Top 20 Most Terrifying Horror Movies At All Time

If you enjoy watching horror movies and you are looking for a new movie to watch with your friends, then you have arrived at the right website. We have rounded up the top 20 best horror movies and we are going to present them today. The rule of thumb when picking the movies has been to take into account both the user and critic reviews that the movies have received on popular websites such as IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.

The best way to tell if a horror movie has a bad script is to check if it has many “jump scare” scenes. Well, this is not what you are going to find in It Follows. This horror movie was released in 2014 and it’s renowned for having beautiful cinematography and a terrifying script.

With a name as Evil Dead, we think it’s safe to say that this movie is going to deliver a scary experience.

Evil Dead was released in 2013 and it’s famous for the stunning practical and CGI effects that are going to leave you shaking!

Funny Games is a master-piece that was released back in 1997. The movie features so many scary moments that it will have you screaming in fear before you even know it!

The cool thing about Funny Games is that the tension keeps building all throughout the movie.

The Mist is a movie adaption of a Stephen King novel and it’s directed by none other than Frank Darabont who also shot Shawshank Redemption which is known as the best movie ever made.

Nonetheless, The Mist is nightmare fuel for people who love watching horror movies.

The first Saw movie launched back in 2004 and it has been followed up by multiple titles.

This movie is simply amazing and what makes it stand out from the rest is the fact that it shows just how far people can go when it comes to life or death situations.

Hollywood loves to create zombie movies nowadays, but we should never forget that the original one was Dawn of the Dead which released back in 1987.

This is the original zombie movie and the scary part about it is that it features hungry hordes of zombies who don’t care about anything else other than to eat people.

Shaun of the Dead is another zombie movie and even though the lead actor might get a laugh or two out of the audience, the overall vibe of the movie is terrifying.

If you love watching gory scenes where zombies are getting demolished, then Shaun of the Dead is the movie for you.

Seven is directed by David Fincher and the movie has an amazing cast with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman in the leading roles.

While the movie might not be a horror movie where you are screaming in fear, the villain of the movie will send shivers down your spine.

While the previous movie on our list was more of a psychological thriller, this one is hands down terrifying to watch!

Martyrs is directed by Pascal Laugier and it features so many intensely creepy scenes that it will give you nightmares for the days to come.

Audition was released back in 1999 in Japan and it’s directed by Takashi Miike. Japanese directors are known for making outstanding horror movies and Audition is one of the best.

Critics have described this movie as unsettling and disturbing.

Drag Me To Hell is a movie about a bank teller who refuses to give an old woman a loan. The woman goes on to put a curse on the bank teller in gypsy language and this is where things start getting out of hand.

The movie feels just like a bad dream.

Kill List starts off as a thriller and as the movie’s story develops, viewers will find out that the movie is something entirely different.

Weird symbols start appearing on the mirrors, doctors start offering bizarre medical advice and when the finale comes, the viewers will spit out their popcorn in fear!

Friday The 13th is not only one of the best horror movies ever made, it’s also an iconic movie that has inspired many directors.

The movie is famous because the main character is a killer who is un-killable and he wears a hockey mask while wielding a machete.

The Thing is one of the original horror movies that shocked the world. The movie is infamous for grossing out viewers with its practical and CGI effects, but not just that.

People who watched the movie have said that they all felt paranoid about everything after leaving the cinema.

If you love watching zombie movies where the protagonist doesn’t just take down everything in his path with a knife and a gun, then 28 Days Later is the movie for you. This movie was directed by George A.

Romero and the director is now known as the godfather of zombies.

Scream was such an amazing horror movie for its time that every aspiring horror movie director is copying things from it.

Although, no one can blame them since Scream has innovated the horror movie industry with its special effects and harrowing story.

Does this movie even need an introduction? The Blair Witch Project was so popular when it first launched that it grossed a total of $250 million worldwide.

The amazing thing about this is that the cost of production was only $60,000.

Freddie Kruger is one of the most famous horror movie villains and he has the ability to go into someone’s dreams and hurt them.

The villain also has razor sharp blades instead of fingers on one hand and he loves nothing more than to bring terror into the hearts of viewers.

The reason why The Cabin in the Woods is mentioned on our list is because the director did a great job of bringing people’s phobias into the shot.

Not just that, but the movie features tons and tons of gore.

We want to end our list with The Exorcist. This is one of the best horror movies ever made and it’s also super popular.

Millions of people have had bad dreams after they saw the exorcism of Emily Rose and the movie is considered by many to be a masterpiece.