Things To Be Aware Of When You Book Your Airbnb

Airbnbs arrived on the scene and completely took over the accommodation space. With affordable prices and many options, it’s no surprise why! Many travelers realized that skipping out on hotels and choosing spaces that would cater to their needs made their holiday experiences better. Now, before you get excited, there have been some bad apples in the mix, and it is unfortunate that some people have not had the best experience with Airbnb. We are here to make sure that you are not amongst the unfortunate ones by giving you things to look out for when you book on the app. Here are seven things you should be aware of before you let Airbnb take your coins.

Read The Reviews

We must thank the angels who take the time to review their experiences for the rest of us! Right at the bottom of the listings will be comments left by people who have stayed at the same location. Reviews give you more of a look into how well the space will work because they detail another user’s personal experience. Most of them are not paid, so you will be able to get the dirt on the good, the bad, and the ugly! If the reviews are singing from most past users, then you will probably love your stay there! The next tip is for the people who skip the fine print!

Read The House Rules

People tend to skip over these rules and then find themselves outside on the porch on their second night because they have broken one!  The rules are like the fine print at the bottom of a bold and bright poster, but this is no excuse to ignore them. Some Airbnb hosts are very particular about things like noise, substances, and how many guests you should have. To make sure that your needs align with their boundaries, read through the rules and make sure you can follow them! 

Make Sure the Location Has the Amenities You Need

Imagine opening your laptop to get some work done in your Airbnb and realizing that the location does not have Wi-Fi! To save yourself the stress of figuring out a data solution, check the amenities list on the booking page of your Airbnb. The list will let you know if there is Air Conditioning, Wi-Fi, and a parking space for your car. If you need a hairdryer or a washing machine, some locations will have those things and will list them on their list. Pay attention to these small things so you have everything you need to have an epic stay in your Airbnb! Check out the next tip to learn more about some of the cool features on the Airbnb app.

Make Use Of The Airbnb Filter

This app wants to give you everything you need, so work with it! When you start your search, the app will ask you general questions about your travel dates and location to give you a very long list of possibilities. Lucky for you, you do not have to aimlessly go through every single one of the hundred locations! The filter feature allows you to narrow your search down to make sure the cream of the crop shows up right at the top. With this feature, you are able to decide whether you want a room in a house or a separate stand-alone space and whether you want to travel with your family or you want to travel for work. For those on a tight budget, the app allows you to put a price filter so you can see what matches your deep pockets or your empty ones!

Pay Attention To Who Your Host Is

The person who is hosting you could make and break your vacation, so do not take the decision lightly! The best type of hosts are given the Superhost badge by Airbnb because they do the hosting thing very well! If you are looking for someone who will be in your space, give you good restaurant recommendations, and make your stay feel like home, choose a Superhost. If you aren’t about the human interaction, then opt for a host that does not stay on the premises with you. Other things to help you with your background check are whether they are verified, how long they have been on the app, and what their past guests have to say. This may sound like a lot of research work, but you don’t want to leave your fate in the hands of an absolute stranger! The next tip will help you learn more about your accommodation!

Use The Messaging Feature

Like a dating app, Airbnb allows you to talk to your stranger before you meet up for the first time! The messaging system allows you to ask more detailed questions to make sure that you are completely covered on all of your Airbnb needs. As the time for your booking comes closer, the host will use the messaging feature to give you their number or other details to help you get to their location. This feature is a privilege though, so don’t abuse it!

Read The Cancellation Policy

Each cancellation policy is specific to the home so if you might want your coins back, pay attention! Okay, the first type of policy is rare but a good deal. Under the flexible option, you are able to get your full refund as close as 1 day before your booking. The moderate option will allow you to refund in full, but it will only be possible 5 days before. The most unpopular policy is the strict one, which only allows for 50% a week before your booking. This is important if you want to book your trip ahead of time but need to be flexible enough to flake. All you need to do to avoid disappointment is read, read, read!