Wild Office Photos - These Are Worth Seeing

A Prank Of Affection

Working in an office can seem mundane, but with the right team, it can be amazing! The average office worker spends more time with their colleagues than their family so it’s important to make it count! But what happens when things get too extreme? Could these co-workers face each other again?

These hilarious office photos will make you burst out laughing. Do you think you would have the guts to pull these off? Take a look at the wildest office photos we’ve ever seen! 

 Searching For A New Employee

One Google employee made a fatal error. He told his team he was leaving the search engine mogul for a competitor. They decided to send him out in a delicious style, but who would dare cut the first slice of cake? In true Google fashion, the cake read, "Did you mean: Congratulations Traitor!"

When a team member leaves, it’s tough to find the words or a gift that will help to commemorate your team together. They say the eyes are the portal to the soul, so why not capture your colleagues' true essence? Take a look at this next gift for future inspiration—or nightmares!

I Can’t Keep My Eyes Off You

Personalized pillows are great gifts for your favorite colleagues. However, when deciding what picture to put on them, we'd suggest going with something a little less creepy than what this guy did!  

No matter how much you love your face, it doesn't mean everyone else does too! This next prank sends chills down our spine! We didn’t realize the office was the next stage for the Phantom of the Opera. Would you ever sacrifice your skin to make an office sign? How dedicated are you to the perfect office prank?

This Is Why We’re Always Out Of Toner

One employee wanted to create more privacy and stop people from peeking into his office. He took serious steps to make sure the window remained blacked out and decided to put his best cheek forward. The image gives us the creeps, but we hope people took a hint and stopped knocking on his door. 

Sometimes the perfect moment lines up right in front of you, and snapping a picture can keep the memory for years to come. Take a dive into the cool waters of office pranks and find out where this hippo-crite works!

Is It Lunchtime? 

One colleague decided to capture his teammate in true form. With the best screen saver image! It's a work of art seeing this beast swim in the dangerous office waters. We wonder if he knew what was happening behind the 'screens' while he peeped into the boss's office? 

Our next picture is all about saving the environment—kind of! This one team leader really wanted to inspire her team, but we think she forgot a crucial detail. 

Baby Green Steps

On average, one office employee will use 2 pounds or 10,000 photocopies every year! That's one tree per person in an office space. It’s easy in this digital world for everyone to take steps towards saving the planet. This team leader tried to leave a powerful message but forgot one important thing.  

Going green essentially means not using as much paper. We don’t think she realized the connection and will hopefully just send out a company-wide email next time. But battling against printing isn’t the only conversation to have with your team, one person took it upon themselves to call out their colleagues' sweet tooth. 

Where Is Your Self-Control?

It’s always nice when someone refills a communal candy jar. One colleague got fed up with how much her team took advantage of a sweet treat and let them know her true feelings. How do you think you would handle the temptation of free gumballs? 

One team decided to show their Halloween spirit, but how embarrassing when everyone dressed the same! Enter this room carefully or risk the wrath of a few prehistoric beasts. Would you scream or laugh at this meeting? 

T-Rex Terrific Team

A popular animal on the internet for their humorous little arms, one department decided to see how productive they could be channeling the ancient beast. We don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this creative approach. Do you think their arms could reach the monitors? 

A highlight of any working day would be lunchtime! If you are lucky enough to stretch your legs and go outdoors, having a picturesque water fountain can give you space to clear your mind. Would you try to get this picture taken before going back to work, or would you just admire it from afar?

Lunch Break Adventures

These colleagues saw a perfect opportunity to snap a picture on their lunch break. The timing and weather were just right for them to capture this memory. Would you be creative to think of this placement or just observe from far away?

If you don’t work in an office, then you are forced to make the most out of your home environment. It might involve getting a bit more creative, but you might be the boss you’ve ever had. One freelancer took advantage of not having to share their spoils! Do you think they went overboard?

Working From Home

One of the perks of working in an office is team lunches! When you work from home, it’s still important to keep morale up, but this one freelancer went a little bit further. Eating a sweet breakfast will hopefully maximize their work productivity; we just wish we were able to steal a leftover!

If you don’t work at home, then most offices make you wear a name badge. This does two things. It helps with security and also helps your partners remember your first name. Watch what this office does if you forget your badge at home. 

The Cone Of Shame 

A popular accessory at a vet office, you don’t see it very often anywhere else. The cone is effective to make sure our furry friends leave their stitches alone, but for adults, it's a reminder that you forgot one crucial part of your uniform. We recognize this mascot from an animated classic and wonder if it brought this employee's day into 3-D color!

We always want to encourage employee incentive and creativity, but we don’t know about this. Click to see the next image and if you would dare to renovate your workspace to this extreme ...

A Standing Desk & Ovation

This employee heard that standing all day was better for their health, but we are so curious to know what they’re standing on now! It looks like he removed the floor, and we have no idea what would be under there! If we could check out this team for the day, we might steer clear of any of their other inventions. 

Besides having your own workstation, everyone usually has at least one mug they prefer in the office. A simple repetitive gesture that makes the coffee taste better and feels dependable every day. Watch how this team supported their members' preferences. 

It’s My Mug, Please

When you get into the office, the first place you go is the coffee machine. You’ll probably spend more time there than at your desk. Not having a clean mug can be frustrating but watching someone else drink coffee out of your mug can induce rage! One teammate decided to put out a reminder to their colleagues, and the result was priceless. 

It seems everyone definitely knows which mug belongs to who, but they also want this particular employee to loosen up. Would you ever participate in a prank like that? Even superheroes need to have team meetings, but would you believe all five power rangers would have technical difficulties?

Power Down Rangers

Even when faced with fighting crime, it’s essential to regroup as a team. All of the power rangers gathered to review some important information, and it didn’t take long for someone to snap a picture! It definitely shows great team spirit, and we know they’re doing their best to keep the office safe!

It’s not often your favorite celebrity comes to visit at the office! What would you do if you were face to face with Nicholas Cage? Would you be able to maintain eye contact or faint from the excitement? This team really wanted to make sure their associates' dreams came true!

Nicholas Cage Came For A Visit

Call it obsession or motivation, but this one team made sure to capture this employee's passion for their birthday! We think they definitely unlocked the cage of imagination! Would you be thrilled or annoyed to find your office desk space like this? 

Sometimes when teams try to go green, they recycle products for interesting use. We’re not sure about the bigger message, but we’re happy to see them finding creative ways to use their cardboard before they throw it out. 

Tell Us How You Really Feel

This team decided to let their management know how they were feeling mid-week. We’ll give you three guesses to understand how they’re feeling. It’s important to keep humor alive and a smile on our faces while we get busy with work. 

A good joke can go a long way, and we don’t think they need to apologize for being comedic relief. This next employee made a monster instead of completing their mounting paperwork. Do you find their creation inspiring or intimidating? We wouldn’t feel comfortable with this on our desk!

Clip Art 

Using binder clips and a staple remover, this colleague created a new meaning to a work-friend. If you aren’t getting along with the people on your team, why not just make your own friends and get a motivational speech in short clips. 

Many office spaces are becoming dog-friendly, and we love to see pictures of furry friends keeping their human company. If your four-legged friend can’t travel, the next best thing to do is put up pictures and make it feel like they are there. Do you think this one worker went too far with their feline obsession?

You’re Purr-fect To Me

It’s safe to say this employee really misses their cat while they are at work. We think it might border on obsession. With so many cute pictures to choose from, it’s hard to pick just one as a favorite. Would you decorate your office space like this or simplify with only one photo in a frame?

Regardless of what your pet is, it gives us a dopamine boost just seeing their cute furry faces. We definitely can see why bringing your dog to work would be a smashing success! This next office might need to invest in a new cleaning crew after pulling off this messy spill. 

That’s One Way To Clean

This colleague was enjoying a hot beverage and managed to spill it everywhere. We can tell by the amount of creativity there's no hope in getting this out of the carpet any time soon. What do you see in this ink stain? It might reveal more than you are willing to share with your team! 

This next office prank proves that with patience and scotch tape, anything is possible. We know everyone has a bit of gift wrap for last-minute company presents, but we think they definitely had to stock up after this epic prank! 

With A Bow

One partner was on vacation when their team decided on the perfect gift for their return. We’re impressed with the focus on detail and color scheme but can’t imagine the frustration of returning to work and having to unwrap your monitor and chair! 

One team wanted to prank their male colleagues and put up some interesting art in their facilities. While it's a gentle approach, do you think it would result in performance anxiety? Try to hold back your giggles as we look at this decorative decision. 

A Work Of Art 

We aren’t sure if they were trying to be funny or sweet, but this vintage art in the men's facilities manages to do both. It gives us renaissance vibes and energy, and we hope their co-workers found it elegantly placed. 

One employee wanted to visualize his skills and decided to focus on the stars. We don’t know if these elastic bands were easy to find, but we also don’t think Paul is giving himself enough credit! Take time to find the art in every moment with this helpful office reminder. 

Tell Us A Yarn 

We all know it’s a big world but we think Paul sums it up perfectly. Finding these supplies and making these helpful diagrams hopefully got him a little bit of credit instead of extra work! Would you be a star in this world or do you feel more grounded with Paul?

Small talk can be the worst and sometimes make you feel like you are just repeating the same facts fifty times a day. What do you think about this person’s sign to skip all the annoying repetitive questions? Can you think of anything else you’d like to ask?

Please Read First 

I think this employee took the words right out of our mouth! We remember the struggle of trying to avoid listening or hearing any spoilers at work but think they could have held back a little in what they revealed to Linda. 

Sometimes a simple message can be distracting from the big picture. For this employee, the big picture was their annoyance at another team member who felt like their voice wasn’t being heard. Watch how a simple request completely misses the mark of what this company’s worth. 

A Font Fine Line 

There are many reasons to keep a door closed. It might create a draft or let in unwanted noise; either way, this request was easy enough to complete. One operator, however, wanted to point to an even bigger issue with a childish approach. We don’t know why they brought lemonade stands into it, but this argument makes us thirsty for details. 

At least we've learned one thing about fortune 500 companies—they don't use comic sans! It might not be evident at first, but some new employees definitely get preferential treatment. One team member put everyone else on the backburner when this new girl started. 

 A Simple Query

Getting a new team member can be exciting! You instantly hope to be friends and wonder where they were working before you met them. Some colleagues might get a little bit ahead of themselves and make themselves too available to answer any and all questions. 

At one office these three co-workers were spotted putting in the extra time to help out one new attractive member. Would you be willing to watch or would you also be trying to get brownie points with the new associate? Would you lend a helping hand to this struggling employee?

A Boss Thinking Outside The Box

It was a shocking day when this boss got locked in his office. As the teams crowded around to watch him bravely escape, we have to wonder why there was a hole in the wall in the first place. Hopefully, after today they found a new emergency exit strategy!

When this coworker gave his two-week notice, he didn’t expect to hurt so many of his friends. They decided to bake him a cake that would properly display their level of sadness. Do you think revenge tastes as sweet as it looks? 

It’s Been A Slice

I wonder if this baker had any questions when he received this very personal order. It looks like the team is trying to mask their emotions of sadness by pretending to be angry. We know Ben will be missed by his team and hope his new workplace is just as fun as his last!

In a team environment, every member has value, no matter how big or small. This team found one team member wasn’t getting the proper appreciation and decided to take it upon themselves to uplift their spirits. 

All The Way Up The Food Chain

This tiny office creature is gone but not forgotten. What started as a simple, overlooked cleaning choice snowballed into a full-on memorial. We imagine the crickets name was Jimmy, and he had a clear conscience before he passed over. 

If the coffee machine is ever broken, this next prank will make sure you are wide awake. This is the fastest way to stop being friends with your colleagues! Make sure you buy earplugs and think carefully before attempting to pull off this office prank! 

A Blast Of Recognition

This coworker got in really early to get this bull horn attached to their colleague's chair—a simple prank with very loud consequences. Keep your fingers crossed that no one woke up that morning with a migraine. Watch out for any pre-existing conditions because this prank is sure to cause a heart attack!

Even though you might like all your teammates, it doesn’t mean you know their full schedule. Sometimes you need to take control and let your team know you aren’t responsible for one person. This employee had enough and made the perfect sign to vent his frustrations!

Where’s Ed?

Conversation can run a little bit dry when you see the same people every day. One employee had enough and made the perfect sign to ignore the repeated question, “Where’s Ed”? We’re curious how often Ed isn’t at his desk but love the simplicity of the chart! 

Another sign that takes the cake was put up by this office’s IT department. Working with computers all day means you rarely interact with anyone else, but would you be able to follow these instructions just to reset your password?

 IT Zone: Approach Slowly 

We’re not sure what incident triggered this post, but we’re glad it did. Imagining colleagues slowly opening the door and serenading their IT Help desk department brings a big smile to our face. Do you know the words to the famous ballad, or would you just whisper hello and see what happens?

Can you imagine having to bring a change of clothes to work because you would be involved in a food fight? It might seem hard to believe, but supervisors everywhere are trying to find new ways to motivate their staff for results. Would you slide down this next picture or just film everyone else having fun?

Wet N Wild Fridays

We’ve heard of casual Fridays, but what day of the week do you organize a slip n slide down the office? Using soap, this team found a great way to blow off steam and support each other. It seems like a fantastic activity! 

It’s one thing to slide down a hallway, but it's something different to walk through a stinky hallway. One employee had enough and put up this gentle reminder. We don’t think they got the results they anticipated. 

Heinz Results 

We don’t know which leftovers would make a newsroom smell like “old ketchup,” but it looks like someone didn’t take this request seriously. It’s impressive how clearly they were able to write their letters, and if this office job ever fails, they might have a new career in the arts industry. 

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery but did this team take it one step too far? Do you think you have a uniform your colleagues could duplicate? It’s time to dive into what we really mean by self-expression and one employee's sense of style. 

Bring The Boss To Work Day

This team decided to impersonate their boss for one day, and we think they nailed it! From the details to the hoodie, hat, and mustache, it looks like they nailed it! Do you think this impression would help or hinder their employee review? 

Everyone knows that having a good boss can change your working experience. It makes a massive difference to every member of the team if their boss is approachable. If your employer locked themselves in a castle, would you risk walking through the drawbridge?

Locked Away In A Fairytale 

This last employee has done a great job recycling products, but we don’t know if we would be brave enough to enter their castle. Do we wonder why they needed to build out such a detailed design? Your working environment should be a safe space, but it should be in the real world and not a fantasy. 

We know everyone has different colleagues, but these office pictures really show another level of fun! In this office space, everyone seems to get along and has a great sense of humor! Would you fit in here, or would you be more reserved? You never know what a work week will bring when you have creative colleagues!