30 Amusing People of Walmart Photos That Will Make Your Day

Here is the reason some people hate shopping at Wal-Mart, let’s take a look at some of the Walmart’s weird and most ridiculous customers. You can find all types of people at Walmart from celebrities to the weirdest people in your small town. I guess everyone loves great deals! 

Walmart is a magical place full of anything you could ever need and people you never knew existed. We took the funniest pictures of shoppers from Walmarts all over the country and put them here for your viewing pleasure. It's just so entertaining to see photos of awkward people hanging at Walmart. From people wearing sheer leggings to others not even bothering to conceal their private areas, you may not believe how crazy some of these people are, but you will definitely enjoy the images.

Either it’s Halloween or someone just got back from a comic book convention. 

No, believe it or not, this guy lives like this on a day to day basis. It's nice when we don't have to live in the real world and use comic book fiction to mask the stresses of real life...

This puts walk of shame to shame. This is the redefinition of a toga party. This is all things wrong with Walmart shoppers these days. What makes you think you can walk into a Walmart wearing nothing but bed sheets. 

Did the thought ever cross your mind that there might be children at your local Walmart? Did it ever occur to you that there's a good chance of you getting arrested for public indecency? Nope, probably not.

This woman used to have 3 grandkids, she clearly didn’t learn from the other plastic bag mishaps. 

Do you just not notice your granddaughter has a plastic bag over her head? You do seem distracted and possibly uncomfortable, most likely trying to find which aisle did they move your laxative to?

God only knows what else has gotten stuck in there. It looks like her a** is waiving a little white flag as if it surrenders and can’t take being gigantic anymore. 

Uncle, uncle it cries out in the aisle of Walmart, hoping someone will hear it and come to its rescue. Did anyone go up to the woman that day and gently tell her she had toilet paper sticking out of her pants, or did she walk around with it all day?

We can only think of a couple of scenarios where this woman’s pants got wet like this. Scenario 1: she accidentally sat in a koi pond. 

Scenario 2: she pi**ed herself on the way to the store. Luckily, it doesn’t really matter if the answer is 1 or 2 because, thankfully, Walmart sells both new pants and washing detergent.

We’ve heard of Grecian Formula but this, as they say, is ridiculous. What on Earth was this guy thinking, that we wouldn’t notice he used shoe polish all over his face and head? 

Oh, and neck too? Were you really thinking we’d think that your natural hair color was a sort of charcoal gray?

When we first looked at this image we thought this lady looked like a mannequin. What she was selling, we had no idea. Then we realized she was “real.” 

Here’s what she has going for her – she’s got really nice gams. Her legs look 20-30 years younger than her. The boobs are, of course, ridiculously fake, we don’t get the makeup and are fairly certain she has some weird bulge going on in her private part area.

Hmmm, so many words come to mind when we view this image, but perhaps the one that comes to mind most is N-A-S-T-Y. 

Just nasty that a human being could walk around the planet with her underwear and pants halfway down her a**, forcing the rest of the world to see her huge butt crack.

These pants are so tight, they look like they are painted on this man's legs. Actually, it appears to be a leotard. 

The pure insanity that this guy is wearing skin-tight tights, high white socks, and a doo-rag of all things just makes this Walmart shopper perfect for the list of wackiest Walmart shoppers of all time.

I guess pants are more of a suggestion at Walmart. A diaper and skirt is an acceptable outfit, right? 

This guy clearly ran out of all of his clean underwear and pants. So instead, he chose to borrow some bottoms from his three-year-old daughter and hoped that nobody would notice the difference... we noticed.

Because butt cracks don’t have to be only for butts, right? 

This lovely lady wanted to walk on the wild side during her Walmart trip by showing off a little crack. Not in the traditional sense obviously, but she was clearly able to find an unconventional way of reinventing the meaning...

I guess a partial shirt is better than no shirt. Or maybe he got attacked by a dog on his way to go shopping. 

This fellow figured that crop tops were in this year and it might as well be a home-made crop top. He didn't know anyone with a steady hand, but as long as all the important parts are covered up, nobody cares, right?

Okay, that's just a bad look. How did someone let her out of the house with pants like that? Well it appears that it's not the pants she should be worried about, but the maxi-pad underneath. 

First of all, if it's that time of the month, an all-white outfit probably isn't the best choice. Second of all, maybe pick pants that aren't see-through. Third of all, sorry to the people who got stuck behind her in line on the way out, we hope you covered your childrens' eyes!

She clearly doesn't go anywhere without her cookie monster backpack. 

I don't know what's worse here, the fact that she has a cookie monster attached to her that looks like he's being hung by the neck, or that she's an elderly woman who finds it appropriate at all to wear her pink pajamas and bring a stuffed animal along for the ride to Walmart.

Yikes! This is one of those images where everything on the shelf looks appetizing. 

First off, as if the blue hair thing isn't freaky enough, but the fishnets are just pure scary. I'm all for being yourself, but maybe don't be that "yourself" out in public, since this one walks the tight-rope of public indecency.

Which way does that bra need to be facing? I'm not sure what this lady was thinking when she bought an open back, denim-dan costume, let alone what she was thinking when she thought it would be a good move for Walmart. 

I'm not sure what's more shocking about this Walmart shopper, that she has back boobs or that she put three necklaces on them to draw even more attention...

Okay, try not to stare too long at this one. Okay, it's not that bad considering they're not actually her breasts, but they might as well be. 

They literally need an H size bra of their own. If women with large breasts have back problems, do you think this woman has abs of steel from battling with these monsters from tipping over backwards? 

Let's point a few things out for you: This guy isn't wearing a shirt, but he's clearly sporting a sweater. 

Next, he's sitting on the self-checkout machine while trying to scan himself. To top it all off, he's wearing tighty-whities with a gaping hole in them! Everthing imaginable is wrong with this Walmart scenario.  

Any fashion police who saw this would probably be at a loss for words. We're just wondering why anybody would feel as though wearing a mini skirt to Walmart would be a good idea. 

I mean do you booboo, but we at least want to know what the weather was like on this day. I see you're wearing rain boots, was it raining? Was it warm out? We need answers!

I think this is just traumatizing for everyone involved. The daughters are probably a tad bit embarrassed, and especially the one who is gripping her hand and looking back at the photographer in complete horror.  

Unfortunately, this will probably be remembered until her adulthood. We hope she finds a good therapist.

You know the saying, "leggings are not pants," well this is still very true. Seriously, did she not own a mirror before she walked out of the house? 

It's not like she could've been in dim lighting and noticed that her leggings were see through....These are just completely see through.....Ma'am, please get a better mirror.

We're assuming that these ladies are coming back from the beach given their bathing suit cover up that isn't really meant to be worn in public, and the bathing suit that is peeking through underneath. 

Ladies, if you're going to the beach, that's fine, we just recommend a little more clothing be wore to the supermarket. And, if you're not going to the beach afterwards, then we have a few questions. 

If leggings aren't pants, then stockings are 100% not pants either. 

Look lady, were not judging you on your outfit choice because to each his own, but you can't tell me that you walked out of the house NOT knowing that your backside is on display for fellow shoppers....There are children in this store, come on lady!

I suppose this is one way to get others into the Christmas spirit. 

You know, we always say we're going to work out around the holidays, and we never actually do. To be honest, this lady may actually be on to something actually....

Look, nobody wanted to tell this lady what was really going down......Honestly shame on the photographer, it's great to stand by and laugh at someone that could easily be fixed...

But instead this guy just giggled and took pictures. The only thing we're really looking at in this photo is her socks with sandals.

This is the epitome of "when you're in the middle of doing your laundry and have nothing to wear." 

Like, you know when your mom asks you to run outside and do something so you grab the first shoes you see? This is that version of that.

Honestly, is there such a thing as TOO much plaid? Maybe. But once again the saying needs to be said a little louder for the people in the back....

LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. Nice to see she picked out a striped shirt to go with her endless plaid.

Well....Shakespeare DID say the world is your stage right? Well he didn't mention what kind of stage it was, right? 

For this lady, it looks like she chose a runway. Honestly, she's loving herself, and in the end, isn't that really all that matters?

Was she heading to EDC after this? Because this looks like almost every rave chick I've bumped into at an EDM concert. 

All she needs is a hula hoop and she's ready to go. I'm just more concerned about her feet. Walmart is the last place I would think to walk around without shoes on.

Again, we're just wondering what makes people look at themselves in the mirror before they go out....

ESPECIALLY TO WALMART.... and says, "yes, this is the outfit. This is the one." Also, is that her bra? I mean, she has more confidence than half the people I know so good for her.

This guy is just trying some new stuff out! That, or he lost a dare from last night. 

From the looks of it, he might still be feeling a little woozy after a long night's shenanigans. We just have one piece of advice, low rise shorts, are totally NOT in anymore.

Once again, instead of helping this poor individual, someone decided to just take a picture. 

Honestly, seeing what other people stop to take photos of says more about them than the person in the photo themselves. We just really hope this guy was okay afterward.

These boots look like they were certainly made for walking...We're just unsure if they're made for walking around a local Walmart. 

Kudos though, she was probably able to reach everything even on the highest of shelves. No help needed here.

Pink looks like it's definitely this guy's color. Although he could go up a size or two on the pajama pants, because that certainly doesn't look too comfortable at all. 

We can see he's also purchasing something else in a pink color. We'd love to see this guys' closet.

Look, we can't promise that this is actually safe or sanitary. I mean, shouldn't you technically not be able to use those in public? 

We're not really sure what the rules are when it comes to this sort of thing. It also looks like she should probably drink a little water, she looks a little dehydrated. 

Honestly, this guy is just trying to be his true self. 

Who knows, maybe this is how feels on the inside and wants the outside to reflect the same. The skin tones are a little off, but hey! Who cares right? This dude's just living his best life.

Let's be honest, if a guy wearing a tail in public and holding a doll is the weirdest thing we'll see today, then so be it! 

Older men can be fanboys too! Maybe he missed the comic con convention by a few days...

We really hope these two find each other because they are two peas in a pod. 

We're also completely unsure if these were made to be worn in public. I'm pretty sure these are compression shorts made to be worn under something... but of course I could be wrong.