Woman Gets Married In Hospital Just 18 Hours Before Losing Her Battle For Life

The day had finally come. Heather and David were getting married! Their eyes were filled with tears, and hearts were embraced with happiness. Regardless of all the tubes and wires attached to Heather's body, she felt like the most beautiful bride in the world that day. 

As they were saying their vows, David's heart ached for the moment. He knew that he was marrying the love of his life as he placed the ring on her finger, his eyes welled up in happy tears. They were meant to spend the rest of their lives together. However, they did not know that eighteen hours later, and their fairytale would turn into a nightmare...  

Meet Heather and David

Heather, a Connecticut lady had a jolly personality with a loving heart. She loved to dance and spend time with her family. There was David, 35, who was a lonely guy waiting for true love to come.

These two people were living their separate lives up until one crucial day. It was a lovely Wednesday, and both David and Heather were making their way to the studio where they had a class. Little did they know that this class will change their lives forever. 

They Met in a Dance Class

Their love tale began in an unexpected moment in a dance class where they met. They went to get to know each other better and started falling in love. 

Their first date was beautiful, romantic, and memorable. One day they realized they like one another and opened up about it in a long-hearted discussion. Soon their relationship will have a swift unexpected turn. 

Spending Their Lives Together

David told himself that Heather, this young lady, could be his lifemate and with whom he might spend his entire life. They hoped to get married and start a family someday. They, as well as their family and friends, were looking forward to it. 

They always discussed their plans, to have a house, to have children, and to be life-long partners. This was what the people around them motivate them to do. Moreover, David's desire became a reality when he proposed to Heather.

David Proposed to Heather

David was going to propose to Heather a year later, and everything could have gone perfectly. David planned the entire proposal with the help of his friends and Heather's family. 

Before proposing, Davide sought approval from Heather's parents. David was confident that Heather will say yes, and he was looking forward to it. All of the resources were poured into that plan.

Heather Wasn't Feeling Well

However, that day will forever change the lives of the loving couple. The problem was that Heather wasn't feeling well the day before. She asked David to accompany her to the hospital for a checkup, and David agreed. 

They went to the hospital together, and he was assisting her. Heather told her partner she was not feeling well. They were looking for better outcomes from the doctor.

Unexpected Results

They were both astonished and saddened by the outcome of the examination. The woman was diagnosed with a kind of breast cancer that was particularly aggressive. Heather had a fifty percent chance of surviving, according to the doctor. 

Some people told David, "You better get out of here before it's too late." However, David was unaffected by the bad news and still proposed to Heather that night. He didn't care what happens as long as he could show Heather he loves her.

Unforgettable Moment

After David became aware of Heather's situation, David still had a tremendous and romantic proposal plan in the works. He created a plan with a regal theme to ensure his girl felt like a princess that night. Furthermore, David claimed Heather's sweet yes, and he was thrilled that Heather and he were finally going to be married.

"She had no idea I was going to propose to her that night, obviously," he told CBS Hartford affiliate WFSB. "I said to myself, 'She needs to know she's not going down this road alone,'" he said.

Wedding Day

The bride and groom prepared for the most important day of their lives, their wedding. Heather underwent a round of chemotherapy, and everyone was surprised to learn that she was on the mend. 

The couple had even selected their wedding date for December 30th, and their worries were gradually dissipating. All of their relatives were preoccupied with planning their wedding. Her wedding gown was being prepared, as was her elaborate wedding service. Moreover, David had arranged for all of the wedding's obligations.

Dreadful News

However, the couple received startling news at their next exam when the doctor informed them that cancer had gone to her brain. "We discovered it was in her brain, and a few months later, she was on life support with a breathing tube," David explained. 

"She was tough...anyone else would have given up long ago. The doctors even claimed they don't know how she's still alive." David was exhausted at the time, but he persisted in standing up and encouraging Heather to be strong and confident in her ability to overcome this.

Wedding Rescheduled

They had intended to be married on December 30, 2017, but physicians persuaded them to marry sooner. The couple was stunned and saddened by the doctor's advice to move forward with the wedding date. They were all disappointed by this news, but David found a way, and since he loves Heather, he would go to any length to ensure that the wedding takes place. 

Every day, minute, and hour, David hoped and took steps to make it happen. Many people admired him because he proved that true love still exists in the world.

His Word To Heather

It was not too late for David to leave her to escape the pain. One had the opportunity to find another woman while they were still young. All of those words couldn't change the fact that David was committed to his fiance.

David was unaffected by these statements because he always remembered that he would always be there for Heather no matter what happened. Even though Heather advised him to go and find another woman because she was no longer able to live in this world, David remained committed and loyal to her.

Made It Happen

Even though the couple knew they didn't have much time left, they still planned a large party. When that day arrived, their entire families and friends were present to share in their joy. 

People helped her wear her gorgeous wedding gown and apply her make-up, making her feel like the most beautiful bride in the world. Heather believed she was the prettiest woman on that particular day. She couldn't believe how she looked because of her situation. She looked at herself in the mirror and was beyond grateful for the love and support from her family and friends.

Unusual Wedding

Heather was in her hospital bed, being carried by a few others, rather than the typical bride walking down the chapel aisle. That night, she looked like a stunning bride. Heather looked beautiful in a gorgeous white gown with grey and white beads all over.

David's eyes welled up with emotions of delight as he entered the chapel. Heather was crying as well because her fantasy wedding with her soon-to-be husband had finally come true.

No Tears Held Back

This was the happiest moment of their lives and the people who were there to show support! The couple's guests, as well as hospital workers, attended the event. When David placed a ring on his bride's finger, it was a proper wedding ceremony. 

Only the bride had a short life expectancy, and even the priest couldn't hold back his tears. Heather and David exchanged vows, promising to love one another until death separated them.

Became Trending

Pictures from the wedding had gone viral, including the one taken at the end of the ceremony in which Heather was seen with both hands up as she sits in a hospital bed clothed in a wedding gown with medical tubes hooked up to her mouth and arm. 

Many internet users adore their love story because it was so touching but heart-wrenching to say the least. They received so much support from people on social media who have sent their love and prayers to the pair.

Spending the Night together

After all, the visitors and friends had left David in his ways. They spent the entire evening together and talked for hours, appreciating their time as husband and wife

They reminisced about the day they first met and their first date and recalled all of their pleasant times together. Heather expressed her gratitude for being by her side through sickness and in health. At the same time, they cried happy tears while holding each other.

That Night

While they were talking, Heather fell asleep, and David looked at her. David's gaze was drawn to Heather's face. He made sure that the time he spends with her wife was well spent. 

David noticed Heather was out of breath all of a sudden. That night, David was frightened and panicked, and he called all of the hospital staff to their room.

Eighteen Hours After

Eighteen hours after the wedding, Heather died. For exactly 18 hours, she was the happiest person living her best life. She passed away with a smile on her face, knowing that David cared about her and was holding her heart in his hands. 

David and Heather demonstrated to the rest of the world that love is the most potent force on the planet. She died amicably as she spent her final breath with those she loved, especially her husband.

December 30th

On Dec. 30, their original wedding date, Mosher said goodbye to his wife at her funeral, in the same church they were scheduled to get married in. Despite the challenging year, they faced after their engagement, David said he was much inspired by his wife,

“She’s my great love, and I’m going to lose her, but I’m not losing her forever,” he said. “Heather said, ‘I want to keep fighting,’ so that’s the mantra I’m picking up. She was able to fight till the end. I’m going to fight until my end.”

The Funeral

David was in a whole lot of pain, as evidenced by the tears rolling down from his eyes. David couldn't imagine seeing his wife at her own funeral. David reminded himself that Heather was happy and was in a better place since he did everything to make her happy before she died. 

He was always praying for Heather to be at peace. He convinced himself that he needed to rise above this since that was what his wife desired.

From Wedding to the Grave Real Quick

One doesn't want to watch their loved ones laying on their graves. It happened so quickly for the couple that they only had less than a day as husband and wife.

David had not anticipated this kind of situation occurring to them. He saw his wife, who was supposed to be at the altar but was now being carried to the cemetery. It was a heartbreaking circumstance for the couple.

David's Recovery

It was difficult to move on. David's family was supporting him in moving on and overcoming the anguish he was experiencing. He was unable to sleep at night due to his thoughts of Heather and what their life could have been.

David frequently reminisced about his time with his wife in his nightmares. He always took flowers to Heather at the grave and he constantly made Heather feel special, even when they were on the opposite side of life.

Unique Love Story

Whether unhappy or joyous, each of us has a different and unique story to tell. One may be lucky or unlucky in love, but there will come a time when one will meet someone with whom they will share their life.

Always keep in mind that one can inspire others. This story, too, has a lesson for everyone. Sharing one's love isn't a negative thing because it's much better if it inspires others.

No Happy Ending

There isn't always a happy ending to a story. Sometimes, like in the case of this couple, one gets that narrative that doesn't finish with "And they lived happily ever after."

 They love each other, but the universe hasn't given them much time to be together. However, both of them made the most of their time as each other's constant. 

Love That Lasts

It isn't very comforting to consider that we'll have to live without our mother, father, brother, husband, or wife one day. Or that one day we'll have to walk this earth without our best friend by our side, or that they will have to walk this earth without us. 

The story of Heather and David will inspire so many couples out there to not give up on their partner. It shows that if a couple is meant to be, they both will do everything in their power to make that person the happiest.