Imagine yourself desperately looking for an apartment to stay because of your work or school matters. One day, you find an apartment and are introduced to your new roommates. That means new people, new faces, and new relationships. 

However, meeting them for the first time seemed like a perfect moment that you’re going to stay with good people. Fast forward after months, you got to know them and their nasty sides. What would you do about it? 

1. Disgusting Man

2 months in, I realized that my roommate was absolutely nasty. We both kept to ourselves pretty much. One day, I went to grab a plate from the cabinet and noticed we didn't have any clean ones.

I look in the dishwasher, and it is only half full. Where are the rest of the plates and glasses, you might ask? I walked into his room. I found 7 plates and 10 glasses, all just sitting on his desk.

I'd grab them so we can get them clean, and I noticed A LOT of mold growing on the bottom plates. It was so disgusting that I left it there.

My roommate came home, and I told him he needed to clean his room and learn to walk the simple 20 feet from his room to the kitchen to put his dirty dishes away after eating them.

He told me to back off and he could do what he wanted. 2 weeks later, he got sick from some kind of mold sickness and puked all over the bathroom.

I was out of town for work and came back to a nasty, disgustingly smelling bathroom. It was a 3-day-old, non-cleaned, puke-covered bathroom. Let's just say I talked to my landlord, and he was nice enough to work with me on our lease paperwork to evict him.


2. Wrong Decision

When I first moved to a bigger city, things weren't working out so hot, and I ended up living with a friend's family. I promised them I'd be out at the first given opportunity.

Well, my friend's G/F was going to be in need of a roommate soon. So, I offered to take the spot. First of all, the place was in a ghetto, basically.

I had a cab give me a ride home one night, and when I gave him my address, he said, "Oh, you mean the 'shooting gallery'?" Secondly, the friend's G/F was never there....except apparently when I slept.

I'd wake up and find half-eaten food sitting around the house that wasn't there before. And she'd never clean after herself. So, if I didn't clean the aftermath of her ninja meals, there would be rotten, stinking food lying around.

Oh, and at this point, I'll add that the A/C barely worked. This was in the southwest U.S......in July. The final straw was when I was showering for work at 7AM one morning. The lights suddenly shut off.

I went to check the circuit breaker, and everything appeared A-OK. I called her (she usually slept at my friend's house), and no answer. So I end up driving over there after work, and she's sitting squat on the floor playing Final Fantasy.

I ask her why the power's off. She says, "Oh, they probably got upset because I didn't pay the bill on time." I asked what had happened to the money I had given her for power. Her verbatim reply: "Well, I needed money for cigarettes...."


3. All The Bad Habits

We have this roommate who’s a complete mess. While we were throwing a party, he locked a few guests in his bedroom with him and set off a bottle rocket inside the room.

He set off fireworks behind our complex while the police were breaking up a party 50 feet away. When I confronted him about it, he threw me against a door twice, breaking the door. Also, when one of my other roommates asked him to do his dishes, he said that the dishes were left out by the cat.

Whenever housework got done (cleaning the bathrooms or the kitchen or taking out the trash, for example), he would complain that he was going to do those things later that day and that we didn't give him a chance to contribute.

Well, he quit his job after 2 months, the one he was using to pay rent, and mooched off his grandmother for rent and beer money. He was a huge jerk to everyone else in the complex.

It got to the point where the rest of us (myself and 2 other roommates) wouldn't be invited over by the tenants of the other apartments unless he wasn't around.

He constantly reminded everyone that whatever they were doing, he could do better if he actually tried. On that note, he told everyone he was a senior in business even though he had dropped out and earned a total of 30 credit hours. He now wonders why I don't really want to associate with him anymore.


4. Mean Girl

My college roommate was a mess. First, this was a tiny dorm, and she brought a U-HAUL trailer, a Suburban, and a Mustang full of her crap. She wasn't there to study, just to party.

She'd stumble into our dorm at 4am, WAKE ME UP, and ask if anyone had called for her. Our dorm phone had individual voicemail (this was slightly before everyone had cell phones). She constantly had booze lying out in plain sight everywhere.

I drank, too, but I was a lot smarter about it. I just knew an RA was going to come over and see all that. The kicker was when I returned to the dorm after a weekend visiting my hometown.

She had a leaking cup resting on my laptop that had been a graduation present from my parents. I told her I was going to see about moving out. I went down to the admin offices to see what could be arranged.

Luckily, there was a single room available just down the hall. Yeah, it was more money, but it was well worth it. When I returned to my dorm, my roommate had already moved all my stuff into the hallway!! I hadn't even told her I could indeed move yet, ugh. I was so glad to be out of there.

One other story about her - in the span of a couple days, she got her tongue pierced and got pretty badly burnt in a tanning bed. So here she was, trying to look all cute by getting the piercing and tan.

I saw her walking down to the cafeteria very stiffly because it hurt to walk, and she had her tongue hanging out of her mouth because it was so swollen. I'll never forget that visual. She was only there for one year before she dropped out.


5. Unsanitary Ways

During my freshman year of college, I lived in a tiny forced triple with one really cool girl and one crazy girl. Crazy girl had gynecological issues but refused to see a doctor about them.

She only got her period twice a year, so when she did get it would be extremely heavy and last for several weeks. She also refused to wear tampons because they were "weird."

So she would wear pads but would constantly bleed through them and onto her clothes. However, instead of washing her bloody clothes like a normal human, she would soak them in bowls of water on her desk.

Our entire room reeked of period blood. That means it’s so hard to focus and rest well whenever she does that. This went on for weeks. She was crazy.


6. The Main Character

I had a crazy roommate in my junior year of college, let's call her J. There were three of us with our own bedrooms locked. My good roommate, S, and I had asked J to please clean up the bathroom after she showered with her boyfriend or just not shower together.

FYI, they left it a horrific disaster. I don't even want to think about it. She went crazy, crying and screaming that we were just jealous of their relationship and trying to keep them apart.

She stopped showering completely and smelled like rank BO for weeks after that. She would type up diatribes about her rights and tape them up to the outside of our apartment door (so our neighbors could stand and gawk at the lunacy going on).

She ran into me in public once, slapped the coffee cup from my hand, and started screaming at me. An actual CIRCLE OF STRANGERS began to form around u.

She berated me for having the audacity to ask her not to destroy the bathroom every time she and her boyfriend were in the shower. She once screamed, "YOU CAN'T KEEP US APART! WE LOVE EACH OTHER!"

She made it seem like this was some freaking Romeo and Juliet saga and not an absolute crap issue that would have been resolved by just mopping up the floor with a towel.


7. Pee Falls

As a freshman in college, I had a very lazy roommate. That in itself is ok most of the time. The problem for me was that our room was as far as possible from a bathroom.

The first pee incident was rather innocent. I woke up to the sound of running water. Did he leave our sink on? I wondered. But no. He was at our door, peeing into the hall.

When I yelled at him to stop, he looked at me and said, "But it's a urinal." It was not, but the alcohol he had been consuming all night convinced him it was.

The next time, however, he knew what he was doing. I woke up (a different night) to hear the sound of pee hitting the trash bag.

I later found out his aim was poor, but that didn't matter because when I yelled, "What the heck are you doing?" he turned without stopping his stream.

I later learned that he regularly kept a water bottle in his lofted bed to pee in and peed in our sink occasionally. I brushed my teeth and washed my face nightly.


8. Selfish Creature

We're pretty sure this guy had some personal struggles, so we went easy on him for a couple of months before kicking him out. The worst part is that I was the one who had interviewed him, and he went on and on about how he was a biochem major in his 3rd year and was very studious.

I was only 20 and had just resumed my undergraduate classes after about a year's hiatus. I was paying my way, so I took it very seriously.

We lived about a block away from an underground venue, but thanks to the local topography, we didn't have noise issues, and we all enjoyed attending their shows from time to time.

Bad roomie was there almost every night and would often bring folks over at three or four in the morning. At the time, I was an asst. manager at a popular brunch place on top of school and would often have to be at work at 6am.

My other roommate worked at night but still didn't appreciate being woken up right after going to bed. Several instances of drums were played in the living room at 4AM.

When we finally kicked him out, I cleaned the house from top to bottom and found rotting oranges and grapefruits EVERYWHERE. Apparently, he liked to have fruit fights with the randos he'd bring over after the venue shut down. Fruit fights.

His parents paid the $250 rent, but he never had any money for bills. He never did a single dish as long as he lived with us. He regularly busted into the bathroom when I was showering so he could take a piss.

'm female, and we had a clear shower door...not OK. Shortly after we kicked him out, I started looking for 1-BR apartments. Best decision I ever made.


9. No Joke

My roommate was diagnosed with an illness. During one of his episodes, he thought someone had wronged him. He was freaking out really, really bad.

It got to the point where he decided he had to take action into his own hands. He went to a store and purchased a chainsaw. The cashier ringing him up made a joke, saying, "There aren't many trees around here. What are you buying this for."

Cue psychopath laughter and an "I'm going to end someone" statement. I'm still not quite sure how he managed to walk out of the store with it.

One hour later, he's back at our 20-story apartment complex, walking down the hallway, running a chainsaw. Only to end up finding his nemesis and cutting down the door. I lived with the guy for about 2-3 years, and that is only one of the stories.


10. Disastrous Experience

In my first year in law school, I lived in a house with five foreign exchange students. One of the housemates from Sweden somehow thought that Southern California was too cold and bought an electric heater.

The first use of the heater tripped out our circuit breaker, which wasn't a big deal. It did burn out my desktop, which resulted in the loss of a final brief I was writing for our legal writing class, but in the end, it was no biggie.

I wrote like a fiend on my laptop the next day in the library and did very well. But, he continued to insist on using the heater, never mind that it would trip the breaker every single time without fail.

After winter break, I returned to the house only to witness the kitchen on fire and used contraceptives strewn all over the house.

It turns out that one of the housemates had been sanitizing some socks in a pot of boiling water and had forgotten about it while having an insane, sexy time with his boyfriend. The water completely boiled out, and the socks caught on fire.

After the fire was put out and the stuff cleaned up (by the rest of us; he refused to touch his own condoms...), a truly rancid smell started to come out from the kitchen.

We looked throughout the kitchen to no avail... until we pulled the refrigerator out. A whole raw chicken was rotting behind the fridge. Whose was it? You guessed it...


11. Girl Besties

Freshman year of college, first semester. We were in a forced triple, which basically consisted of 3 people crammed into a room meant for 2. 2 desks, 2 dressers, 2 closets, a set of bunk beds, and a cot.

I was the "additional occupant," and they were best friends. They would always come home really late and drunk while I was sleeping. Bring back random guys.

One time, I woke up to a weird guy in my room when they weren't there. They had given him their key so he could go get their pillows for them.

So, finally, I'm able to move out before the end of the semester into an upper-class dorm with a 21-year-old for a roommate. Awesome right? So I walk into the room, tell them I'm moving out that night, and leave.

I came back later with a few friends to grab my things (They had already rearranged the room and taken my bed out). My friend grabbed my filing cabinet, and we headed down the hall. I look, and I see it's been all scratched.

They carved "WITCH" on 2 sides of it and drew a guy’s private part on 2 other sides. Why did they do this? They thought I killed their fish. The fish that they never fed or changed the water for…


12. Continuous Suffering

My roommates right now are filthy. (I have 4 of them). Every morning, I wake up to a sink full of dirty dishes, the counter and stove top also covered in dirty dishes, and the dish rack still filled with clean dishes.

We have cockroaches because of this, and we had a rat in our apartment a month ago. I have repeatedly asked my roommates to please be considerate and leave the kitchen clean if they are going to cook.

It works for a day, then they sink back into their old habits. I'm running out of tactics other than passive-aggressively (and loudly) doing the dishes in the morning. (I work nights and rarely eat at home.)

These same roommates also pay 240 bucks per month in rent. Last month, one of my roommates THREW his rent at me because I asked him for it two days before the first so I could get it into my account before the landlord tried to cash the check.

He muttered something illogical like, "I don't know why I even have money if I just have to spend it right away." Speaking of, we all pay 240 per month in rent and live in an affluent neighborhood in downtown Toronto. We are very lucky, and our rent is so cheap it's unheard of.


13. Strange Obsessions

My roommate tended to go through fixations on a certain product - one month, it would be a watch, it would be glass sculptures, etc. Out of nowhere, he became fixated on guns.

He would come home from work and spout random facts about gun ownership, and it quickly became all he talked about. He takes the course, gets his concealed carry permit, and buys a Sig Sauer P238.

He starts carrying this gun with him, even keeping it on the coffee table next to him while he plays Minecraft (We didn't live in a dangerous neighborhood either).

Came back from going out to dinner one night to find him and my other roommate horsing around in the kitchen with it - putting bullets in the magazine, pretending to cock it, chambering and unchambering bullets.

They had even lost a bullet under the stove. As you could probably guess, I was becoming really nervous living with him. Can’t help it.

Two weeks later, I got a call from his girlfriend while out with friends - the roommate had accidentally shot himself in the thigh with an aforementioned gun. Instead of taking his holster, he simply tossed the gun in his pocket.

He had gone to a bar and was attempting to take the gun out of his pocket to leave in the car and managed to disengage the safety and pull the trigger by accident - narrowly missing his femoral artery. Moved the fudge out a month later.


14. Payment Scam

I had a roommate, and the utility bill was in his name. The rest of us gave him cash to pay the bill every month. For the first few months, we noticed he was spending a little freely at the bars.

Then, the power goes out one night. He hadn't been paying the full bill, just $50-$100 at a time. It took 3 days for him to get the bill paid (borrowed from his parents).

In the meantime, we froze off in the middle of an Albany winter, relying on the stove to heat the place (I know, not safe) and an extension cord to the neighbors downstairs for a couple of lights and the TV.


15. Each Other’s Hater

My college freshman roommate hated my boyfriend for some reason. I still don't understand. He never came over (because she was a witch), and he is probably one of the nicest guys you could ever run into.

She always had her boyfriend over and fooled around countless times while I was still in the room trying to sleep (dorms... ugh) and always stole my food and drinks.

She never pitched in to clean the room, so her side literally had a science experiment growing in the corner. The best part was whenever we would go out to eat, she would "forget" her debit card.

Therefore, she was making me pay after we ordered our food. She owes me a couple hundred bucks, at least. I asked her about getting my money to no avail.

Well, she always claimed she was broke. I saw her account open on her computer once... she had over 10 grand from mommy and daddy.


16. Prank Revenge

We had been living together for about 3 months, and her goldfish had died around two weeks before this happened. Because we were both far too busy going out and getting drunk, the tank never got cleaned, and because it wasn't my tank, there was no way I would be doing it.

I kept dropping hints for her to clean the tank because it was starting to smell, but she ignored it. Cut to two weeks after it had died, and I'm lying in bed with a huge hangover and severe dehydration.

She comes into my room and asks me if I want some breakfast. Oh, yes, I want breakfast. I can smell bacon downstairs, so I'm looking forward to some food. She comes in with a sandwich and a glass of what I assume is water.

I take one bite, and I immediately know there's something wrong. This doesn't taste like bacon at all. This tastes rather...fishy. I had the tail of the now ex-goldfish in my mouth.

I start retching a little and grab the water to rinse my mouth out. Bad mistake; it was stagnant water from the tank. Now I'm full-on dry heaving and about to bring up last night's kebab, and I can hear laughter coming from downstairs.

Now, one thing I should probably point out is that I've spent a few years working in pubs cleaning up dump, sick, and menstrual blood that's been smeared on the toilet walls, so I have a pretty strong stomach and can hold it back when need be.

And working in pubs and drinking heavily for many years has given me the ability to not throw up and waste precious alcohol. I can also vomit on command when the situation arises.

Anyway, the sound of laughter is infuriating to me at this point. Still, her room is just around the corner from mine and closer than the toilet, so the only thing on my mind now is revenge.

That's right, I went into her room and puked everything all over her bed. And because she was a messy witch and had half of her clothes out on her bed from when she was getting dressed that morning, it created a lot of washing for her that week. She deserved it.


17. Bloody Day

I used to live with some of the guys from my university rugby team. I put up with a lot...beer cans everywhere, couches stacked on cinder blocks, getting walked in on while peeing ALL THE DAMN TIME (I'm a girl, it was awkward).

Well, one night, I came home from my soul-sucking guest services job at Target. I walk into the front room and see...huh...ketchup?...sprayed all over the walls and ceiling.

No, that's really dark for ketchup and thick. OH, SWEET BABY JESUS, IT WAS BLOOD. Everywhere. It was like someone had made pompoms out of used tampons and cheered a football game.

As my gaze moves past the living room and into the kitchen, I see RUGBYGUY'S NAME written on the back wall in blood. I walked right outta there. Found out later that some player had been hit in the hand with a MEAT CLEAVER.

Instead of seeking medical attention in his drunken state, he decided to fingerpaint with his own blood. Moved out within the week.


18. Leeching Off

I had a "friend" who made himself our roommate by asking to crash on our couch one night, then never left. Each day, he would ask to borrow 5 bucks from a different person.

We all stopped giving him money, and he was so pissed about it that he thought he would "show us up" by washing cars in the neighborhood, using our equipment and cleaner. He washed cars all damn day, literally begging our neighbor's door to door.

At around 5 pm, he came back home with a grin on his face and a frozen TV dinner in his hands. His face said, "Yup, that's right... I bought my OWN meal!" When he set the oven to preheat, my other roommate asked him to come to the living room.

He skipped right in and was all, "What up, bro?!" My roommate then proceeded to tell him he needed to leave. Now. That he wasn't paying rent and he needed to go. He FLIPPED out.

He had the audacity to say, "You can't say that to me. You're not the only one who lives here. There are a lot of people that like having me here!" He scanned the room, and we were all quiet. I pretended to flip through a burned CD case like I didn't know what was happening.

Eventually, he realized he was alone in this. He slowly walked into the kitchen, lightly put the plastic back over his TV dinner that was awaiting the oven... and as he walked out, said, "I ain't leaving my dinner... I worked HARD for this dinner."

Two weeks later, he came by to tell us he got a job that pays "UP TO $5000 a week. Can't go wrong." Some people you just know will never... get their crap together.


19. Behind Her Kind Face

She seemed nice enough and friendly when we first met. My friends and I had no issues with her being in the single of our suite.

As the year progressed... When it got cold before the heat came on, she would use a hairdryer to heat her room. She rarely showered but regularly used the bathroom to (we supposed) listen to the shower while she did her homework.

She washed her feet in the sinks and used razors without permission. However, what she shaved was a mystery since her legs were free-flowing (and she stroked them while watching the presidential debates).

She would always wear the same set of clothing, though it is unclear as to whether she washed it, and often, she had a very strong body odor.

A few times while cleaning, we would wait until she left to spray deodorizer into her room--and if she minded this, she did not say.

When we baked sweets (as my friend and I loved to do) such as cupcakes, brownies, etc, she was quick to emerge and eat her fill, often without asking. I'm sure there was more, but I can't remember.


20. Bizzare Lifestyle

I went out of town for work. We had a house rented for us in the Caribbean. One of the guys that went with us didn't shower for three weeks before we had an intervention. He only had two sets of clothes with reversible jogging pants.

We continually ran out of dishes and came to find out he was keeping them in his closet. After his work shift, he would first bathe (in the pool).

He once cut a branch off the "mother tree," and the sap burnt him so bad he jumped in the pool to wash it off with soap, turning the pool green. If he went to a bar, he would appoint himself a bouncer and kick people out he didn't like.

If the phone rang at any business, he would answer it. When we would go out to lunch, he wouldn't order food. He would just wait for the people at the table next to them to get up and eat their leftovers.

Take their leftovers and put them on the dash in a to-go box to "cook" them the next day. Wash his underwear in the sink and dry it on the window unit. There's more. That's just what I can remember right off-hand.


21. Private Spaces

When I was about 20, I shared an apartment with another girl. It was a decent-sized place, and we had separate rooms. We were both pretty mature for college students and not into partying.

We respected each other's space. Well, that’s what I thought. One night, I was out on a date and didn't get home until the bar closed around 4am.

I come home to find a couple I'd never met before naked in my bed. They were listening to my radio, had used my computer, and things were moved around.

Like it was their room. I flipped out. The girl looks terrified. They had said my roommate said I probably wasn't coming home, so it'd be ok.


22. Taking Turns

I had two roommates, we'll call them Mike and Dan. We had agreed to take turns with things like dishes. I'd do whatever was in the sink one night. The next night, Mike would do them, then Dan, and so on.

This way, each of us only had to do the dishes once every 3 days and would only have a handful of them to do. Mike and I were pretty cool about this and would do the dishes on our nights.

Dan would put it off, and they would pile up. Mike and I would leave them for him basically until there was nothing left, and then we'd have to wash every dish in the house.

One time, I went away for a week. When I came back, I found a whole sink's worth of moldy dishes sitting on the floor in my room.

"Who the heck put these in here?" I asked. "Oh, I had some friends over, and I didn't want a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink," says Dan. "Why the fudge didn't you just wash them?"


23. Bang And Debt

I was roomed with a girl who always had to slam the door. It didn't matter if she was angry or happy. She would always slam the door on her way in or out of the house.

This was especially great when she worked early mornings, and the front door was right next to my room. Second, my other roommates were a little short on money when we moved into that place.

I paid the $500 security deposit out of pocket. At the end of our lease, the roommate moved to Portland, left a ton of her crap behind, and didn't pay the last month's rent. The landlords withheld the security deposit, and I'm still waiting on that $500.


24. Selfish Roommate

During my junior year of college, my roommate decided to cut her hair. Her thick, long hair. When I got home, the light was off in our shared bathroom, and I needed a shower, so I proceeded to turn on the light. Hair. Hair everywhere.

She cut it all off - probably ~10 inches or so. It was lying on the rugs (that I bought) in clumps, in the bathtub, and on the sink. It was absolutely disgusting, but I needed a shower because I had to be somewhere, so I just cleaned out the tub.

After I was done, though, I left a note just saying, "Can you clean up your hair, please?" This pissed her off, and she left me a very nasty note in the bathroom - apparently, she "wasn't done in there yet" despite the lights being off and her not being home. Okay, then.

Another time, this same roommate broke a glass full of juice on the kitchen floor. Then she left it there. When she cleaned up the glass much later, I guess she didn't do a very good job because I sliced my foot open on a small piece that I didn't see on the floor.

A different roommate, my sophomore year, repeatedly woke me up at about 4am throughout the year by talking on the phone. Sometimes screaming.

We shared a wall that was incredibly thin, and I could hear absolutely everything. She'd quiet down for a while if I just gently tapped on the wall. Eventually, she had a friend (boyfriend?) come stay over... he ended up staying for five months.

I barely saw him, but they'd use my dishes and not clean them. I'm sure he was nice, and he sometimes played guitar (well, too) because I could hear it through the wall.

But I seriously saw him maybe three times and didn't even know his name until a week before he left when he got something in the mail.


25. Unlucky Girl

Not me, but a former roommate. My first roommate last semester got a single after being on a waitlist after the first week, so I had a single in a double for about a month and a half. Housing finally gave me a roommate who had moved out of her other room due to her roommate's craziness.

In the first week of school, they had gotten along just fine and were very cordial. But all of a sudden, for no apparent reason at all, her roommate just stopped talking to her and completely gave her the cold shoulder.

She went out every single night (my roommate made sure I understood that this was NOT an exaggeration) and always came back wasted. She was also incredibly, incredibly dirty and messy.

But the worst thing of all, by far, was that during her period, she would change her pads in the room, and she kept these dirty, bloody pads on her desk and wouldn't throw them away for weeks.

The final straw was when her boyfriend came to visit the same weekend that her roommate's mom came, and the mom berated both of them for absolutely no reason.


26. All Girls Madness

Spent 4 years in a boarding school, and my house was all girls. Do you think men are gross when it comes to bathrooms? You wait till you have 40 girls, all on their period at the same time, with only 4 bathrooms.

One girl in particular (Call her H) struggled more than most when it came to personal hygiene. As one of the prefects, it was my job to conduct room checks once a week, and this particular week, I went into H's room to see if it was tidy and had been hoovered, etc.

I opened the door to a barrage of mold, over 40 moldy plates, 20 moldy mugs, a bin FULL of used tampons and pads, and her bed sheets were stained so badly you couldn't even make out the pattern on them.

The pile of dirty clothes was waist-high. How the heck she'd managed to hide all this stuff? I will never know, but oh god, the smell was enough to make me vomit.

The worst part was that her room was directly next to the bathroom. She didn't even have to take 10 steps to the nearest toilet or shower.


27. No More Chances

I had a roommate who refused to clean her room. She was extremely attractive, friendly, and an intelligent college student, so this behavior seemed extremely out of character. We both lived in a newly renovated, swanky shared house owned by a mutual good friend who is understanding to a fault.

After living with us for around half a year, this roommate somehow let it get to the point where the room stunk enough to emit through a closed door when you were near it. 

After my complaints (I live in the same basement), my friend who owned the house approached our roommate and requested that she clean the room because she was in breach of her lease. 

The roommate agreed, apologized, and cried because she said that she had been so busy and struggling. The owner understood, and the two had a decent heart-to-heart talk. Fast forward a week later, and the room hadn't been cleaned at all.

The owner was exasperated, so she went into the room and threw away any obvious garbage to be helpful to her busy, terminally sad friend. She also wanted to leave a note stating that she would terminate our roommate's lease if this continued, but wanted to stay friends.

Tons of half-rotten food containers and other obvious garbage were removed. Upon removing the garbage, the owner realized the smell was coming from the closet.

She opened it thinking she would find an overflowing garbage or Tupperware but instead found a mountain of used tampons.

Most were stuffed tightly in shoe boxes, but our roommate had clearly run out of room in those and started stuffing them into the corner of the closet. Some of the tampons had saturated the closet carpet, causing mold.

In a rage, my friend threw away the tampons and garbage, and when the roommate returned, she told her to move out immediately. It was a horrifying and embarrassing idea for everyone involved.


28. A Rotten Girl

In my junior year, I graduated from the dorms to the SUITES. These were small on-campus apartments with 2 bedrooms for 4 students to share. You got these through a lottery system at the time.

My own kitchen, fridge, and the freedom to come and go as I please. I thought I had made it and that life would be magical. I shared a room with a nursing student - she was amazing.

An Indian medical student shared the other bedroom with an art student who was finishing up an internship in the animation department and going to work for them. She was a senior with a boyfriend around 35 years old.

She would bring him and sleep with him with the poor Indian student in the room, trying to get some sleep. She was really innocent and very disturbed by this. Still, she was afraid to say anything to the art student, who was rather aggressive toward her.

A creepy guy was also living at our place more and more and eating our food but never replacing it. Neither of them ever cleaned a thing.

I will not go into the shower scum of his shorts and curlies we had to deal with, her dirty underwear left in the living room (??) - the smell of the apt became too much to bear.

We could not get her to stop bringing this creepy guy into the apt. So we finally had the school get involved and even the campus police. He began sleeping under the sink next to the shower - all curled and cramped.

I have no idea why, except they would say well, we were told he can't sleep in the bedroom or on the couch, so anyway, she was finally evicted. I often wonder what Disney films she has been involved with, and it really creeps me out.


29. Rabbit Owner

In my freshman year of college, I had a roommate with a rabbit named meat chunks. Cute little headache, but my roommate would let him run around the house and get on the couch.

Cute until you find little rabbit poo when you sit down. We would address it to him, but his response was, "He only eats grass. It's not gross."

When we moved out, said poop haven of a couch was pulled away from the wall, only for us to find a veritable rainbow of rabbit piss and hundreds of lil poos all over the wall and on the ground.

He was a fine roommate. It was the little fluff ball crap factory that I hated. He should go after his pet’s waste, tho. If it hadn't been picked up by a bird of prey, I was going to have a few "lucky" rabbit feet to give out at Christmas.


30. Not Friends

Shared an apartment with a high school dropout, two bedrooms, and a common area. This takes place about a month after she moved in.

One evening, she called me and asked if she could bring two friends to watch television. Of course, no worries, she has every right to, and I just rent on the same terms as her.

So I went to bed, and later, she arrived with her friends. Then she goes to bed, and her "friends," who turn out to be two random guys she met on the train home, go to bed with her.

The said friends take off with my wallet, keys, two iPods, and my favorite $200 overcoat. We were evicted for acting recklessly and failing to pay rent on time.


31. All About Bragging

One of my roommates was a pathological liar and a jerkward. He threw up in the bathroom after eating a particular food the night before. It was extremely obvious this food had been thrown up in the tub as it wasn't digested fully.

The rest of the food was half-eaten in the kitchen. Two roommates were out of town, and I knew it wasn't me and the other guy hated this kind of food. He went so far as to say he thought the girls who were our neighbors opened our door and threw up in our bathroom.

He once said he saw a guy curling 240 pounds on one arm in the gym. The two-arm World record is about that. He also had a girlfriend but canoodled several girls while she was gone and never talked about her when she wasn't around.

He took a girl into his roommate one night when we had a party. I watched him close the door, and she left half an hour later. He denied her being there.

We were once talking about "muscle ups" he swore he could do one, so I challenged him to, but after a while, he finally agreed and couldn't. He ate other people's food from cabinets or would take slices if a pizza was sitting there. He then maybe paid you back later, but he never asked.

He thought running the kitchen sink when people were showering was funny, making it very hot or cold. We once went to a bowling alley, all 5 roommates. He got extremely messed up and threw up in the ladies' bathroom, all over the floor.

I was once in a huge fight with an X. He started saying crappy things about me and my x to my face, probably just to piss me off. When I got furious and started getting in his face, he ran and hid in his room.

I didn't make eye contact with him for weeks, and he never apologized, even though he told the other roommates he would. He also cooked a lot and barely did any dishes, at least the first 6 months.


32. Worst Couple

My roommate, in my sophomore year of college, had her boyfriend pretty much move in. He would bring over his dirty laundry for her, leaving bottles of spit everywhere from his chew.

Also, she stole my clothes and would never warn me when she and her boyfriend would fap, so I constantly walked in on them.

I ended up moving out halfway through the school year because I was tired of her crap. I got the last laugh, though. The weekend I moved out, her boyfriend brought his Xbox over, but since it was my TV, he didn't have anywhere to hook it up.


33. Twin Mess

I somehow ended up living with 19-year-old twin undergraduate males as a late-twenties female graduate student through sheer bad luck.

They were nice enough guys, but your typical terrible roommates: they had a guitar that was physically incapable of being tuned that they played 24/7.

They frequently got in fist fights with one another, they lived off of ramen that stunk up the entire place, etc. I’m slowly having enough of it.

But they did 2 truly unforgivable things: one played Crazytown's "Butterfly" on a constant loop for 3 days straight because he loved the song so much, and the other left his pubic hair all over the bathroom for a few days after giving himself a trim.


34. Horrifying Tandem

I moved into an apartment where, instead of having a window to the outside world, I had a window into an air shaft, which looked into the window of my awful roommate's room (kinda like this--thanks a bunch, New York).

We had another roommate, the best friend of the air shaft roommate, and he was ALWAYS bringing home women. The air shaft guy, however, never brought a woman home, ever.

They would come home from the bar together, and the air shaft roommate would go to his room and defeatedly pass out. For various reasons, I knew this guy was misogynistic pretty early on. One day, he walked into the apartment and yelled, "GOD, I HATE THAT FREAKING WITCH!" at the top of his lungs.

I came out of my room and said, "Hi, I'm here, so if you'd like to call me a freaking witch to my face, you're welcome to." He also never did the dishes, and when I confronted him about it, he said he would do the dishes if I baked him cookies.

The piece de resistance was when he came home from a bar one night, the baller roommate went to his room with a woman, and the air shaft roommate went to his room, closed the door, and went to the window.

I was asleep until they came home, so I was a little groggy, but I distinctly remember him saying, over and over again for a good FIVE MINUTES:

"Psst! Psst! Hey! Psst... psst! Hey--hey! Hey, come in here!" trying to get me to go into his room and sleep with him. I pretended I was asleep the entire time and moved out a week later.


35. Landlord And Roommate

There was the landlord who lied about the house being for students. In reality, it was him and three other men 35+. I was 18 (female) at the time.

Then there were the two wild party girls who always brought home a bunch of strangers from the bar. Then I had the girl who was a vegetarian in that she only ate Alphaghetti.

She also left her walls covered in black mold. How I will never understand. And last but certainly not least, the jerk who forced me out when I wanted to sell my own television, which was the only television in the house. "I hold the lease on this property, so everything thing on it is mine." Uh… nope.


36. Abandoned Cats

Had a weekend getaway planned and confirmed a couple of weeks in advance that she could take care of my cat while I was gone (side note: she had a cat, too.)

Before I left, I re-confirmed that she would be around and could take care of them. It wasn't uncommon for me to do all the kitty duties, which I didn't mind at all, but because I was used to being on top of it, I wanted to make sure she had it under control.

I got back after 3 days, and clearly, no one had been in the apartment for at least a few days. Cats had no water or food and had been clawing at the door enough to chip a bunch of paint off it.

I texted her and asked if she had watched the cats. She replied that she decided to stay with her boyfriend for the weekend, completely oblivious that she had abandoned two helpless animals.

I asked if she realized the cats hadn't had food or water in a few days, and she replied, "Oh, they're just cats. They are fine."

I asked her to move out and also if I could keep her cat because I was worried about her ability to take care of another creature, both of which she agreed to. Some next-level loser crap to do that to creatures that are dependent upon you to survive.


37. Freezer Room

I had a roommate who, I swear, was trying to break our AC unit. Thank god she only lived with me for a couple months. Before she moved in, I told her I tend to set it on the higher side because it's hot here, and the bills will skyrocket.

She said she was okay with that but also told me she could only pay X amount total for rent and bills. I agreed since I was in a tight spot.

She claimed she was in a tight spot. Well, she moved in and promptly started trying to run the AC at full blast. I was freezing in my room, so I'd come out and try to turn it up a little so I wouldn't have to hide under blankets in the middle of summer in the southwest.

She'd immediately turn it down again and told me she needed it that cold for a medical condition (she was just overweight).

I had to beg her to stop, between me being freezing and also because I couldn't afford to pay the massive electric bill she was creating. She suddenly magically had extra money to pay for the AC, ignoring the fact that I was still freezing.


38. Dish Problem

We had a shared kitchen, the 3 of us. We had cleaning schedules, but they never followed them. They just piled them up until it was my turn.

After numerous complaints that I was the only one cleaning, I stopped cleaning. 3 weeks later, there was rotten food and fungi all over the kitchen, and even a cockroach infestation.

A cleaning company had to be hired, the costs of which spread over the people living there. I objected to the bill on the grounds of my earlier complaints.

They didn’t argue, and I did not have to pay. I even got compensation for eating out every night. They got kicked out a week later. It was a win for me eventually, but it was a horrible time before that.


39. Entitled Daughter

Rented a room from a neighbor who let me live there cheaply when I had nowhere else to go. Her house was pretty dirty due to her physical limitations from being very obese.

Still, I tried to keep common areas clean. Her adult son lived there- he was “slow” or something but very judgmental; luckily, he didn’t bother me much.

The worst part was her 25-year-old daughter - immature, entitled, and thought she was god’s gift. She’d leave blood and pubes all over the bathroom, and she was always arguing/disrespecting her mom.

But the worst part was how she treated her pets. She loved to rave about her “zoo,” but her mom had to take care of her dog, cat, and several birds.

The dog was untrained, and it peed on my bed and barked when I was trying to sleep. The mom would go out of town sometimes to a family beach house.

One time, she was gone for a while, and I noticed the dog’s water bowl was always empty. So, I kept filling it back up. Then I realized that the house was pretty quiet- she had cockatiels and conures, so the house was never quiet.

So I went to check them. The bowls were bone dry and empty seeds. And 2 of the birds were dead. I was so happy to finally get out of there.


40. Pathetic Roommate

My second roommate in college went to sleep way too early. Now, I wasn't a partier (still not one) and went to sleep early, but he went to bed even earlier than me. The lights were out at 9pm, and you'd better not make a sound.

But when he wanted to make noise, that was fine. One day, he was blasting some music as I talked with my suitemate. I went into our room to turn down the music, and he punched me hard in the stomach.

I acted as though it didn't hurt at all (it did) and just kept on walking to the stereo, turned it down, and left the room. Thankfully, he left after one semester.


41. Gone Man

He was so drunk one morning, making a gigantic mess in the kitchen in his underwear, rambling to me while grabbing a cup of coffee on my way out the door.

He then pissed himself and didn't notice until he slipped on it… Fast forward a couple of months, and he bails out with two months left on the lease.

He never paid anything for those months and changed his number. Fortunately, the landlord worked with my roommate and me. I never had a roommate after that.


42. The Spoiled Brat

It was five of us in a house, and rooms were rented out on an individual basis. One guy was pretty awful. He claimed he used to be in the National Guard at some point and had this weird sense of entitlement about it.

Like, he genuinely believed he shouldn't have to do any communal chores or clean up his own messes because of that. He was also the biggest victim I've ever met.

Nothing could ever be his fault, and he'd deny any wrongdoing, even with the evidence literally in front of his face.

The entire time he lived in the house, he was supposed to be looking for a job, but all he did was mess around, cook instant ramen (which, again, he never cleaned up), and watch Netflix on his phone.

We'd hear him getting into loud arguments with his parents about why he was still unemployed, and it was always some new excuse that they clearly weren't buying.

He eventually left because his parents stopped paying his rent. The worst part of it all is that this dude was 41 at the time but had all the maturity of a spoiled, rotten 10-year-old.


43. Odd Bummer

He had severe undiagnosed OCD. He had a laundry list of rituals that would consume his entire day and piss me off. It was too much for me.

One of his rituals was to play a movie and music at the same time on his laptop and then go take a 2-hour shower. We shared a room, so I would close his laptop when he left the room.

Lo and behold, after his shower, he’d come out and ask me, “Why did you touch my laptop?” I would tell him because the noise was really distracting, and he would tell me to just use headphones. This happened every Tuesday and Thursday night.


44. The Bedbugs

She made us Patient Zero in a campus-wide bedbug infestation. This wouldn't have been that bad; everyone makes mistakes.

Still, the reason why it was campus-wide was because she saw 3 separate doctors over a period of 3 months, who all said the same thing.

Then she ignored medical advice repeatedly before finally checking, at which point she'd been all over campus.

Then, she had the nerve to sit all 8 of us down for a roommate meeting where she told us that we all needed to be "serious" about the bedbug protocol and get to the laundromat to clean our clothes and stuff because she just couldn't take any more stress and she needed this situation resolved.

I'm still really irritated by it because she really presented it as though she was the victim like someone had broken in and put bedbugs in her bed.

But she has absolutely no sympathy or empathy for anyone else on campus dealing with this, nor for any of us, her roommates, who were forced to grapple and deal with it out of our own pockets.

She had no apologies or even kind words for us. She wasn't a great roommate, but she was living in the same room as two girls who were dating, so I gave her some leeway. This just took everything over the edge.


45. Dirty Spaghetti

He was filthy. He would make spaghetti, eat it, and then put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher. He wouldn't scrape anything off.

But he would never run the dishwasher unless it was completely full, so I would open it once after three days and see moldy spaghetti on his dishes. It smelled awful.

When I would point it out, he would be like, "Huh? What happened? I don't understand what is wrong 🧐" Bruh. Bonus, he would play the same level of the same PS2 game in the living room every single day and laugh very loudly at the same lines.
