When They Saw What Was Circling This Pit Bull Puppy, They Rushed To Help

1. Helpless

One curious neighbor had to investigate the strange occurrence and what he found shocked him. The birds had already landed in a local neighbor’s backyard and were eerily hoarding around a small puppy. A helpless puppy that wasn’t moving. 

If the puppy was alive it clearly wasn’t bothered by the birds, but the look on her face said something else was much worse than the appearance of the vultures. She was chained to a tree, with only a plastic dog house for cover in the winter.

2. The Call

The circling vultures had been surrounding Lilo for a full week now and by the looks of her, she had given up on life. Never knowing anything but being tied to a tree and having a small plastic dog house to sit in during the cold winter. 

That’s when Lilo’s neighbor decided enough was enough and called the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. But the neighbor wasn’t sure if there was enough time left to still save Lilo’s life.

3. The Photo

Animal control finally arrived at the backyard where she was tied up, but they could hardly believe their eyes. An entire flock of vultures had surrounded the helpless pup and two were even on the top of her plastic dog house, the only shelter she had from the elements. 

A reporter snapped a photo of the terrifying scene, a picture that is worth a million words and would come back to help little Lilo on her road to recovery and rehabilitation. But the danger wasn’t over yet.

4. Left Behind

Without even the strength to scare the vultures away, the eight-month-old Pit Bull puppy had resolved herself to death. She had nothing to live for and no one to take care of her. But that all was about to change. 

The animal control officers came to the scene and scared the vultures away from the helpless puppy. Lilo the Pit Bull was severely malnourish and obviously neglected so the animal control officers took her. But not before leaving something behind.

5. The Shelter

The Guilford County Animal Control took Lilo to a shelter where she would be safe and taken care of. After a few days though something amazing happened that astounded everyone. 

Especially the officers who had picked Lilo up. The shelter got a call from Lilo’s owners, informing animal control that they would be by to pick up their dog. They also gave promises that they would give her more attention. But would that really be the case?

6. Pit Bull Problem

There was, however, one big issue with Lilo the Pit Bull puppy being at the shelter. The specific shelter that she was taken to, as well as many others, don’t actually adopt out Pit Bulls as a breed. 

Lilo had been at the shelter two weeks already and the clock was ticking on how long she would be able to stay and what the shelter was going to do with her since they don’t adopt out Pit Bulls.

7. Grim Fate

In fact, the opposite is true. If a Pit Bull is brought up properly in a loving home and trained they can be the sweetest of dogs imaginable. But that fact wasn’t about to help poor Lilo, who once again found herself in dire straits. 

Stray animals are kept in shelters for a number of days to give the owners a chance to retrieve them, but dogs given up by their owners are liable to be euthanized at any time if they don’t quickly find a forever home. Lilo had nowhere to go, her owners weren’t coming back for her and due to the shelter’s “no-adoption” policy for Pit Bulls, her fate looked grim.

8. Foster Pup

Through the Merit Pit Bull Foundation, Lilo found herself a foster home until a permanent home could be found for her. After seeing the picture of Lilo surrounded by vultures, couple Keana Lynch and Travis Henley couldn’t not take her in. 

Finally, Lilo was out of imminent danger and brought into a loving home. Even if it was just temporary, Lilo was in a caring home and was being taken care of properly. Then something amazing happened.

9. Family

Lilo soon became a vital part of Keana and Travis’ family. But she didn’t only get two human friends in her adoptive family, she also got two canine companions – Gemma, a pit bull-terrier mix, and Gypsy, a Maltese. 

All three dogs are female and they quickly bonded, giving Lilo friends to always play with, which we’re sure is every dog’s dream. Lilo was finally happy and getting back to being healthy. But there was another big, unexpected reason for that.

10. Always Smiling

Within just a year, however, Lilo went from being a neglected puppy tied to a tree in a backyard surrounded by hungry vultures, to a happy go lucky pup with a loving family and two doggy friends. 

What more could she ask for? If you look at her face it appears as if she is always smiling. She is also taking very well to the training and is very well behaved for having such a traumatic past. What her human mother has to say about her, though, will bring tears to your eyes.

11. Past Traumas

“She still has issues from her past,” Kaena said. “I cannot leave her in the backyard by herself, she comes to the door and cries. She really just wants to be with you. She loves and appreciates what you do for her. She’s a sweet baby.” 

But despite her past, Lilo has a very positive outlook on life and loves living it. She could have easily turned into a savage Pit Bull that hated humans for what happened in her past. But she has a kind heart and just wants to be loved and you won’t believe what she likes best!

12. Teaching

Ever since being rescued, Lilo has also become an ambassador for Pit Bulls all around the world. She and her mother travel to different schools to teach children that Pit Bulls are loving creatures and not the violent monsters people make them out to be. 

They teach that all it takes is a responsible trainer and time and patience. Kids also get to play with Lilo and experience firsthand how loving and gentle Pit Bulls can be. Lilo is certainly an amazing dog, and her story just keeps getting better!

13. The Photo

“She’s definitely part of the family,” Kaena said. “I’m thankful that the News & Record photographer took that photo. He changed her life.” Kaena says that the picture of Lilo surrounded by vultures is what drew her to adopt her. 

Otherwise, Kaena might have never heard of Lilo and had the chance to adopt such an amazing and talented dog, if it hadn’t have been for the photo of Lilo that showed up in the local newspaper. And all the elements that converged to save Lilo haven’t ended their quest there.

14. Puppy Farms

The Merit Foundation also advocates that potential pet owners adopt their pets from shelters or animal rescue organizations such as theirs rather than buying a pet at a pet store. Tens of thousands of pets are euthanized each year in the United States because shelters can’t find them homes and can’t hold all the animals. 

Dogs that are bought in pet shops generally come from puppy farms, farms that breed dogs for a profit and are generally terrible places with low standards of living for the animals. Many of them are overcrowded, force pregnancies at too early an age and too many times a year. If that didn’t make you want to adopt a puppy, the next account certainly will.

15. Adopt, Don’t Buy

One legal case defined a puppy farm as “a dog breeding operation in which the health of the dogs is disregarded in order to maintain a low overhead and maximize profits.” There are also very few laws regulating the breeding of animals in the United States. 

There are currently at least 21 states that carry zero legal regulations for puppy farms, basically, these states serve as safe havens for cruel and inhumane practices. So if you were touched by Lilo’s story and you’re looking for a pet, remember to adopt! Don’t buy.