You're Not Obsessed With Chipotle If You Don't Get A Perfect Score On This Quiz

What is the total number of ingredients Chipotle use?


Choose which of the two is not an official commitment according to Chipotle.

{"answers":[{"answer":"Pricing food to offer the very best deal","correct":true},{"answer":"Partnering with farms that prioritize the long-term health of their land","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What is the Chipotle Halloween event called?

{"answers":[{"answer":"The Masked Guacamole Sale","correct":false},{"answer":"Boorito","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Who is the CEO of Chipotle?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Brian Niccol","correct":true},{"answer":"Jeff Bezos","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What is the new 2020 feature launched for rewards members?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Guac Mode","correct":true},{"answer":"Burrito Bae","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}