Top 7 Wrinkle Secrets Celebrities Don't Want You To Know About

Groomed Hair — Christie Brinkley

Christie brinkley
Christie Brinkley is 61 years old - hard to believe it! She is well known as the face of CoverGirl for over 25 years. What IS her secret? First, a disciplined diet and exercise routine, thats a given but... Brinkley also claims that keeping on top of your hair and eyebrows can help to mask an aging face. WOW, the expert says it's that easy!

Skin Lightening Cream — Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is well known for his lead roles in Pirates of the Caribbean, films that required long hours in the sun! This kind of exposure leads to age spots and hyper-pigmentation — both of which he says can be easily removed with skin lightening cream. Depp swears that lightening parts of his skin has kept him looking youthful, and also keeping the wrinkles away.

Moisturizing — Demi Moore

Moisturizing... I know, sounds too simple to be true, but its not! After trying multiple celebrity secrets, she found going back to the basics works best. Moore told Marie Claire: "No matter how late it is, when I get home, I take the time to clean and moisturize my face. I’m a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won’t need a lot of makeup."

Milk — Cindy Crawford

Beautiful looking skin with something found in the kitchen?! Super model Cindy Crawford seems to think so. Crawford uses milk on her face in order to keep herself looking young. Sounds a bit weird, but dairy products contain lactic acid which is found in most skincare products. Lactic acid is a natural exfoliant, it leaves skin smooth and keeps it from flaking. Leave it on for 10 minutes then rinse it off... Too easy not to try!

Vitamin C — Halle Berry

Halle Berry is creeping close to her Golden Birthday, but you would have no idea! With barely any wrinkles in sight and her bright, glowing olive skin, Berry never seems to age a day! So what is her secret go to? Well, she swears by pure vitamin C. She exfoliates her face each morning, applies pure vitamin C, and then moisturizes. According to Berry the vitamin has collagen-boosting benefits and can help to repair age spots. You should start something this easy tomorrow!

Sunscreen — Julianne Moore

At the age of 54, Julianne Moore is doing something right! She weighed in on her little secret, Moore owes her flawless wrinkle-free complexion to a daily application of sunscreen. Because of her beautiful porcelain skin, Moore has the need to protect her skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Julianne has been wearing a high-SPF daily since her 20's. Maybe spending time in the shade pays off!

Hemorrhoid Cream — Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock
A Little out of the ordinary… But I'll take Sandra Bullock's word for it. At the age of 50, she swears by hemorrhoid cream. Perhaps this little secret is what keeps her looking so young. Sandra uses Preparation H underneath her eyes, she told Yahoo! “Putting butt cream under my eyes is one of my best beauty secrets, and stops me from getting lines.“