This Family Adopted a Doberman From the Shelter, and After 5 Days, the Parents Heard Their Girl Screaming

A Perfect Day Turned Deadly 

As her parents watched their daughter playing in the grass, they felt completely at ease. It was a beautiful Saturday, and the sun was shining. Their child Charlotte began calling for their new pet Khan. The Doberman ran towards her. There was nothing to worry about, parents thought, as they knew their pet really well. Were they wrong about that? 

Suddenly they heard Charlotte crying in the grass. Parents started running towards their little girl, and when they approached her, they couldn't believe their eyes. Was this dog the villain or the new family hero? Read on to find that out. 

A Perfect Family

The Svillcics family had a great life and had just moved into a new house. Their young daughter Charlotte was excited about how big it was compared to where they were living before. Her parents were proud of what they could provide. 

Everything in their life was for Charlotte. They would do anything to give her all those things they didn’t have growing up. There was one thing they thought would make their family complete. However, it might also turn out to be the biggest risk to their family. Yes, they were thinking about getting a new furry family member.

Adopting A Dog 

Both the parents had grown up with a dog and they liked the idea of their daughter having a furry friend by her side. They began to research different breeds and what it meant to have a dog around a toddler. Charlotte was still so small, would a dog understand not to hurt her? 

Adopting a dog was a big responsibility, and there were definitely the risks that Svillcics should have known of. It seemed like they couple didn't realize they were playing a dangerous game with their child's future.

It Didn't Matter How Much They Researched

The Svillcics read different articles online and they knew it all came down to the dog. Just like people, dogs have different characteristics and personality traits. Regardless of all their research, they were completely surprised by what they brought home. 

They decided to go to a local animal shelter and find the perfect fourth member of their family. They had no idea of the dark history their choice brought with it. Would they still bring a dog home after they heard what had happened with other families? 

There Were So Many To Choose From 

The Svillcics didn’t realize how many dogs needed a home. When they walked into the animal shelter it was overwhelming seeing so many pets desperate for their forever home. They walked the halls slowly paying attention to the dog's personality and looking for clues on how it would be outside the cage. 

What would the dog tell them in this environment to make them feel comfortable with bringing it home? What clues could they decipher that would make everyone feel safe? If only dogs could talk then The Svillcics would have realized the enormity of their choice.

One Dog Made A Big Impression

The Svillcics kept coming back to one dog. It was a Doberman named Khan and larger than they had expected. While the dog filled out its cage the couple thought its eyes were kind. Could they really throw out their research based on a feeling?

Even though Khan was very quiet in his cage, the shelter staff was shocked when the couple said they wanted to take him home. What was that they knew about the dog? Did they hide something that The Svillcics should have known at the very beginning?

They Had To Disclose The Facts

The Svillcics were thrown by the staff’s response. Surely every dog deserves a good home. Did the staff not think they were competent? The staff quickly told them it wasn’t them but a shocking secret about the dog. 

The Svillcics eyes went large as they listened to Khan’s history. How much were they willing to gamble when it came to their family and keeping Charlotte safe?

It Had Happened Several Times

Khan had been at the shelter for a while and was no longer a puppy. He kept getting adopted by families who would return him shortly after. Each family had different reasons for returning Khan and none of them were positive.

The Svillcics were torn. They had such a good feeling about this dog but he had a scary history. They had to consider Charlotte’s safety first. Would they risk their child's life over bringing a dog into the house? Little did they know Charlotte’s life depended on Khan’s bravery. 

They Made A Final Decision

The Svillcics ignored the concern of the shelter staff and said they wanted to bring Khan home. The staff were surprised but began filling out the paperwork. As Khan walked out of his cage he timidly sniffed his new owners and wagged his tail. 

The dog wanted to be loved and would give anything to go home with a new family. How could he show them that he wanted to be in their family? It wouldn’t take long for Khan’s actions to speak for him. 

First Impressions

When The Svillcics looked at this dog they saw a gentle giant. They vowed to give him a good home and hoped he would be happy. The dog's tail slowly began to wag as they brought him to the car. 

Had they just welcomed a monster into their home? Was a Doberman the right breed for a toddler? They were about to find out if they had made a terrible mistake. 

Characteristics Of A Doberman

This breed of dog is known for loyalty and protection. The Svillcics read online that they looked at children as puppies in the pack and would be very loving and tender. On the first day, they brought Khan home and kept him away from Charlotte.

They knew they would have to introduce the dog to their daughter but were making sure he was comfortable first. Were their actions setting the dog up for failure or success? What would happen when he met tiny Charlotte?

It Was Time To Introduce Charlotte

On the second day, the Svillcics slowly introduced Khan to Charlotte. As one parent protectively held Charlotte another gripped Khan’s collar. At any minute they might have to tear the gentle giant away. 

Charlotte instantly loved her dog and began to give it hugs and kisses. Khan equally seemed thrilled by this tiny human, and was gentle as she pulled on his fur and ears. The parents let out a sigh of relief, but they had no idea of the terror that lay ahead. 

The Best Of Friends

The first week with Khan at the house was uneventful. The family was still figuring out a new routine and learning Khan’s preferences. It’s important to establish a routine with a dog from the beginning to avoid accidents or confusion. 

Charlotte loved to help give Khan treats and go for walks. It really seemed like the parents had made a perfect decision for their family. How would they feel in a couple days when their world was thrown upside down by Khan’s actions?

A Relaxing Weekend

The forecast for the weekend was calling for sunshine and the Svillcics were excited to spend time in their new backyard. The family lived in Australia and loved spending time together in the warm weather. They never could have predicted how quickly the air would go cold with disaster.

The Svillcics had spent the week buying toys for Khan and were beginning to train him with new commands.  It would all come down to one moment to see how quickly Khan had learned to communicate and how he would react in the face of danger.

A Weekend They Would Never Forget

When they decided to sit in the backyard they realized how long the grass was. It was quite high but Charlotte liked how the grass felt against her skin. Her father vowed to cut the grass later that week. 

As the family enjoyed the outdoors, they were sharing the space with a poisonous enemy. If he had done it earlier tragedy could have been avoided. What was hiding in the grass that was a danger to the whole family?

Hiding In Plain Sight 

In every backyard there are a couple creepy crawlies every family should look out for, but Australia has the most poisonous bugs! Some are more lethal and dangerous, and the family was about to find out which ones! The Svillcics had no idea that their backyard was hiding one dangerous guest. 

The couple brought out chairs and sat on the deck watching Charlotte laugh and run through the grass. In a matter of seconds everything would crumble around them. Would they be able to rebuild the pieces of their shattered life? 

A Landscaping Dilemma

Charlotte’s father thought again about how he should have mowed the lawn but his wife told him to relax. Khan was sitting with the couple and also watching his best friend Charlotte run and giggle. She turned around and yelled Khan’s name. 

The dog happily answered and ran towards his best friend. The parents watched carefully because Khan was running faster than normal. Why wasn’t he slowing down? There was nothing the parents could do as they watched what the big dog did to their tiny baby girl. 

Completely Out Of Character

The Svillcics had only brought Khan home less than a week ago. As they watched the dog run towards their daughter all the warnings from the shelter staff came crashing back in. Was he running to attack Charlotte? 

The big dog was barrelling towards their daughter at an alarming speed, why wasn’t he slowing down? As Khan finally reached Charlotte he did something he had never done before and jumped on the toddler. It was a parent's worst nightmare.

She Didn’t Stand A Chance

Charlotte was so little that when Khan jumped he was taller than her. His big paws landed on her shoulders and pushed her away. Why would Khan push the family member that loved him the most?

As Charlotte fell her parents felt time freeze. They had just adopted Khan less than a week ago. They began to realize they had brought an enemy into their house...

Khan Was Trying To Send A Message

As Charlotte called for Khan to come to play with her, the dog was running at full speed. He slowed down as he approached the little girl and began to do strange behaviors. He was using his long nose to nudge the girl, but Charlotte thought it was a game.

Charlotte’s parents couldn't believe what was happening. Khan had never done this behavior before.  It would only take a moment for Khan’s actions to turn from gentle to dangerous. Would the parents be too late for their daughter? 

A Specific Warning

Charlotte’s mother Catherine could not believe what she was seeing. “Khan was really concentrating, he kept trying to nudge her but it wasn’t working.” The dog lost patience and did something no one expected. 

With horror, Catherine remembers Khan “grabbed Charlotte by the back of her diaper and threw her over his shoulder.” Khan was a big strong dog and Charlotte landed more than a meter away from where she had been playing. Suddenly everyone was screaming!

The Parents Felt Frozen With Fear

Both of Charlotte’s parents were frozen in fear. Their new dog had just thrown their seventeen-month-old toddler. Before they ran to help, they realized one strange fact. While Charlotte was crying and upset, so was Khan.

The dog was howling a cry the parents had never heard before. Finally, they remembered they had to take action. Catherine ran to her daughter while her husband ran to Khan. What would they both find? Could they save both members of their family?

All The Parents Could Hear

Quickly the parents were on their feet running towards their daughter. Khan was nudging the screaming girl and also whimpering. As the parents ran through the grass the only thing they could hear was Charlotte's cries echoing in the backyard.

As they reached their daughter they stared down and recoiled in terror. The parents had no idea they would find a monster lurking in the grass. Charlotte's mother quickly grabbed their daughter and ran into the house. What could Charlotte's father do to keep the house safe? 

A Poisonous Perpetrator

Charlotte's father quickly realized what had happened when he saw the big snake slithering away from Khan. He was able to make out the snake's colors and then a new horror set in. Khan was lying on his side in the grass and panting heavily. 

His belly was already starting to swell and Charlotte's father realized the snake must have bitten Khan. A lightbulb clicked in his head. When Khan jumped on Charlotte he was trying to save the little girl. Was it too late for Charlotte’s father to save her hero? 

Could He Save Khan's Life?

Charlotte’s mother was holding her close in the house while she watched her husband approach Khan. Suddenly she saw him take a step back and she squinted to see the snake leaving her property. 

She also realized what Khan was doing but still didn’t know he was injured. She quickly checked Charlotte’s body for any bites or scratches but the little girl was just startled. They stared out the window as Charlotte’s father picked up Khan and began to run to the car. 

It Would Be A Race Against Time

Charlotte's father quickly got the dog into the car. He still didn’t know what kind of snake it was that bit Khan but he could tell the dog was suffering. He needed to drive to the vet as fast as possible and save his daughter's hero.

Khan’s fast actions had saved Charlotte’s life but would her father be able to act fast enough for Khan? He floored the gas pedal and put up a silent prayer hoping for the best. As he zoomed through the city precious minutes were ticking away. What would happen to Khan?

Would It Be Enough?

Charlotte’s father ran through red lights and got to the vet in record time. Khan’s breath was extremely shallow and the owner was close to tears as he entered the vet’s office. The staff quickly asked what happened and when Charlotte’s father described the colors of the snake they went into action. 

The clinic was familiar with this kind of bite and thankfully had anti-venom on hand. The vet gave Khan a dose but then said there was no guarantee. The snake was incredibly poisonous, but was Khan strong enough to overcome this? He had already been through so much, was this the final straw for the brave creature? 

A Dark History

When the Svillcics had adopted Khan from the local shelter they were shocked at his previous treatment. While families had adopted Khan and returned him, they had also been abusive to the poor animal. One time when he was returned all of his ribs were broken. 

The shelter didn’t believe that Khan would be good with children because he had been through too much. Instead Khan still had so much love to give that he had sacrificed himself for his new family. Charlotte’s dad told the vets to do whatever they could, he wasn’t prepared to lose Khan today. 

Staying Overnight In The Hospital

The vet told the family it was best for Khan to stay overnight. He would need to be closely monitored and he was about to be in a lot of pain while the medicine did its work. Charlottes father understood but said he would be back first thing in the morning. 

He couldn’t bear to leave Khan overnight in a vets office after his heroic deed but he also needed Khan to get medical support. The family couldn’t wait until they called the vet in the morning. What had happened to their family hero overnight?

 A Slow Recovery 

In the morning, Khan was groggy but still ate a big breakfast. The entire family was in tears that he had survived the night and the anti-venom seemed to be working. His family was allowed to come pick him up and he was extremely happy to be home. 

During his recovery Charlotte never left the dog's side. She was completely in love with her family pet and when she grew up she would realize how much she owed this sweet canine. Khan took a couple days and was very slow to walk on his paw, but he was on the road to a full recovery. 

Finally A Forever Home

Charlotte’s dad brought Khan home and the dog slept for the rest of the day. Charlotte was too young to understand the entire situation but she sat near Khan while he slept. The parents spoke with each other confirming what they both suspected.

Khan had been bitten on his paw while saving their daughter. They were beyond moved by his selfless action. They vowed to do anything possible to save this sweet dog and make sure he felt loved for the rest of his life. Would they ever be able to repay this selfless four-legged hero?

It Would Have Been A Different Day

Less than a week ago this family had been on the fence about adopting this abused dog. They hadn’t been sure if they were ready for the responsibility of welcoming the dog into their home. If they had made a different decision, who knows what would have happened to Charlotte?

The snake bite and venom would have been completely lethal to her small body. There’s no way she would have been able to survive or even get to help in time. By throwing her far away Khan had saved her life, but did Khan have permanent damage?

Khan The Wonder Dog 

The family vowed to give Khan the best years of his life. It was the least they could do for the family member that had almost sacrificed his own life. Quickly news spread about Khan’s heroics and the family became the center of many news stories. 

No one could believe the journey of a dog who had almost been passed up due to his abusive past. It was truly a fairytale ending for the furry friend that would be loved by his family for years to come.