Wife Insists Neighbor Take DNA Test After Noticing Their Kids Look Alike

Out Of Character

Brittany was filled with disbelief as a sense of dread gnawed at her for weeks. She was shocked when her husband, Mark, prohibited their kids from playing with the new neighbors. This behavior was completely out of character for him, prompting her to dig deeper to uncover the reasons behind his sudden change. What she found left her reeling and heartbroken.

On the day she uncovered the painful truth, Brittany felt as if her world had crumbled. She spent hours in the living room, lost in thought, anxiously waiting for Mark to return home. When she finally heard his car pull into the driveway, a heavy weight settled in her chest, and she braced herself for the confrontation she dreaded.

Uncovering The Truth

Brittany Vance would always remember the day she uncovered the shocking truth about her husband of over fifteen years. It began like any ordinary morning: she prepared breakfast for her family and shared a kiss with her husband as he headed off to work.

Later that afternoon, while sipping coffee on her front porch, Brittany caught sight of their neighbor, Susan. An unsettling sensation tightened in her stomach, signaling that something was amiss. In that moment, she sensed that there were secrets lurking beneath the surface, and her instincts warned her that all was not as it seemed.

Leaving Her Puzzled

For weeks, Mark had been behaving strangely around their new neighbor, leaving Brittany puzzled. She couldn’t comprehend why he seemed so upset about the woman who had just moved in across the street, especially since she found herself curious about the mysterious newcomer.

Brittany was baffled by Mark's insistence that she avoid any conversation with the woman and his strict rules against their children playing with her two young daughters. However, that day promised to reveal the truth behind his unusual behavior, and Brittany was determined to uncover what was really going on.

The Fresh Air

Brittany sat on her front porch, relishing the fresh air when she made a choice. It was time to cross the street and talk to the woman next door; she felt the need to grasp the situation better. 

Setting her empty cup down, she stood up and walked toward Susan, who was busy watering her lawn. Little did Brittany know, this simple act would set off a chain of events that would change everything for her.

Her Smile Faltering

Brittany walked up to the woman, her smile faltering as she caught sight of Susan’s tense expression. “Hi, Susan, isn’t it?” she called out, hoping to break the ice.

Susan turned to face Brittany, a hint of confusion creasing her brow. “I believe we need to have a conversation about what’s happening between you and my husband—” she began, but before she could complete her thought, her young daughter raced toward them, interrupting the moment.

Caught Sight Of Her Face

“Mommy, look what I found!” the little girl exclaimed, proudly holding up an old toy for her mother to see. Brittany knelt down to get a closer look, but her heart sank when she caught sight of the girl’s face.

Brittany was struck by the child’s resemblance to someone she knew all too well. A whirlwind of memories flooded her mind as she glanced up at Susan. Yet, it was the sorrow in Susan’s eyes that truly gripped her, revealing a depth of pain that was impossible to ignore.


Brittany Vance grew up in Houston, Texas, with a deep-rooted belief in true love. From an early age, she fantasized about marrying her ideal partner and creating a big family filled with joy and laughter.

Upon graduating from college, Brittany met Mark, who immediately captured her heart. His charisma and sense of humor made her feel cherished, and he vowed to support her dreams. When Brittany shared her aspiration of being a stay-at-home mom, Mark assured her he would do everything possible to make that dream a reality.

Delighted In Showering Her

He was a thriving entrepreneur who delighted in showering Brittany with extravagant gifts. However, the most significant present he ever bestowed upon her was a stunning engagement ring, given just a year into their relationship. The evening he proposed was filled with joy, as Brittany's excitement was palpable.

Shortly after their wedding, the couple sought a charming home in the suburbs, envisioning a nurturing environment for their future family. They soon settled into a picturesque and peaceful neighborhood, perfect for building the life they dreamed of together.

Ecstatic About Her New Life

Brittany was ecstatic about her new life in the suburbs, sharing a home with her best friend. Just months after moving in, she discovered she was expecting their first child, a boy named Michael. As time went on, they happily welcomed two more children, feeling their family was finally complete. 

Being a stay-at-home mom brought Brittany immense joy. She cherished every milestone, from her children's first words to their first steps. However, the excitement was often overshadowed by the reality that Mark was rarely around, leaving her to navigate motherhood mostly on her own.

Dedicated Business Man

Mark was a dedicated businessman, often working late into the night and embarking on at least one business trip each month. Although Brittany found it challenging to manage the home front alone, she understood that he was striving to support their family.

However, just two years after the birth of their youngest daughter, things took a strange turn. Mark started to spend even less time at home, increasing his business trips to every two weeks. The sudden change left Brittany feeling unsettled and concerned about the impact on their family life.

Distant And Angry

Brittany felt like she hardly ever got to spend time with her husband anymore. He was always at work, and when he was home, he seemed distant and angry. She always assumed he was just overwhelmed with work.

But she never could have guessed that her husband was hiding a dark secret. His strange behavior lasted for four years before it suddenly stopped. Suddenly, he spent a lot less time away from home.

His Schedule Changed

During those few years, Brittany had no idea what had been going on during those four years. She simply assumed that his work schedule had just changed. For a while, they were happy again.

Mark spent more time at home bonding with his wife and children and went back to spending only a week per month out of town. But one sunny summer afternoon, she saw that same angry look in his eyes.

A Morning Out

That Saturday morning, Brittany and Mark had decided to leave the children with a nanny while they went out to enjoy a quick breakfast date. It had been ages since the last time they had spent some quality time together.

Mark seemed to be in a wonderful mood that morning. They spent hours talking and laughing at the stories he told about his busy week at work. But when they got home, something truly bizarre happened.

New Neighbors

As they pulled up to their driveway, Brittany quickly spotted the moving van across the street. Someone had finally bought the empty home right across from where they had been living for those fifteen years.

“Oh, look, honey! We have new neighbors! We should introduce ourselves,” Brittany said with a wide smile. But as she glanced across the street, she noticed the blonde woman standing beside the van.

Worked Up

“She looks nice,” Brittany said, staring out the passenger-side window, but when she turned to look at her husband, she noticed a strange look on his face. It was a look she had seen for the first time a few years ago while they were going through their tough patch.

Mark was clearly worked up as he stared out of the window directly at the blonde woman across the street. He was upset, but Brittany had no idea that his biggest secret had just moved onto their street.

Give Them Time

“What do you say, should we introduce ourselves?” she asked, trying to lighten the mood which had suddenly changed. But his eyes only darkened at that question. He shook his head, turning off the ignition. 

“No, let’s give them some time to move in,” he said sternly and opened the car door. Brittany watched as he walked toward the front door of their house, his shoulders tensed as he stared at the floor. She knew something was wrong.

He Wasn’t Around

That afternoon, Brittany spent her time with the children, cooking for them and watching movies with them. But Mark wasn’t around. He had locked himself in his office, claiming that he had urgent work to tend to.

Brittany didn’t say a word, but deep down, in the pit of her stomach, she could sense that something wasn’t right. She kept thinking about Mark’s strange reaction to seeing the new neighbor. Did he know the beautiful blonde woman?

He Was Busy

For the rest of that day, Brittany hardly saw or heard from her husband. Each time she knocked on his office door, he claimed that he was busy with urgent work, but the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach only seemed to grow.

Brittany tried not to think about it too much, but the following afternoon, something truly bizarre happened. Brittany and Mark were in the park with their children when the new neighbor and her children showed up. 

Young Children

Brittany smiled when she saw the two young children by the woman’s side. She wondered if her children would get along with the new kids on the block. But when their children began to play with the new neighbors, Mark snapped.

Brittany was caught off guard when her husband arose from the park bench and began walking toward their children, calling their names, “Come on; we’re going home,” he said with that same angry look on his face.

She Was Confused

That day, Brittany sat on the park bench, confused, as she watched her husband walk their children back to the house, his shoulders tensed and his face twisted in anger.

That was when she knew something wasn’t right. Mark had always been a kind, patient, and compassionate man, but from that moment on, something changed.


Brittany tried to ask her husband about his strange behavior in the following days, but he kept saying things like, “I don’t want them around children we don’t know,” or “They have enough other friends in the neighborhood.”

It didn’t make sense to Brittany. Although their children already had many other friends, she thought it was wonderful that they wanted to get to know the new kids on the block.

Strange Behavior

However, as the days progressed, Mark’s behavior only ever became stranger. He was grumpy, just like all those years before. Brittany couldn’t help but notice that it all had started when their new neighbors arrived.

But one evening, something truly bizarre happened. It was just a few weeks after the woman had moved onto their street that Brittany discovered something troubling.

His Office

That evening, she cooked dinner for her family, which Mark ate before returning to his office. He’d been spending his evenings in his home office, hardly interacting with Brittany or the kids. But that night, she decided to confront him.

She could tell that Mark was hiding something, and there was nothing she hated more than being left in the dark. She had to know what was going on.

She Noticed Something

It was just after their children had gone to bed that Brittany decided to walk down the hall toward Mark’s office. But that was when she noticed something. Instead of his door being shut and locked, it was cracked open slightly.

Brittany held her breath as she quietly walked down the hall and toward the office door, hoping to get a sneak peek of what her husband was up to. But she was not prepared for what she would come across.

Staring Out The Window

For months, she had been wondering what had gotten into him, but she was about to learn the truth. Standing in the dark hallway, she peeked into his office. That was when she saw something truly bizarre.

Mark wasn’t sitting by his desk as usual. Instead, he stood by one of the windows, looking out of it toward their new neighbor’s house. 

She Saw It

Brittany was confused and worried as she watched her husband, his shoulders tensed as he rubbed at his forehead. But why was he staring at the neighbor’s house? She knew something wasn’t right, but then she saw it.

As her eyes drifted toward her husband’s desk, she noticed the familiar face on his laptop screen. It was their new neighbor, Susan, and he had been looking through her Facebook profile.

She Couldn’t Sleep

That night, Brittany went to bed with a knot in her stomach. She was certain that her husband knew something about their new neighbor that she didn’t know. But what could it be, and why would he hide it?

Brittany barely slept for that entire night. All she could think about was her husband and his strange behavior. She knew she had to get to the bottom of the mystery.

A Day Like Any Other

The following day started like any other. She made breakfast for her family and kissed her husband goodbye as he left for work. But in the back of her mind, she couldn’t stop thinking about the night before.

But that afternoon, while she was enjoying a cup of coffee alone on her front porch, she spotted Susan from across the street. She hadn’t spoken to Susan before, but that was about to change.

She Had To Talk To Her

As she stared at Susan, who was working in her yard, Brittany made a decision. She finally decided to walk across the street and speak to her. She just wanted to understand what was going on.

Placing her empty cup on the table beside her, she arose from her seat and began approaching Susan as she watered her lawn. But her entire world was about to come crashing down around her.


Brittany approached the woman with a smile on her face. “Hi, Susan, right?” she called. When Susan spun around and spotted Brittany, she instantly noticed the agitated look on her face.

Susan nodded with the slightest frown on her face, confused that Brittany had decided to approach her. “I think it’s time we talk. I want to understand what’s going on between you and my husband-” but before she could finish her sentence, Susan’s young daughter came running up toward them.

Her Daughter

“Mommy, look what I found!” the little girl said as she held an old toy up toward her mother. Brittany looked down at the little girl, and as soon as she did, she noticed something that shook her to her very core.

As Brittany stared at the little girl, she couldn’t help but notice familiar features on her face. A million thoughts raced through her head as she looked up at Susan. But as she met her eyes, she noticed the devastation behind them.

A Million Thoughts

A million thoughts raced through Brittany's mind as she stared at the girl in front of her. She couldn’t believe it, she looked just like Mark. She had his nose and eyes, but how could that be?

When Susan noticed the devastation behind Brittany’s eyes, she knew it was time to tell her the truth. “I think it’s time we talk. Would you like to come inside?” Susan asked, gesturing toward her front door. Unable to speak, Brittany nodded.

A Conversation

Susan ordered the children to play outside while she and Brittany sat in the living room. “How do you know my husband?” Brittany asked in a shaky voice, terrified of the answer.

Susan sighed, clearly devastated, as she answered the question. “We used to work together a few years ago. We met on a business trip,” she said, “He never told me he had a wife until a few months ago.”

They Dated

Brittany’s heart shattered when she realized what Susan was hinting at. “We dated for a few months, and I never understood why he never brought me back to his house. Now I understand why,” she said.

That was when she revealed the truth. Susan and Mark were dating during the period when he became so cold and distant. All along, he had been having an affair. 

He Left Her

“He left when I told him I was pregnant with twins,” she sighed sadly. “He said it would ruin his life, but I refused to get rid of the babies. After that, I only ever received child-support checks from him,” she said.

“I only realized he was married a few months ago. I saw it on his Facebook profile,” she revealed. Brittany felt like she was going to be sick.

He Betrayed Her

She couldn’t believe it. After years of loving her husband unconditionally and doing everything in her power to make him happy, she had just learned that he had betrayed her in the worst way possible. 

Brittany couldn’t fight back the tears that soon came streaming down her face. She was sobbing into her hands when Susan handed her a box of tissues.

She Had No Idea

“When I decided to move to this street, I had no idea that he lived here. I never would have come here if I knew,” Susan said, her voice laced with sympathy. But Brittany wasn’t mad at Susan.

Mark had hurt both of them, and she didn’t know if she could ever forgive him for that. It wasn’t long before she returned home with her blood boiling.

Could He?

Brittany spent the rest of that afternoon packing Mark’s bags as she waited for him to get home from work. She couldn’t stop crying as she thought about the years she had spent by his side. How could he do this?

She had always thought she was the luckiest woman in the world to have a husband like Mark, but now, she finally knew the truth.

He Was Home

It wasn’t until 6 pm that she finally heard his keys rattling outside the front door. She was finally going to confront him about what he had done.

His bags had been stacked around the front door, awaiting his arrival. As soon as he stepped through the front door, he spotted Brittany sitting by the kitchen counter with streaks of makeup running down her face.

Confronting Him

She had been sitting there for over an hour, thinking about the perfect thing to say as soon as he stepped through the door. But as soon as he walked in, tears began streaming down her face once again.

“I spoke to Susan. I know everything,” she cried. As soon as those words left her mouth, his face dropped, and he began crying, too.

She Wanted A Divorce

That was the night Brittany told her husband that she wanted a divorce and that she wanted him to leave. They spoke for hours as he tried to. Hegize and begged her to let him stay, but the damage had been done.

It wasn’t until the early morning hours that he finally gave up and decided to gather his bags. He knew he was the reason why he’d lost the most important person in his life.

Mourning The Relationship

Brittany spent the entire night crying and mourning the relationship she had just ended. She had always told him that she wouldn’t tolerate cheating. But she never thought he would actually have an affair.

As she finally drifted off to bed, she reminded herself that the pain was temporary and that someday, she would be happy again.

The Divorce Lawyer

Brittany called a divorce lawyer the very next day. For that entire day, Mark tried to call her again and again, but she wouldn’t respond. She began looking into houses in a different state, desperate to get away from the man who broke her heart.

It was a difficult time for their children too. They couldn’t understand why their mother and father had decided to split.

Moving Away

The divorce was settled several months later, and before they knew it, Brittany and her children were boarding a flight to Florida, where they would be staying close to old friends and family.

Over the months, Brittany had learned how to cope with the deep, intense pain Mark had put her through, and she finally began to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Letting Go

In the end, Brittany moved on with her life. She got herself a good, steady job at her father’s company and sent her children to some of the best schools in Florida. Eventually, she even began dating again.

Although Mark had broken her heart, Brittany was proud of herself for bouncing back on her feet and moving on. She would never forget the man who put her through so much pain.