We Can Tell You If You’ll Cheat On Your Partner

So let’s say you’re in a happy relationship and you’d prefer to stay that way. Great! But…what about everyone else in the world? There are so many attractive and interesting people out there…should you be worried that your eye is going to wander when you least expect it? You don’t need to worry. Our psychology department knows what kinds of attributes will foresee a cheating partner. You will simply tell us yes or no on these 18 questions, and we can reveal whether you ought to be worried about your relationship’s future.

How about we jump into the world of relationship psychology to find out if you’re the type of person who will stay true no matter what or if you’re likely to find yourself getting a little too close to someone who isn’t your boo. Find out whether you’re a cheater at heart with this psychological quiz.

You see someone good looking while you're out and about. Would you“enjoy the view"if you're in a relationship?


Are you happy in your relationship?


Have you ever done hard drugs?


Do you ever get nervous about sex?


Is it easy to get your motor revving (if ya know what I mean)?


Have you been or would you go sky diving?


Are you happy with your sex life?


You've been out and you don't really want your partner to know where you've been. Are you willing to tell a little white lie?


Have you ever cheated before?


When you dress up for the beach, what's your primary objective?

{"answers":[{"answer":"To get attention.","correct":true},{"answer":"To feel confident.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Do you have family members or friends who have cheated?


Let's say you're in a hetero relationship. Does the man make more money or does the woman make more money (for my gay friends, you might have to guess on this question).


Do you have more education than your partner?


Do you have a history of trauma when it comes to sexuality?


You know that you deserve a raise. Would you be willing to bring it up to your boss and ask for what you deserve?


Would you say that you're stressed out as a person?


Your Ex is in town and wants to catch up over coffee. How likely will that coffee turn into a...drink?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Extremely likely","correct":true},{"answer":"I won’t even meet for coffee.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Do you think fighting is a necessary part of any relationship?


Do you ever have sexual dreams about someone OTHER than your partner?


Are you the kind of person who cries at movies?


Let's say you've just become world-famous...do you think that gives you more of an excuse to fool around?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Absolutely","correct":true},{"answer":"Of course not!","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Do you think cheating isn't as bad if you're NOT the one who initiates contact?

{"answers":[{"answer":"It’s…a little better.","correct":true},{"answer":"It’s still bad!","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

You find out your partner has been texting other people behind your back. Is it time to get even?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes! I’m owed a roll in the hay with somebody else.","correct":true},{"answer":"I’ll try to talk things out first.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Out of nowhere, an attractive stranger in your aisle wants to join the“mile high club"with you. Do you do it?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yeah! I’ll never get this opportunity again.","correct":true},{"answer":" Nope! Not unless it’s my partner.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Do you believe the universe gives you“signs,"and it's up to you to act upon them?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes, everything happens for a reason.","correct":true},{"answer":"No, it’s probably just a coincidence.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Does the phrase“Once a cheater, always a cheater"ring true for you?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes, I believe it!","correct":true},{"answer":"All circumstances are different.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Honest ethical question: Do you think paying for sex is the same as cheating?


Be honest: Do you feel your partner doesn't appreciate you enough?


Pick a vacation destination for a trip WITHOUT your partner...

{"answers":[{"answer":"Las Vegas","correct":true},{"answer":"Europe","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Does the thought of only having sex with one person for the rest of your life scare you?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes, it terrifies me.","correct":true},{"answer":"I have no problem with it if I love the person I’m with.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Do you believe in second chances?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes","correct":true},{"answer":"Heck no!","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

It's the night before your wedding...is this a valid excuse to get wild?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes! It’s my last chance.","correct":true},{"answer":"No! I’ll behave.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How often do you post scantily-clad selfies to Instagram?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Never","correct":true},{"answer":"Once in awhile…","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How much do you usually drink when you're out with friends but your partner isn't there?

{"answers":[{"answer":"1-2 drinks","correct":false},{"answer":"4-5+…Let’s PARTY!","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

Your partner is going on a business trip for 6 months. Does this entitle you time to fool around?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Yes. I can’t last that long.","correct":true},{"answer":"Nope. I’ll be fine!","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

How often do strangers ask for your number?

{"answers":[{"answer":"All the time","correct":true},{"answer":"Sometimes","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}