Wife Hides Under Bed To Prank Husband, It Backfires

Didn't Go According To Plan

Having doubts in life and in relationships is all part of it. Some people seem to think that once you get married it's just a happy ending, but often things don't go that way. One woman wanted to see if her doubts were real or not.

But the way that she had done things would have her visibly shaken, upset, and petrified.

Staying Happy

Couples have an unspoken and unbreakable bond that few other people realize. But this isn't always for everyone.

The woman who had doubts thought that it would be a good idea to put her husband's love in question. She played a prank on him that would test their relationship and wouldn't go according to plan.


The married couple had been husband and wife for a few years and she started to feel him getting more distant as time wore on. She worried that he no longer loved her.

She thought hard about things that might work and after much thought, she had a plan. She wanted to play a prank on him that would make sure he showed her how he really felt. But she couldn't have been ready for how he would react.


Recently he had been spending more and more time by himself. She assumed it was because he was pulling away from her.

She thought maybe that he was keeping something from her, maybe an external factor that he was too embarrassed to share? She had no idea what it could have been but she knew she had to find out.

Suspicions Rise

She would write a letter to her husband that specified all of her worries and concerns about their relationship. She hoped that it would lead to her figuring out what the problem was and hopefully also lead to her fixing it.

She loved him more than anything so it was only natural that his behavior upset her so much. She just wanted to know if he still felt the same way about her.


She laid bare all of her emotions in the simplest way she could. The letter was honest and she hoped it would get the reaction she anticipated. He would finally show her his true feelings when she ended the letter in saying that she wanted a divorce.

She knew that his gut reaction to the last line of the letter would show her if he still felt the same or not. She thought her plan was foolproof, she would see how wrong she was.

Hitting The Road

She truly felt it was the only way to figure out what was really going on in her husband's mind. She decided to leave the note on top of the bed and hide underneath it.  

Then she would see his initial reaction and know exactly how he felt. She felt a tinge of guilt as she lay beneath the bed.

Readying herself

She thought she had it all figured out, he would stumble upon it, read through it, and then react in one of two ways. He would either sigh with relief or would cry at the thought of losing her.

If he started to cry she would reveal herself and comfort him, knowing that he still loved her. But she never considered the other reaction.

The Letter

In the note, she described how she felt little to no love in the marriage and it would be better if it ended. It seemed cruel, but she had to know what was really going on.

She knew that he would soon arrive home from work, so she took the letter and placed it nicely on his side of the bed. She got down and crawled underneath the bed and waited - her heart beating quickly while she couldn't control her breathing.

The Waiting

She waited with baited breathe and wondered if what she was doing was really the right thing to do.

She started second-guessing herself and thought that maybe there was another way to do this. But it was too late now and she'd find out whether it was the right decision or not.

Prepared For The Worst

As she waited for her husband to return home, she grew more and more fearful. She soon enough heard him enter the home and walk up the stairs to the bedroom.

He knew that his wife would be home, but he would not expect to see that note in her place. Find out next how his wife reacted when he entered the room…

She Needed To Know The Truth

When her husband finally got to the bedroom, she heard him pause to read her note. She knew it was him from the feet she could see walking around the room. While he was reading, she was frozen with fear.

This could be the moment that breaks her marriage and she couldn’t bear to wait for his reaction any longer. Below, you’ll find out the devastating reaction.

She Couldn’t Believe Her Ears

After her husband finished reading the note, he started to laugh! His wife then heard him take out his phone and call a friend. During his call, he said “My marriage is finally over! I’ll see you in a minute.”

After his call, he walked out of the room more quickly than he had entered. His wife couldn’t believe what she had just heard, but she had no idea what would happen next.

His Words Cut Her To The Core

The phone call that her husband made really stunned the woman. Not only was her husband happy to end their marriage, but he had someone who he had confided in about it.

Her mind started reeling thinking about who he could’ve been talking to. Was it a mistress or one of his buddies? The real answer might make you laugh when you read it below…

Her Plan Had Backfired

This turn of events left the woman in tears beneath the bed. She had hoped that her husband would read the note and cry or scream to prove that he really loved her as much as she loved him.

Sadly, this didn’t seem to be the case. She would now have to pay the price for setting these events in motion, whatever they may be…

He Confessed His True Feelings

There was no doubt in her mind that the woman now had more to deal with than she did before she got under that bed. Not only was her husband happy to be freed from their relationship, but he even laughed!

Her heart absolutely broke at the thought that her husband was so happy, but was that really true?

She Was Ready For A Life Alone

After getting out from under the bed, the woman wasn’t sure what to do next. How could she rebuild her life after her marriage fell apart? But, something on the bed caught her eye.

On the bed, there was a note beside the one she had left. In the short moment, her husband was in the room, he must have left a note for his wife to read. This note is where the story really gets interesting…

She Was Heartbroken

After this strange turn of events, the woman was absolutely heartbroken. In tears, she picked up the note her husband left her and tried to read it despite how terrible she felt.

Her eyes read the words “Dear wife,” at the top of the page, but she couldn’t lead herself to read the rest of the page without crying.

He Left A Note of His Own

The note her husband left was short, and the woman already felt that she knew what the page would say. After all, he was so happy to hear that his marriage was over, what else would he need to say?

Whatever it was that he had to tell her only took up a few sentences on the page, so it must have been to the point. But, what did the note say?

She Could Hardly Read The Words

After building up the courage to finally read the letter, what she saw was stunning! The letter read, “Dear wife, next time you try to trick me into proving my love, make sure your feet aren’t sticking out from underneath the bed.”

Wow, could this woman ever live down the way her plan terribly backfired?

She Was Found Out!

Although she had planned her little prank for weeks, she didn’t remember to make sure she was totally under the bed before her husband walked into the room!

This flaw proved that her husband was lighthearted enough to take a joke, which is a necessary factor in any relationship. Could this woman ever get over her embarrassment?

A Feeling Of Relief Overcame Her

Putting the pieces of the story together, this woman realized that her husband’s phone call was fake, his laughter wasn’t genuine and she hadn’t just completely ruined her marriage.

That’ll teach her a valuable lesson in toying with other people’s emotions! But, did she really learn her lesson, and could her husband forgive her?

Trust For Years To Come

Sometimes it doesn’t take an elaborate prank to find out if your partner loves you or not. All it takes to have an open and honest relationship is to be open and honest yourself, as this woman quickly found out after her scheme went awry.

Luckily, this prank didn’t end their marriage, but did the couple stay together much longer?

Happily Ever After

Sometimes, all it takes to have a trusting relationship is to know that you don’t have to go to elaborate measures to find out how your partner really feels.

This wife didn’t get the heartbroken reaction she wanted at all by pulling her sadistic prank, but it still made their relationship stronger and more long-lasting, nonetheless.