Do you think you know these common English phrases?
Beware! People use these incorrectly all the time.
Levels Of Caring
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"I could care less.","correct":false},{"answer":"I couldn't care less.","correct":true}],"answerText":" If you use \"could\" it means you still have some \"care\" left to give. So, the negative is the correct use. ","answerImage":""}
Degrees Of Change
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"A complete 180-degree change.","correct":true},{"answer":"A complete 360-degree change.","correct":false}],"answerText":" 180-degrees puts the person in the opposite state - meaning a complete change. Turning 360 means the person returns to the exact same position. ","answerImage":""}
Purposes, Porpoise?
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"For all intensive purposes.","correct":false},{"answer":"For all intents and purposes.","correct":true}],"answerText":" The correct version means you are covering all possibilities. The incorrect means you \"feel strongly\" but it's still an unusable phrase. ","answerImage":""}
Sans Garments
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"They ran around butt naked.","correct":false},{"answer":"They ran around buck naked.","correct":true}],"answerText":" Although \"butt naked\" makes more sense, it's still incorrect. ","answerImage":""}
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"One and the same.","correct":true},{"answer":"One in the same.","correct":false}],"answerText":" \"One and the same\" means the two things are the same. The other has no meaning at all. ","answerImage":""}
Stop Before It Starts
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"Nip it in the bud.","correct":true},{"answer":"Nip it in the butt.","correct":false}],"answerText":" It becomes clear when you think of gardening. Clipping off the plant bud before it has a chance to grow - and therefore meaning to stop something before it starts. ","answerImage":""}
Walking Away
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"He got away scott free.","correct":false},{"answer":"He got away scot free.","correct":true}],"answerText":" Sorry, there is no man named Scott here. The term comes from a kind of medieval municipal tax to help the poor. The full name was \"scot and lot\". ","answerImage":""}
Tricky, Tricky
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"The magician's sleight of hand was impressive.","correct":false},{"answer":"The magician's slight of hand was impressive.","correct":true}],"answerText":" \"Sleight\" means the \"use of dexterity or cunning to be deceiving.\" ","answerImage":""}
Now I'm Listening
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"The story peaked my interest.","correct":false},{"answer":"The story piqued my interest.","correct":true}],"answerText":" Although \"peak\" makes sense, the real phrase means \"to stimulate\". ","answerImage":""}
Achieve and Accomplish
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"Let's chalk it up to beginner's luck.","correct":true},{"answer":"Let's chock it up to beginner's luck.","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}
Keepsakes And Souvenirs
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"I took the stone as a momento.","correct":false},{"answer":"I took the stone as a memento.","correct":true}],"answerText":" Momento isn't a word. ","answerImage":""}
How Much Freedom
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"She has free reign over the house.","correct":false},{"answer":"She has free rein over the house.","correct":true}],"answerText":" The reins in question come from a horse and how much freedom the rider gives it to move. ","answerImage":""}
So Many Problems
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"He had deep-seeded problems.","correct":false},{"answer":"He has deep-seated problems.","correct":true}],"answerText":" Granted, the idea of burying a problem in the ground and letting it grow makes total sense. But the real version just means firmly established or hidden below the surface. ","answerImage":""}
Nom, Nom, Nom
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"I have hunger pangs from not eating all day.","correct":true},{"answer":"I have hunger pains from not eating all day.","correct":false}],"answerText":" \"Pang\" is a medical term for cramps caused by hunger. ","answerImage":""}
Waiting For So Long
Which phrase is correct?
{"answers":[{"answer":"She waited with baited breath.","correct":true},{"answer":"She waited with bated breath.","correct":false}],"answerText":" \"Bated breath\" means \"to lessen in the severity or amount\" while the other is incorrect and your breath will be stinky. ","answerImage":""}