Woman Hears A Knock And Running, Finds A Baby On The Doorstep

Unexpected Package

It was the year 2017 when Christmas took an unexpected turn for this couple. They were getting by with their day and tending to their newborn when they heard knocking from the door and the sound of feet residing.

The husband dashed to the door, only to discover an unexpected package.

Abandoned Baby

Laura Rosener had just finished nursing her infant when she heard a knock on her front door on Christmas morning—she hadn't expected anyone, and they'd never had a delivery delivered that way before

And certainly, they were not expecting to open the door and glance down to find a 6-month-old baby abandoned on their doorstep.

Rush Hours

Some distance away from here, a while ago, D’Anna Williams was rushing for last-minute Christmas shopping. In the hustle-bustle of all people sometimes forget things.

However, a small mistake done by D’Anna Williams would cost her tremendously.


Williams tucked her baby boy, Aniken, in the baby seat of the car to go for some shopping. It was Christmas Day and obviously, there was rush everywhere.

She had just gotten him situated when she remembered that she had forgotten to lock the front door of her house.

Terrible Noise

It wasn’t a big deal. The car was parked at the curb and the house was only a few meters away.

So she dashed up the stairs to shut her door, only to be startled by a terrible noise.

Car Door Closing

It was the sound of her car door shutting close. She realised someone had climbed into her parked car.

When she heard a vehicle door slam, she turned around just in time to see a teenager race away with her car, the baby still in the back seat.

Car Drove Away

And the car was driving away. Desperately, Williams sprinted down the street after the car, seeing it slowly vanish from view.

There was nothing she could do except contact the cops at that moment. They arrived soon, but the guy had already left.

The Connection

It was then that someone else was getting an unexpected Christmas delivery at their doorstep. Yes, it was the Rosener family. They had discovered little Aniken at their doorstep.

The baby was upset and crying. Laura's husband Rob carried the crying baby inside the home so they could console him.

A Street Away

They'd heard footsteps rushing away and then a car driving away, but they couldn't understand or picture what had occurred.

Laura phoned the police right away to report an abandoned infant. Unknown to the Roseners, a young mother was terrified and out-of-her-mind with dread when she learned her kid had gone missing just two streets away.

Christmas Miracle

 Thankfully, the story which could have gone very awry turned out to be a Christmas miracle.

Police arrived at the scene where Williams’ car was jacked along with her son. Williams explained to them what had happened. 


Few minutes have only passed by when the police got another call. Someone had found an abandoned baby at their doorstep, few streets have.

Williams rushed to the Rosener’s residence. Hysteric with emotions.

The Arrest

The car thief was identified as a 16-year-old kid who was apprehended and placed into custody.

The juvenile was detained on accusations of abduction in the first degree, theft of a motor vehicle, escaping, and endangering the welfare of a child. He's being held by juvenile authorities. His identity has not been revealed by the police.

The Shock

Both mums were really grateful for how things ended out. It was truly a Christmas miracle.

Though she was too shocked to thank the Roseners properly at the time, she sent Laura a sincere thank you email once she had her son back.

Baby At The Doorstep

Laura was relieved that the infant had also wound up on her front porch.

She had shared this incident on Facebook. “SOMEONE LEFT A BABY ON OUR DOORSTEP THIS MORNING. Someone stole a car and didn’t realize a baby was in the backseat, so they left it on our porch, knocked and drove away.”

Happy Ending

We can only be grateful that the baby was not left on the streets but at Laura’s door. And that the Roseners were at home at that time.

The little boy has reunited with his mother thanks to the swift response of the police and the assistance of Williams and the Rosener.