Woman Posts Selfie With Her Date On Tinder. Hours Later Cops Sweep In

Shortly after 23-year-old Molly McLauren posted a photo with her new boyfriend, the police were knocking at her door. It turned out that her partner wasn't who she thought he was. 

What had happened?

Molly McLauren

Molly McLauren was a beautiful young woman who dreamed of becoming a personal trainer. She lived her life to the fullest and loved trying new things and activities. 

However, there was one thing that always bothered her —she had never been in a long-term relationship. 

Joshua Stimpson 

One day, Molly decided to create a Tinder profile in hopes of meeting someone special. It wasn't long before she matched with 26-year-old Joshua Stimpson. 

Joshua was exactly her type. The pair immediately hit it off once they met in person. 

In Love

Molly couldn't help but think that Joshua was immature for his age, but she soon got over it and fell in love with him. 

In fact, she was so head over heels for him that she decided to introduce him to her family. 


A few weeks later, however, Joshua's behavior began to change. He became clingy and insisted on meeting more frequently. At some point, Molly found herself spending all of her free time with him.

Then, one day, when she told Joshua she was busy and couldn't go out with him, he just showed up at her house anyway.

Feeling Trapped

The couple had been dating for nearly a year when Molly began to feel trapped in the relationship. She was no longer sure if he was the right person for her. 

To complicate matters even more, when the couple went to London to see his family, Joshua's parents praised her for being a good influence on their son. 

Breaking Up

As soon as they returned to the U.S., Molly decided to break up with Joshua. She was tired of his immature behavior and the fact that she always had to take care of him.

She knew she had to end this unhealthy relationship and told her friends about her plan via text messages. 

He Made Her Feel Guilty

It wasn't easy for her to break off the relationship, but Molly knew it was the right decision. She broke up with Joshua just after their one-year anniversary. 

Despite the fact that Molly broke up with him face-to-face, Joshua made her feel guilty, claiming she could have broken the news in a more respectful way. 


Molly was confused by Joshua's response but assumed that he just needed some time to calm down and process their breakup. 

But Joshua didn't seem like he was likely to cool off. Molly soon began to receive dozens of hurtful and hateful texts from him.


When Joshua realized that Molly wasn't planning on getting back together with him, he posted revealing and intimate photos of her on Facebook. 

He also publically accused her of being addicted to hard drugs. 

Feeling Hurt

While most people knew these were lies, it still hurt Molly to know that her friends and family were seeing these things. 

She had reported his posts on Facebook, but it didn't seem like anything was going to be done about it. 

A Warning

Molly decided to contact the police as she feared that her ex-boyfriend might try to hurt her even more.  

After she made the police report, one of the officers got in touch with Joshua and warned him to stay away from her. Sadly, his reaction wasn't what Molly hoped for. 

Not Giving Up

Instead of leaving Molly alone, Joshua decided to ignore the police warning. His behavior was getting worse and worse. 

He started to follow Molly into the gym and set up his gym mat next to hers. 

The Confrontation 

One day, Molly decided enough was enough and confronted him. Joshua, however, just laughed it off and played dumb. 

Molly then texted her mother and her friends as she packed up her gym staff. 

She Was Murdered 

In her texts, Molly explained that he had gone too far, and she couldn't take it anymore. 

Sadly, this was the last time anyone had ever heard from her again. Joshua stabbed Molly in her car as she tried to escape.