These Odd Daytime Talkshow Captions Will Make You Question What's ACTUALLY Going On

Ianieka: Admits She Eats 4 Rolls of Toilet Paper a Week

Daytime talk-shows are the lifeblood of American television, with everything and anything happening on them. Most of the time these shows hunt for the craziest people with the most off-the-wall stories,  and they rarely disappoint. I think we can all collectively agree though that the BEST part of daytime TV are the captions that accompany the guests. Whoever write these must have a field day! Let's take a look at some of the craziest daytime talkshow captions that we could find.

Daytime talk-shows are the lifeblood of American television, with everything and anything happening on them. Most of the time these shows hunt for the craziest people with the most off-the-wall stories,  and they rarely disappoint. I think we can all collectively agree though that the BEST part of daytime TV are the captions that accompany the guests. Whoever write these must have a field day! Let's take a look at some of the craziest daytime talkshow captions that we could find.

This Man Married a Horse!

Is He Cheating for Free Pizza...?


Los: Says His Mistress Seduced Him With Free French Fries