Woman Fakes Covid To Go Out For Party, Her Lies Backfire

Taking Advantage

For all of us, the previous two years have been a nightmare, but as with every scenario, there will always be someone who attempts to take advantage of such dire times.

That is precisely what one woman did when she pretended to have Covid in order to get out of work and go out to party. 

Asking Day-off

Ellie had asked her boss for day-offs saying she has contracted Covid. And seeing the present situation like any other employer her boss gave her leave without asking further questions.

But she had no idea that her friend's Snapchat Story was about to expose her lies.

Master Plan

Ellie didn't think her boss would ever find out she was on a night out with pals when she told him she was home sick with COVID.

She felt her master plan had gone through without a hitch as she lived it up with friends in a nightclub - until she received an unsettling text from her boss.

Partying And Social Media

Ellie shared the entire story through her Tiktok account. The video garnered over 230,000 views and went viral. 

She stated how she and her friends were enthusiastically sharing clips of their night on her social media accounts in a viral video. But that's where her lie got caught.

The First Message

Ellie was startled to receive a text from her boss halfway through the night, inquiring about her whereabouts.

On her account, she shared the screenshot of her boss message, "Where are you?"

Boss Was Not Having It

Ellie responded by saying she was at home and wondering why he was asking, playing along with her lies about having Covid and having to isolate at home.

But her boss wasn't playing around and, dropped the next bomb.

Further Questions

He then continued, "How come you're out?" without giving her the chance to lie her way out of it.

Ellie, clearly concerned, decided to dig herself further into the ground and responded, "I'm not?" "Why've you thought that?"

Caught Red Handed

Her boss had seen one of Ellie's friends Snapchat where she was seen out partying. He replied her stating so, busting her lies.

Snapchat? Sharing the pics? Big rookie mistake.

Digging Deeper Hole

Ellie decided to go harder with her lie and replied, "My test was negative, I did one of my mum's PCR tests and they came back straight away because she works in a care home." 

She further added. "So I went to Lily's birthday party just to show my face but I can be back at work tomorrow because I'm negative."


Not believing her one bit her boss asked her to send him email confirmation of the test, which of course wasn't real and hence she cannot produce.

She ended the clip by saying that she was absolutely going to get fired.

Public's Response

Tiktok users had a wild debate on this, few defending her and many outright criticising her.

One TikTok user commented, "No cos I actually got fired for doing this. Bro first rule of faking being sick no videos or pics public for at least a month."

Better Excuse

Another viewer added, "I did this and faked a positive email but screenshot it instead of forward it."

A third viewer said that she could have said migraine instead of Covid, which is a common excuse for day-off.


Many criticised Ellie for attempting to scam the system at a time when so many people were already suffering.

The unpleasant discussion, understandably, made viewers cringe


Abusing the system like this in times when people face difficulties getting a job and earning money for a livelihood should never be tolerated.

This is horrendous, considering she made light of something which has caused immeasurable suffering and pain to so many people all around the world.

Lesson Learned

Losing the job seems like enough of a punishment for her. Hoping that she learned a valuable lesson from this.

It goes without saying, but please don't fake Covid.