20 Things You Didn’t Know About Turkeys

20. Turkeys Are Comparable To Dogs When It Comes To Cuddling

Turkey is a well-known holiday staple, but how much do you actually know about the birds?

We've rounded up a few facts to help you learn more about the main course at your Thanksgiving feast.

Caretakers at turkey sanctuaries have said the birds enjoy curling up to cuddle and having their feathers stroked. That's not weird at all!

19. Wild Turkeys Were Close To Being Endangered At One Point

Especially when it comes to preparing your holiday meal...

There were only 30,000 estimated wild turkeys in the 1800s thanks to their popularity as a game bird.

18. Turkeys Can Be Heard Up To A Mile Away

Through restoration programs, there's said to be more than seven million wild birds today.

17. Wild Turkeys Are Able To Fly Up To 55 MPH

Turkeys are actually very vocal creatures, with their loudest sounds being heard up to a mile away.

Contrary to popular belief, turkeys can fly!

16. Eating Turkey Doesn’t Make You Sleepy

Wild turkeys can fly up to 55 mph, however, they typically fly lower to the ground which may explain why we never see them soaring among the other birds.

Despite what people may think, the popular Thanksgiving poultry doesn’t contain enough tryptophan to make people tired.

15. Their Heads Change Colors Depending On Their Mood

Instead, the sleepy feeling is contributed to the over-eating most people partake in on the holiday.

14. Turkeys Have Amazing Eye Sight

Their heads can change from red to pink, and even to blue and gray depending on their moods.

13. They Sleep In Trees

Not only do they have a 360-degree field of vision when they rotate their heads, but turkeys also see in color with an eye sight that’s better than 20/20 vision.

Turkeys will roost in trees during the night as a precaution against predators. It's said they keep watch over one another throughout the night and take a "head count" in the morning by softly gobbling to eachother.


11. They Were Named After The Country

Turkeys Can Travel In Groups Of More Than 200 Birds It’s not uncommon to see turkeys traveling in large groups, even in the wild. Some sources differientiate a wild group of turkeys as a "flock," while a domestic group is a "rafter."

Turkeys got their name from the country in which similar birds were once imported into Europe. They reminded Europeans of African Guinea Fowl, which were imported into Europe through Central Turkey.

10. The Birds Are Called Different Things Based On Age And Gender

However, not all countries refer to the birds as "turkeys." In fact, it gets a little complicated depending on which country we're talking about.

9. Ben Franklin Thought Of Them As More Respectable Than Bald Eagles

Baby turkeys are referred to as “poults,” while young males are “jakes,” and young females are “jennies.” Adult males are “toms,” and adult females are “hens.” Confused yet?

Ben Franklin thought more highly of turkeys than he did the national bird.

8. Families Eat 50 Million Turkeys On Thanksgiving

Franklin referred to turkeys as a “bird of courage.”

Of course, this is an estimate, but it's a sound one as millions of families sit down to enjoy their Thanksgiving feasts.

7. Only Male Turkeys Can "Gobble"

And it's no wonder grocery stores start stocking up on the birds in the weeks leading up to the holiday!

6. The Biggest Turkey Ever Weighed 86 Pounds

Male turkeys are responsible for the "gobble" sound, while females only make a clicking sound.

A turkey named Tyson holds the record of being the heaviest bird at 86 pounds.

5. Turkey Sanctuaries Exist All Over The Country

He was entered into a 1989 contest and has yet to be beat for the title.

That's right, sanctuaries actually exist to take in rescued birds. We aren’t quite sure what they’re being rescued from, but just know there is a group of dedicated individuals out there taking in the turkeys.

4. Store-Bought Turkeys Are Injected With A Saline-Oil

In fact, Farm Sanctuary, one such rescue organization, has an “Adopt a Turkey Project” that allows people to adopt a bird for $30.

Before you freak out, you should know the oil dissipates during cooking.

3. Fresh Turkeys Cook Faster Than Store-Bought

Stores use the oil to help make the birds look plumper and more attractive to shoppers.

This is due to the additives used in commercial birds.

2. Turkeys Are Known To Be Intelligent And Have Personalities

However, the extra cooking time may be worth not having to clean your own turkey.

This one may make you think twice about the main dish at your Thanksgiving meal.

Turkeys are known to have distinct personalities and are believed to form bonds with one another.