Small Town Chronicles: Quirky Stories You Won't Believe Actually Happened

Nothing spices up everyday life other than whimsical stories and dramas that actually happened in the heart of a small town. Some people even believe that rural life is boring, wait till you hear these stories. You might be missing the excitement of living in a city.

These Redditors share their unique experiences living in a small town. Be ready to get on a rollercoaster ride of emotion because these stories are a treat. Come check these out!

1. A Comedy of Bedside Manners

  I was an EMT for a small company. One of our trucks hit a deer in a neighboring jurisdiction. The argument ensued about who got to keep the deer. The man on a substance throws the cash register at the store clerk.

After a pursuit that ends when he is captured on the roof of the bowling alley, he ends up in the hospital for having broken an ankle running. The tiny emergency room means he is placed in one of the two neighboring beds, the other occupied by the store clerk. Hilarity ensues.


2. Raccoon Resurection

One of my friend's uncles (let's call him Rob) acquired a pet raccoon. He named it Cuddles and one day she went missing. So he went out to the road to check to see if she had been hit by a car, and sure enough, there was the lifeless body of his raccoon.

He picks up the raccoon, brings her back to his house, then starts to dig a grave for it. During this time Rob is calling all his friends and family, inviting them out for a funeral for his raccoon. We all show up with food and beer.

Rob is crying and finishing up burying the raccoon when suddenly Cuddles shows up and starts tugging on his pant leg while he is shoveling. Now we were all already out there with food and beer so instead of a funeral we celebrated the return of Cuddles. The party included beer, a band, and a pig roast.

Rob and Cuddles are often seen together at the various mud bogs my town has. If you don't know what a mud bog is it's when you drive your (usually) big-ass pickup truck through a pit of mud and see how far it can be driven through before it gets stuck. It also involves a lot of drinking.


3. The Unearthed Enigma

I remember once that my high school classmate brought to school a decaying human skull he found on his farm. At first, he was curious and he wasn't sure what it was.

It came from a man who'd been dispatched in the winter and then stuffed into a drainage tube on this guy's farm. When spring came, thawing snow and rain washed the remains out into the clearing where he found the skull.


4. Flagstaff Wildwest Routine

I grew up in Flagstaff, Arizona in the 80's. As a kid, one of my favorite places to go with my father was a local store. And it was exactly what it was like a combination gun and liquor store.

In another Flagstaff story, there was a small airport outside the town. Very small. In the morning, the elk would come through the tree line and lay on the asphalt runway because it was warm.

So every morning a bunch of guys would go out to the runway and run around screaming and clapping and flailing their arms to chase the elk away so that the airplanes could do what they do. Mostly taking off, landing, and occasionally sliding into a field.

Eventually, the elk got used to that. So then, they figured out one guy could go out, fire a shotgun into the trees, and the elk would take off. Then they got used to that. So it ended up, every morning these guys would go out to the runway and kick, hit, and generally harass these elk until they finally got sick of it and wandered off.

This went on for years until some genius (obviously not a local boy) came along and determined that putting up a fence might go a long way in alleviating the Flagstaff Airport's elk problem.


5. Memories of a Multifaceted Haven

  I don't know if it's still there, but there is a store in Wisconsin near Lake 10 that functioned as an Ice Cream Parlour, Pizza Place, Liquor Store, Guns and Ammo shop, Bait and other Fishing Supplies, Grocery Store, Fireworks Stand, and Gas Station, all at once. It was truly a general store. I remember their homemade ice cream was really good too, but I may be seeing that through my nostalgia lenses.  

I think it was in Price County. It's been a decade since I've been there, but the Lake Ten in Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources matches pretty well with the fishing I remember being there.


6. Small Town Sympathy

So, my family is visiting my uncle in the “middle of nowhere” Kansas at the family farm where my dad grew up. As luck would have it I have to have my appendix removed. This sucks, because I was a boy of 11 and the big fun of visiting my uncle on his farm is the go-karts and motorbikes, and now all I can do is shoot the .22 because of the stitches.

So, we need to go to the hardware store, in the small town of 500 people, to buy .22 rounds. I walk in with my dad and immediately go to the counter. The guy looks at me and says, "How are you feeling?" I say, "Huh?" He says, "You had your appendix removed?" I replied, "Okay?"

Now I have never met this man before, nor been in his store, and we've only been in the store for barely 5 minutes. The man laughed, "You're wondering how I knew. So I read in the newspaper that you were admitted to the hospital for an appendix being removed, and I thought it was your grandfather.

Then I remember hearing that your father was visiting and his son's name was John. Then you and your dad came in, I recognized him from when he used to come in, and I figured you were the one with the appendix removed" As we left I asked my dad, "When was the last time you were in this store"

Dad said, "30 years ago when I was 8."


7. Whispers In The Countryside

These creepy encounters were a daily part of my life when I lived in the middle of nowhere Kansas as a kid. My brother and I were well-known without knowing anyone else in the town because it's not every day two wards of the state are sent to live with their lesbian aunt.

Every day someone was calling us by our names and asking about crap that I felt they shouldn't know. It was so weird to me, as I lived in a big city before being shoved off to a town of 300 people. The funny thing is, I went to a school about 10 miles away in a slightly larger town of 1500. When I moved back to the city, my graduating class had over 400 and the whole school about 1400.

Something weird happened. I delivered papers with my brother and two cousins in our small town, and it was well-known that a local shop was actually a front for illegal substance operations. I had the pleasure of walking about a mile out into the country every day to that owner’s house to deliver his paper. I never had any trouble but as a 13-year-old girl, it was pretty terrifying.


8. Appalachian Anecdotes

I once lived in a small town in the Appalachians and I have a story somewhat similar to yours. The town was too small to support any kind of hospital, but they had a diner that functioned as both the local watering hole and the doctor's office.

The doctor owned the place and also served as the main cook. You could sit at the bar next to someone and not know if they were getting something to eat, or if they were about to get inoculated.

This town was very very small and remote. The schoolhouse I went to is the smallest public school in that state by a long shot. The senior class (this school went K-12, and still only had about 40 kids, not all of them lived in the town) did a family tree project and discovered that they were all related. Not even distantly; it was like a third cousin or something. The punchline, they still held prom.

Also, our "neighbor" who lived somewhat close as the crow flies, but about 45 minutes driving through mountains, gave my mom her old wood-fired range because she had just been hooked up to electricity and didn't need it anymore. Keep in mind that this was the mid 90's.

I have too many stories about that place and the crazy folks who live there. I didn't think any towns like that still existed, but they're out there. They're kind of like time capsules.


9. Gum Man Chronicles

I remember we had this old guy we called the "gum man.” He would hang out in the local grocery store all day and ask little kids if they had gone to church that week. If you told him you had he'd give you a piece of gum.

It was only later in life that I found out that he wouldn't give any gum to black kids, he only gave them to white kids. After typing this all out I realize how creepy the whole thing was.


10. Shadows In The Northwest

My rural Washington State town was one of those little pockets of bigotry that people forget exists in the Northwest. We had precisely one Jewish family for a while but they moved away soon after an elementary school teacher told one of their little girls that she and her family had ended Jesus.

We also had exactly one black police officer (out of around four total) who was constantly treated terribly and assigned to crap work until they finally fired him for no good reason. There's still a lawsuit pending about that, I believe, and in both of these instances, someone wrote an anonymous letter to the local paper saying that the douches involved represented the "silent majority" of the town.

We also had the typical hillbilly substance problem. That made headlines when our sole three-unit apartment complex blew up in the middle of our minuscule downtown area. Then there was the time that the local pagan family decided to do a midnight ritual on a railroad bridge and they all got hit by a train.

On top of all that, our high school mascot was a potato, we had a dog run for mayor, and Lewis and Clark mentioned us in their journals as the place where they got a particularly crappy night's sleep.


11. Hoofin' Hilarity Turns Gruesome

In a small town in Central/Southern Illinois, a man's horse passed away and he hadn't yet taken it to the dump. Some drunk rednecks got together about a week after it passed away and decided they should take it instead.

They tied it behind their truck and started dragging it to the dump, but decided it would be more fun to drag it around the square a few times. It was fine until the skin tore and it started leaking horse fluid and parts all over the pavement.


12. Chilled Goodbye

We lived in a small town in Colorado. Our dog passed away while we were away and the vet didn't have a fridge big enough for it (we wanted to bury him at home), so he went into the fridge of the local restaurant for a few days.

After a few days of it being on the refrigerator, my dad says it was really hard to dig the hole. The dog was near-frozen with his legs all sticking straight out and he had to make it bigger than usual.


13. Moo-la Games And Royal Pies

My hometown has an endless supply of these stories. Every spring my hometown has a Livestock Festival, a weeklong celebration of livestock! One lucky high school girl is crowned the “Livestock Queen” and presides over the festivities. A prestigious position to be sure!

During the livestock week tickets are sold to an event called “cow patty bingo” in which an indoor showroom is divided into over a hundred small squares and a cow is released onto the floor. If you are lucky enough to have the cow poop into the square you had chosen, you are a winner!


14. April Fool’s Eruption

I grew up in a little town in Alaska where a lot of weird things actually happened. But there is this one event that I will never forget. On exactly April 1, 1974, a dude hired a helicopter to bring hundreds of old tires to the dormant volcano that can be seen from town.

It was supposed to be a funny prank. As this volcano was in the view of the town’s folks, he set them on fire scaring the crap out of everybody. It surely traumatized some of the people.


15. Bowls, Blades, And Three Fingers

  I grew up in Memphis but I used to go to this really small town in Arkansas a couple weekends a month. It became a habit that I go there. The funny this was I got a bowl cut with an actual bowl on my head by a barber with three fingers on one hand.

This happened in Mountain View, Arkansas. It was 15 years ago, a very long time so I don't remember the name of the couple. As I think of it, it was one of my fondest memories.


16. Pine Sap Tragedy

My neighbor was known to bring in junkies. Well, one of them disappeared and after about 3 weeks a smell started coming from one of my neighbor's numerous camp trailers in his yard.

They checked it out and the dude’s body was in there. The autopsy reported that he had heart failure due to injecting pine sap because he ran out of illegal substances. I have a lot more stories. I grew up in a town of less than 500.


17. Cursed Cow Graveyard

  I was hanging out with my grandma's neighbor's two grandkids. Wes, the boy, wanted to go “back in the bush” (we lived in a rural area) so his grandmother let him take me and his sister down the back road on an ATV. We were back there barely ten minutes before we came across the most horrible stench I've ever smelled.

Wes drove towards the smell, and we found a cow graveyard. There were more than 25 decomposing cows in various states of decay. Wes's sister said she was going to throw up so we left. I was quite young and had nightmares about zombie cows for months.


18. Crazy Tina's Odd Oasis

We had this local crazy lady. Everybody called her "Crazy Tina.” She was messed up. Apparently, at one time she was a normal person and had a family and everything, and then she started doing a bunch of illegal substances and kind of lost it.

But man, some of the stuff she did was crazy. She had a garden in her front yard, which sounds normal. But she was "growing" rubber boots. Yeah. She had planted like 20 or so rubber boots with just the tops hanging out. And she had another 30 or so just in a huge pile. It's been there for as long as I can remember.

She decided one day that she was going to paint her house, which again sounds kind of normal. Instead of doing it like a normal person, she bought a can of spray paint. And instead of spray painting like a normal person to try to get even coverage, she just sprayed it all over. That led to more people going up to her house and spray painting horrible things on it.

Then I guess she got tired of that so she ripped off like half of her siding. Not all of it, no. Just half. And she was the only person in the entire town to have bars on her windows. I don't live in a town where people put bars on their windows. She is the only person here who has done that.

If you ever walk down the street she lives on, she'd be yelling "Get away from my house!" and then you'd have to run away from her and everything. She was nuts. She was like that crazy cat lady from Simpsons, but she had no cats. She was once a completely normal and nice person. My mom went to school with her. Then something just went off in her brain and she was never the same again.


19. Soda Conversation To Vanishing Act

We had "Crazy Sue.” She had kids, a husband, a house, and everything, then was just all out suddenly schizophrenic one day. She used to hang out at the mall and talk to bottles of soda while she shook them in different directions over a trash can until eventually she would ritualistically pour them out into the trash and run off in hysterics.

She rode a bike everywhere, all over town. You'd see her in one suburb in the morning, and by lunchtime, she'd be at the far end of the city. I had the pleasure of getting to know her when she was having a "good" period and got a job where I was working.

Sadly, it didn't last long and we watched her go into an ever downward spiral for a few years till she vanished completely. I'd like to think she finally got the help she obviously needed, but that probably isn't the case.


20. Lost In The Corn Maze

My brother's university is in a town that is pretty much literally in a cornfield. It was the weirdest location for a college school to exist. The instructions on the school's website say "Turn left at the stop sign." Because there is only one in the entire town.

It was the University of Minnesota, Morris. Colder than Hoth and nothing but corn and alcoholism for miles. You think it was fictional but the place really exists. I don’t have any idea why some students go there.


21. A Tale of Overzealous Carding

I was buying beer in a very small town in central Oregon. It was just a store/gas station on a state highway. It was a really old store in the town. As a young-looking 21-year-old, I carried my passport with me.

I was under the impression that it was better to bring it with me, and a more believable ID since those can be forged. I got carded and handed him my passport. He said, "I asked for ID, not a book."


22. Leon’s Seasonal Strut

You can always tell when the seasons change in my town by a man named Leon who walks everywhere. He is an older Indian (native American) man with long dark hair.

When it starts to warm up, every year without fail, he starts to wear his cut-off jean shorts. His legs are always shaved and he oils them down. He completes his look with a button-up Hawaiian shirt, a safari hat, and rubber shoes.


23. Echoes Of Solitude

An oldish lady, I'd say he was around the 50s, who was clearly two sandwiches short of a picnic used to walk around the town all day every day with her dog, and just muttering things to herself.

Her dog passed away, whilst she was walking it, but she didn't notice and spent most of that day dragging a dog around the village until someone felt the need to mention it. Pretty sad. Also, I never saw her again much after that.


24. Pondside Puzzles

I lived in a medium-sized town in North Dakota as a kid. One day in the summer, about 9 months after hunting season, my buddy and I were walking around a man-made pond in our neighborhood.

As we were checking out the pond we noticed a small stick with what looked like a string tied around it floating on the water. Being 12 we naturally had to have that stick. After a few minutes of trying to fish it out, we nabbed it and started tugging. Something kind of heavy was attached to the string, so we kept pulling out of curiosity.

Within seconds we had it and pulled up a semi-decomposed buck head, with the antlers still attached. The fur had fallen away so all we saw was bloated discolored flesh and no eyes.

My buddy and I shared a look over what we'd found, neither having a clue how the hell it had gotten there. We poked at it with sticks, as 12-year-old males do, for a while then got bored and left. The next day we came back with more friends to examine our find. The stick and head were gone.


25. Campbell’s Family Naming Controversy

In rural New Jersey, there's a family that names their children: JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, and Adolf Hitler Campbell. They hit the headlines when a shop wouldn't make a birthday cake for Adolf and the parents flipped.

I'm from a very small town so there's only one other Campbell in town (unrelated) who is friends with my mother. She was receiving threats from people all over the country and had to move. It's as far from "Jersey Shore" Jersey as you can get.


26. A Bizarre Parade Encounter

When I was in high school, some friends and I drove down to Chillicothe, IL to play paintball. I was a little surprised that only a couple hours from Chicago (where we were from) most of the people had southern accents, but just rolled with it. Good times are had, and eventually, we head back home.

As we try to leave though, we are stopped because of some sort of parade on the main road. Turns out it is a tractor procession where all of the tractors carried Confederate flags. We told ourselves, “What the heck?” pretty hard, partially because Illinois was not part of the Confederacy and was, in fact, one of the largest suppliers of troops and supplies to the Union forces. But also because, you know, that whole Land of Lincoln thing.


27. Homecoming Horror

Back in high school, the week of homecoming there was a bonfire on the night before the big varsity game after the junior varsity game ended. A scarecrow of a player of the opposing team had been hacked together and placed on the top of the bonfire before it was lit.

Of course, once the bonfire was lit, the jersey of the scarecrow burned pretty quickly. Also as a show of team spirit, the whole football team had shaved their heads that year. So, when the opposing JV team came out to load back onto their bus.

Their (mostly black) team got to walk past our (mostly white) crowd and team, including what appeared to be a herd of skinheads, surrounding a burning cross (that had been under the scarecrow's already burned jersey), yelling, cheering, and chanting "Purple and WHITE POWER."


28. Digging for Laughs

I worked on an archeology crew at a dig outside of a small town. Four of us went into a fast food place and everyone watched us from the time we came in until we left. One woman grabbed her child when we walked out. When we got to the parking lot I suddenly started laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes.

The guys looked at me like I had lost my mind. I was finally able to explain myself. I told them that I thought the reason why everyone reacted that way to us was because we looked like the beginning of a bad joke. "A biker, 2 hippies, and a 1 eyed Korean walk into a restaurant."


29. Beaver Mischief

A local small tourist town planted some nice little trees around the visitor's center downtown. Someone cut the trees down. Took them a week or so to notice, "Hey, didn't we used to have trees here?"

The unknown tree thief continued to slowly take out trees, causing quite the mystery. Then one day after a heavy rain 2nd Street flooded. They sent someone down into the storm sewer, who found a beaver dam under the city streets.

Animal control managed to capture the beaver, his dam was destroyed, and he was relocated to the country. He created a nice dam out there, flooding a former field that had been fallow anyway. Then one day the beaver got hit by a car. it was very sad. Less than a month later his dam failed, and two roads were washed out and a community was flooded.


30. Late-Night Streaking Escapade

I grew up in a small tourist town in Oregon and my friends and I would go streaking late at night all the time in high school. One night there were about 10 of us out, 9 of which were white and only one Mexican.

A car approached going about 20mph and we were contemplating running in front of it but it was a little too risky. At the last minute, our Mexican friend streaked in front of the car, basically jumped up on their hood to avoid getting run over, and continued running across the street.

The car came to a complete stop. We could all see that it was an elderly couple with a group of 9 naked white men standing to their right and one naked Mexican running for his life. I like to think that they consider my hometown the place where they thought they witnessed a crime.


31. Whirlwind Romance Sparks Local Gossip

My former band used to play at this bar in a little town frequently. On Friday, an attractive young lady asked me to go home with her, so I did, and yadda yadda yadda.

The next day, we show up early for Saturday's gig and stop for dinner. One of the bartenders was also there, and he approached me, "So, I hear you and Angela are dating now."

It hadn't even been 10 hours since I left her place! I replied, "I don't think I would call it dating." Right before our first set, she walks in, slaps me, and walks back out. News travels quickly in small towns.


32. From Broken Glass To Healing Conversation

A couple of years back I lived in a village with a population of about 2500. You know the kind of village where all the young people move away when they are done with school. So anyway, you get left with all these lonely elderly who just need someone to talk to and so it happened, fairly frequently, that one of them would suddenly turn to you on the street and start a conversation.

I remember this one time in particular, an old woman with a small white dog grabbed hold of me and my (then) girlfriend, cursing "Those people who break bottles everywhere, creating glass shards that the poor dogs have to walk on.” We talked for maybe an hour, about nothing in particular really but me and my girlfriend sensed there was something important this woman wanted to get off her chest.

There was this short hesitation while she looked my girlfriend in the eyes. A tear rolled down the old woman's cheek as she said, "I'm so sorry, you look so much like my daughter." At which point it was revealed she had had no one to talk to for the whole year after her daughter had been brutally ended with an axe in front of this woman's grandchildren.

Needless to say, I was flabbergasted and so was my girlfriend. So we stayed there, in the blizzard, just talking for as long as we could before our teeth rattled. This was just one occasion but by far the most memorable. I'm just amazed that people care so little for each other that we have thousands upon thousands of elderly people with absolutely no one to talk to. Everyone should have the opportunity to just vent their thoughts and troubles every once in a while.


33. White Substances and Bowling Alleys

I lived in a town of about 250 people until I was 14. I was at the local bowling alley during league night. I walked into the bathroom/locker room to find a few older gentlemen holding a huge package filled to the brim with a white substance, which I found out later in life was an illegal substance.

I told my old man this, and he just shook his head, clearly knowing who they were. Apparently, everyone knew about them and just didn't give a crap. Just found out recently that the illegal substance "ring" (if you wanna call it that) was busted with 20 or so people involved.


34. Burning Boredom

Alright, so living in a small town you get used to all sorts of stupidity. A high school friend was filling up his truck at the gas station when he realized that he was putting gas in and not diesel. Because the gas had already been pumped he had to pay for it and take it. So he ends up siphoning off the gas into 5-gallon pails.

So he's got no use for this gas so what does he decide to do? Burn it. He and his friends (I wasn't there for it) get a good flame going around these pails and everything is going well until he gets bored.

Well out of boredom and the fact that it isn't happening fast enough for him he decided to kick the pails over. Long story short, the gas splashed on him all over lighting him on fire. He now looks like Freddy Kruger without a cup.


35. Small-Town Shenanigans in Rural Montana

I grew up in a town of about 1500 people in rural Montana. So much crap. I was the weird kid in my class, and for part of my junior year, I had green hair. I was coming out of the local gas station after obtaining a snack when a random redneck (probably in his mid to late forties) asked me if the carpet matched the drapes.

At the time I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just laughed awkwardly and got in my car. Later I realized what he meant and took a very long shower. Also, our mascot was a doggie. For those of you out of the loop, a dogie is a motherless calf. We were the purple motherless calves. Go Dogies. For our homecoming, we would paint purple hoof marks on the main streets of town along our parade route.

Oh, and there was a guy who rode his bike around everywhere that everyone called Tennis Shoe Tom. He was a suspected child predator. I don't think he had a job or did anything other than ride his bike around with his aviator sunglasses and '70s mustache.


36. Good Guy Gone Mad

We had a music teacher in middle school who I swear was the nicest guy (apparently not). He looked almost exactly like a stereotypical nerd. Picture this guy but in his 40s and with a gut. He even smelled good.

Anyway, he was my teacher like 15 years ago or something. Flash forward to a few years ago and my friend calls me or I am hanging out with him or something and goes "Dude, did you hear what happened to our former music teacher?”

He tells me that this guy goes to the downtown area of the town I live in (that is not the best part of the area, mind you), picks up a notorious carnal worker in the area, brings her to an abandoned studio apartment, ties her up, cut some parts of her with a box cutter, and pays her $70 and tells her to be on her way.

She makes the smart choice and calls the police. I wouldn't have believed him had I not looked it up online and found an article detailing the incident. It was just so weird as he was such a seemingly nice guy, had a true love of music, and was usually pretty helpful. The mugshot was particularly creepy.


37. Fumbling Felony

An acquaintance of mine loaded up on valium and decided it would be a good idea to try and rob the local corner shop using a knife and a baseball bat. So he goes in, hits the cashier on the head with the bat, and attempts to pick up the cash register to carry it out but realizes it's too heavy, so he exits quickly.

As the police arrive around 10 minutes later he realises that he's fairly well known in the area, so he wants to get himself an alibi. To do this he strolls back to the shop, which is now full of police, and goes and sits in the hairdressers next door acting as if he's only just arrived on the scene. He got arrested straight away. I should also mention he was wearing the exact same clothes when he returned to the scene of the crime.


38. Consequences To Fake Pretending

I lived in a small town where a lot of weird people exist. There is this one event that I will never forget. A bunch of dudes who thought it would be an excellent idea in my town decided to pose as DEA agents, but they had a bad motive.

They started raiding drug houses to steal all their money and drugs. The funny thing is they ended up robbing a house that was actually under surveillance by the Feds. Oops, busted!


39. Mascot Comedic Choices

In 99-00, a small town I used to live in, my middle school's mascot was “the Rebels.” You might think that is just a normal rebel mascot. Well, it was not just any rebels, but “Confederate soldier holding a rifle with fixed bayonet” rebels. I lived in southern Washington state.

Additional fun fact regarding the town I used to live in, the high school mascot where I finished is “The Spudders.” It is actually a very hungry potato king. I never understood why it was the mascot.


40. Small-Town Anonymity

I used to live in a very small town in Iowa. I lived there for a very long time and got acquainted with the town folk. So whenever I visit home, I almost know most of them and I think to make interaction.

However, I get this reaction when I visit my parents and try to go into the local bar, It's like they've completely forgotten who I am. They must be able to smell urbanity from a mile away or something.


41. Forbidden Love Affair

In the small town where I lived, I briefly dated a girl in high school girl. However, we drifted apart when she started fooling around with her ex-stepdad and later married him.

This guy is 25 years older than her and has a daughter with her mother. So in the end she became her sister's stepmother. Thank God I got out of that relationship early and that crap hole town.


42. Roof Of All Evil

While I was in high school we had a religion teacher (I went to a Catholic school) who was a deacon. The deacon had two children who also attended the school. I was a freshman, his daughter was in my class, and his son was in my two sisters' class. It was pretty well known that the deacon was sleeping with a student.

So well known that the mother of the girl he was sleeping with kicked her daughter out of the house, for sleeping with the deacon. So get this the girl moved into the deacon's house with his family, wife included.

So this was going on for a long time, at least 2 years. There were random stories of them being caught fooling around in a classroom after school or something. But no punishment ever came of it. She still lived with the deacon, his kids still went to school with us, and he was still our religion teacher.

The next day I was taking a test in math class when the teacher got a note from another teacher. She read it and then told us to stop what we were doing and listen. She told us that the deacon had been found out, and the police had attempted to arrest him.

He took the girl he was sleeping with (everyone knows she went willingly) and drove to Canada, where the police had surrounded him in a hotel room. Upon seeing no way out, he jumped from the 4th-story balcony, and he was in a coma. He passed away a few days later.

Now a religion teacher sleeping with a 15-year-old student running to Canada and horrible, but it gets worse. So anyway after going to college in another state, I came home to visit once. Bringing up this story to reminisce, my friends enlightened me on new developments.

The wife of the deacon had allowed the girl to stay with her family even after all this went down. During that time, the deacon's youngest daughter decided she was a lesbian and wouldn't you know it, started sleeping with the girl! There are a lot more details to the story, but those are the bigger points.


43. From DUI to Ringside

I went to a field party in West Virginia, where I was living in a small town. My friend got in trouble so I had to help him. After bailing my buddy out of jail for DUI. We both decided to go to the party.

His arresting officer was there and they drank a beer together. Later the cops brought out boxing gloves so they could box some people at the party. A DUI in WV was $500 fine.


44. Divorce Drama To Unlikely Neighbors

When you live in a small town, the drama of your neighbors cannot be avoided. It can be entertaining for people who crave gossip like me who witnessed a lot of drama from my next-door neighbor.

After years of being together, they got divorced. The mother won the house. When we moved away the father bought our house. They are now both in homosexual relationships, living as next-door neighbors.


45. Rearranging Furniture Becomes Front-Page New

My parents were from small towns but then were stationed up in a VERY small town in Maine - say about 800 people, where we lived for a while when we were kids. My Mom decided one day to move some furniture around.

She finished and walked down to the post office to pick up the mail. She was stopped twice by other ladies who asked why she had moved her furniture. Yup. Moving your furniture was such news that her neighbor felt obliged to call around and tell folks about it. And they all felt obliged to comment on it.
