What Jennifer Lopez Does to Make 47 Look 27

Her meals never include processed food

You could spend hours on Jennifer Lopez's Instagram. Her abs (and legs, and butt, and arms … ) have the power to suck you in and make you wonder how the hell can this woman keep looking better, year after year? The answer: a whole lot of hard work and a pretty strict diet.

Here's the nitty gritty.

Source: Good Housekeeping

On top of that, almost everything Lopez eats is organic. A typical lunch might include salmon and a salad that's packed with veggies. Broccoli, peppers and zucchini drizzled with vinaigrette is a fave, as is kale with crumbled queso and toasted pumpkin seeds.

She snacks smartly

Come dinnertime, she'll switch up the protein — "I like pork and chicken, especially Puerto Rican style!" she told UsWeekly — and enjoy it with quinoa or baked yams.

Source: Good Housekeeping

Let's talk about Lopez's schedule: She's got a regular show at Planet Hollywood in Vegas, she stars in NBC's police drama Shades of Blue and she's a judge on the new dance competition show World of Dance. All this to say, she is always on the go. It can be really easy to reach for a bag of Cheez-Its, but Lopez knows better.

Chocolate chips are her weakness

"I always have healthy snacks, like fruits and vegetables, with me," she revealed to People.

Source: Good Housekeeping

When Lopez does indulge, it's not with black bean brownies trying to masquerade as the real deal. The singer's new boo, Alex Rodriguez revealed on The View that her guilty pleasures are chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.

She doesn't stick to just one type of exercise

Source: Good Housekeeping

When Lopez does indulge, it's not with black bean brownies trying to masquerade as the real deal. The singer's new boo, Alex Rodriguez revealed on The View that her guilty pleasures are chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.

JLo never touches three things

Source: Good Housekeeping

We all have our vices — avocados, chocolate, unicorn anything and everything — but Lopez doesn't indulge in any of the usuals. "I don't drink or smoke or have caffeine," she told UsWeekly.

There's a reason her skin still looks so young

On the rare occasion that she does indulge in coffee, it's always decaf.

Source: Good Housekeeping

And it's what your mom has been telling you for years. "I'm rarely in the sun, but if I am, I wear a lot of sunscreen," Lopez told UsWeekly.

Keeping her complexion clear is also a big reason JLo cites for skipping caffeine and alcohol: "That really wrecks your skin as you get older."

Source: Good Housekeeping